
星期二, 9月 26, 2017


(Boston Orange)新英格蘭臺灣青年商會(TYCCNE)和波士頓僑教中心合作,924日舉辦「你不理財,財不理你」講座,請來波克萊臺灣商會會長蘇鴻昌,為青年朋友講解階段性理財規劃,分享他的專業意見,共約四十多人出席。


波士頓市級選舉初選 投票率估計15%

                          (Boston Orange)波士頓市的市級選舉,今(26)日初選投票,將選出2名市長候選人進入117日的大選,估計將是在位市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)和在位市議員提多傑克遜(Tito Jackson)之爭。
                          提多傑克遜是最早投票者之一,一大早715分左右,就到洛士百利榆樹丘道(Elm Ave.,)上的波士頓房屋住宅局的老人屋Holgate 公寓,投出了他的神聖一票。
                        大約1小時之後,波士頓市長馬丁華殊到多徹斯特羅爾磨坊李察蒙街的波士頓公共圖書館投下了他的神聖一票。他從2015年起就住在那兒,離他出生的Savin Hill很近。
                       轄區包括奧斯頓/布萊頓的第九區,從2009年起就在位的Mark S. Ciomo,第一次面對挑戰。Brandon D. BowserAlexander B. Golonka有意角逐他的席位。
                         競爭最激烈的,可能是Salvatore LaMattina在位10年後,決定不再競選連任,轄區包括東波士頓的第一選區,。
兩名東波士頓居民,在波士頓市住宅穩定辦公室工作的住宅及移民權益律師Lydia Edwards,以及在精神健康領域工作的Margaret Farmer都是候選人。
                         在波士頓住宅發展局擔任營運專員,住在北端(North End),來自著名政治家族的Stephen Passacantilli,也側身候選人行列。他的外祖父Fred Langone曾長期擔任市議員。
轄區包括南波士頓的第二區,由於在位者林乃肯(Bill Linehan)早已宣佈不再競選連任,選情也很激烈,共有7名候選人角逐,其中包括2名同性戀者。
曾共同創辦爭取波士頓市2024年辦理奧林匹克比賽這社區組織的Corey Dinopoulos,以及曾擔任波士頓前市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino)助理的邁克凱理(Michael Kelley),以及波士頓前市長雷費林(Raymond Flynn)之子,擔任緩刑監督官的海軍退伍軍人愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)等三人呼聲都很高。
其他幾名候選人包括企業培訓公司主管Peter A. Lin-Marcus,社區活躍份子 Kora R. Vakil,退休的精神健康專家 Joseph Kebartas ,以及律師Erica Tritta
                        麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William F. Galvin)估計,選民出席投票率大概會在15%左右。

星期一, 9月 25, 2017

洛杉矶华语文学艺术界金秋联谊 传承之路任重道远


洛杉矶华语文学艺术界金秋联谊 传承之路任重道远



“Buy Here Pay Here” Dealerships in Massachusetts Sold Poorly Reconditioned Cars to Drivers with Unaffordable Loan and Extended Warranty Packages

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that she has sued Massachusetts used car dealership JD Byrider for allegedly using predatory practices in its sale of defective vehicles with high cost loans at four locations in Massachusetts.

The AG’s lawsuit alleges that JD Byrider took advantage of consumers by routinely trapping them in an unsustainable and unfavorable sales package, known as the “JD Byrider Program.” This program generally involves selling drivers a poor quality car with a high cost loan, along with an expensive extended service contract, marketed through an aggressive and misleading advertising and sales campaign.

“We allege that JD Byrider ripped off Massachusetts drivers by offering predatory loans for defective and inoperable cars,” said AG Healey. “Our goal in this lawsuit is to recover losses to Massachusetts consumers and make this company pay for the harm they caused to thousands of drivers across this state.”

The AG’s Office filed the lawsuit today in Suffolk Superior Court against Venturcap Investment Group V, LLC – d/b/a JD Byrider – and its in-house lender, Venturcap Financial Group, LLC – d/b/a Credit Now Acceptance Corporation.          

            JD Byrider is a franchise of Byrider Franchising, LLC, a national franchisor of JD Byrider “Buy Here Pay Here” dealerships located across the country that typically provide credit to finance the cars they sell. In Massachusetts, Byrider’s Venturcap Franchise has dealerships at four locations; Brockton, Dorchester, Dartmouth and Springfield.

            According to the complaint, consumers were unaware that JD Byrider priced its cars at more than double their retail value, and required drivers to sign on to a car loan with an annual percentage rate of 20 percent, regardless of their credit qualifications. JD Byrider bundles its expensive and limited extended service contract into the loan as well, forcing consumers to pay 20 percent interest on that product. To get the benefit of the service contract, consumers are then required to use a JD Byrider service center.

