
星期三, 11月 08, 2017


               (Boston Orange 周菊子中國北京報導) 中國華僑歷史博物館即日起至123日在北京舉辦西遊漫記-趙羨藻攝影藝術展,以120幅黑白作品,帶參觀者穿梭歷史,欣賞大半個世紀以前的香港,美國風土人情,社會萬象,以及海外華人的世界變遷。
               他在開幕致詞中自稱老華僑,透露19521968年間,美國華埠是台山人天下,連香港的廣東話,普通話,都不通行。當年的跨洋交通,也十分轉折。1951年他從香港赴美,搭泛美航空班機,先到菲律賓馬尼拉,經關島,威島,夏威夷,再到舊金山,每一站都得停留一晚,十分曠日耗時。到舊金山後,他被移民局請進一間很大,約有80人的房間,等審查,問口供的羈留了8個月。從移民局出來後,他很徬徨,有生活壓力,馬上找工作,接著入伍當兵二年,1960年才開了自己的餐館中國花(China Blossom)”,經營迄今已57年。
”西遊漫記-趙羨藻攝影藝術展”開幕式,由僑史館副館長祁德貴主持,中國僑聯顧問唐聞生,北京高校攝影學會,中國攝影家學會等多名嘉賓出席。趙羨藻的夫人張秀眉,一子一女,攝影及收藏家好友關耀光夫婦,以及十餘名資深攝影家都出席與盛。                                                  開幕式後,僑史館館長黃紀凱親自出馬,為趙羨藻等人做導覽,解說斥資三億餘元人民幣,新建兩年多的該館,有哪些常設主題。他還極力游說趙羨藻整理手邊其他影像,再做不同主題的展覽。





            BOSTON – AG Healey today issued the following statement following the House passage of H. 536, An Act Relative to Advancing Contraceptive Coverage and Economic Security in our State, the Contraceptive ACCESS bill:   

“With women’s reproductive health care under attack by the Trump administration, we must do everything we can to protect the rights of women here in our state. Contraception is basic preventative medical care essential to women and their families. Today the House took an important step towards ensuring that every woman in Massachusetts has affordable and reliable access to the birth control option that is best for her. I want to thank Speaker DeLeo, Speaker Pro Tempore Haddad and Chairman Scibak for their leadership in advancing this critical legislation.”

                AG Healey testified in support of the Contraceptive ACCESS Bill in front of the Joint Committee on Financial Services in October. AG Healey also filed suit against the Trump administration for rolling back a requirement under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for employers to include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans.


Charges are the Result of an Undercover Investigation Following a Spike in Opioid Overdoses in Marlborough, Hudson and Surrounding Communities
BOSTON – More than 30 individuals have been arrested in a widespread takedown of a heroin and fentanyl distribution ring in Marlborough, Hudson and surrounding communities, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.
 The arrests are the result of a large-scale joint investigation involving AG Healey’s Enterprise, Major and Cyber Crime Division, the State Police Gang Unit and the Marlborough Police Department.
The investigation was initiated in response to a spike in opioid overdoses in the area. According to authorities, this distribution network was dealing drugs in local parks, restaurants and other public places in the area. Authorities arrested the defendants in connection with sales to an undercover officer.
“Through the extensive efforts of this joint investigation, we were able to dismantle a major heroin and fentanyl distribution ring that brought these deadly drugs into several local communities,” said AG Healey. “Thank you to our state and local law enforcement partners for their assistance in targeting these dealers and making sure these drugs are no longer on our streets.”
 “As the state of Massachusetts and the entire country continue to grapple with the heroin epidemic, law enforcement wants to send a strong message that dealing deadly opiates will not be tolerated and serious consequences can result,” said Marlborough Police Chief David Giorgi. “The Marlborough Police Department wants thank our law enforcement partners who helped in this effort and we are all committed to keeping our communities safe.”
The following individuals were arrested and arraigned Monday in Marlborough District Court:
Ramon Cruz, 30, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (two counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)

Daniel Dixon, 28, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

            Nicholas Harris, 27, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)

Ramos Matos, 31, of Hudson
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (three counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)

Adeline Ogden, 22, of Hudson
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (six counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)
Possession of a Class A Substance (Heroin) with Intent to Distribute within a School / Park Zone (one count)
Possession of a Class C Substance (Alprazolam) with Intent to Distribute within a School / Park Zone (one count)

