
星期二, 10月 24, 2017


(Boston Orange) 新英格蘭地區中文教師協會第六屆年會及中文教學國際會議於十月二十一日在麻州塔夫茨大學召開。本次參加中文教學研討會的達一百四十余人,分別來自美國及中國四十多個學府及機構,專題講者五十余人。

伴隨著來自北京師範大學的琵琶演奏家梅淼的一曲《春雨》,塔夫茨大學王命全老師宣布大會開幕。年會主席、協會副會長王志軍老師介紹了本屆大會的主題和研討方向。塔夫茨大學藝術及科學事物學院院長Joseph Auner 致開幕詞。作為音樂教授,他認為語言是一種音樂,每種語言都有其獨特的韻律及節奏。他高度評價了塔夫茨大學中文部以及塔夫茨大學孔子學院的工作。協會會長胡龍華老師匯報了一年來的各項工作,並介紹了協會理事和工作人員,她希望新的一年有更多中小學中文教師加入協會,帶來更多生機。
本次大會的主講嘉賓是威廉大學Cornelius C. Kubler (顧百里)教授 。顧百里教授是臺灣大學中國文學碩士,康奈爾大學語言學博士。曾任美國國務院外交學院所屬在臺協會華語學校校長。1991年創辦威廉大學亞洲研究系,現任威廉大學史丹佛爾德終身講座教授。目前在兩岸三地多家大學及文化研究機構任職。 他的演講題目是ACTFACT教學法的優點。他強調ACT課的主旨是訓練學生用語言解決問題,辦事情。 課上只能講中文,不能講英文,要培養學生用中文思考的習慣。他形容學語言就像開車,在課上講中文是前進,而講英文是倒車檔,毫無裨益。學生需要每天保持至少30-40分鐘全部中文。ACT課應小班制,操練不可或缺,老師是總設計師,系統地給學生創造溝通機會。如課堂時間有限,應多利用課外時間,多利用IT手段。FACT課主要是註釋中文語法語音及社會文化方面的知識,雖需用英文,但應多舉中文例子,少講解。 他還提出ACT課比FACT課重要得多,不應把課堂時間花在講解語法等知識上,學生可以利用課本、電腦等手段自行了解知識性的容,把課堂時間留給口語和溝通。最後他還建議給學生詳細制定進度表,設計課程時需考慮課堂活動及哪些環節和容可課外進行。顧百里教授的演講引起與會者熱烈討論。羅德島大學何文潮教授非常贊成FACT課多示範,少解釋的觀點,並帶領其教學團隊胡小燕等老師在下午研討會中做出相關報告。
在開幕式後的三個主題報告中,Bowdoin College 的崔頌人老師對比語與普通話,以大量實例總結出動態助詞“了”與語氣助詞“了”在語中具有較明確的區分,這對普通話教學應有重要借鑒作用。北京師範大學的李娜老師介紹了自己參與中文慕課設計與制作的心得,分析了其優缺點,給大家很大發。MIT的陳彤老師提出師生互動的設計在一年級教學中的重要性,“理論教學法重要是重要,但實踐不可少,“教學法千千萬,用的得當是關鍵”,並強調老師怎樣提問是教學成功的關鍵,老師應該知道用目的語提問的結果是什麽,應由簡到難,由課文容提問到個人信息提問。

下午研討會的主要容包括:多媒體及網絡科技在教學中的應用,語音教學,漢字教學,寫作教學及測試,翻轉課堂及網絡課程,課堂活動設計, 教材及語法教學研究, 中小學課堂管理手段與發展等。擔任各單元評議人的有龔薇, 胡安順, 瑜,應潔、陳彤,郭旭,周康,高畔畔, 何文潮,李愛民,黃偉嘉,萬敏,劉毅星等資深中文教師。 哈佛大學的應潔、李亦珂、余曉詩、熊薇等四位老師展示了翻轉課堂教學成果,分享了團隊制作的教學視頻,以及在課堂上的運用。大家表示除了教學技巧,幽默誇張活躍氣氛的表演也是漢語教師的一大法寶。來自西安師範大學的王偉老師在報告中指出認寫古文字有利於漢語教學,作為漢語教師,應具備一定的漢字知識,不能亂簡化。塔夫茨大學的萬敏老師介紹了初級漢語教學中,用排列重點、以舊帶新、認詞編句、連詞成句等具體方法把語言結構和語義交流結合起來。多媒體及網絡教學得到與會者的青睞, 龔薇、丁璠、陸熙雯、盧國恩等老師介紹了多種多媒體教學手段,會場討論非常熱烈。 劉毅星老師主持的K-12教學研討會場,勞燕翔、董昕、秦莉傑、陸明等幾位老師針對中小學教學的特點,介紹了怎樣運用軟件進行評分、反饋及分析文章等,生動實用。


