
星期日, 10月 14, 2018


【一品香加入僑胞卡特約商店 1020日起提供消費優惠】
該餐廳老闆李寶駿和李秀英夫婦表示,「一品香」成立以來,都是秉持臺式精緻美食的優良傳統,自2014年起迄今連續獲得僑務委員會頒發的「臺灣美食標章」,除了臺灣鄉親經常前來品嚐道地臺灣風味的餐點外,也吸引不少主流社會各界人士前來用餐;他們在獲知僑委會於海外發行「僑胞卡」,且在波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉的鼓勵下,「一品香」成為繼「龍鳳大酒樓」、「珠媽廚房」後的第三家「僑胞卡」特約商店,並訂於今年1020日當天起提供現金付款九折(10 off)或信用卡消費九五折(5 off)的優惠服務。

波士頓雙十盃壘球賽 3隊參賽


(Boston Orange)「慶祝中華民國107年雙十國慶盃壘球賽」107日在莫克雷公園(Joe Moakley Park)舉行,臺灣黑熊隊、台客隊和東北大學臺灣學生隊共3隊參加,以球會友。

波士頓市府青少年議會 市長欽點40人 無一華裔

40名青少年  無一華裔

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓市府在1012(週五)公布了2018-2019年度的市長的閃亮波士頓評議會(SPARK Boston Council)。這共有成員40人的組織將在未來12個月內,繼續為年輕成年人和市政府領導們打開新的溝通管道。




閃亮波士頓主任,Amy Mahler表示,一個城市及社區的成功是由誰出席和參與來決定的。閃亮波士頓培訓,教導這群年輕的波士頓人,我們的城市是怎麼運作的,如何參與公民機構,以及我們的鄰里如何定義我們的城市。總而言之,我們會創立,並連結項目與資源,幫助我們的同儕,為市府領導及各項目做焦點小組,參與波士頓的公民生活。只要我們住在波士頓是,支持並為我們的家服務就是我們的責任。

閃亮波士頓設在市長的公民參與內閣,在影響千禧年代人口議題上,有著為波士頓市長馬丁華殊做顧問,和市府部門及社區相關人士合作,解決問題的責任。在Amy Mahler的領導下,評議會每月開會一次,參加社區的每月會議,並和夥伴合作把重點放在推出連結千禧年世代的活動。項目包括鄰里社交活動,薪資協商工作坊,擁有房屋及領導力開放日,還有閒聊(Chief Chats),一個新的系列活動,容許市民從波士頓市長馬丁華殊的內閣首長那兒,直接聆聽各種議題,並提問題。

The 2018-2019 Council includes:
Bhakti Varma, Allston
Jordan Thornlow, Allston
Tanya Pham, Back Bay
Marguerite Silverman, Back Bay
Adrienne Zak, Beacon Hill
Justin Flynn, Brighton
Aidan McDonough, Brighton
Tess Atkinson, Dorchester
Crystal Chandler, Dorchester
Miles Halpine, Dorchester
Peter McCawley, Dorchester
Meghan Harrell, Dorchester
Jazmyne Jackson, Dorchester
Josh Waxman, East Boston
Kim Mendoza Iraheta, East Boston
Corinne Wardian, Fenway-Kenmore
Mika Gross, Fenway-Kenmore
Nolan Tesis, Hyde Park
Alisa Pimentel, Hyde Park
Helena Berbano, Jamaica Plain
Sebastian Zapata, Jamaica Plain
Taylor Cain, Jamaica Plain
Jennie Rose Halperin, Jamaica Plain
Samantha Montano, Jamaica Plain
Helen Mayer, Mattapan
Christina Paris, Mattapan
Dani Niro, North End
Jonathan Bekele, Roslindale
Gloribel Rivas, Roslindale
Sasha Goodfriend, Roxbury
Karleen Porcena, Roxbury
Portsha Franklin-Gordon, Roxbury
Analiese Barnes-Classen, Roxbury
Lindsey Butler, South Boston
Casey Baines, South End
Maggie Riddell, South End
Michelle Sohn, South End
Greg Bohenko,  West End
Kathryn Niforos, West Roxbury
Meredith McCarthy, West Roxbury

BOSTON - Friday, October 12, 2018-  Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the 2018-2019 Mayor's SPARK Boston Council. The diverse, 40-member group will spend the next 12 months working to continue to open up new lines of communication between young adults and leaders in City government.

