
星期日, 6月 03, 2018

台商會高爾夫球賽 蔡高進隊再度奪冠

(Boston Orange 周菊子傅萊明罕鎮報導) 新英格蘭大波士頓臺灣商會的「第17屆臺商盃慈善高爾夫球公開賽」,62日在Ponkapoag高爾夫球場舉行,又一次由蔡高進隊奪冠,成績為比標準桿低15桿。
比賽結果為蔡高進、李台、林力明、和金雪松這隊,低於標準桿15桿,奪得冠軍;李庚仁、蔣繼美、趙研田和趙復興隊,低於標準桿14桿,亞軍;Lew FreedmanIn FreedmanThomas ColettiCed Stabbins這隊,低於標準桿8桿,季軍。
另外的距離最長獎,女子組為Susi Kohen,男子組為Joe Damiano,離洞最近獎,女子組為Alison McManus張、男子最長距離獎為Joe Damiano以及男子離洞最近獎由許炳煌獲得。


美中藥協慶20週年 醫藥大咖CEO雲集

               (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導) 新英格蘭美中醫藥開發協會(SAPA-NE)日前在MIT史隆管理學院禮堂舉行年會,慶祝成立20週年,不但邀得名下公司數難以計的哈佛、MIT雙聘教授George Church等名人,企業CEO發表講談,已在中國發展的創會會長李克純也特地趕回波士頓誌記盛況。
MIT雙聘教授George Church。(周菊子攝)
             創辦eGenesis的哈佛、MIT雙聘教授George Church,重點談論研發可負擔,全球性基因醫藥創新科技。他透露基因計畫在中國的實施將擴增三個省分,他還藉著也會用在645兩日多倫多GET會議上的PPT指出,科技使得讀寫去氧核醣核酸(DNA)能力成指數級增長,做完整人體基因測序的費用,也從1990年代天文數字的30億美元,降到了2015年的1000元以下,甚至預計2019年時,還要倒貼給病患500元。目前全世界可以讓人完整取得人類基因數據及細胞的機構是個人基因項目(Personal Genome Project),將來會在NIST,美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)等制定的標準下,成立瓶中基因組織(genomeinabottle.org)”,進一步發展三維結構,合成可能,最後成為個人化的基因療方。他還展示市面已出現可穿載式的基因測序科技(ONT),為治療罕見病而已經在做的實驗,包括為移植器官而把豬人類化,以及在器官上執行基因工程,裁減細胞內毒性等等實驗。
             哈佛醫學院教授和McLean醫院心理失調組主任Dost Ongur談的是精神分裂症藥物發現的未來。他說全世界大概有3.5億人因抑鬱而痛苦,約5100萬人患有精神分裂症,7000萬人酗酒失調,4800萬人患有失智症,而且根據世界衛生組織資料,全世界每年有100萬人自殺死亡,幾乎每40秒就有一人死亡,可見患心理病的情況很嚴重,因為心理病引起了柏金森症,失智症,殘障,中風,精神分裂,不但耗費個人,社會的金錢數額難以計數,還效果不明顯。他認為在這領域裏,轉變性的進步還待出現,有心做新藥研發的人,不妨從此著手,基會一定很多。
             上午部分的會議,還有Xonotogeny的執行長Chris Garabedian分析藥物研究和發展的難點,可能的解決方案。所創辦慧渡醫藥(Predicine)四月份才獲得1350萬元融資的創始人兼執行長賈士東,介紹該公司的液體活檢,以及如何在腫瘤免疫領域應用DNARNABiostage的首席科學家William Fodor以食管為例,展示具革命性的器官再生平台。
               下午部分的會議,則有輝瑞製藥副總裁兼首席科學家Morris Birnbaum講談橋接學術和製藥界的縫隙,百奧健(Biogen)副總裁Peter Bergethon人類有更好的管理,才有更好的健康,藥明康德首席科學家暨商務長Steve Yang創新平台,網絡及生態系統
Viva生物科技副總裁Libing Yu博士,Oncologie資深主任Rebecca Wolfe,長風製藥執行長Bill Liang博士,科倫製藥執行主管Yulian Zhang博士,上海美迪西生物醫藥創辦人陳春麟博士,神州醫療副總裁弓孟春博士等六人,接著座談跨境機遇。
關於全球合作的探討,有賽諾菲(Sanofi)副總裁Hong Cheng分析東西方合作契機,Sino Biological的行銷及企業發展主任楊盛洪以他的親身經歷為例,從 Zero(零)Hero(英雄)的中國生物科技公司的成長和未來。年會首要贊助商百奧賽圖(Biocytogen),則由曾任SAPANE會長的林慶聰博士講述如何加速抗體類藥物的研發。美中藥協卸任會長蔡凌希為大會閉幕致詞,感謝親自出席的百奧賽圖創辦人沈月雷。
當晚,美中藥協轉往萬豪酒店,舉辦百奧賽圖之夜晚宴,既慶祝該會成立20週年,也慶祝百奧賽圖成立10週年,在波士頓的實驗中心開業。會上還頒發特別獎給馬炳麗,傑出貢獻獎給張宏煒,郭佳,胡琦穎,程滿根,童景,李柯杰,李海山。獎學金委員會的李和,梁桂青,陳敏等人還頒發高中畢業生獎學金給畢業於溫莎學校,即將就讀哥倫比亞大學的林清穎(Katherine Lin) 和畢業於Acton-Boxborough區域高中,即將就讀華盛頓大學的楊博怡(Alicia Yang)