Shane Perry, 19, of Marlborough
Possession of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)
Stephanie Riley, 48, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (two counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)

Nelsy Rodriguez, 29, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (two counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)
Rolando Velasquez, 36, of Framingham
Distribution of a Class B Substance (Cocaine) within a School / Park Zone, Subsequent Offense (one count)

Anna Santiago, 58, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin), Subsequent Offense (one count)
Distribution of a Class B Substance (Cocaine), Subsequent Offense (four counts)
Distribution of a Class B Substance (Cocaine) within a School / Park Zone, Subsequent Offense (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (four counts)
Wardell Washington, 41, of Worcester
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Coreena Weller, 39, of Hudson
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

            Kevin Weller, 38, of Hudson
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

The following individuals were arrested Monday and were arraigned in Marlborough District Court on Tuesday*:

Eric Busuito, age 28, of Milford
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Enrique Gonzalez, age 40, of Framingham
Distribution of a Class B Substance, (Cocaine) Subsequent Offense (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Ngocvan Huynh, 33, of Worcester
Distribution of a Class B Substance (Cocaine) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Angelee McBride, 44, of Worcester
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

            Jeffrey Renna, 26, of Mattapan
Possession with Intent to Distribute a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Distribution of Class B Substance (Cocaine) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Suquie Shorrow, 35, of Worcester            Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin), Subsequent Offense (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)
*Defaulted for his arraignment Tuesday

Jarelis Ayra-Velez, 42, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class B Substance (Cocaine) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Franklin Moreta, 27, of Worcester
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)

Isaac Delgado, 35, of Framingham
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)

Brianna Lacey, 21, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Possession with Intent to Distribute Class B (Cocaine) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Robert McGovern, 23, of Marlborough
Possession with Intent to Distribute a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)

Crystal Alden, 39, of Waltham
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
            Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)    

Andrew Medeiros, 26, of Hudson
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (two counts)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two counts)

The following individual was arrested on Monday and defaulted on his arraignment in Westborough District Court on Tuesday:

Thomas Holm, age 28, of Westborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Defaulted on his arraignment in Westborough District Court Tuesday

            The following individual was arrested on Monday and was arraigned in Marlborough District Court today: 

Jacob Apodaca, 27, of Marlborough
Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) (one count)
Possession with Intent to Distribute a Class A Substance (Heroin), (one count)
Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (two count)

The following defendants were arraigned in Marlborough District Court in May and June as part of this investigation:

Ashley Harding, 24, of Hudson
            Knowingly Being Present where Heroin is Kept (one count)
            Conspiracy to Violate the Drug Laws (one count)
            Vincente Rodriguez, 36, of Manchester, N.H.
            Possession of a Class A (Heroin) (one count)
Tyler Samuelson, 26, of SterlingPossession with Intent to Distribute a Class A Substance (Heroin), Subsequent Offense (one count)
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (one count)
Resisting Arrest (one count)
AG Healey’s Office has been working closely with its federal, state and local partners to combat illegal drug trafficking. The AG’s Office is using a multi-faceted approach that includes education for prescribers, pursuing illegal drug traffickers and pill mills, and expanding access to recovery and treatment programs.

The AG’s Office has committed a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to form a new Fentanyl Strike Force. In partnership with the Massachusetts State Police, the task force will target heroin and fentanyl traffickers and dismantle their distribution networks across Massachusetts. The funds will expand the AG’s Office’s own drug enforcement work and has helped build enhanced partnerships with federal, state, and local law enforcement.
This investigation is ongoing. These charges are allegations and defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Lynn Brennan, of AG Healey’s Enterprise, Major and Cyber Crime Division, with assistance from Assistant Attorneys General Cesar Vega and Gina Masotta, both of AG Healey’s Criminal Bureau, and with assistance from the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office. The case is being investigated by the AG’s Enterprise, Major and Cyber Crime Division, the State Police Gang Unit and the Marlborough Police Department.

The following agencies assisted with the takedown Monday: State Police assigned to the AG’s Office, the State Police Transportation Drug Unit, the State Police Violent Fugitive Apprehension Squad, the State Police assigned to the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office, Hudson Police, Northborough Police, Framingham Police, Sudbury Police and Worcester Police.

