
星期三, 6月 13, 2018

楊安澤參選美國總統 全民基本收入政綱 引人矚目

美國總統參選人楊安澤(Andrew Yang, 右)在ACE Nextgen波士頓會長
蘇宇寅(Ian So,左)支持下到波士頓舉辦籌款見面會。(周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)美國歷史中第二個宣佈參選美國總統的華人楊安澤(Andrew Yang)611日來到波士頓,上電視,見支持者,宣講"全民基本收入(Universal Basic Income)",”自由紅利(Freedom Dividen)”等政策,要為美國下一代因應機器人時代打基礎。
               楊安澤在波士頓期間,到了全美首家機器人餐廳對面的”雞肉飯傢伙”實體店當臨時大廚,悄悄參加亞裔青年協會(YES)與華埠社區聯盟的聯誼,再到紐百利街上的共同工作空間Officio,出席ACE Nextgen波士頓分會會長蘇宇寅為他舉辦的籌款會,和支持者晤面,宣講他的"全民基本收入(Universal Basic Income)",”自由紅利(Freedom Dividen)”等政策,當晚轉赴新罕布夏州,為次日的活動做準備。
從事批發業的梅仲景(右一),正籌備進入新行業的Richard Gin (左二)等人
               下一代亞裔企業家協會(ACE Nextgen)”波士頓分會承辦,在紐百利街上Officio共同辦公室空間舉辦的籌款,以及與支持者見面會中,楊安澤闡述他的三大政綱,包括全民基本收入(Universal Basic Income”全民健保(Medical for All)”,以及人本資本(Human Capitalism)”等理念。
               那之後,他開始思考,美國面對的最大問題是什麼,他看到的其中一個問題是,那些聰明小孩全都想要變成銀行家,律師,或者在紐約,波士頓,舊金山等大城市工作。思考該怎麼改變這現象後,2011年他自掏腰包,拿出12萬元,再開口問那些手頭寬裕的朋友愛不愛美國,愛的話就加入捐款行列,總共籌資20萬元,創辦了”Venture for America (為美國創業)”這非牟利機構,為剛畢業的大學生提供二年薪資,讓他們在初創公司內工作。
楊安澤目前提出的做法包括全民基本收入,向實施自動化產業徵收附加價值稅,在醫療健保上實施單一付費者制度,推行新的人本資本主義(human capitalism)”衡量經濟辦法等等。
            在楊安澤宣佈參選美國總統後,幾乎所有人都認為,機會微乎其微,美國主流報界也以”long shot”來形容。但有不少人聽了他的想法後,都很願意支持他。楊安澤自己認為,當初奧巴馬總統,川普總統參選,都一樣不被人看好,卻都出人意料之外的當選,他當然一樣有機會。他希望能夠先促成十萬人每人捐款一元的局面,來驗證有多少人贊成他的政綱,看法。


SoarMA pilot to benefit seventh grade students in five Gateway Cities

HAVERHILL - On Monday, June 11th, Treasurer Deb Goldberg hosted a town hall discussion on college access and affordability with Consentino Middle School seventh graders enrolled in her office’s college savings program. With its launch last December, SoarMA is the Commonwealth’s first college savings account program that provides seeded 529 accounts as well as savings workshops to low-income middle schoolers and their families in Gateway Cities. SoarMA is a two-year pilot that includes the cities of Haverhill, Lowell, Pittsfield, Springfield, and Worcester.

“Access to affordable higher education is critical to the economic future of many families and communities in Massachusetts,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “It was a pleasure to join these incredible kids to discuss ways we can foster a college-going culture in Haverhill.”

The initiative, funded through public-private partnerships, provides a matched savings of up to $400 and monthly college savings workshops. The 529 college savings accounts are offered through the Office of the Massachusetts State Treasurer and Receiver General, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) and Inversant.
"At MEFA we understand how saving for college can help students reach their dreams, and middle school is an excellent time for families to start saving if they haven't already,” said Tom Graf, Executive Director of MEFA. “Planning early will provide students and families more options when it comes time to pursue that college degree.”

Treasurer Goldberg was joined by civic and community leaders during her conversation with Consentino students. Through impactful community partnerships, SoarMA aims to increase the percentage of families saving for higher education while also boosting post-secondary enrollment and graduation rates for the participating cities.