"Boston is the home to highest concentration of millennials in the country and we count on them to help us grow as a city and community," said Mayor Walsh. "I look forward to collaborating  with these capable young residents on how we can make Boston a more equitable and enjoyable home for all communities."

The 2018-2019 SPARK Boston Council is comprised of 40 Boston residents, who live in 17 different neighborhoods across Boston. This group includes architects, entrepreneurs, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, community organizers, restaurant professionals, lawyers, and representatives from many other industries across the public and private sectors. Over a fourth of the Council are native Bostonians, while others grew up as far outside of Boston as El Salvador, Florida, France, Georgia, Mississippi, India and beyond.

"A city's success and community is determined by who shows up and gets involved," said Amy Mahler, SPARK Boston Director. "SPARK Boston trains this cohort of young Bostonians on how our city government works, how to participate in our civic institutions, and how our neighborhoods define our City. Together, we'll create and connect programming and resources to help our peers, serve as a focus group for City leaders and programs, and participate in Boston's civic life. As long as we live in Boston, it is our responsibility and privilege to serve and support our home."

SPARK Boston, housed in the Mayor's Civic Engagement Cabinet, is responsible for advising Mayor Walsh on issues affecting the millennial population and working with City departments and community stakeholders to help solve those issues. Directed by Amy Mahler, the Council holds general meetings once a month, attends community meetings monthly and puts on programs focusing on connecting millennials with these partners. Programs include neighborhood socials, salary negotiation workshops, homeownership and leadership open houses, and Chief Chats, a new series of events which allows citizens to hear directly from Mayor Walsh's Cabinet Chiefs on a variety of issues and ask questions on those subjects.



BOSTON - Saturday, October 13, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh together with Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF), the City of Boston's Public Facilities Department, and members of the community today celebrated the opening of the renovated BCYF Vine Street Community Center in Roxbury. The $5.3 million dollar renovation is a key part of the Mayor's $50 million dollar FY19-FY23 Capital Plan investment in BCYF facilities.

"For more than 100 years this center has been the heart of the community -- and now it's ready to serve Roxbury residents for another 100 years," said Mayor Walsh. "We've invested over five million dollars so that this building can offer more programs and have more high-quality space available to meet the needs of the community. I am excited to see everything that the center is now able to offer."  

Interior upgrades included sound mitigation for the second-floor community rooms and the third-floor gymnasium, adding air conditioning to the gym, and refinishing the entire gym floor. Program spaces were reconfigured into multi-purpose areas to accommodate the community's dynamic needs. New kitchen equipment was added to the senior space, and the dance studio and teen rooms were renovated. A new recording studio was also built.

Exterior upgrades included a new ground floor facade with an accessible handicap ramp, HVAC upgrades, and a new roof. Since BCYF Vine Street Community Center serves as an evacuation site for the community during emergency situations, the project also included the installation of a transfer switch which allows a mobile emergency generator to be hooked up to the building in case of need.

"The reopening of the BCYF Vine Street Community Center is a testament to the City's commitment to investing in vital resources to the spaces that enable our communities to thrive," said Chief of Health and Human Services, Marty Martinez. "The renovation of the BCYF Vine Street Community Center will ensure that there is continuous and rich programming to support and uplift our residents for years to come."

"This center played an important role in my life and it continues to play an important role in the lives of so many of our youth and young adults," said Asad Hardwick, age 27 from Roxbury, who grew up attending programs and events at the center. "I can't think of another building in Boston that deserved this renovation more than Vine Street and I am so happy for all the families who will now have access to a state of the art community center right in their own neighborhood."