            The AG’s Office alleges that the cars sold by JD Byrider are defective and sometimes inoperable, despite misrepresentations of time and money spent reconditioning them prior to sale. Hundreds of cars have been returned by consumers to JD Byrider for repair within three months of purchase due to the mechanical breakdown of a major component such as the engine, electrical system, transmission, brakes, or drive train.

            The AG’s complaint further alleges that JD Byrider employs a faulty underwriting process that underestimates the consumer’s expenses and costs in order to qualify them for loans they can’t afford.

            As a result of these practices, the AG’s complaint alleges, more than half of JD Byrider’s deals fail or end in repossession, causing substantial and long-term economic harm to consumers not just due to the inflated costs, but due to losing transportation and suffering long term damage to their credit as well.

The AG’s Office continues to look into deceptive practices in the auto industry. Over the past year, the AG’s Office shut down a dealership for selling unsafe cars, obtained an injunction against another dealership to stop it from selling unsafe cars and from providing consumers with incomplete or inaccurate paperwork, and entered into an agreement requiring a dealership to pay restitution to consumers for selling poor quality cars and misleading consumers about high cost loans. 

AG Healey’s complaint against the defendants seeks injunctive relief and restitution for consumers, as well as penalties, costs, and attorney fees. For tips or questions about the auto industry, consumers may call the Attorney General’s consumer hotline at 617-727-8400 or file a complaint with the office.

            This matter is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Lisa Dyen, Samantha Shusterman and Deputy Chief Shennan Kavanagh of the AG’s Consumer Protection Division, and Gary Klein, Senior Trial Counsel in the Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau, along with Paralegal Gabrielle Crossnoe and Civil Investigator Ciara Tran.

星期日, 9月 24, 2017


(波士頓訊)紐英崙華人歷史協會共同創辦人,曾任紐英崙中華公所主席的胡國新(WOO, Davis Davis "Babay" Woo)918日辭世,享年86歲。
胡國新於1931624日在西維琴尼亞州Charleston出生,在父母,Matthew Jan and Loo Shee Woo的照顧下,和八名兄弟姊妹一起長大。
1955年時,他和已辭世妻子Susan Woo結婚,育有兩名子女,4人定居麻州西洛士百利。
胡國新身後遺有兒子胡振勝(Ted)及其妻Sherry,女兒Kathy及其夫Ed,兒子Dan及其妻Betty,女兒Christine,還有六名孫輩子女,Christian, Ariel, Alex, Samantha, Brittany,以及Danica
他身後還遺有兄弟Franklin Raymond
追思會將於927日下午58點在永福殯儀館舉行,地址為13 Gerard Street, Boston, MA。葬禮訂在928日舉行,早上9點半起,可在永福殯儀館瞻仰遺容,11點移往科士曉墳場下葬。


星期六, 9月 23, 2017

華人聖經教會關懷台灣醫療志工 分享譚維義,龍樂德故事

               (Boston Orange 周菊子勒星頓鎮報導) 北美路加醫療傳道會和合田事工合作,916日晚在勒星頓鎮波士頓郊區華人聖經教會舉辦愛的傳承見證分享會,也為曾經長期居台,奉獻一生宣教的事工們,籌募關懷基金。
                     包括薄柔纜(Dr. Brown),譚維義夫婦,文可諾,龍樂德,羅慧夫,蘇輔道,聶梅珍等醫師,德樂施,耿喜音,馬素珊,籃瑪烈,華德安等護理師,接續母親所創辦芥菜籽會,服務了40餘年的唐瑪理安宣教士,蓓蒂威廉檢驗師等,北美路家醫療傳道會迄今共找到16名這樣的志工。
916日晚,北美路加醫療傳道會邀得其中的2人,前台東基督教醫院院長譚維義(Dr. Frank Dennis),以及龍樂德醫師(Dr. Robert Long) 親臨”愛的傳承見證分享會”現場做見證。



星期五, 9月 22, 2017


【姜太公3228夀誕 波城昭倫四姓宗親慶賀】




More than $4.5 million renovation and expansion provides supportive housing for homeless youth

BOSTON - Friday, September 22, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined Bridge Over Troubled Waters, local elected officials and the Brighton community for a ribbon cutting celebration for Bridge Over Troubled Waters' Transitional Residence, a $4.5 million renovation and expansion project with 28 units of supportive housing in Brighton. The buildings' new and expanded features enable staff to provide life-changing opportunities for youth and homeless mothers with families to help them prepare for fully integrated independent living.