“It is so important for all children and families to have access to college,” said Mayor James J. Fiorentini. “I am pleased that the SoarMA program was brought to Haverhill’s Mount Washington neighborhood and that Treasurer Goldberg and Representative Vargas joined us at Consentino School to discuss this program and talk to students about planning and saving for college.”

Additionally, SoarMA seeks to deliver high-quality financial education programming to families, building a culture centered on saving for the future and sustainable budget management. Inversant, a Boston-based non-profit organization, will support SoarMA with its existing curriculum model. Inversant's mission is to ensure that through parental engagement, every low-to-moderate income family has the resources and understanding they need to achieve their goals for higher education.

“Children with savings accounts develop a strong sense of their future possibilities, including college, career, home ownership, and economic stability, said Robert Hildreth, Founder and Board Chair of Inversant. By partnering with the Massachusetts State Treasurer’s Office, even more, families across the state will be able to access a higher education, and more importantly, better the entire family’s prospects.”

For more information about Treasurer Goldberg’s college savings pilot program please visithttps://www.soarma529.org/

NH中國星餐廳今晨遇火災燒毀 無人傷亡

(Boston Orange) 新罕布夏州塞冷鎮一家名叫"中國星(China Star)"的餐廳,隨同2層半高,有10戶公寓單位的整棟大樓,今(13)日清晨在一場三級大火中付諸一炬。
新罕布夏州塞冷鎮消防局長楊藍道(Randall Young)表示,最起初是位於主街80號的中國星餐廳在凌晨539分時發生火災。該鎮計畫主任Ross Moldoff表示,中國星餐廳是一家有40個座位的餐廳,1987年設立。
大樓內的住宅單位,包括6個一睡房,22睡房,以及2個套房等不同格局單位,還有一家當地的菸霧店(Venue Vapors),都在這場大火中全部燒毀。
他說為預防起見,有兩名消防員被送到聖家醫院(Holy Family Hospital)。不過他們應該沒事。他不知道有多少居民因此無處居留,但沒其他人受傷。

星期二, 6月 12, 2018

Whole Food 今起在波士頓推出2小時內免費送貨服務

(Boston Orange)亞馬遜(Amazon)旗下的雜貨店,全食(Whole Foods)”(12)日宣佈,凡是住在波士頓,以及其他三個新城市的亞馬遜”Prime Now”用戶,可以獲得二小時內免費送貨到府服務。
               自從亞馬遜買下全食後,今年稍早時,曾於8各城市試辦給”Prime Out”客戶送貨,在數州推出採購雜貨給10%折扣的服務。

Mayor Walsh to pursue increase in linkage

Mayor Walsh to pursue increase in linkage
Leveraging strong development market to support affordable housing and job training
Boston – Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that he is pursuing an increase in the linkage fees paid by developers in Boston, as part of continuing efforts to increase funding for affordable housing and job training.  Increasing linkage leverages the current strong development market in Boston to bring additional benefits to the residents of Boston. The Mayor’s proposal will increase the current linkage rates by 8 percent, to $9.03 per square foot for housing contributions, and to $1.78 per square foot for jobs contribution, for a total of $10.81. 

“By asking developers to contribute more for affordable housing and job training, we are taking advantage of Boston’s strong market to support opportunities for our residents across the entire City,” said Mayor Walsh. “Increasing linkage builds on the progress we’ve made to create access to affordable housing and job training for our residents.”  

Linkage ensures that large-scale real estate development brings direct benefits to the City of Boston’s residents through payments to the Neighborhood Housing Trust and the Neighborhood Jobs Trust. Linkage was last increased in 2013 to the current rates of $8.34 per square foot for housing and $1.67 per square foot for jobs, for a total of $10.01 per square foot. Linkage may be increased on three-year cycles to reflect the rise in inflation based on the Consumer Price Index and on economic, housing and employment trends. 

Since 2014, $31.4 million in housing linkage has leveraged a total of $562 million in public funds in 39 developments that cost $837 million in total. Those projects have created 1,268 affordable units and preserved 548 existing affordable units.

Between 2015 and 2016, linkage helped more than 2,300 low- and moderate-income residents access job training and education programs. After job placement, graduates of the training programs earned an average wage of $15.23 per hour with 72 percent earning benefits as well.

"JVS strongly supports this important step by the Walsh Administration to increase funding going into the Neighborhood Jobs Trust,” said Jerry Rubin, President and CEO of Jewish Vocational Services (JVS). “With employers searching for talent in our near full-employment economy, this is the right moment to open up opportunities for Boston residents who aren’t able to fully participate in our booming economy without access to further education and skills training.  We look forward to continuing our partnership with the City of Boston and outstanding employers throughout the city to make these opportunities a reality."

