
星期一, 9月 10, 2018

羅德島龍舟賽暨台灣日30隊參賽 One Racing X 冠軍 (圖片)


BOSTON – On Saturday, September 22, 2018, the Asian American Commission (AAC) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will provide students and young professionals a great opportunity for networking revolving around the themes of social justice and civic engagement.

The Asian American Commission will present its recently established annual scholarship in the amount of $1000. Additionally, two secondary scholarship awards in the amounts of $500 and $250 will be awarded. Our morning keynote speaker will be C.N. Le, a senior lecturer II in Sociology Department and Director of the Asian & American Studies Certificate Program at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Breakout sessions will include speakers featuring Diana Hwang, founder of the Asian American Women’s Political Initiative, Coco Alinsug from Fenway Health, ACDC's Asian Voices of Organized Youth for Community Empowerment (A-VOYCE), and AAC’s Health & Human Services Committee.

Event Details:
Saturday, September 22, 2018
9:00am – 3:00pm
Vietnamese American Community Center (VietAID)
42 Charles Street
Dorchester, MA 02122

This event is free and open to the public, for planning purposes, we would appreciate those interested in attending to register on our website at: 

Cranston Recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Cranston Recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting

CRANSTON, RI—The City of Cranston has once again been recognized for excellence in financial reporting.

Cranston Mayor Allan W. Fung announced that the city has received the Certificate of Achievement of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association, the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

The award is given to municipalities and government departments on an annual basis for preparing detailed and transparent financial reports. The achievement is a “significant accomplishment by a government and its management,” according to the GFOA.

In Cranston’s case, the GFOA’s award is based on the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and annual audit and budget reports. According to the GFOA, the city meets the high standards of the CAFR program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate the city’s financial story.

“In Cranston, we balance the books, but we also make sure we accurately report the books thoroughly and transparently,” commented Mayor Allan W. Fung. “I’m proud of the work from our city departments to not only keep our finances strong on a daily basis, but also ensure the public is fully informed and all state and federal budgeting regulations are followed.”

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Finance Department in the Division of Accounting Control, Treasury and Tax Collection, Contract and Purchase, Assessment and Management Information Systems for their diligence and cooperation on a daily basis in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of this department,” said Finance Director Robert Strom. “The success that the Finance Department has enjoyed is due to their efforts.”

Governor Baker Swears In Dr. Noreen “Chioma” Okwara to the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees

Governor Baker Swears In Dr. Noreen “Chioma” Okwara to the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker was joined by University of Massachusetts (UMass) President Marty Meehan, UMass leadership and friends, family and colleagues of Dr. Noreen “Chioma” Okwara to swear her in as a member of the UMass Board of Trustees. Dr. Okwara was a recipient of the Charles D. Baker II Scholarship for her time at UMass Boston and at UMass Medical.

“Dr. Okwara is a hardworking and dedicated individual who will bring experience and passion to the University of Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am proud to appoint her to the Board of Trustees and am confident that she will serve with distinction.”

“Dr. Okwara’s commitment and drive she demonstrated as both an undergraduate and a medical student will well serve the Board of Trustees,” Lt. Governor Karyn Polito said. “Her determination, grace and courage is inspiring and we are pleased she will continue to be a part of the UMass community.”

The University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees is a body of 19 voting members including two full time students, the Secretary of Education and 16 appointed members, five of whom are UMass alumni representing each of the UMass campuses.

The Charles D. Baker II Scholarship was established by Governor Baker to honor the memory of his grandfather Charles D. Baker II who never had the opportunity to pursue higher education but served his country and ensured that each of his children were able to go to college.

About Dr. Noreen “Chioma” Okwara:
Dr. Okwara is currently an Internal Medicine Specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She graduated from UMass Medical School in 2017, nearly 10 years after immigrating to Lowell from Kenya at age 17. As a medical student and an undergraduate, Okwara received the Charles D. Baker II Scholarship awarded to students who “approached each day and each challenge with persistence, optimism, and grace.” Upon completing her undergraduate degree in Biology with honors at UMass Boston in 2012, Okwara conducted research on HIV immunoregulation at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland under Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr. Okwara’s lifelong passion for medicine stems from the tragic death of her 9-year-old brother who was unable to access medical care for injuries suffered in a car accident in their native Kenya.

