
星期四, 2月 01, 2018


Mayor Martin J. Walsh cordially invites you to a ribbon cutting for Boston Public Library’s newest location in Chinatown.

Boston Public Library Chinatown Ribbon Cutting

2 Boylston Street, China Trade Building
02/03/18 11:00am - 02/03/18 12:00pm
Join us to celebrate the return of library service to the Chinatown neighborhood.


BOSTON - Thursday, February 1, 2018 -  Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined the Boston Tax Help Coalition and other community partners at Dorchester's Codman Square Health Center to highlight the free tax preparation services available to low- and moderate-income Boston residents. The Coalition provides free tax preparation services at 35 partner locations throughout the City to help residents who earn $54,000 or less per year maximize the Earned Income Tax Credit and claim the full refunds they are due.

"The free tax services offered throughout the City of Boston will help our residents gain financial security, an important step towards providing more opportunities to succeed," said Mayor Walsh. "I thank our dedicated volunteers who make these efforts possible, and encourage the thousands of residents who are eligible for these services to take advantage of them."  
Last year, the Coalition served more than 13,000 taxpayers and returned $26.8 million dollars in refunds and credits directly to taxpayers. More than 400 volunteers contributed to the effort. 2018 marks the seventeenth year that the Boston Tax Help Coalition has provided free tax preparation for Boston residents.

"My parents, like most immigrants to the United States, just wanted to work hard to provide a better life for their children," said Suilisa, 21, a Dorchester resident who is now a volunteer interpreter for the Coalition. "The Boston Tax Help Coalition gave me and my family the help we needed. It is possible to get your taxes done for free. It is possible to save. It is absolutely okay to ask for help when you need it."

In addition to tax preparation services, the Coalition also offers Financial Check-Ups at 12 tax sites. A Financial Check-Up is a one-on-one session in which a taxpayer can review his or her credit score and obtain personalized credit-building strategies from a trained financial guide. This process is a key component of Boston Builds Credit, the City's new, free credit building program which helps residents improve their credit and move towards long-term financial resilience.

New this year, the Coalition will also introduce taxpayers to Bank On Boston, a recently launched initiative that connects residents with banking accounts and financial services that are safe, affordable, and non-predatory. Taxpayers will be able to open Bank On accounts at their tax sites with the help of such key financial partners as the City of Boston Credit Union, Santander Bank, Bank of America, and Citizens Bank.

"We are so proud of our long years of partnership with the Boston Tax Help Coalition and are delighted to host the launch of their newest season of free services," said Sandra Cotterell, CEO of Codman Square Health Center. "Our organization is committed to serving one of Boston's largest and most vulnerable communities with affordable, quality healthcare that cares for the whole person. As an essential part of that holistic approach, our free tax clinic each year returns millions of dollars into our community and serves to improve our patients' and neighbors' overall well-being."

Daniel Waltz, CEO of the City of Boston Credit Union, and John Drew, CEO of Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), key Coalition partners, also spoke at today's celebration. They were joined by representatives from Codman Square Health Center, one of the Coalition's busiest and longest-serving tax sites, as well as taxpayers who benefit from the services there.
The Office of Financial Empowerment is an affiliate of the Boston Planning & Development Agency.


羅德島州副州長Daniel J. McKee。
波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處賴處長銘琪夫婦偕洪副組長麗玲131赴羅州首府欖城(Providence)拜會副州長麥丹尼 (Daniel J. McKee),代表中華民國(臺灣)政府及人民促請羅州加強與臺灣之多面向合作交流。
羅州檢察長Peter Kilmartin(右一)等人合影。

        賴處長此行另出席本(2018)年第19屆龍舟賽暨臺灣日第1次籌備會議,及拜會羅州檢察長Peter Kilmartin、眾議會代議長Brian Kennedy、健康教育及福利委員會主席Joseph McNamara、參議會商務委員會主席Roger Picard及聯邦眾議員David CicillineD-RI)之選區主任Christopher Bizzacco等人,代表我政府及人民感謝羅州議會多年來通過各項友我決議,及促進臺灣與羅州雙邊合作機會,此外並推薦商機及歡迎羅州各界前往臺灣觀光旅遊。(波士頓經文處提供)


Yearly count of Boston's homeless helps focus City housing efforts
BOSTON - Thursday, February 1, 2018 - As part of Boston's efforts to end chronic and veteran homelessness, on Wednesday night Mayor Martin J. Walsh led a group of 300 volunteers, including City of Boston cabinet and department heads, State officials, homeless service providers, and community, civic and faith leaders in the City of Boston's 38th annual Homeless Census. This yearly count of individuals living on the street is part of a larger census of homeless adults and families in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and domestic violence programs.