“We are incredibly grateful to Mayor Walsh and his Administration for leading the charge on increased funding for job training in the City of Boston,” said Joan Cirillo, President & CEO Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc. “An increase of 8 percent in the linkage fees will help ensure that all Boston residents are able to partake in the economic prosperity of our city.  The added resources generated by this increase will ensure that job training providers can continue to help Boston residents find and maintain jobs with a livable wage and a career path to prosperity.”

Recent workforce development programs that have benefited from the Neighborhood Jobs Trust include:

The Mayor’s Tuition Free Community College Program 
The Mayor’s Tuition Free Community College Program provides a path to free community college for eligible Boston residents. The plan matches students with coaches from Success Boston to help them navigate the challenges of higher education. Through this two-fold approach, the plan aims to help more Boston students afford, attend, and complete college.

Since its launch in 2016, the Tuition Free Community College program has enrolled 137 students. Of those students, 93 percent are students of color, with an average GPA of 2.97 and and average family income of $26,736.

Locksmithing and Carpentry at the North Bennet Street School
Training programs in locksmithing and carpentry at the North Bennet Street School connect students to high demand careers. The most recent program had a 100 percent graduation rate, 75 percent job placement rate, with an average hourly wage of $17.83. 

Cooking and Life Skills Training at Community Servings 
Community Servings, a not-for-profit food and nutrition program providing services to individuals and families living with critical and chronic illnesses, provides a twelve-week cooking and life skills training program that produces 2,000 meals a day. The most recent program had a 100 percent graduation rate, 72 percent job placement rate, with an average hourly wage of $12.24. 

In the past year, Neighborhood Housing Trust funded projects that have started construction include:

132 Chestnut Hill Avenue in Brightona 61 unit affordable senior housing project, developed by Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly, and built on BPDA land.

48 Boylston Street in Downtowna 46 unit adaptive rehabilitation of the historic YMCU building. The project is being developed by the Planning Office for Urban Affairs in conjunction with St Francis House and will provide housing for the formerly homeless.

The Residences and Brighton Marine at 1465 Commonwealth Avenue in Brighton, which is a 102 unit affordable housing project being developed by the Winn Residential and will gave a preference for veterans.

The proposed increase is scheduled to be voted on by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board of Directors on Thursday, June 14.
About the Boston Planning & Development Agency
As the City of Boston’s urban planning and economic development agency, the BPDA works in partnership with the community to plan Boston's future while respecting its past. The agency’s passionate and knowledgeable staff guides physical, social, and economic change in Boston’s neighborhoods and its downtown to shape a more prosperous, resilient, and vibrant city for all. The BPDA also prepares residents for new opportunities through employment training, human services and job creation. Learn more at www.bostonplans.org, and follow us on Twitter @BostonPlans.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Western Massachusetts Rail Initiatives

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Western Massachusetts Rail Initiatives

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today joined Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, Congressman Richard Neal, Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, members of the Massachusetts Legislature and local leaders at Union Station in Springfield to announce a Request for Proposals for a consultant team to study the feasibility of east-west passenger rail service, the launch of a pilot for passenger rail service between Greenfield and Springfield, and one-seat service through Springfield to Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut.

“Through strong partnerships with federal, state and local officials, we are investing in our existing rail infrastructure, increasing capacity where it is needed, and strengthening the Commonwealth's transportation system,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to reviewing the results of this comprehensive study, and continuing to support projects in all regions of the Commonwealth that provide improved travel options to residents and commuters.”

“Our administration is proud of the collaborative work we have done to improve the Commonwealth's transportation infrastructure in cities and towns throughout Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “These investments will provide more reliable service across the region, helping travelers better reach the places they need to go.”

“I have always believed that improved and enhanced rail service between Springfield and Boston has the potential to be a game changer for our region. That’s why I thank Governor Baker for coming to Union Station today to announce that he is authorizing a comprehensive study on the feasibility of east-west rail. It will build on the study of local rail service funded by the Federal Railroad Administration that former Congressman John Olver and I requested in 2006. With the debut of expanded passenger rail service between New Haven and Springfield later this week, these two significant projects will help grow our economy and greatly improve the quality of life in the region. Investing in our transportation infrastructure will benefit people across the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” said Congressman Richard E. Neal (D-MA).