"Bridge Over Troubled Waters housing program is an example of the public and private sectors working together so that our most vulnerable populations have a safe home ," said Mayor Walsh. "The redevelopment of these buildings marks another major milestone in creating permanent and supportive housing for homeless youth. I want to thank Bridge Over Troubled Waters for their long-standing commitment and dedication to supporting Boston's young people who need a helping hand."

This new supportive housing program, which welcomes youth as well as mothers with families from all backgrounds, can serve up to 50 youth and children at any given time, providing them with the tools, developmental experience, and learning opportunities they need to thrive and succeed.

"This residence is not a shelter -- it is a home that supports our youth, giving them the stable environment they need to help them achieve success and become independent," said Elisabeth Jackson, Bridge Over Troubled Waters Executive Director. "Bridge has been working with at-risk youth for more than 47 years and we have helped thousands who would have otherwise had nowhere to turn. We are grateful for the tremendous support from Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston, the state and federal governments and from private donors who have all come together to transform our dream into a reality."  

Each year, Bridge over Troubled Waters supports hundreds of youth and moms with children with emergency and transitional housing, on-site medical and dental services, counseling and support services, educational and career development, job training, help with employment placement and affordable permanent housing searches. Their dedicated and skilled staff offer a holistic continuum of care approach, including social workers, case managers, trained educators and volunteer medical staff. Working with the youth as a team, they help identify and bridge serious gaps in skills, address emotional and social challenges, and overcome barriers to employment and increased financial independence.

"Bridge Over Troubled Waters is dedicated to providing vital services to the homeless and at risk youth of the community to help them transform their lives for the better," said Bridge Over Troubled Waters Board President Dan Buoniconti. "We are so very grateful to the government and private organizations who have given so generously to our cause, and we are immensely excited about the opportunity to serve more kids in need that this expanded housing program will provide."

The redevelopment of the former transitional residence was made possible in part through private support of more than $1 million from the Boston Neighborhood Housing Trust Fund. Residents also have received project based Massachusetts Rental Vouchers from the Commonwealth's Department of Housing and Community Development. Additional funding support was provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance,Yawkey Foundations, as well as many other community donors.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters currently offers over 10 critically important programs and services as well as expanded and varied housing options which together offer stability, hope, and real-life skills development for youth ages 14-24, who have been removed from their home due to abuse, trauma and neglect. The TLP and SPH remains the centerpiece of the Bridge housing continuum:  
  • Transitional Living Program (TLP) is Bridge's long-term transitional living program with 14 single bedrooms for males and females, one handicap accessible bedroom with two beds, and two bedrooms with four beds reserved for runaway youth. Residents have access to all of the services at Bridge; and may stay in the TLP for up to two years.
  • Single Parent House (SPH) is Bridge's transitional living program for up to 11 pregnant and/or parenting homeless young women with up to two children, who may stay for up to two years. All residential programs, except for the Warming Center, are open 24/7. Last year, 100 youth and eight families were served in these transitional living programs.
  • Runaway Program Bridge is the local respondent for the national runaway hotline offering 24-hour access to a counselor and safe overnight accommodations away from the streets for homeless youth, ages 14-17, for up to 72 hours, in accordance with federal law. Bridge served 61 youth last year.
Below is an excerpt from Bruce, currently a full-time student at Boston University, and resident at the TLP. He has been with Bridge since he was 17 years old.

"Bridge helps us stay safe and gives us a stable home. We have once a week community dinners where everyone in the house attends and hangs out. They supported me whenever I needed help. The counseling staff really helps all of the people in the home figure out our next steps whether it's a job or school. I've been fortunate because I've been able to use the College and Career Program, the TLP, medical clinic, counseling and the Basic Center Program. Now I attend Boston University.  Bridge is here to help anybody who needs and wants help. I now have big plans for my future thanks to everyone who has supported me; without Bridge I might still be struggling."

Last year, Mayor Walsh announced an additional $1.3 million investment for homelessness services in Boston and to further the goals of the City's Action Plan to End Veteran and Chronic Homelessness in Boston. The $1.3 million allocation supports the implementation of the Mayor's Homelessness Action Plan which covers three main areas: Supporting front door triage; rapid re housing rental assistance; and increasing assistance to Family Aid.  The Mayor's FY17 budget also included an increase of $2 million in federal funds to provide low barrier permanent supportive housing for the homeless. Taken together, these allocations and the support of homeless provider partners are furthering the goals of the Mayor's Action Plan and providing a safety net for some of Boston's most vulnerable residents.  

Today's announcement ties into Imagine Boston 2030, Boston's citywide plan, which has a stated goal of proactively encouraging a broad range of housing growth for people of all income levels and stages of life. For more information on Imagine Boston 2030, please visit imagine.boston.gov.