
星期五, 11月 03, 2017

The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Statement on the House Tax Reform Bill

The Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Statement on the House Tax Reform Bill

The following is a statement from Jim Klocke, CEO of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network:
"The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act released yesterday by the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee is a step backwards in many important ways. It will harm the Commonwealth's nonprofits and the people they serve.

Federal tax policy should continue to support the work of the nonprofit sector—and it should encourage all Americans, regardless of income, to give back to their communities.

This bill is a step backwards on both fronts. It reduces charitable giving 
incentives in ways that will have a severely negative effect. It introduces partisan politics into the nonprofit sector in new and dangerous ways, jeopardizing the sector's integrity. It imposes new and unfair taxes on the nonprofit sector, undercutting its tax exempt status. And it does not include any provisions to make giving easier for the 70% today, and 95% of Americans tomorrow, who do not itemize their federal tax deductions.
For these reasons, the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network is strongly opposed to the bill in its current form. We will continue to work with our nonprofit members and organizational allies to push for solutions that enhance giving, benefit Massachusetts families, and allow nonprofits to continue to serve our communities."


BOSTON - Thursday, November 2, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) today launched a new crowdsourcing effort to gather the data that will power the City's new 311 web interface. The new interface, developed in partnership with BOS:311 and the City's Department of Innovation and Technology, will use a computer model that takes a description of the user's issue and suggests case types that are most likely to fit that description.

"We're committed to using data to improve City services and make the lives of our residents easier," said Mayor Walsh. "The stronger dataset we have to power the 311 system, the more efficient the service will be."

This new interface will change the way each resident will interact with the 311 program. The current system prompts the user to choose from dozens of the most frequent 311 case types and find the one that matches their issue, in order to direct them to the right form.

The new system will have the user tell 311 in their own words what's wrong, in a sentence or less, and a computer model will suggest the correct case type. Users will no longer need to scroll through the full set of case types to find the one they are looking for, making it easier and more efficient to submit requests.

"We're excited for the opportunity the new model brings to the 311 service," said Jerome Smith, the City of Boston's Chief of Civic Engagement. "We're always looking to provide constituents with helpful and responsive interactions and I look forward to seeing how this new feature can improve the user-experience." 
In order for the new 311 model to predict what case type the user is searching for, the model needs data. This data will link certain keywords or phrases to case types. For example, the phrase "no one has cleaned the snow off my sidewalk" would most likely indicate a "Sidewalk not shoveled" case, so users would see that as the top suggestion in the list.

As the new 311 model gets more data, it will learn what words and phrases are most common when talking about different case types. Over time, the model will even be able to recognize patterns. If the model notices that snow-related cases typically come in batches (like during and after a storm), those suggestions will more likely be shown when a spike in snow cases comes in. 
"The new 311 model is unique in that it will translate the perspective of the constituent into the language of the 311 system" said Dan O'Brien, co-director of the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI) and faculty in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University. "Using data to connect these perspectives makes public maintenance even more efficient."

To gather the data needed for the new 311 system, the City has released a web application that provides a user with a case type and asks for three different ways the user may describe it.

The City plans to release the dataset on Analyze Boston, the City's open data hub, so that other cities can use it for their own systems in the future, and the model code will also be released as open source software once completed.

About BOS:311
BOS:311 is the go-to place for constituents to report non-emergency services. The service enables real-time collaboration with citizens as they report potholes, graffiti, and other issues from anywhere in the city. Constituents can file a report using the 311 website311 mobile application, or by tweeting to@BOS311.

About the Department of Innovation and Technology
The Department of Innovation and Technology makes sure the networks, computers and systems that support the City are secure and effective. They also manage the City's websites and technologies focused on service delivery.

The department's core work involves five priority areas:



Boston's Enchanted Trolley Tour continues the festive tradition of lighting holiday trees throughout Boston

BOSTON - Friday, November 3, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the schedule for the 2017 Enchanted Trolley Tour, a Boston holiday tradition of lighting holiday trees throughout the City. This year, the Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour will take place on Friday, December 1; Saturday, December 2; and Sunday, December 3, in neighborhoods throughout Boston.

"Our holiday trolley tour and tree lightings provide some of the best family memories of the year, building community spirit throughout Boston and bringing a little extra joy to residents during the holiday season," said Mayor Walsh. "The holiday season is a time for friends, family and neighbors to come together and celebrate, and I welcome all to attend this weekend of inclusive, family-friendly fun." 

For the 22nd year, the Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour will continue the festive tradition of lighting holiday trees while bringing holiday spirit to children across Boston. The event is sponsored by Bank of America, and includes visits with Santa, holiday performances, tree lightings and more.

"Bank of America is proud to continue our support of Mayor Walsh's Enchanted Trolley Tour, a long standing tradition that brings joy and excitement to neighborhoods and families across the City," said Miceal Chamberlain, Bank of America Massachusetts President. "We thank the City of Boston for the opportunity to help kick off the holiday season and make our communities stronger and more vibrant."

The Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment is committed to producing fun, free public events for Bostonians and visitors to the City and this year will collaborate with Bank of America, which is sponsoring the 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour and Tree Lightings.