Second Annual Boston STEM Week Offers Students Chance to Experiment and Solve Real-World Problems

Second Annual Boston STEM Week Offers Students Chance to Experiment and Solve Real-World Problems
BPS schools replace weekly curriculum with hands-on STEM learning labs for the week; four schools pilot STEM month
Boston — Oct. 23, 2017 – The Boston Public Schools (BPS) today is kicking off its 2nd annual Boston STEM Week in which more than 6,000 6th-8th-grade students and 250 teachers from 30 schools will set aside their regular classwork over the next five days to participate in innovative, hands-on science and engineering projects that include learning how to build interactive robots from stuffed animals, dubbed “Friendly Monsters,” and design original video games with custom graphics, sound effects and music.

BPS last year partnered with i2 Learning to become the first urban school district in the nation to launch STEM Week, turning middle-school-grade classrooms into high-tech learning labs for five days. BPS this year is again teaming up with the education organization to deliver an expanded array of exciting week-long programs that give students real-world lessons in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

“Boston is a city with a thriving innovation economy, world-class research institutions and leading life science and technology firms. That is why we are working hard to help our schools foster the next generation of innovators, scientists, engineers and technologists who will take Boston to new heights,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “STEM Week gives our students an opportunity to explore first-hand STEM-related fields that could spark their imaginations and become their life’s passion.”

As part of STEM Week, students will be able to take courses to learn about surgical techniques, urban farming and creating large-scale, chain-reaction works of art called “kinetic sculptures.” Additionally, based on last year’s success, four BPS schools will conduct i2 Month, offering their sixth-grade students a special four-week STEM-led interdisciplinary curriculum. 

Sponsors of STEM Week include MathWorks and Vertex. The Lynch Foundation, Shah Family Foundation, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and The Boston Foundation are providing additional support.

“It is the mission of the Boston Public Schools to ensure our children graduate ready for college, career and life. In order for our students to compete in the global economy, we need to provide them access to a quality STEM education,” said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. “This is important not only because STEM occupations are growing at nearly twice the rate of other occupations but also introducing students to a STEM education early on can help close ethnic and gender gaps found in math and science fields.”

“For my sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, STEM Week is like finding the entry point into their heart and soul,” said Marjorie Soto, principal of the Hurley K-8 School. “Last year, we had children who were wearing goggles and lab coats, working with the human heart to see how the blood goes through it. They were able to make connections and inferences based on what they saw, and connect it to what they had read. They not only experienced this learning, they owned it. It was as if they had become immersed in an exciting problem-solving community.”

Following their success during last year’s STEM Week, four BPS schools have opted to extend beyond the week and are piloting i2 Month, a full four-week-long program. Replacing their traditional sixth-grade coursework from the end of October until late November, these schools will implement a special expanded version of the "Building a Lunar Colony" curriculum. In addition to many STEM activities, including constructing a sustainable colony on the moon, sixth graders will cover other school disciplines by reading and writing science fiction, discovering space exploration and developing their own form of government for their new colony.

“These schools are really leading the way in how education will look for the next generation,” said i2 Learning Chief Executive Officer Ethan Berman. “We are excited to work with the Boston Public Schools and key partners MathWorks and Vertex, as well as local foundations, all of whose support has allowed us to make a profound impact on students, teachers and schools.”

“One of the most direct and impactful ways of building a strong future workforce of scientists and engineers is to generate excitement for STEM in middle schoolers,” said MathWorks CEO Jack Little. “Our goal is to ensure schools have access to the tools, curricula and training necessary to build the interest and competencies necessary for students to pursue STEM careers.”

“Like most of my scientist friends, I got hooked on science early by my outstanding 5th-grade teacher. Developing the next generation of scientists is all about capturing the imagination of kids early and showing them how much fun science can be,” said Dr. Jeffrey Leiden, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Vertex. “We’re delighted to be partnering with organizations like i2 Learning who share our commitment of bringing hands-on learning opportunities in STEM to students across the City of Boston.”

To see Boston STEM Week in action, watch this one-minute video.

To follow school progress, track team progress, and see images from past years, search #BOSTONSTEMWEEK on Twitter.


