
星期六, 2月 02, 2019

紐英崙中華公所將首辦全美中華會館大會 大同村停車場交Beacon發展

後右起,Beacon社區執行長Dara Kovel,發展副總裁Josh Cohen,B/Cott建築師事務所建築師鄭繼良說明該團隊
                     (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華公所在2019年首次董事大會中,做出兩項重大決定,一為預定今年九月承辦全美中華會館大會,二為大同村停車場發展案選定烽火社區(Beacon Community)為合作對象。
Peter Munkenbeck將續任中華公所發展顧問。(周菊子攝)
                    陳家驊還在主席報告中說明,        1115日繳交給麻州總檢察辦公室的季報,已發送副本給董事們,下次預定在今年215日繳交;黃光野及黃氏宗親會和紐英崙中華公所之間的訟案,雙方代表晤談過兩次,都無結果,預定今年521日庭審。
泰勒街90號,樓梯及殘障坡道的維修已竣工。費用約102,232元,中華公所支出約32,232元。B6室及外牆縫填補,一月初已竣工。中華公所建遊客中心的可行性研究,經董事大會同意,中華公所和麻州文化協會各出3萬元辦理。中華公所物業小組已和承辦的羅燕玲,Cindy Lee,阮坤慈,以及紐英崙華人歷史協會晤談。最近中華公所又收到,要用在建遊客中心上的捐款,有波士頓基金會2萬元,Henderson基金會4萬元,阮陳金鳳12000元。羅燕玲和Cindy Lee預定2月份到中華公所董事大會報告。
大同村,公所物業小組成員許揚威,陳文棟,梅麗梨,蔣宗壬,阮鴻燦,司徒文信,余麗媖,李源沛等人在20181219日時,和三個土地發展商面談,包括亞美社區發展協會,峰火社區,榮氏(Winn)發展等。當天也出席了的還有Peter Munkenbeck, Dan Hubbard, 羅燕玲,陳文浩,梅伍銀寬,周樹昂,朱蘇珊等人。201915日,7名中華公所代表走訪了三家土地發展商所擁有或管理的物業,然後在110日有6名物業小組成員,11名中華公所董事出席的物業小組會議中,投票決定向中華公所董事大會推薦採用峰火社區做為發展大同村停車場的合作夥伴。
其他事項部分,分別為報告司徒文信接任英文書記,需添加為有權簽署中華公所帳戶者,透過華美福利會發出了徵求兼職簿記人員廣告,Peter Munkenbeck將與中華公所簽署新的顧問約,收費為時薪200元,中華公所每有土地發展計畫,開發費和中華公所收取間接費的6%,也需付給他做為額外報償。
13項表決動議,關於大同村的5項,泰勒街902項,大同村2項,其他4項,包括確認,批准陳家驊,陳文浩,司徒文信,雷國輝及朱蘇珊是所有中華公所帳戶的授權簽名人;授權中華公所行政主任執行協議,向政府辦理申報,處理有關中華公所,以及中華公所的大同村管理公司,華福樓,華福樓管理公司等的營運文件;授權中華公所行政主任可單獨簽署1000元以下支票,可和財政合簽1000元以上支票。若財政不在,可和主席合簽。第13項動議是有關授權行政主任與Peter Munkenbeck簽署新約。

星期五, 2月 01, 2019


                     (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導)慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處126日下午在牛頓市會所舉辦歲末祝福會,以影片回顧去年賑災概況,播放證嚴上人的開釋,並在本地師兄師姐齊眉舉心燈中,祝福新的一年世界祥和,人人平安。



QMAAAC Update – February 2019/ Quincy Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(To request a removal from the email list, please write a note back.)

Happy Chinese New Year! 2019 is the Year of the Pig. We wish you great health and prosperity.

1. "The Eye on Quincy TV Show"
The next live broadcast is scheduled to Feb 4, 2019 on the eve of the Chinese New Year.   
Show schedule: The 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm on QATV - Channel 8 except holidays. Facebook account: Eye on Quincy

2. Constituent service - housekeeping notes:
New recycling guidelines:

 How to read your property tax bills?