星期六, 6月 02, 2018

BIO台灣館吳政忠領軍 逾200人代表團要秀生醫實力

行政院吳政忠政務委員率領臺灣代表團出席BIO 2018,行銷我國生醫創新能量,連結國際市場

BIO International Convention為全球最具規模的生物科技大展,更是全球生技業者不可錯過之年度盛會,今年為第25屆,將於64日至7日間在麻州波士頓登場,預計將吸引來自74個國家超過16,000位生技專家與業者共襄盛舉。為了加速我國生醫產業創新發展與連結國際市場,行政院吳政忠政務委員將於62日至8日率領臺灣代表團赴美參與國際大展。
臺灣代表團由吳政委領軍,整合產官學研200多人,包含科技部、衛福部、經濟部、農委會、中研院等政府代表;工研院、生技中心、藥技中心、國研院、農科院、國衛院等機構單位以及20多家生技業者共同參與。在政府積極推動「5+2產業創新生醫產業創新推動方案」下,本次臺灣團與臺灣館有許多創舉與新意,包括今年臺灣館規模擴大至24個攤位,加入許多首次參展的廠商,更透過互動式實境展示智慧醫療科技能量。特別的是,今年櫃買中心與證交所首次參與生技展系列活動以宣傳臺灣資本市場優勢;科技部成立的GLORIA國際產學聯盟也首次參展,自臺灣館延伸出8個攤位的專區,展示研發技術以招募國際合作夥伴;臺北市政府也首度遴選5家績優生技公司一同參展。大家共組國家隊,行銷臺灣生醫產業的技術與實力,積極開創更多國際合作及創新事業的各種可能與機會。另一方面,國家生技研究園區的創服育成中心,也將於66日在大會Global Innovation Hub中,以「BioHub Taiwan, Services All-In-One」為題,強化一條龍服務,建置臺灣成為亞太地區生醫創新樞紐。
財團法人生物技術開發中心與新英格蘭玉山科技協會也於當日上午共同舉辦臺灣生技商機論壇(Taiwan Biotech Forum 2018),以醫療保健與生醫創業創新為主軸,邀集國際生技製藥廠商領導人、風險投資評估家以及學術研究專家等與會交流,並安排來自臺灣的10家生醫潛力廠商展示其研發技術與科技成果,提升臺灣生醫創新之國際能見度。

星期五, 6月 01, 2018

紐英崙玉山科協台灣生物論壇6/3 在哈佛醫學院舉行

Frequency 的 CEO, 同時也是麻州生技產業協會 MassBio 主席 David Lucchino 將參與6月3日 Taiwan Bio Forum 擔任講者。
Frequency Therapeutics 是麻州的一家生技新創公司, 從事聽力受損的新藥研發, 故名 Frequency (頻率)。
有些人知道 Frequency Therapeutics 是 MIT 教授 Bob Langer 欽點支持的新創公司。許多人不知道的是, 當這間公司剛剛從 Mass Eye & Ear, Brigham & Women's Hospital, MIT 等研究機構技轉出來, 處於草創時期的他們其實獲得了許多位台灣天使投資人的支持, 渡過了資金青黃不接的階段。

U.S. Department of Defense Awards $2M Grant to Frequency Therapeutics


如果你有興趣多了解 Frequency Therapeutics 的故事,並了解台灣與波士頓生技產業之間的連結,歡迎來哈佛醫學院參加這場難得的大會。
主辦單位開放最後10張門票, 還在猶豫的夥伴們請盡快行動!

