
星期一, 5月 28, 2018






                    (Boston Orange 周菊子華森市報導)在美國要創業,或發展企業,除了自掏腰包,找天使,創投之外,還有什麼融資途徑? 128華人科技企業協會和波士頓天使俱樂部,波士頓南開校友會527日合作,請王忠主講”美國政府對初創公司有那些扶持政策?”。與會者會後紛紛要求,就此主題,續辦講座,期以學習操作竅門。
             州級政府的麻州,有許多州府及半官方機構為企業的創辦,發展提供資金、諮詢等輔助。半官方機構包括麻州開發金融局,麻州成長資本企業,麻州風投,麻州生命科學中心,麻州清潔能源中心,區域性提供金融資助的有麻州資本(Common Capital)Quaboag企業援助公司,法蘭克林社區發展協會等等。為特定項目提供融資的有麻州貿易及出口宣傳補助,安全補助項目,人力培訓金等等。
在鼓勵創新上,還有總補助額400萬元的加速項目,以及"創業美國(Start-up America)",示範日(Demo Days), 眾籌(Crowdfunding)等等。公家機關和私人企業合作的小企業投資公司(SBIC),每年授權撥發40億美元
該局2017年共發出120萬元的協作工作區補助,位於尚莫維爾市的綠城實驗室清潔科技初創實驗室(Greentown Labs web Lab)就獲得10萬元補助,用於建造新的清潔科技實驗室。

星期六, 5月 26, 2018

中華民俗藝術工作坊"無盡旅程" 5/27演出兩場

CFAW 2018 Annual Performance "The Journey 無盡旅程" at the Casey Theater at Regis College on Sunday, May 27 at 2 PM or 7:30 PM, 

Attached please find a flyer and here is a short video preview for your information:

To know more about CFAW, please visit website at www.CFAWBoston.org or Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CFAWBoston/

中華民俗藝術工作坊將於527(星期 )下午2時及晚上7:30時, Regis College的演藝廳演出兩場年度作品 [The Journey 無盡旅程] ,演出內容包括由多位專業編舞家精雕細琢製作的14支作品,歡迎各位喜愛各項傳統民俗技藝和舞蹈的民眾,前往觀賞,來為所有演出的舞者加油,欣賞他 (們一年來辛苦、認真練習的成果。


該團經過一年的蘊釀濃重推出含蓋舞龍、舞獅、擊鼓、舞蹈與扯鈴等令此間觀眾耳目一新、不易觀賞到的精彩節目。除了原有的芭蕾、民族、武功元素之外,也帶來了時下年輕人喜歡的現代舞相信一定能會讓觀眾耳目一新 有不同的視覺感受

年度舞展幕後製作工程十分浩大包括音樂服裝及舞台設計等都由家長們一起共同完成並聘請專業舞台燈光師擔負燈光設計重責。團長張 昆表示經營非營利的青少年團體誠屬不易但全體家長都是出錢出力雖然也曾經幾度萌生放棄然而小朋友的付出與熱情家長們的全力支持以及觀眾的喝采讓大家堅持到現在也造就了工作坊一連串的驚奇與感動。工作坊誠摯邀請大家一同前往觀賞期待各位共赴饗宴
◆活動名稱:The Journey 無盡旅程
◆活動期間:2018527 (星期日下午2時及晚間730
◆活動地點:Casey Theater at Regis College
           235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493


(Boston Orange) 紐英崙中華公所董事長陳家驊為529日,本年度第3次董事大會撰寫的報告出爐,建議中華公所董事會為大同村停車場,以及喜露(Herald)50號的發展計劃招開特別會議。
在爭取計畫發展區域資格一事上,陳家驊指出有兩個情況令人大感意外。一是三一教堂所改建共管公寓大樓路可思(The Lucas)”的居民,反對聲浪很大,波市府決定六月再開會討論此事。


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Watch THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT on the PBS series American Experience on Tuesday May 29. 2018

Watch the national broadcast television premiere of the new PBS documentary THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT as a Special Presentation of American Experience on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. Visit the American Experience websitefor more details. Locate your local PBS station here to find air dates and times near you.