3. Recent Quincy News Headlines:
on Quincy Sun: http://www.theQuincySun.com & on the City’s Web: http://www.quincyma.gov
* City of Quincy to implement alert notification system
* Downtown construction activities week of Jan 27, 2019
* 2019 City Census mailed
* Fiscal 2019 Tax Rate Information

4. The "Quincy Monthly Gathering"
A self-pay activity started in Quincy by a group of Asian community workers in the early 1990s.
"New comers" are welcome to join this informal social gathering.
Time/ date/ place of the next gathering: TBA, Please check out http://www.quincyasian.org for updates. 
For an evite to the gathering, please write an email to Betty Yau at Kfyau@aol.com or byau@quincyma.gov

Until next time.

Respectfully submitted,
Betty Yau, (member); co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy
on behalf of Fire Inspector Jimmy Wong (co-chair)
Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee (producer of the "Eye on Quincy" TV Show:)
Vision: to help create a unified community environment.
Missionto provide a bridge between the City and the Asian American residents
Who we areWe are a dedicated volunteer group. Many of us are Chinese Americans and long time Quincy residents. Our enthusiasm on community matters makes us realize that civil responsibilities are as equally important as civil rights.
http://www.quincyasian.org; facebook: eye on quincy; 617-376-1298


Governors Baker, Newsom Place Friendly Wagers on Super Bowl LIII

Governors Baker, Newsom Place Friendly Wagers on Super Bowl LIII

New England Patriots to take on Los Angeles Rams this Sunday

BOSTON — Ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl matchup between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams, today Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced a friendly wager on the game’s outcome.

Governor Baker wagered volunteer hours by himself and the Governor’s Office staff at a local charity should the Rams pull off an upset.

“Contrary to popular belief, the New England Patriots are still here and heading to their third straight Super Bowl to give the Rams everything they’ve got,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to watching the G.O.A.T., Tom Brady, get his sixth ring, and to a local California charity reaping the benefits of yet another championship for New England.”

Governor Newsom has also wagered his and his staff’s time volunteering at a local California charity.  

“I have great respect for Governor Baker and the people of Massachusetts. Our states have so much in common,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “But by the time the game is over on Sunday I’m confident that Sean McVay and the Rams will have the good people of the Commonwealth crying in their chowder.”

Super Bowl kickoff is at scheduled for 6:30 PM ET on Sunday. 

黃俊文、黃海倫小提琴、鋼琴二重奏 波士頓樂評大讚

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 中華表演藝術基金會126日晚在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall)舉辦的提琴黃俊文及鋼琴家黃海倫二重奏,優雅演繹四首奏鳴曲,不但搏得300多名聽眾的多次熱烈起立鼓掌,會後樂評家也給予極高評價。
黃俊文2015 獲得著名的艾佛瑞費雪事業成就獎 (Avery Fisher Career Award), 2017再得林肯中心新興藝術家獎,還獲邀加入林肯中心室內樂團會。華盛頓郵報稱他一位前途無可限量的藝術家
他們兩人當晚演奏的曲目包括德沃夏克(DVORAK)小奏鳴曲( Op. 100 ),普羅科菲耶夫(PROKOFIEV)1f小調奏鳴曲(Op. 80),伊薩伊(YSAŸE)的Rêve d’enfant, Op. 14法郎克(FRANCK)小提琴和鋼琴A大調奏鳴曲。會末他們安可了一曲雅沙海菲茲(Jascha Heifetz)改編亞瑟班傑明(Arthur Benjamin)Jamaican Rhumba
波士頓音樂界的許多名人當晚都在座其中的波士頓音樂情報員(Boston Musical Intelligencer)知名樂評家李艾斯曼,以合作的最高境界(Huang Teamwork in the Highest)來稱譽這場演出。指出,他們兩人在節目冊封面上宛如青少年,在演奏廳舞台上,卻優雅,穩健,有大師風範。他們演奏的德沃夏克小奏鳴曲,一般都在小樂坊演出,但這晚在大型音樂廳演奏這曲子,卻一樣能很好的表達了作曲家想要展現的思鄉懷舊情緒。
中華表演藝術基金會下一場音樂會將於330(週)晚八點鋼琴家Daniel Hsu 紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳演出Daniel Hsu獲許多頂級獎項,是2017年范克Van Cliburn鋼琴大賽的銅獎得主。