波士頓台灣人生物科技協會年會 6/2-3 在哈佛科學中心舉行


(Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導) “太極功夫禁不禁打,端看你是健身或習武。電影葉問一片出品人,也是香港武術聯會副會長的冼國林,最近應邀訪問波士頓,在哈佛大學科學中心為中國功夫不禁打做辨白。
中國功夫禁不禁打這問題,自從有綜合武術(Mixed Martial Arts)拳擊手踢館式的挑戰中國傳統武術高手,三兩下就把對手撂倒這事出現後,中國武術界一直議論紛紛。
曾任波士頓市長的雷夫連(Ray Flynn)致詞。(周菊子攝)
這場活動由哈佛少林文化基金會創辦人李健遠及其徒弟主持,請來波士頓前市長雷夫連(Ray Flynn)致詞,由美國龍獅總會副會長余翠梅訪談的方式進行。巾幗醒獅團創辦人陳清音,華林派陳培師傅的女兒陳美美,陳培的徒弟伍振中等人都出席了盛會。
                      在會上,李健遠笑說冼國林非常的大手筆,拍片對場景不滿意,索性斥資2億元人民幣,在廣東佛山蓋了座國藝影視城。冼國林等這趟來美,抵波士頓前,先到洛杉磯和華納兄弟總裁Greg Silverman,以擊Millieniium Film千禧年代影視老闆Avi談合作。回香港後,他預定八月份拍一部時裝片,十二月拍一部洪拳片。(圖片已於5/26發表)


星期四, 5月 31, 2018


Governor Baker Signs $1.8 Billion Affordable Housing Bill to Increase Housing Production, Preserve Housing Affordability

Governor Baker Signs $1.8 Billion Affordable Housing Bill to Increase Housing Production, Preserve Housing Affordability
Legislation ensures continued funding for effective affordable housing programs, and extends critical tax credits to diversify housing portfolio across the Commonwealth

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Financing the Production and Preservation of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Residents (H.4536), to ensure long-term support for the Baker-Polito Administration’s comprehensive efforts to increase the production of affordable housing, diversify the state’s housing portfolio, modernize public housing, preserve the affordability of existing housing and invest in new, innovative solutions to address Massachusetts’ rising demand for housing.

“This bill will help expand our administration’s commitment to ensuring residents across the Commonwealth have more access to quality, safe and affordable housing and economic development opportunities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Municipalities, developers, and local housing authorities will be supported by a toolbox of flexible resources to create more affordable options and explore new avenues to meet a growing demand. We thank our partners in the Legislature for working with us to pass this legislation and look forward to our continued collaboration on the administration’s Housing Choice Bill to create even more affordable housing options.”

Today’s legislation authorizes $1.8 billion in new capital spending for the production and preservation of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income households, supportive housing and housing serving vulnerable populations. Additionally, the legislation authorizes $650 million for public housing modernization and redevelopment, as well as $45 million for capital improvements at Early Education and Care facilities. 

“Our administration continues to seek collaborative partnerships with communities to increase affordable and market-rate housing production across the Commonwealth, through this bill, our pending Housing Choice Initiative, affordable housing awards, the Workforce Housing Initiative and the Housing Development Incentive Program,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “The housing bond bill builds on these efforts, and we are proud to have worked collaboratively with our dedicated partners in the Legislature to ensure continued funding for critical housing programs.”

The administration’s first three capital budgets supported the creation or preservation of approximately 7,500 affordable housing units, provided $17.8 million to four public housing developments for comprehensive modernization of housing for seniors and individuals with disabilities and allowed the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCH) to award $150 million for deferred maintenance projects to more than 45,000 units of extremely low-income state public housing across 234 communities.

“Massachusetts’ growing economy has increased pressure on our housing market, creating challenges for families, communities, and employers’ ability to attract and retain talent,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “This housing bond bill provides tools to increase housing production, including extending the State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and the Housing Development Incentive Program. These programs support the diverse needs for housing development, which together will help us achieve our goal of stronger, more inclusive Massachusetts economy.”

The bill signing took place in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg House, operated by Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly.

“Our goal is to ensure Massachusetts families and residents, despite their income, have access to safe, quality housing they can afford,” said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Janelle Chan. “Housing, in particular housing affordable to the spectrum of households, drives economic development, supports vibrant and walkable downtowns, promotes neighborhood stability, and enables families and residents to thrive.”

“The Housing Bond Bill will continue to give the Commonwealth the tools it needs to continue confronting its housing challenges and produce and preserve the housing we need in a growing economy,” said MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay. “The legislation will also allow MassHousing to increase the number of the Commonwealth’s residents who can have access to stable, quality housing. We thank the Legislature for their important leadership on this issue.”

“Preserving and producing affordable housing is central to sustaining the Commonwealth’s economic prosperity,” said Senator Boncore, Senate Chair Joint Committee on Housing. “This bond bill makes thoughtful and innovative investments that will serve as tools for municipalities and developers in the modernization and production of our state’s housing stock.”