In 2017, Boston was identified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as the city with the lowest percentage of unsheltered people living on the street of any city conducting a census. In 2017, only three percent of Boston's homeless population was sleeping on the street. The annual homeless census is required by HUD as a key component of Boston's $26 million funding grant.

"The Annual Homeless Census helps us understand the needs of people in our neighborhoods and the scope of homelessness in our City," said Mayor Walsh. "But it's about much more than that. It's a Boston tradition. It's about the spirit of community. It's about the values we share, as a city that looks out for one another as neighbors. Every single person deserves security, dignity, and hope. Every single person deserves a place to call home."

Census volunteers canvassed 45 areas covering every city neighborhood, Logan Airport, and the transit and parks systems, identifying those sleeping on the street and conducting a short survey. The resulting surveys are closely analyzed to ensure accuracy, and are crosschecked and combined with the results of the simultaneous shelter count that occurs on the same night. In 2017, data was analyzed from 48 programs that serve homeless individuals and 24 programs that serve families.

Results of the homeless census form the basis for Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end veteran and chronic homelessness. The plan, launched in 2015, has dramatically shifted the way Boston delivers services to people experiencing homelessness. The new plan puts housing first, while increasing resources devoted to housing people experiencing homelessness and deploying new technologies to match them with housing and services.

For the first time ever, this year's homelessness census engaged Boston's Way Home's Consumer Advisory Council and Youth Action Board. These two boards were convened to offer the City and its partners the critical perspective of those who have experienced homelessness as the City continues to implement its plans to end veteran and chronic homelessness.

The Consumer Advisory Council, known as BACHome, is made up of 13 people who have committed to sharing their insight with City officials; all members of the board have experienced sustained homelessness in the City of Boston. The Board meets every two weeks, with regular meetings attended by representatives from the City of Boston.  Approximately one half of the council is currently unhoused, while one quarter is newly housed. Another quarter of the members are more deeply settled into permanent housing.

"I see membership on the Council of BACHome as an opportunity to make a change for the better and to do what we can," said Council member Mark St. John. "We can reduce homelessness in Boston, and make the systems that support homeless people more efficient and compassionate. I feel that I make a difference by being on BACHome -- it is an honor. Everything we discuss is positive and it helps us move in the right direction."

Members of the Council served as greeters at the homeless census and joined several of the teams that went on the census, while artwork created by Youth Action Board members was on display at City Hall where volunteers gathered.  
The City's Youth Action Board was convened to offer the City the unique perspective of youth and young adults who have experienced homelessness, as the City embarks on its work to end youth and young adult homelessness. While a number of City and State agencies and community organizations work with youth and young adults who experience homelessness in Boston, these services, interventions and resources are often not designed for the unique developmental needs of youth and young adults. In October, the City announced that it will be gathering data on youth who experience homelessness in Boston, understanding the current system's capacity, identifying the unmet needs of youth and young adults, and designing a plan to address gaps in emergency assistance system.

In addition, since the launch of Boston's Way Home:
  • Boston has ended chronic veteran homelessness.  At the time that Mayor Walsh launched his plan to end veteran homelessness, there were 414 homeless veterans in Boston. Since then, 876 homeless veterans -- more than twice that number -- have been housed.
  • Since the launch of the plan, 443 chronically homeless individuals have been housed. This represents more than 3,000 combined years of homelessness ended.
  • In his 2018 inaugural address, Mayor Walsh announced the launch of the Boston's Way Home Fund in partnership with Pine Street Inn and Bank of America. The Fund aims to support the creation of 200 new units of permanent supportive housing. To date, the City has increased the amount of permanent supportive housing targeted for chronically homeless individuals by 100 units and vouchers since January 2016.
  • City investments in homelessness have increased by more than $1 million annually for Front Door Triage and Rapid Rehousing, programs that begin to connect homeless individuals to housing and services as soon as they enter shelter.
  • Boston has piloted the concept of housing surges. These events bring a vast array of resources under one roof, in order to connect homeless individuals with housing and services. Housing surges not only provide information, but also enroll individuals in supportive service programs and make housing offers on-site. Attendees may leave with an address and support services the very same day. To date, the city has hosted eight surges, through which 225 people have been housed.
  • In July 2016, working with the State, the City began hosting housing surges for elders that offered housing and integrated care together for the first time. More than 135 chronically homeless elders have attended these surges to date; nearly all of these elders have been linked with housing and services.