全球最大之工業機器人、數位控制工具機製造商FANUC(Fuji Automatic Numerical Control)美國總公司副總裁蔡啟庚偕夫人盧曼菁女士23日上午返臺拜會僑務委員會,委員長吳新興接見時表示,蔡啟庚有32年帶領全美研發團隊鑽研機器人及應用相關技術的經驗,是不可多得的海外人才,希望能將智慧機器人之研究成果回饋臺灣。

星期日, 10月 22, 2017


會長舒其馨(第一排右一)、活動主辦人Vanessa  Chiang(第一排左一)和參與學長輔導計畫(EDGE)的臺美青年合
(Boston Orange)由波士頓僑教中心與臺美專業協會波士頓分會(TAP-Boston)合辦的「學長輔導計畫」活動於1021日舉行,透過簡介學長輔導計畫、自我介紹及分組討論與報告,學員藉此機會向學長吸收新知,擴展自己的眼界,共計60餘位僑青參加。



星期五, 10月 20, 2017


Response Guided by Imagine Boston 2030, Showcases City's Strengths

BOSTON - Friday, October 20, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, in partnership with Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo, today announced that a formal proposal has been submitted by the City of Boston and the City of Revere in response to Amazon's request for proposals for their second corporate headquarters in North America (HQ2). The proposal celebrates the talented workforce, diverse communities, strong connectivity and transportation infrastructure, and culture of innovation in Boston and the surrounding region. The proposal also relies on the goals outlined in Imagine Boston 2030, a comprehensive citywide plan released on July 21, as a roadmap for growing inclusively with Amazon.

"We are excited to present the best of Boston to Amazon, with support from leaders in the educational, business and philanthropic communities and our neighbors in Revere, as the company considers locations for their second corporate headquarters in North America," said Mayor Walsh. "With the recent completion of the first citywide plan in decades, this is a unique opportunity to build on the strengths and act on the goals set by residents in Imagine Boston 2030 to grow inclusively. Boston is a thriving city and we invite Amazon to grow with us."

According to Amazon, the company expects to, "invest over $5 billion in construction and grow this second headquarters to include as many as 50,000 high-paying jobs" over the next 15 years, in addition to, "tens of thousands of additional jobs and tens of billions of dollars in additional investment in the surrounding community."

Boston has added more than 60,000 new jobs since 2014, the annual unemployment rate decreased from 6.1 percent in 2013 to 3.4 percent in 2016, and the city was recently nationally ranked as the best city for fostering entrepreneurial growth and innovation for the second year in a row by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

"Boston's business community has a long history of successfully working closely with the city and state as allies united in creating solutions that drive economic development and generate economic opportunity for people and businesses," said James. E. Rooney, president and CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.

The proposal features Boston's strengths, from a highly-educated workforce to its representation as a global community, with 29 percent of the population being foreign born and representing over 100 countries. Boston is an innovative city with a strong and growing economy and the city celebrates being a national leader in many areas, including access to parks and open space, walkability, commercial fiber connectivity, and energy efficiency.

"Our universities provide the intellectual infrastructure - the ideas, solutions, technologies, and talent that fuel growth, and attract startups and established companies - that makes our region a competitive place for Amazon's next venture, and for the future generations of thinkers and creators who will live, study, and work here," said Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust.

"Northeastern University today is the only university with campuses in both Boston and Seattle, helping to produce a pipeline of talent for firms like Amazon," said Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun. "With ready access to talent, venture capital, and guided by a singular entrepreneurial ethos, Boston is poised to further help Amazon shape the digital economy of the future."

The proposal underscores how Boston is experiencing an economic and population boom, with approximately 724,000 residents projected to live in the City of Boston by 2030. Boston's rapid growth has created a high demand for housing, which the city is addressing by committing to adding 53,000 new units of housing by 2030. To date, 22,000 units have been built or are under construction and 25,300 additional housing units are in the pipeline, as outlined in the city's housing plan "Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030."

The proposal also invites Amazon to engage with the City of Boston as a long-term partner in supporting workforce training, innovation and small businesses among other potential opportunities for collaboration.

Suffolk Downs is featured in the proposal as a single-owner, transit-friendly, 160-acre open canvas that is close to the waterfront, the airport, and downtown, and served by two existing Blue Line stations. Identified in Imagine Boston 2030 as a transformational opportunity for a new mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood with significant potential for investment in Boston and Revere, Suffolk Downs is one of the largest development sites in the Northeast and, in addition to meeting Amazon's current goals for HQ2, has the flexibility to evolve with the ever-changing needs of the company.

"I'm elated about the prospect of Amazon locating its HQ2 in Massachusetts," said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. "I was proud to collaborate with the City of Boston on this proposal and I thank Mayor Walsh and Mayor Arrigo for their incredible leadership and insight. As someone who grew up in East Boston and who has represented Revere in the House for more than two decades, I believe that the Suffolk Downs site is an ideal fit. With our spirit of partnership, support for programs that prepare the innovators of tomorrow, and the remarkable logistical assets of Suffolk Downs, our proposal is uniquely suited to meet Amazon's specifications and bring jobs to our area."

"This is an opportunity to envision the future of Suffolk Downs and plan for a dynamic, mixed-use neighborhood that will serve as a revitalized anchor for Revere and Boston for decades to come, " Revere Mayor Arrigo said. "At Suffolk Downs, Amazon's HQ2 can be surrounded by retail, restaurants, recreational facilities, open space, and nightlife. This will be an optimal location to live, work and play."

