
星期五, 7月 07, 2017

成大布朗攜手合作 培育國際醫學人才

成大布朗攜手合作 培育國際醫學人才




成大除了與布朗大學進行醫學生交換計畫,也與美國的杜克大學、匹茲堡大學、天普大學(Temple University)合作醫學生海外見習計畫,讓這群未來的臺灣醫師,實地瞭解各國不同的醫療,充實及提升自我臨床與照顧知識,拓展國際視野。(圖與文:經文處教育組提供)


BOSTON - Friday, July 7, 2017 - On Tuesday, July 11, Mayor Martin J. Walsh will join leadership across the City, community partners and elected officials to release the final version of Imagine Boston 2030 during an interactive showcase that will feature hands-on ways to engage with the plan. Imagine Boston 2030 is Boston's first citywide plan in over 50 years, that prioritizes inclusionary growth and puts forth a comprehensive vision to boost quality of life, equity and resilience in every neighborhood in Boston. 

The Showcase will serve as an opportunity for residents to learn more about how Imagine Boston intersects with other planning processes and departmental work to shape the future of Boston.  The event is free and open to the public.

In addition to the showcase, the Launch Party will include a block-party style celebration with live performers, food trucks, a beer garden, city department tables and booths, local businesses, the Imagination Playground and other family-friendly activities, arts, and more

Legislature Closes $733M Budget Gap, Rejects Baker’s MassHealth Cuts

Legislature Closes $733M Budget Gap, Rejects Baker’s MassHealth Cuts

BOSTON – Representative Steve Ultrino (D – Malden) joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts legislature today to pass a full FY2018 state budget that closed a budget gap of $733 million due to below benchmark revenue. The budget keeps intact key programs for Malden, as well as funding for schools, local aid, and seniors.

“This was a very tough budget cycle, and I’m glad that many important programs for Malden weathered the process,” said Representative Steve Ultrino. “I will continue fighting for funding for our city services, our local non-profits, and for our entire community.”

The budget was balanced by reducing state spending and identifying efficiencies in state government. Notably, the legislature rejected Governor Baker’s proposal to drastically cut MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid program for disabled and very low income people. In June, Baker urged budget negotiators to rewrite eligibility rules to push 140,000 people living below 138% of the federal poverty line off of MassHealth. The move would have made Massachusetts the only state to roll back the Obama-era Medicaid expansion that a majority of states have adopted to support low-income people and combat poverty.

Many Malden-specific programs were preserved at the urging of Representative Ultrino and other members of the city’s legislative delegation, including Senator Jason Lewis and Representatives Donato and Brodeur. Funding for Portal to Hope, a nonprofit that provides services to survivors of domestic violence, was preserved at $150,000. Malden-based Housing Families received $100,000 in the FY18 budget to assist in its mission of ending family homelessness.

Larger programs that have a direct impact on the city’s budget were also protected. Chapter 70 public education funding will increase in FY18 by $119 million over the previous year, equaling an increase of at least $30 per student. Municipal aid is also increased to a total of $1.061 billion through the UGGA fund, which provides direct assistance to cities and towns for general government services. Special education reimbursements for public schools through the special education circuit breaker also increased to $281 million, providing much-needed cash to school districts for certain special education costs.

These investments protect Malden city and school services in FY18, and help maintain important nonprofits in the community that help some of the city’s most vulnerable residents. Representative Ultrino was also instrumental is expanding the scope of a housing program to cover both at-risk seniors and seniors already experiencing homelessness. The new language will help prevent elder homelessness, and allow caseworkers to advocate to keep seniors in their homes.

“It is often said that the best measure of a society is how it cares for those with the greatest need during difficult times,” said Representative Ultrino. “I’m proud that our state continues to defend working class people and their families, and that we have rejected the politics of convenience that would harm our poorest residents.”