Australia-Hong Kong Link 澳港聯 (Australia)
Canada-Hong Kong Link 港加聯 (Canada) 
D4HK (UK)              
Federation of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese, Washington DC 華盛顿海外香港華人聯會 (USA)
Friends of Hong Kong and Macau of Boston 波士頓港澳之友社 (USA)
Hong Kong Forum Los Angeles 洛杉磯香港論壇 (USA)
Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary) 卡城中國民主促進會 (Canada)
Northern California Hong Kong Club 北加州香港會 (USA)             
Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會 (Canada) 
Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society 溫哥華香港協進會 (Canada)

Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement 溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會 (Canada)

紐英崙中華公所2018新氣象 7名新董事

                          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所新年度小幅換血,共7名新董事。130日晚在本年度首次董事大會中選出4個小組委員,說明至少有兩大土地發展計畫進行中,通過邀請梅伍銀寬為物業小組顧問,總資產已逾2000萬元,盼社區僑團同心協力輔助中華公所真正發揮服務社區功能。
               當晚的大會,還有哈佛大學非牟利組織菲利普布魯克斯屋(Philips Brooks House)協會出席,說明該機構由哈佛大學學生為社區服務,免費教英語,今年將繼續在中華公所開課。

菲利普布魯克斯屋項目主任Kerry J. McGowan(左一)帶著4名哈佛大學

星期三, 1月 31, 2018


WPI校長樂欣(Laurie Leshin,左四),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh
, (右四),屋斯特市長派迪(Joe Petty,左三),以及麻州經濟及住宅
發展卿艾許(Jay Ash,右一),波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州第一及第二大城市,波士頓市和屋斯特市今(131)日正式攜手,剪綵啟用6400平方呎的”WPI海港合作空間,推動麻州創新經濟。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),屋斯特市長喬派迪(Joe Petty)和麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),屋斯特理工學院校長樂欣(Laurie Leshin)在麻州經濟及住宅發展卿艾許(Jay Ash)麻州稽核長邦普(Susan Bump),波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros)等近百名嘉賓賀客面前剪綵啟用這座落在國會街303號一樓,玻璃窗外有著美麗水景的嶄新空間。
麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito,右)為WPI Seaport剪綵致詞。
屋斯特市市長Joe Petty(右)笑說要分一塊亞馬遜第二總部這蛋糕。
左起Mina Shojaeizadeh,劉雯,趙冰,Chris Lhagnon,Ryan LaMarche,
Prateek Jain, Kodey Converse等七名學生都是"使用者經驗及決策
屋斯特理工學院表示,佔地 6,400平方呎的”WPI海港,設計時特意強調了合作,裡面有著開放空間,鼓勵學生,業界夥伴,企業領袖及該校的許多校友,科技顧問等等互相交流,啟發創業精神。

左起,WPI助理教授Lane T. Harrison和學生馮覓,朱泊霖示範
這裡也有教室,會議室,5個科技套房,都有著堡壘點水道(Fort Point Channel)的美麗水景。WPI打算用這地方作為該校舉辦以企業為主要對象的活動,也用於校友聚會,職業發展講座等等。

超級碗本週六開打 麻州,賓州兩州長下賭注

Governors Baker, Wolf Place Friendly Wagers on Super Bowl LII

New England Patriots to take on Philadelphia Eagles this Sunday

麻州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker)。(圖由州政府提供)
BOSTON — Ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl matchup between the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles, today Governors Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania announced a friendly wager on the game’s outcome.

Governor Baker wagered a variety of the Commonwealth’s finest local offerings should the Eagles pull off an upset, including:

·       Clam Chowder from Legal Sea Foods in Boston

·       Craisins from Ocean Spray in Middleborough

·       Apple Cider Donuts from Smolak Farms in North Andover

·       Apple Pie, Chicken Pot Pie and Maple Syrup from Hollis Hills Farms in Fitchburg

·       Grillo’s Pickles from Needham

·       Boston Crème Pie Cupcakes and Lemon Squares from Koffee Kup Bakery in Springfield

“As the New England Patriots prepare for their eighth Super Bowl of the last seventeen years, the full force of the Commonwealth and all of New England is behind them every step of the way because we know their jobs are not done yet,”said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to have another opportunity to offer up some of Massachusetts’ finest local products for a good cause and look forward to the Pats bringing home another Super Bowl win.”

Governor Wolf has wagered Federal Donuts, Soup from the Rooster Soup Company,Reading Terminal Market Scrapple, in honor of the market’s 125th anniversary, Coffee from La Colombe in Philadelphia, and donated pizza slices from Rosa’s Fresh Pizza, a pay-it-forward pizzeria that provides hundreds of meals per week to homeless Philadelphians. The Governors have agreed to donate the winnings to a local food pantry of their choice.

“Over the last year, the Eagles have battled adversity and inspired millions of fans, both on and off the field,” Governor Wolf said. “I am putting some of my Philly favorites and Philly’s finest and most iconic food items on the line but look forward to Governor Baker sending some Massachusetts food to Pennsylvania.”

Super Bowl kickoff is at scheduled for 6:30 PM ET on Sunday.