星期六, 9月 08, 2018


Mayor Koch gives us a taste of the Hancock Adams Common. Park dedication on Saturday, September 8th, 10:30 AM. Special Guests include Governor Charlie Baker & 2Time Pulitzer Prize Winner, David McCulough. An exceptional line up of entertainment will follow the ceremony with free giveaways for the kids, food trucks and a fireworks display at Quincy Bay that evening. Don’t miss it!

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)麻州昆士市今日(98)早上,將為耗資一千五百餘萬元建成的昆市中心公園,舉行隆重揭幕式,藉以慶祝總統之鄉的市中心,已打造出一片美好綠地,市民生活品質將大幅提高。
               昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)邀請了麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker) 和普立茲獎得主的歷史家David McCullough,來為當年都住在昆士市,曾任麻州第一及第三任州長的John Hancock,以及美國第二任總統John Adams的雕像,主持揭幕儀式。昆士交響樂團,昆士合唱協會都將為此盛典表演。
這佔地3英畝的公園,座落在昆士市政府和聯合第一教堂(United First Parish Church)中間,以前是四線道的馬路,現在成為種有30棵樹,舖有大理石人行道,有著會隨聲音升降噴水池,以及兩座銅雕像的美麗公園。將會是昆士居民休憩的好地方。
銅像是由製作華府艾森豪紀念銅像的Sergey Eylanbeko製作。
為方便民眾參加慶祝活動,昆士府安排了總統之家(President’s Place1250 Hancock St),以及羅斯停車場(Ross Lot, 85 Parkingwayt),一整天都讓人免費停車。

Communication and Wellbeing in a Multicultural Society Call for Submissions

Communication and Wellbeing in a Multicultural Society
Call for Submissions
This special section of China Media Research invites scholars from different disciplines to
submit manuscripts on the theme of “Communication and Wellbeing in a Multicultural
Society.” In an increasingly globalized world that brings members of diverse backgrounds
into contact with each other in various relational, organizational, health, and mediated
contexts, conflicts, tensions, and stress inevitably compromise the quality of life. Although
mental illness has been a major public health threat in many countries, there have been low
levels of mental health literacy, e.g., in China, that contributed to lack of support at
interpersonal, institutional, and societal levels. This special section aims to explore how
communication scholarship contributes to our understanding of psychological, socio-cultural,
organizational, occupational, technological, or generational factors that impede or enhance
our wellbeing, whether individually or as a group.
Following these considerations, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts that
address the following topics, among others, from the perspective of communication and
Migrant identities and adaptation
Occupational stress
Intergroup or intercultural conflicts
Culture and communication styles
Socialization and organizational culture
Online and offline supportive communication
Intergenerational gap
Marginalized communities
Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another
publication. An extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) or a complete paper at the first stage
of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be received by October
15, 2018. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete manuscript must be received by
January 15, 2019. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA publication
manual (6th edition) and should not exceed 8,000 words including tables and references. All
manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the authors will be notified of the final
acceptance/rejection decision. Please visit www.chinamediaresearch.net for more
information about the quarterly journal of China Media Research, which publishes both print
and online versions.
Please direct questions and submissions to the CMR special section guest editor Meina Liu

 Paradoxes as Sources of Creative Tensions
Call for Submissions
This special section of China Media Research invites scholars from various disciplines to submit manuscripts on the theme of “Paradoxes as Sources of Creative Tensions.” Scholars are increasingly adopting a paradox lens as a new way of approaching the growing complexity of the “messy, apparently unexplainable, and often seemingly irrational contemporary world” (Smith, Erez, Jarvenpaa, Lewis, & Tracey, 2017, p. 304). Paradoxes have been acknowledged as a source of creative tensions and energy that can support learning, change and development. Notwithstanding the potential of a paradox lens to inform the increasingly equivocal reality, paradox research remains confined to organizational behavior and strategic management, while its application in other fields of research remains limited at best.
This special section invites scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines to explore how to apply a paradox lens across academic fields. In addition to the research applying paradoxical approaches, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts that address the following questions, among others:
What are some of the persistent paradoxical tensions inherent in academic research in general, or in your research field?
What are the current and recommended strategies for dealing with these tensions?
What are the most common research methods applied to study these tensions?
How can the findings from your research field contribute towards addressing long-standing tensions in other fields of science?
How can scholars move past the oversimplified or polarized notions in science and embrace complexity, diversity, and ambiguity?
How can a paradox lens enrich academic research and help to navigate complexity and ambiguity in the contemporary world?

Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another publication. An extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) or a complete paper at the first stage of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be received by November 30, 2018. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete manuscript must be received by March 31, 2019. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA publication manual (6th edition) and should not exceed 8,000 words including tables and references. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the authors will be notified of the final acceptance/rejection decision. Please visit www.chinamediaresearch.net for more information about the quarterly journal of China Media Research, which publishes both print and online versions.
Please direct questions and submissions to the CMR special section guest editor, Dr. Ivana Beveridge, at Ivana.beveridge@sunrise-education.com

羅德島州與台灣駕照 即起免試互換

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        (Boston Orange)駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處徐佑典處長本(6)日下午代表中華民國(臺灣)交通部與美國羅德島州財政廳監理處處長Walter Craddock簽署完成免試相互承認駕照協議,羅州成為美國第28個州及新英格蘭地區第2個與我簽署此類互惠協定的州政府,我成為羅州政府第1個簽署駕照免試互換之外國政府。未來我國人倘赴羅州工作、求學或定居,均將因此項互惠措施而更加便利。
    該協議簽署後將立即生效,凡年滿18歲持我國有效普通小型汽車或普通重型機車駕照,目前居住於羅州且具美國半永久性身分(非短期持B-1B-2觀光或商務停留)之國人,將可備齊相關文件及費用,至位於克蘭斯敦市監理總局(地址:600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920)直接申請換發羅州駕照,免除筆試及路試。另基於互惠原則,入境我國且具有居(停)留6個月以上居(停)留身分證件之羅州有效小型汽車(10類)或機車(M類)駕照持有人,亦可檢附相關文件免試申領臺灣相同類別駕照。(圖與文:波士頓經文處提供)

星期五, 9月 07, 2018


An Effort to Keep Students Safe from Alcohol-Related Harm

BOSTON — The Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABCC), under the direction of state Treasurer Deb Goldberg, has launched Operation Safe Campus.The annual program is designed to target underage drinking on college campuses and prevent tragedies by keeping alcoholic beverages out of the hands of underage students. This initiative begins each year when students return to colleges and universities throughout the Commonwealth.

“Increased enforcement efforts save lives and prevent tragedies before they happen,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg, who oversees the ABCC. “Operation Safe Campus helps to control underage drinking and acts as an effective deterrent to serving and selling to minors.”

The initiative primarily consists of enforcement in the parking lots and surrounding streets of specific liquor stores and bars that have historically had severe problems with underage individuals purchasing alcoholic beverages through false identification or through adults buying alcoholic beverages for them.

The program focuses on front-line prevention, with investigators calling a teen’s parents when violations occur. ABCC officials say that most parents are unaware that their children are involved in the use of alcohol, and that the intervention is a powerful tool toward family involvement in addressing the problem of underage drinking.

"We want to draw attention to the dangers of alcohol abuse and underage drinking," said Jean Lorizio, chairperson of the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. "We are making people aware that underage drinking can have devastating consequences on them and the individuals they love."

In 2017, ABCC enhanced enforcement found 826 minors in possession or transporting alcoholic beverages, 115 adults procuring alcohol for minors, 226 individuals in possession of false identification, and 336 cases of beer and 441 bottles of alcohol were confiscated by Investigators, preventing delivery to approximately 5754 underage individuals. In addition, 133 bars and liquor stores were charged with 223 counts of sale to underage persons.
Approximately 1,825 college students between the aged 18–24 die each year from alcohol-related injuries, including motor vehicle crashes; 696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking and 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape. In Massachusetts alone, the overall cost of alcohol abuse by youth is estimated at $1.4 billion.