“I’m excited by the progress announced today, and confident that today’s decision to study east-west passenger rail – paired with expanded service in the Pioneer Valley – will help boost economic vitality and growth not just in Western Massachusetts, but throughout the Commonwealth,” said Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA).

The Request for Proposals will enable the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to carry out an extensive study over approximately 18 months, and analyze many aspects and options for potential east-west passenger rail service. In addition to studying potential passenger service from Springfield to Boston, the study will look at potential origins farther west such as Pittsfield and Palmer. This will include engaging with stakeholders and evaluating the potential costs, speed, infrastructure needs and ridership of potential passenger rail service throughout this corridor.

The Baker-Polito Administration also announced today that a term sheet has been finalized with the Connecticut Department of Transportation which will enable the start of passenger rail service between Springfield and Greenfield beginning on a pilot basis in spring 2019. Under the agreement, MassDOT will fund the cost and management of the pilot service which will be operated by Amtrak and conclude in fall 2021. The pilot will provide two round trips each day and make stops at stations in Greenfield, Northampton, Holyoke and Springfield. Southbound service will be provided in the morning hours, and northbound in the evenings. This pilot service will leverage the MassDOT-owned Knowledge Corridor, which is currently used by Amtrak’s Vermonter service, and the recently renovated Springfield Union Station.

Meanwhile, the new 62-mile Hartford Line begins operating on Saturday, June 16, with trains running approximately every 45 minutes between Springfield and several cities and towns in Connecticut including Windsor Locks, Windsor, Hartford, Berlin, Meriden, Wallingford and New Haven. This expanded service is in addition to the existing Amtrak service throughout this corridor. The Hartford Line will offer free service on June 16 and June 17.

“Carrying out a comprehensive study on east-west passenger rail will allow us to have a rigorous, fact-based discussion regarding options for potential service,” said Transportation Secretary Pollack.  “Many legislators, local and regional officials and business leaders called for such a study and we are pleased to take a step in advancing this planning for future service.”

“MassDOT is pleased to announce initiatives supporting efforts to enhance passenger rail service to communities in Western Massachusetts, with the issuance of an RFP for studying the potential of east-west passenger service and the announcement of the north-south rail pilot,” said MassDOT Rail and Transit Administrator Astrid Glynn.  “We look forward to continuing to work with our local and regional partners, such as the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and Franklin County Council of Governments, on both of these important initiatives.”

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno stated, “I deeply appreciate Governor Baker’s continued efforts to not only better connect us through the North-South corridor, but also his efforts to explore better overall ways to connect us to a feasible and sustainable east-west corridor mechanism. He’s been a great friend and partner to me and to Springfield’s needs.”

For information about the Hartford Line, please visit www.hartfordline.com.


(Boston Orange)美國東岸時間612日凌晨1點半多,美國總統川普和朝鮮領導人金正恩在新加坡簽署了歷史性協議。儘管川普不願立刻透露協議內容,BBC251分已取得其中四個要點,包括雙方建新型關係,維持朝鮮政權穩定和平,朝鮮將努力去核,美將與朝鮮合作尋找戰俘遺骸,送返美國。
這場歷史性會面的場地,選在新加坡聖陶沙島上的嘉佩樂酒店(Capella Hotel)。新加坡總理李顯龍說該國為了這場峰會,花了2000萬元新加坡幣。

星期一, 6月 11, 2018


Adoption of all housing resolutions adopted, as proposed by Mayor Walsh
BOSTON - Monday, June 11, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced he has been appointed to be a member of the Board of Trustees, the top tier of leadership positions within the US Conference of Mayors, which is currently hosting its 86th annual meeting in Boston. The Trustees guide the organization's work for the coming year, from connecting mayors to share ideas and tackle common challenges, setting a robust policy agenda at the national level, and elevating mayors' voices on issues that face cities every day.  

As part of the conference, over 250 mayors met in Boston, beginning on Friday, to discuss a wide variety of priorities that contribute to the overall health of America's cities, as well as consider and adopt the policy resolutions that guide the advocacy agenda of the organization.

"It is an honor to be named to the Board of Trustees for the US Conference of Mayors, and I thank USCM President Mayor Benjamin, Second Vice President Mayor Barnett, Director Cochran and members of the USCM nominating committee for their support," said Mayor Walsh. "This conference has been a very productive gathering of leaders from across the nation, who are forging a new national conversation with a unified voice, putting our best ideas forward to lead the way in solving America's toughest challenges. As mayors, the issues facing our country are not political distractions to us, they are our daily to do list. It has been an honor to host the mayors in Boston because at this moment in America's history, cities are leading the way."