Host a local conversation about The Chinese Exclusion Act and "Who is American?" Register on CAAM's website to receive a copy of the THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT Community Conversation Kit. The Community Conversation Kit includes a film excerpt, discussion guide, screening tips, and other tools you can use to host a local screening event.

Join the conversation. Share your thoughts and reactions on social media using the hashtag #ChineseExclusionAct.

THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT examines the origin, history and impact of the 1882 law that made it illegal for Chinese workers to come to America and for Chinese nationals already here ever to become U.S. citizens. The first in a long line of acts targeting the Chinese for exclusion, it remained in force for more than 60 years.
Directed by Ric Burns and Li-Shin Yu. Produced by Li-Shin Yu, Robin Espinola, and Ric Burns. Story by Ric Burns and Robin Espinola & Li-Shin Yu. Teleplay by Ric Burns. Production company: Steeplechase Films.
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Learn more about the legislation by watching and sharing these videos CAAM created highlighting the history, impact and consequences of the law:


THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT is a production of Steeplechase Films and The Center for Asian American Media, in association with The New-York Historical Society.
THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Additional funding provided by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and The Committee of 100.
Major funding for American Experience is provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Additional funding provided by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers.
CAAM’s ”Who is American?” Immigration, Exclusion, & the American Dream educational and community outreach program for THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT, is supported in part by:
Outreach Sponsor Logos

洪青體育會訂10/27 慶70週年

Gung Ho Club Celebrates Their 70th Anniversary

BostonThe Gung Ho Club, New England's oldest Chinese youth athletic organization, will be celebrating their 70th Anniversary on October 27, 2018 at the Empire Garden Restaurant in Boston’s Chinatown.  Founded in 1948, the Gung Ho Club which is also known as the Boston Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club, offers inner city youth a fraternal organization where they can learn lion dancing, martial arts and other team sports such as 9-Man volleyball and basketball.

Traditionally, every Lunar New Year,  the streets in Boston’s Chinatown are filled with people that come to watch the Gung Ho Club bring good luck to all the business establishments as they perform choreographed lion dance routines.  The Gung Ho Club lion dance team performs all over New England during a month long celebration of the Lunar New Year culminating in an amazing routine at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut.  In addition to New Year celebrations the team performs at weddings, parties, and grand openings of business establishments.

The Gung Ho Club has also made significant strides in becoming more competitive in both volleyball and basketball.  This year they will be sending a volleyball team to Montreal for the annual North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament.

“I am proud to be part of an organization that helps mentor inner city youth through team sports and teaching traditional lion dance,”  said Victor Lee ,  President of the Gung Ho Club.  “I would like to thank all our sponsors who support us throughout the year because your help allows us to provide our youth with these valuable opportunities.” 

In addition to lion dance performances and sports activities, Gung Ho Club members value their corresponding responsibility of supporting the Chinatown community through volunteer work with youth, elderly programs as well as law enforcement organizations.  Throughout its 70 year history, members of the organization have not only contributed to the community through volunteerism and cultural development but most have gone on to become valuable leaders in the city and nationally working in law enforcement, local politics, corporate and business owners.  All will credit the values instilled to them as a Gung Ho Club member that laid the groundwork for their personal development and future growth.  All donations and contributions to the organization are vital to continuing to build programs and support systems for the Chinese youth while opening future developmental and professional opportunities for them.  


Our mission is to organize and mentor Chinese youth in the greater Boston area in a fraternal organization where they can engage in athletics, sports and social activities as well as educating them on their Chinese culture and heritage.


               (Boston Orange) 紐英崙養生舞協會523日在中華公所大廳,為創辦人周美桃慶祝生日,感謝她義務教學七年,讓學生們身體更健康,精神更快樂。