星期四, 1月 31, 2019



BOSTON - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Dr. Lorna Rivera to the Boston School Committee, the governing body of the Boston Public Schools (BPS). Dr. Lorna Rivera is the Director of the Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development & Public Policy, and an Associate Professor of Women's & Gender Studies at the University of Massachusetts-Boston.

"A Boston Public Schools parent and an accomplished educator with an extensive background in student advancement and strengthening diverse communities, Dr. Rivera is a wonderful addition to the Boston School Committee," said Mayor Walsh. "I look forward to Lorna's valuable contributions to our students and schools as we continue to work together to create more opportunities for all students."

The seven-member Boston School Committee is responsible for defining the vision, mission and goals of the Boston Public Schools; establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget; hiring, managing and evaluating the Superintendent; and setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.

"As the parent of a 5th grader at the Charles Sumner elementary school, I am honored to serve on the school committee, and am really looking forward to working with others to create a better future for our youth," said Dr. Rivera. "I am also an educator and education researcher who is committed to advancing Boston Public Schools' and Mayor Walsh's goals to address opportunity gaps and to support the needs of Boston's diverse student populations."

"I am very happy to welcome another parent to the Boston School Committee," said Michael Loconto, Chairperson of the Boston School Committee.  "Dr. Rivera's deep experience with the Boston Public Schools will allow her to hit the ground running and continue supporting district-wide work to close opportunity and achievement gaps."

Currently, Dr. Rivera is working on the Latinx Student Success Initiative, a partnership with Bunker Hill Community College, to improve retention and graduation rates for Latinx college students. Dr. Rivera also works with the Talented & Gifted (TAG) and Proyecto Alerta afterschool programs that serve Latinx bilingual students in the Boston Public Schools. She has extensive community service and co-founded a national nonprofit, WE LEARN, dedicated to advancing women's literacy. Dr. Rivera serves on the Advisory Boards of the Center to Support Immigrant Organizing and the Latino Education Institute, and on the Board of Directors for the Hyde Square Task Force, an arts-based youth development organization serving Afro-Latinx youth in Boston.  

Dr. Rivera's family is originally from Puerto Rico, and she was raised in Chicago and attended Chicago Public Schools. Dr. Rivera has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from DePaul University, state of Illinois licensure in Language Arts & Social Studies grades K-9, and a Masters and Doctorate in Sociology from Northeastern University. Between 1994 and 2001 she taught G.E.D. classes and also was the director of the Adult Learners Program at Project Hope in Dorchester.  

In 2001, Dr. Rivera joined the faculty at UMass Boston and her research focuses on women's and adult literacy programs, racial/ethnic health disparities, and the education of Latinx students and immigrant students. She is the author of many scholarly articles and the award-winning book, Laboring to Learn: Women's Literacy & Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era (2008, University of Illinois Press). Her research has been funded by the Society for the Study of Social Problems, the National Academy of Education, the Spencer Foundation, National Center for Family Literacy, and National Institutes on Health.  

Dr. Rivera has lived in the Jamaica Plain and Roslindale Square neighborhoods for over 27 years, and she is the proud parent of a ten-year old boy who attends the Charles Sumner Elementary School. Dr. Rivera also formerly served as the Co-Chair of the Parent Council at the Sumner school. She lives in Roslindale.