The 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour and Tree Lightings Schedule is as follows:

Friday, December 1, 2017

5:30 p.m.     Mattapan Square, Mattapan

6:30 p.m.     Wolcott Square, Readville

7:15 p.m.     Hastings Street Lot, Centre Street, West Roxbury

Saturday, December 2, 2017

1:00 p.m.     Codman Square, Dorchester

1:45 p.m.     Hyde Square, Jamaica Plain

2:30 p.m.     J.P. Monument, Jamaica Plain

3:15 p.m.     Brigham Circle, Mission Hill

3:45 p.m.     Bolling Building, Roxbury

4:30 p.m.     Boston Center for the Arts, South End

5:30 p.m.     Oak Square, Brighton

Sunday, December 3, 2017

1:00 p.m.     M Street Park, South Boston

1:45 p.m.     Chinatown Gate, Chinatown

2:30 p.m.     Paul Revere Mall, North End

3:15 p.m.     Thompson Square, Charlestown

4:00 p.m.     Maverick Square, East Boston

6:00 p.m.     Adams Corner, Dorchester

For further information please call 617-635-3911, visit boston.gov/tourism and boston.gov/visiting-boston, or follow Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment on social media @VisitBostonCity.

The 2017 Mayor's Enchanted Trolley Tour schedule is also available online

星期四, 11月 02, 2017



(Boston Orange) 波士頓環球報報導,波士頓選務局112日採取不尋常動作,作廢了6張說中文耆英選民遞交的缺席選票,因為有報導指那些耆英是在敲門收集選票者的政治行動中,被迫投票給他們並不支持的人。
波士頓選務局局長Dion Irish拒絕說明是哪個工作人員被舉報施加壓力,但華人前進會及其支持第二區市議員候選人愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)的延伸政治組織,把這行為歸咎於為愛德華費林競爭對手邁克凱理(Mike Kelley)工作的資深華埠工作人員。
            邁克凱理的競選經理Brian Sowyrda在一份聲明中表示,邁克凱理競選團隊堅決譴責任何形式的操縱選舉,我們為競選訂下最高標準,我們為這個支持我們對手的組織做無根據指控,感到憤怒
            邁克凱理是已辭世前市長萬寧路的助理,和波士頓前市長雷費林(Raymond L. Flynn)的兒子,愛德華費林,在這場爭奪林乃肯(Bill Linehan)所空出席位的選戰中競爭激烈。
            Dion Irish112日進華埠,和大約20多名耆英居民舉行了一場社區會議,還發出一封信給所有所要缺席選票的300名華埠選民,提醒他們有關的施壓行為,並讓他們知道自己的權益。
            Dion Irish表示,市政府儘管採取行動作廢6張選票,但並沒有調查誰可能曾經向華埠選民施壓。
            麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William F. Galvin)表示,該辦公室正在監督此事,但還未進行任何調查,因為並未收到來自波士頓選務局的申訴。

星期三, 11月 01, 2017



美国总统川普及商務部長羅斯24日於白宮接見並表揚董繼玲等成就傑出的少數族裔企業家,以及致力促進少數族群商務發展的機構。董繼玲獲商業領導力獎Advocate of the year award) ,彰顕她多年來致力推動少數族群商業及亞裔企業發展、促進美國經濟成長的傑出成就。

董繼玲现任全美亞裔總商會( National ACE )會長,與全美各州亞裔商會結為聯盟,攜手帶動亞裔企業經貿發展,推動美國經濟更為繁榮。她表示,她與少數族裔企業發展署(MBDA)抱著促進少數族裔企業發展的共同理念,攜手合作多年,如今獲得白宮及商務部認可,心中十分感動。她直言少數族裔企業的發展是推動美國 經濟前進的引擎,她很高興自己有機會在這方面貢獻心力。


1022日至28日是美國總統川普宣佈的2017年全美少數族裔企業發展週(MED),美國商務部少數族裔企業發展署和全美少數族裔供應商發展協會(National Minority Suppliers Development Council)也特地選在1022日至25日,於密西根州底特律市舉行年度商業高峰會,在大約5000名企業領袖及政府高層參加的大會中宣布獎項,表揚董繼玲等有傑出成就的少數族裔企業家,及致力促進少數族群商務發展的機構。在十10位得獎者中,她是唯一一名華裔。

 來自台灣,曾是哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院學者的董繼玲,長期服務社區,貢獻卓著。她於2001年被美國前總統小布希(Bush)任命她為白宮總統亞太顧問委員,其後進一步被任命為美國商務部副助理部長,主管美國的亞太經貿事務,推動自由貿易政策,雙邊經貿談判,督導貿易條款的執行,促進國際貿易及投資等。2003年,董繼玲調任美國聯邦少數族裔商業發展總署副署長,負責立法和教育,與白宮各部門協調相關事項,幫助中小企業策畫、爭取美國政府及主流公司的合同。同時,並管理發展總署的日常運作,兼管美國白宮總統亞太裔事務處。2015 年聯邦參議院多數黨領袖麥康諾再任命她為國會勳章委員會委員。馬里蘭州州長霍根任命她為亞裔委員會委員。她也是全美知名的國際領袖基金會創會會長,專門訓練亞裔青年,進入美國主流政界。而她擔任全美亞裔總商會會長後,致力培養亞裔青年商業領袖。(國際領袖基金會提供)

紐英崙中華公所組團訪問台灣 (圖片)