慶祝美國獨立 紐英崙中華總會表揚華裔退伍軍人

                      (Boston Orange)紐英崙中華總會和世界廣東同鄉總會及港澳之友社合作,7 月4日晚匯集300多人在喜臨門大酒樓舉辦美國獨立日慶祝會,表揚司徒文信等10名海灣戰役華裔退伍軍人。




              今年他們表揚的是曾參與伊拉克,阿富汗等海灣區戰爭,現已退役回鄉的10名年輕人,其中的司徒文信,黃元輝,梅曉明,林銘浩,Eugenie Boland,區靖儀等6人,當晚出席,並在現場各領得一塊"干戈衛國,軍人本色"獎牌。




僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1067月第1
Culture Center of TECO in Boston
90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Tel: 617-965-8801
Fax: 617-965-8815          

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◎僑務電子報 歡迎上網瀏覽
為提供全球僑胞嶄新、即時的瀏覽經驗,僑務委員會於520日正式啟用「僑務電子報」網站。除採用互動式技術,打造適合手機、平板電腦可流暢閱讀的介面,網站也具備影音內容,提供文字及圖像外更多、更豐富訊息。「僑務電子報」為僑務專業新聞網站,涵蓋「聚焦臺灣」、「僑社新聞」、「國際兩岸」、「新南向快訊」、「English News」及「看見臺灣」等多元內容,提供僑社最新動態及國內要聞,希望僑胞能一站取得全部所需僑社及國內資訊。其中「English News」單元報導國內要聞,提供英語讀者瞭解台灣的管道,也有利僑胞新生代認識台灣。「僑務電子報」網址www.ocacnews.net,歡迎各位僑胞上網瀏覽。

臺灣的醫療技術在亞洲排名第一,全球排名第三,已位居國際醫界翹楚,並擁有下列六大優勢--高品質、合理價格、高科技、感動服務、完整專科服務、專業團隊。僑務委員會目前正推動「海外僑胞返國自費體驗優質安心醫療服務」,提供健康檢查、美容醫學及特色醫療等服務項目,並在桃園國際機場、高雄國際航空站、臺北松山機場及臺中航空站等地設置臺灣國際醫療服務中心,以提供各國旅客能即時瞭解來臺就醫資訊、取得醫療旅遊行程安排及後續醫療服務。歡迎僑界組團或自行來臺進行自費醫療(健康檢查、醫學美容),凡取得合法入境文件之陸僑、港澳僑或外籍人士亦非 常歡迎!! 詳細資訊可參閱臺灣國際醫療全球資訊網(內含各醫療院所介紹、數位影音、動態及臺旅遊等資訊)(http://www.medicaltravel.org.tw),更歡迎洽詢波士頓僑教中心



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◎第九屆總統文化獎 徵選開始


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星期四, 7月 06, 2017

來自台灣的"滅火器"樂隊 7/23 抵波士頓

Great Scott
1222 Commonwealth Ave.
Allston, MA 02134
Sun, Jul 23, 2017 - 9:30PM
Ages: 18 & Over
Doors Open: 9:00 PM
Door Price: $15.00
Onsale: Thu, May 25, 2017 - 12:00PM 

Taiwan’s representative Punk Rock Band – Fire EX.
Fire EX. from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, was established in 2000. The band consists of lead vocalist Sam, guitarist Orio, bassist Jc, who were classmates in high school; drummer Ti Wu joined them in 2012, and completed the band.
As of today, they have released four full albums and many singles; Fire EX. combines the base tones of punk rock with lyrics reflecting current times and real-life, striking a chord with those who readily identify with their songs. Popular tracks, such as ‘Good Night! Formosa!’, ‘A Man on the Sea’, and ‘Island’s Sunrise’, have made Fire EX. the representative punk rock band of modern times, and earning them the name of ‘The Taiwan People’s Music Band’