The seven members of the School Committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor of Boston to serve four-year staggered terms. Mayor Walsh made these appointments based on a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel composed of parents, teachers, principals, and representatives of business and higher education. Under the legislation that established the appointed School Committee, "the Mayor shall strive to appoint individuals who reflect the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of the city." In December, Mayor Walsh appointed Quoc Tran and reappointed Jeri Robinson to the Boston School Committee.

For more information on the School Committee, please visit here.


Yearly count of Boston's homeless individuals guides the City's housing efforts
BOSTON - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - On Wednesday night, Mayor Martin J. Walsh led a group of hundreds of volunteers, including City and State officials, community and civic leaders, and homeless providers in conducting the City's 39th annual homeless census. The street count is part of a larger census of homeless adults and families in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and domestic violence programs. The results from this year's homeless census will be available in the coming months.

"We have prioritized ending chronic homelessness since day one, and making sure that everyone has a place to call home," said Mayor Walsh. "Besides providing critical insight to guide our efforts to end homelessness while offering immediately assistance to individuals in need of shelter, the homeless census is always an opportunity to embrace who we are as a community, the values we share, and how deeply we care about one another."

In 2017, Boston was identified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as the city with the lowest percentage of unsheltered people living on the street of any city conducting a census. Last year, less than three percent of Boston's homeless population was sleeping on the street. The annual homeless census is required by HUD as a key component of Boston's $26 million federal grant.

This year, 330 volunteers canvassed 45 areas covering every neighborhood, Logan Airport, and the transit and parks systems. Volunteers canvassed their assigned areas, identified those sleeping on the street, and conducted a short survey. The surveys will be closely analyzed to ensure accuracy, and will be cross-checked and combined with the results of the simultaneous shelter count.

The night the 2018 Annual Homeless Census was conducted, 1,779 individuals were using Boston's Emergency Shelter system, compared to 1,762 in 2017. Boston also saw a decrease of more than 12 percent in the number of individuals sleeping on the street. In January 2018, there were 163 individuals sleeping on the street, as opposed to 186 in January 2017. Nationally, the number of unsheltered homeless has increased by 9 percent. There were no families staying on the streets or unsheltered in Boston on the night of the census.

Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end chronic and veteran homelessness prioritizes the housing first approach, meaning that when a person enters into the shelter system they begin a path toward permanent and stable housing. Since the plan's launch in 2015, City agencies and community partners have dramatically redesigned the way services are delivered to homeless individuals, increasing resources devoted to housing and deploying new technologies to match formerly homeless people with housing and services.

Since the launch Boston's Way Home, the City has:
  • Housed 667 chronically homeless individuals, representing more than 4,000 years of homelessness ended. (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines chronically homeless individuals as adults with a disability who have been either living in an emergency shelter or in a place not meant for human habitation continuously for 12 months or more, or who have had four occasions of homelessness in the past three years that total 12 months or more.)
  • Reduced chronic homelessness in Boston by 20 percent from 2016 to 2018, and by 46 percent from 2008 to 2018
  • Housed 915 homeless veterans and ended chronic homelessness among veterans
  • Reduced the number of homeless veterans in Boston on a single night by 37 percent since 2015 and by 48 percent over the past 4 years
  • Partnered with six affordable housing owners in Boston to create a homeless veteran preference within their housing
  • Announced an action plan to support young Bostonians experiencing homelessness Received $5 million in donations to build 200 new units of supportive, long-term housing for chronically homeless men in women through Boston's Way Home Fund

The City of Boston recently received a  $26.3 million federal grant to support Boston's homelessness programs. Boston was awarded the funding as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the results of its annual 2018 McKinney Homeless Continuum of Care funding competition. The award will be use to help end chronic and veteran homelessness in the City.

Mayor Walsh recently announced his legislative package submitted to the Massachusetts Legislature to create greater opportunity for all residents in the Commonwealth. The  bills related to housing security would prevent homelessness by helping existing tenants, particularly older adults, remain in their homes, and create additional funding for affordable housing. This work builds off Boston's commitment to ensuring all communities have affordable and equitable housing options.