馬丁,吳弭順利連任 Ed Flynn當選 昆士梁秀婷連任

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導) 選舉結束了,波士頓市的選舉結果一點也不令人意外,在位市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)4名在位不分區市議員,全都順利連任,只有分區市議員部分,有新人。
在昆士市,華人關心的不分區市議員選舉,該市唯一的華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)順利連任,另兩名當選者為在位的狄波納(Noel DiBona),以及曾兩度參選市長的馬洪妮(Anne Mahoney)
截至117日大選日晚上10點的開票結果,還只有58%的選區回報了結果之際,馬丁華殊已以68.5%的高得票率,遠拋對手提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)31.5%
馬丁華殊在費爾蒙柯普立廣場酒店(Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel)的站台上,有麻州財政廳廳長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg),麻州檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey)等人左右陪同,接受近千名支持者歡呼馬丁,馬丁
阮鴻燦(右一),阮浩鑾(左一)與Ray Flynn(左二)為愛德華費林
(Ed Flynn)(右二)助選,(周菊子攝)
波士頓市曾在位20年的前市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino)2001年創下76%得票率紀錄,還不那麼容易被打破。
波士頓市議員選舉部分,4名在位不分區市議員,吳弭(Michelle Wu),普萊斯莉(Ayanna Pressley),米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),艾妮莎(Annissa Essaibi George),全都順利連任。這次,吳弭的得票率最高,24.6%64978票,其次依序為21.7%57479票,19.5%51621票,以及17.3%45524票。
波士頓不分區市議員當選者,第一區是有李超榮支持的利蒂亞(Lydia Edwards)52%6897票,第二區是有阮鴻燦,阮浩鑾,陳寶萍,關麗莎等人支持的愛德華費林(Edward Flynn)51.8%7458票。第七區是Kim Janey56.2%4940票,第八區是在位的查金(Josh Zakim)64.7%3995票,第九區是在位的Mark Ciommo61.6%4672票。

星期二, 11月 07, 2017

Baker-Polito Administration Supports Urban Agriculture Projects Across Massachusetts

Baker-Polito Administration Supports Urban Agriculture Projects Across Massachusetts
Eight Urban Farming Enterprises Receive Grants to Improve Operations

LOWELL – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $343,079 in grants for eight urban agriculture projects across the state. The funding continues the Administration’s support for an emerging urban agriculture sector and a commitment to ensure city residents have access to fresh food. The announcement was made by Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Commissioner John Lebeaux during an event at UMass Lowell.
“Massachusetts’ urban agriculture programs remain a critical way to address food access and food insecurity in the Commonwealth’s urban areas, while revitalizing communities and creating local jobs,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is proud to provide funds to help these innovative enterprises expand and improve their operations.”

“Urban food production positively impacts the health and standard of living of residents, and is an avenue for local job creation and improving community camaraderie,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Many of today’s grant recipients also have programs dedicated to youth development and leadership, inspiring the next generation of Massachusetts farmers.” 

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) launched an Urban Agriculture Program to support the emerging urban agriculture sector in early 2014. As of today, MDAR’s Urban Agriculture Program has released four rounds of funding which have provided support for  57 urban agriculture projects and facilitated five statewide urban agriculture conferences, attracting hundreds of practitioners, advocates, and policy makers.

“In urban areas, small-scale urban agriculture sites can make a big difference in increasing access to fresh, healthy produce, preserving open space and beautifying neighborhoods,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary (EEA) Matthew Beaton. “Through the Urban Agriculture Program, the Baker-Polito Administration is dedicated to supporting the growth and viability of food production in urban centers.”

“I am so pleased that MDAR is able to award eight organizations with Urban Agriculture Program grants this year,” said MDAR Commissioner John Lebeaux. “Each grant recipient has their own original way of increasing access to locally grown food with programs that will support mobile markets, new infrastructure or equipment for commercial food production.”

Urban agriculture ranges from traditional in-ground growing and rooftop farms, to aquaponics, greenhouses and “freight farms.” The local food movement is taking root in neighborhoods, especially where vacant land or buildings are available and fresh food is hard to find.  Previously funded projects have reached communities including Boston, Springfield, Lowell, Holyoke, Lawrence, Salem, and Somerville.

The successful demonstration of these projects has ranged from innovative markets, expanding production space, refurbishing production facilities and investments in market opportunities within low to moderate income communities.