Mayor Walsh continues to lead on issues of housing, substance use recovery, and equity here in Boston, and among his colleagues nationwide. He currently serves as Chair of the Substance Use, Prevention and Recovery Task Force, as well as Chair of the Community Development and Housing Standing Committee.

As part of the conference, Mayor Walsh sponsored nine resolutions, all of which were passed through their respective committees. These resolutions keep a sharp focus on these topics and help push the national conversation towards collaborative solutions cities can do locally, while advocating for strong partnerships between cities and our federal leaders.

The resolutions, and the committee they were processed through, include:

Children, Health, and Human Services Committee
#3 - Support Direct Federal Funding to Cities to Provide Substance Use Disorder Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services

#5 - In Support of the Firefighter Cancer Registry Act

Community Development & Housing Committee
#15 - Supporting the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
#16 - Supporting the HOME Investment Partnership Program
#18 - Supporting HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs
#21 - Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
#22 - Support the Opportunity Starts at Home Campaign

Tourism, Arts, Parks, Entertainment, and Sports
#74- Supporting Cultural Equity

Transportation & Communications
#10 - Celebrating America's Mayors Who Make Health Policy a First-Tier Solution to Municipal Challenges

The final language for each resolution can be found here.

The Mayors collectively proposed and passed a resolution thanking Mayor Walsh for hosting the 86th meeting of the US Conference of Mayors.

About USCM

The Conference holds its Winter Meeting each January in Washington, D.C. and an Annual Meeting each June in a different U.S. city. Additional meetings and events are held as directed by the Conference leadership. Conference members speak with a united voice on organizational policies and goals. Mayors contribute to the development of national urban policy by serving on one or more of the conference's standing committees. Conference policies and programs are developed and guided by an Executive Committee and Advisory Board, as well as the standing committees and task forces which are formed to meet changing needs.

During the Conference's Annual Meeting in June, standing committees recommend policy positions they believe should be adopted by the organization. The policy positions adopted at the annual meeting collectively represent the views of the nation's mayors and are distributed to the President of the United States and Congress. In addition to the ongoing work of the Conference's standing committees, mayors are organized into task forces to examine and act on issues that demand special attention such as civic innovation, economic mobility, hunger and homelessness, and infrastructure. Learn more about the conference here .

WuXi Biologics to Invest $60 Million to Establish a Biologics Production Facility in Worcester, MA



美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市,中国上海,2018611——全球领先的开放式生物技术平台公司药明生物(WuXi Biologics, 2269.HK)今日宣布,公司计划投资6,000万美元(约合3.8亿人民币)在美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市(隶属波士顿大都会区)新建现代化生物制药临床样品和商业化生产基地,并创造约150个工作岗位。




“马萨诸塞州拥有技术领先的公司、顶尖的学术机构和充满竞争力的人才,已经形成全球最具活力的生命科学创新生态系统之一。”马萨诸塞州州长查理·贝克(Charlie Baker)先生说,“我们很高兴药明生物选择在马萨诸塞州进行战略布局,更多企业的投资和快速发展将共同构建更加完整的创新生态系统。”

“这几天在伍斯特市与药明生物管理层的会见交流,让我深信他们将对这里的生命科学产业做出巨大贡献。”马萨诸塞州副州长卡琳·波利托(Karyn Polito)女士表示,“我们很高兴为伍斯特市生物医药产业园的发展而努力,我们将继续为各个领域的合作伙伴提供支持。”

“伍斯特市正在打造全新的生物医药产业园区,我们热烈欢迎药明生物成为首家选择入驻于此的企业。”伍斯特市政执政官Edward M. Augustus, Jr.先生表示,“作为全球生物医药市场中地位日益攀升的投资目的地,伍斯特市十分期待新园区的正式开幕,同时帮助药明生物的首个美国生产基地顺利落成。”

“我们很高兴药明生物选择了美国马萨诸塞州,更重要的是选择了伍斯特市。在马萨诸塞州贝克-波利托政府和伍斯特市政府的支持下,我们通过巨大努力最终促成了此项目成功落地。对伍斯特市而言,今天又是一个重要的日子。”伍斯特商业发展局总裁兼首席执行官Craig L. Blais先生表示。