BCYF, the City of Boston's Public Facilities Department, and Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype architects, collaborated closely with BC Construction Company, the general contractor, on this project. In addition to renovating the BCYF Vine Street Community Center, other capital projects in the area include a $73 million investment on the  recently opened Dearborn STEM 6-12 Early College Academy; upgrades at the local BFD station Engine 14 Ladder 4; security-related improvements at the Wheatley School; and kitchen upgrades through the My Way Cafe program to the Boston Day & Evening Academy, Mason School, and Dudley Street Neighborhood School. Almost $1 million were also allocated to improve the Dudley Town Common for gathering and civic uses.

星期五, 10月 12, 2018

ILF 2019年度「暑期公共事務實習計劃」即起接受報名

ILF 2019年度「暑期公共事務實習計劃」接受報名

(Boston Orange)國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation,簡稱ILF)2019年度「暑期公共事務實習計劃」即日起接受報名,1231日截止收件。





國際領袖基金會理監事包括徐紹欽(理事長),陳永生(總會長)陳銘達及李學海等。在全美共有15個分會和5個委員會。各分會會長和共同主席分別為林美蓮(舊金山)、孫陳小鳴、洪逸青、蔡慶雲(洛杉磯)、吳小燕(西雅圖)、黄亞村、馬勇(紐約)、黃國清、何西典(華盛頓DC)、葉超、吳子平(新英格蘭)、孔慶超、姚學智(底特律)、吳來蘇、傅惠芬(芝加哥)、嚴培達(奧蘭多)、鄭漢城(邁阿密)、簡衛(亞特蘭大)James Birney、李蔚華(休士頓)、黃金森 谷祖光、陳文珊(達拉斯)、羅麗芬、賀士郡(全球)等,以及委員會主委董殿會,陳鈞亞,白越珠,俞乃奮,汪清,張恩,沈郭逸媛,黃凱文。基金會由朱小棣担任代理行政主任。


October 11, 2018
Contact: Joanna Chen, fellow@ileader.org    

For Immediate Release

ILF Civic Fellowship Accepting Asian Pacific American Student Applications for 2019

The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is pleased to announce that the 2019 Civic Fellowship Program now accepting applications till December 31, 2018.

Every year, 30 or so outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) college students who passed the ILF’s selection committee’s review process will become summer interns of federal agencies at Washington D.C. for 8 to 10 weeks.

These students will be called Civic Fellows and each will receive a stipend of $2,000 USD upon program completion.

In addition to the full-time federal internships, these students will attend professional development workshops and receive leadership training.  Fellows are responsible for their own travel, housing, and living expenses.

“One of ILF’s goals is to prepare and cultivate people of younger generation to become leaders in public service,”  said Chairman of ILF Dr. Paul Hsu. “It is so important to make young leaders understand and be exposed more to civic engagement, to encourage them take action and support their communities in whichever way it is relevant.”

ILF will place selected Civic Fellows to various federal agencies and congressional offices according their interest and their majors at school.

Undergraduate students of APA heritage are encouraged to apply. All United States citizens with minimum 3.0 GPA, and currently an undergraduate student of an US university or college are eligible to apply.  Additional documents and application materials may be required later on. Applications are now open and the deadline is December 31, 2018. To learn more or submit an application, please visit www.ILFnational.org


(MA) On October 21st, Sunday, TUFTS Vet School Professor Dr. Allen Rutberg will give a talk at Summer Star. Attendees will hear about his lifelong passion for wild horses and how he is able to help them.  He will also bring his intern Vet School graduate student Aubrey Specht to talk about her firsthand experience with wild horses.
(麻州)夏日星辰野生動物保護園將於10月21日(週六)下午2點起,舉辦講座,邀塔芙茨大學獸醫學院教授Allen Rutberg分享他這一生對野馬的熱情,以及他如何幫助它們。Rutberg教授的研究所實習生,Aubrey Specht也將分享他和野馬相處的經驗。