The following projects received grants:

Wellspring Greenhouse, Springfield – $65,400
Wellspring will use its award to build a hydronic growing system, and purchase equipment and materials for their large-scale greenhouse. The grant will enable the company to increase its energy efficiency, enhance sales and create more economic opportunities in the Springfield community.

Urban Farming Institute, Roxbury – $50,908
Urban Farming Institute will use this funding to increase overall farm production with the purchase of small hand tools, amendments for soil health, refrigeration cooler, and pick-up truck for distribution purposes.

Gardening the Community, Springfield – $74,230
Gardening the Community will use this award for the construction of a permanent farm stand. The stand will create a new direct market in a low-income neighborhood and will be on the site for their Walnut St. Farm.

NUBIA, Boston – $4,104
NUBIA will use this funding to purchase a “walk behind” tiller with snow attachment.  This additional piece of equipment will be crucial for production prep and winter maintenance for this organization’s growing number of production sites.

UMass Lowell, Lowell – $71,808
UMass Lowell will utilize its grant award for equipment, installation and tools for the final phase of their Urban Agriculture Innovation Site.  The project is in partnership with a local urban farm that will be a model of sustainability and organic food production.

Victory Program, Boston – $27,221
The Victory Program will use its award for their urban farm capacity building project, which includes greenhouse infrastructure, soil enhancement, and equipment for production efficiency.  The overall project will help to increase produce production and commercial sales to the Dorchester and Mattapan neighborhoods.

Mill City Grows, Lowell – $36,934
Mill City Grows will utilize its award for the purchase of several pieces of mobile equipment to help their staff manage and maintain multiple urban farm sites.

Regional Environmental Council, Worcester – $12,474
The Regional Environmental Council will utilize its grant to upgrade their current marketing and mobile market vehicle and add to the small scale tools in their commercial kitchen to diversify products for their markets. They will also pilot a packaged food program utilizing food grown on the YouthGROW urban farm.

“Urban agriculture plays a vital role throughout greater Lowell by assisting families struggling with food insecurity, promoting healthy dietary habits, and supporting our local economies,” said State Senator Eileen Donoghue (D-Lowell). “This grant funding will support UMass Lowell and Mill City Grows as they continue their important work in expanding urban farm sites and encouraging environmental sustainability. Congratulations to these two outstanding institutions for all they do for our community.”

“My congratulations to UMass Lowell and Mill City Grows for their respective grants that will allow them to build upon their innovative programs to produce healthy foods in a sustainable and accessible manner,” said State Representative Thomas A. Golden, Jr. (D-Lowell), Chairman of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy.  “These grants are critical to spur the growth of urban food production and I thank the Baker-Polito administration, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beaton, and Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner Lebeaux for their leadership on this program.”

“Congratulations to both Mill City Grows and UMass Lowell for the tremendous change you are fostering by creating an urban agricultural garden where Lowell’s residents can not only take part in farming but our children can see and learn the value of sustainable, environmentally proactive lifestyles,” said State Representative Rady Mom (D-Lowell).

星期一, 11月 06, 2017

台灣啟用美國全球入境計畫 民眾可快速通關

            (Boston Orange) 2017111日起,臺灣成為全球第12個正式啟用美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)之國家

臺美雙方分別於本年1026日及31日在桃園中正機場及美國華府海關暨邊境保護局(CBP)總部舉行美國「全球入境計畫」(Global Entry, GE)及臺灣「入出國自動查驗通關系統」(e-Gate)互惠機制啟用儀式,並自本(11)月1日起,臺灣成為全球第12個,亞太第4個正式啟用美國GE之國家,美國則為第1個適用臺灣e-Gate國家,歡迎在臺設有戶籍之我國國民申請加入美國「全球入境計畫」,以享免排隊、快速通關服務。

「全球入境計畫」是美國國土安全部海關暨邊境保護局(Customs and Border Protection)透過預審機制,加速低風險旅客入境美國之計畫,111日正式實施後,國人可透過美國「全球線上註冊系統(ttp.cbp.dhs.gov)」註冊,並繳交美金100元,經面試及審核通過後,即可成為會員,效期長達5年。會員入境美國時,僅須在美國主要機場之「全球入境計畫」自助式通關亭(Kiosk)完成入境及海關申報手續,即可由專用通道入境,使用簡便。