The proposal also suggests potential sites in many other Boston neighborhoods that are well-positioned to be the home of HQ2, all of which have been identified for growth in Imagine Boston 2030. These additional sites are suggested in "clusters" and located in the South Boston Waterfront and downtown Boston; South End, Back Bay, Roxbury and Widett Circle; and Allston/Brighton to South Station. Any site chosen by Amazon for HQ2 would be required to go through local permitting and community processes, and proposals will likely evolve as a result of conversations with the community, Amazon and other stakeholders.

"City and state officials were true partners in our relocation, in everything from site selection to permitting our new campus," said Ann R. Klee, vice president of General Electric, who oversaw the company's relocation to Boston. "Governor Baker and Mayor Walsh worked with us every step of the way so we were able to break ground on our new campus in record time."

"Moving to Boston means moving to a city with unique neighborhoods and a passionate, innovative, and active community," said Matt O'Toole, brand president for Reebok. "Boston is a city that moves, and that movement brings the city to life." Reebok moved their headquarters to Boston this year.

The proposal does not include a specific offer of tax incentives, and instead communicates the availability of these tools.The city uses local property tax incentives when projects face specific challenges or create unique opportunities in providing significant new jobs and investment in underdeveloped areas. The appropriateness of incentives is determined by the unique details of individual projects.

To view the full proposal for Amazon HQ2, please visit amazon.boston.gov.

Baker-Polito Administration Releases Massachusetts Proposal for Amazon HQ2

Baker-Polito Administration Releases Massachusetts Proposal for Amazon HQ2

BOSTON – Touting the Commonwealth’s global innovation economy, world-class workforce and leading higher educational institutions, the Baker-Polito Administration today released Massachusetts’ statewide submission and proposal for hosting Amazon’s second North American headquarters, or Amazon HQ2.

The proposal, developed in consultation with Beacon Hill leadership, legislators, municipal officials and other key stakeholders in the Commonwealth’s business and academic communities, notes Massachusetts’ global connections, diverse geographic communities and regional strengths, with potential campus sites ranging from Boston and Worcester, to Quincy, Pittsfield, Lawrence and New Bedford.

The full proposal can be reviewed here.

“Massachusetts is a leading innovator and global community, with the nation’s top educational and research and development institutions and a talented workforce second to none,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Throughout this collaborative and bipartisan process, we have been committed to putting the Commonwealth’s best foot forward, and would welcome Amazon joining thousands of other public and private entities who are leveraging Massachusetts’ assets for our mutual growth and development.”

“From Worcester to Boston and across the Commonwealth, Massachusetts is a leading contender to welcome and host Amazon’s second North American headquarters, and the thousands of new individuals it will employ,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Our strong cities and towns, great schools and STEM-educated workforce are among the best Amazon will find as it looks to expand its footprint.”

“As this bid clearly illustrates, Massachusetts has the history, talent, institutions, and locations available to be a leading contender for Amazon to build their second headquarters here.  Amazon will benefit from our best in the nation education system, world class institutions, and innovative economy to continue to grow their business while contributing to the fabric of our state,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “Based on our track record of innovation and experience in creating new ideas, I am hopeful that the Massachusetts bid will be among the finalists.” 

"With a highly educated, technology-friendly population, Massachusetts provides a talent pipeline that no other state can match,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “The House has built on this foundation with inventive programs like the Intern Partnership, MassCAN and STEM Starter Academy to prepare the innovators of tomorrow. We’ve paired this work with a legacy of fiscal responsibility and bipartisanship. This balance has resulted in a vibrant economy and a stable environment for business. I’m elated about the prospect of Amazon locating HQ2 in Massachusetts and am confident about our prospects."

Amazon already maintains a significant footprint in the Commonwealth, employing thousands at a number of locations, including Amazon Robotics in North Reading, fulfillment centers in Fall River and Stoughton, a research-and-development office in Cambridge, and a soon-to-be-opened office in Fort Point, Boston. The proposal outlines a broad array of financial programs already available in the Commonwealth to facilitate and spur private sector partnerships, investment and growth in Massachusetts’ communities.

“Amazon represents a transformative opportunity for Massachusetts – whether it chooses to locate in Boston, Worcester, Lawrence, New Bedford, Pittsfield, or somewhere in between,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “Our proposal is a great story about a great state and I look forward to working with Amazon to find the right site for HQ2 here in the Commonwealth."

Amazon announced the RFP process for their new North American headquarters last month, expecting over $5 billion in construction  and as many as 50,000 new employees, in addition to tens of thousands of additional jobs and tens of billions of dollars in other local investments. Massachusetts’ proposal was submitted on Thursday, October 19th.