麻省生命科学中心(MLSC)总裁兼首席执行官特拉维斯·麦克瑞迪(Travis McCready)先生表示,“我们很高兴见证药明生物在美国伍斯特市布局生产基地这一重大里程碑。药明生物全球领先的生物制药专业技术和能力将进一步巩固这里的生命科学创新生态系统,帮助马萨诸塞州的生物制药公司更迅速高效地开发创新疗法。我们将继续为此项目的顺利完成而努力。”





WuXi Biologics to Invest $60 Million to Establish a Biologics Production Facility in the United States
– WuXi Biologics’ first overseas site in the United States
WORCESTER, MA and SHANGHAI, June 11, 2018 – WuXi Biologics (2269.HK), a leading global open-access biologics technology platform company offering end-to-end solutions for biologics discovery, development and manufacturing, today announced that it is to invest $60 million and hire approximately 150 employees to establish a state-of-the-art biologics clinical and commercial manufacturing facility in Worcester, Massachusetts in the United States. The facility will be WuXi Biologics’ 11th global drug substance manufacturing facility (MFG11).
WuXi Biologics is a leading global platform company providing end-to-end solutions for biologics with a mission to accelerate and transform biologics discovery, development and manufacturing to benefit patients around the world.
This state-of-the-art “facility of the future” will be built upon the novel approach that WuXi Biologics has pioneered in deploying single-use bioreactors. It is also designed to run continuous bioprocessing, a next-generation manufacturing technology to be implemented in America for the first time. A total of approximately 4,500 L bioreactor capacity will be installed with two 2,000 L traditional fed-batch and one 500 L perfusion-based continuous processing. This facility will handle both clinical and small volume commercial production. An early-stage bioprocess development lab will also be included.
The new manufacturing facility supported by the Government of Massachusetts, the Worcester Business Development Corporation (WBDC) and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC), is the Company’s first overseas site in the United States, as well as the third outside China subsequent to Ireland and Singapore new sites.
“Massachusetts is home to one of the world’s most dynamic life sciences ecosystems, with leading companies, top-tier academic institutions, and a globally-competitive workforce,” said Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker. “We are enriched when companies grow and invest here and are pleased to welcome WuXi Biologics’ expansion.”
“Having met WuXi Biologics’ leaders during their recent trip to Worcester, I am confident that they will contribute greatly to the city’s life sciences industry,” said Ms. Karyn Polito, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. “I have been pleased to work on the development of Worcester Biomanufacturing Park and our Administration remains committed to supporting our public private partnership.”
“The City of Worcester is thrilled to welcome WuXi Biologics as its first tenant to the new Biomanufacturing Park,” said Worcester City Manager, Edward M. Augustus Jr.. “As a growing destination in the global biomedical market, the city looks forward to officially opening this impressive campus and is eager to host WuXi Biologics in their first US manufacturing facility.”
“We are delighted that WuXi Biologics has chosen the United States, Massachusetts, but most importantly Worcester. We competed very hard for this one and we prevailed. The Baker / Polito Administration and the City of Worcester stepped up to make this possible. Another great day for Worcester,” said Mr. Craig L. Blais, President and CEO of WBDC.
“We are excited to reach this important milestone on developing WuXi Biologics’ first US bio-manufacturing facility and to announce their intention to move to Worcester,” said Mr. Travis McCready, President and CEO of MLSC. “WuXi Biologics brings a global biologics manufacturing expertise that will enhance our life sciences ecosystem and help Massachusetts biopharma companies develop novel therapies quickly and efficiently. We look forward to continuing to work to finalize this project.”
“Metropolitan Boston is acknowledged as a leader in the biopharmaceutical industry. The new site plays a key role in WuXi Biologics’ global bio-manufacturing network to ensure that biologics are manufactured at the highest quality and within a robust supply chain to benefit patients worldwide. We are grateful for all the support local agencies and the talented people here have provided for us. We believe we can quickly push forward this exciting project,” said Dr. Ge Li, Chairman of WuXi Biologics.
Dr. Chris Chen, CEO of WuXi Biologics, added, “The new site will undoubtedly meet WuXi Biologics’ growing need for biologics development and manufacturing in the near future. Many partners of WuXi Biologics are located within two hours of this new site. We are all very excited to initiate our first US site to enable local companies and expedite biologics development in the United States. We are committed to becoming the most comprehensive capability and technology platform in the global biologics industry to enable both local and global partners.”