“We are all well aware of the housing crisis in Massachusetts” said Representative Kevin G. Honan, chairman of the Joint Committee on Housing. “This Housing Bond Bill is a tangible commitment to affordable housing. The provisions of this bill are the tried and true affordable housing tools that are at our disposal. Through this bill, we will recommit ourselves to housing the elderly, disabled and homeless.”

“Today is a great day for the Commonwealth.  This bond bill will allow us to continue to make important investments in housing for years to come,” said Assistant Minority Leader Bradley Hill. “I am proud to have been a part of passing this legislation and am thankful to the Governor and Lt. Governor for their leadership.”

“The housing bond bill expands opportunities for children, seniors, people with disabilities, and families at risk of homelessness to find safe, healthy, and affordable homes,” said Rachel Heller, chief executive officer of Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association. “This legislation is the result of strong partnerships among advocates, the Legislature, and the Administration who worked together to pass the bill. As one of the first bond bills filed and passed this session, the Housing Bond Bill demonstrates that creating and preserving more affordable housing is a top priority in the Commonwealth.”

“Today’s signing of the $1.8 billion Housing Bond Bill reflects the collective determination of the Baker-Polito Administration, the Legislature and housing advocates to address the need for affordable housing in Massachusetts,” said Clark Ziegler, executive director of the Massachusetts Housing Partnership. “The combination of a strong state economy, high housing demand and low production has created one of the largest affordability gaps in the U.S.  More than 240,000 low-income individuals and families in Massachusetts now pay more than half of their income on rent.  Private housing production alone will not solve that problem. The programs authorized in this bill are one of the few ways we can close this gap. Congratulations to all those who worked so hard to address the Commonwealth’s housing needs.”

“It is an incredible honor for JCHE to host this historic bill signing,” said Amy Schectman, president and chief executive officer of Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly. “Prior bond bill funds have allowed us to build our award-winning supportive, affordable housing and these new funds will be vital to creating additional opportunities for older adults to age in community.  Kudos to Governor Baker and Chairmen Honan and Boncore for their brilliant leadership on this life-or-death issue.”

The housing bond bill includes:

·       State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Extends the state’s ability to commit $20 million per year in tax credits to affordable housing projects until 2025 and authorizes an additional $5 million per year in tax credits specifically to support preservation of existing affordable housing. Current law would cut the size of this tax credit to $10 million on January 1, 2020.

·       Housing Development Incentive Program: Extends the state’s ability to commit $10 million per year in tax credits to market-rate housing projects in Gateway Cities until 2024. Current law would cut the size of this tax credit in half, to $5 million, on January 1, 2019.

·       Accessory Dwelling Unit Construction and Landlord Modifications: Authorizes the use of home modification funding to construct accessory dwelling units for elders and individuals with disabilities and also authorizes up to 10% of the funds to be used to support landlord expenditures to modify units for tenants with disabilities, implementing recommendations of the administration’s Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness.

·       MassHousing Services: Expands MassHousing’s authorizing language, to allow the quasi-public agency to provide contract administration, loan servicing, and other services to other states’ housing finance agencies.

·       Early Education and Out-of-School Time (EEOST) Capital Fund Facilities Improvement Grant Program: Provides funding to non-profit child care programs licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care to renovate, acquire, or construct high-quality child care program facilities that serve low-income families and communities, fostering high quality child care environments that support positive outcomes for children.

The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to meeting Massachusetts’ housing challenge through key investments, new initiatives and program reforms. With the addition of the FY19 capital plan, the Administration will have dedicated $884 million to housing from FY16 to FY19, an increase of $100 million over the previous four years’ capital plans.   

In December 2017, the administration announced the Housing Choice Initiative, a comprehensive proposal to create 135,000 new housing units by 2025. The initiative, which is currently pending before the Legislature, includes a new set of incentives and rewards for municipalities committed to sustainable housing growth in their communities. The Housing Choice Initiative is a multi-pronged effort that includes a program to designate Housing Choice municipalities and new technical assistance opportunities through MassHousing, in addition to proposed legislative changes that will help deliver smart, effective zoning at the local level.

Additionally, the highly effective MassWorks Infrastructure Program continues to be a key catalyst for housing production, supporting the creation of more than 3,000 housing units. The Open for Business Initiative will drive the production of more than 2,200 units of housing on state land. MassHousing’s $100 million Workforce Housing Initiative has advanced the development of 2,309 housing units across a range of incomes, including 616 workforce housing units. And, the administration reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, which is on track to facilitate more than 900 new units in Gateway Cities.