Independence Day 2017 Malden Style

Independence Day 2017 Malden Style

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Mayor Christenson and City Councillor
Matheson prepare for the Ward 3
 "egg toss" event
In continuing a tradition starting two years ago, Mayor Gary Christenson, Library Director Dora St. Martin, City and elected officials, members of the Historical Society, Girls Scouts, and many residents enjoyed several special events on Friday, June 30th to kick-off Independence Day.
Exhibited in the Lower Gallery of the Converse Memorial Building were the original along with a newly digitized version of Malden’s town records from the Revolutionary war period. Featured was the May 27, 1776 document entitled “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” unanimously voted on by the townspeople of Malden to be delivered to the Second Continental Congress via their representative Ezra Sargeant. In the 1776 communication, the voting citizens of Malden renounce the Colony’s ties to Great Britain and set forth their wish to become an independent “American” republic. The document is credited as a precursor to the Declaration of Independence written in July of 1776 when the Continental Congress formally declared their independence from England.  
Lots going on at Ward 8 City Councillor Jadeane Sica's
 Independence Day celebration at Linden Park
Additionally, residents were invited to peruse other artifacts on display from the time period such as sketches, paintings, and books as well as watch a documentary about the Revolutionary War. Attendees then proceeded to the front lawn of the Library where Local Historian and period actor Tom Coots performed the Second Annual Reading of the town “Instructions.” Mr. Coots as well as members of the Historical Society were in period dress.
Following in the next few days were the traditional Independence Day celebrations in every ward that are now a much anticipated Malden tradition. Festivities were held on Saturday, July 1st in Ward 6 by Councillor Neil Kinnon at Trafton Park. On Sunday, July 2nd, Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley held his festivities immediately following an official ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the completion of a new walkway at Coytemore Lea Park at the Mountain Avenue entrance. Later that afternoon Councillor Neal Anderson held a cookout for the seniors at Suffolk Manor.
On Monday, July 3rd, Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe and Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon teamed up at Green Street Park for their annual movie night where Trolls was shown and popcorn served to a huge crowd! On Tuesday, July 4th Councillors Crowe and Condon again joined forces at Devir Park in Ward 2. Councillor Matheson held his fun event at Amerige Park in Ward 3 and Councillor Barbara Murphy had a jam-packed crowd at Forestdale Park in Ward 5. Councillor Anderson had the crowd moving in Ward 7 and Councillor Jadeane Sica had a lot going on in Ward 8 at Linden Park. All Councillors with the assistance of School Committee members and many volunteers held events that included food, drinks, slush, ice cream, games, contests, water slides and bounce houses. Independence Day was celebrated with appreciation in true Malden spirit!



Mayor Walsh welcomed students to Youth Enrichment Day; announced winning "Youth Lead the Change" Participatory Budgeting Projects

BOSTON - Thursday, July 6, 2017 - Confirming Boston's commitment to creating opportunities for Boston's students, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today hosted 2,000 Boston youth at the City's Fourth Annual Youth Enrichment Day. The event included a speaking program, with Mayor Walsh as the keynote speaker, followed by enrichment workshops for youth employees hired through the SuccessLink Mayor's Summer Jobs Program. The event was held at Boston University's Agganis Arena. All students who participated in the Enrichment program will be employed by the City of Boston this summer. 

"As a City, we're proud to recognize our hardworking teens and the commitment they've made to grow this summer," said Mayor Walsh. "Our young people have the power to change our City, especially through the Youth Lead the Change Participatory Budgeting Process. One of our top priorities is always finding new opportunities for youth to gain valuable experiences and skills to help build strong futures."

The theme of the event was "Grab the Wheel" and the remarks and workshops focused on the importance of seizing opportunities, taking on leadership roles and putting aside fear of failure or unfamiliarity. 

During the speaking program,the youth listened to talks from Mayor Walsh; Boston Centers for Youth & Families Commissioner, William Morales; Boston's Chief of Health & Human Services, Felix Arroyo; and Boston University Associate Provost and Dean of Students, Kenneth Elmore. After the speaking program, students participated in professional and personal development workshops in Financial Literacy in partnership with Junior Achievement, and Trauma & Resilience: Knowledge, strategies & resources for managing stress and building resilience facilitated by the Boston Public Health Commission.  

The students who attended Youth Enrichment Day will be working across the City in a variety of jobs such as staffing summer camps and programs, working at Boston's museums and cultural locations, supporting businesses downtown and more. The workshops provided the youth -- many of whom have never held a job before -- with the tools for success at work, how to make better decisions with the money they will earn and addressed the important topic of dealing with trauma with the older youth at the event.

"Working during the summer has introduced me to amazing people, taught me how to act in a professional setting and helped me decide what I want to do in the future," said Cheyenne Paterson, a 16-year-old student from Dorchester who attends Latin Academy. 
At Youth Enrichment Day, Mayor Walsh also announced the winning Capital projects to be funded by $1 million of the City's budget. Boston youth ages 12-25 selected and voted on the projects through Youth Lead the Change. The projects to be funded are:
  • "Get Hired" Truck, a resource truck devoted to provide youth with the ability to search for jobs, build/modify resumes, and give them access to search and apply for jobs;
  • Informative Homeless Resources, a digital billboard displaying resources and job opportunities available to the homeless youth;
  • Performing and Visual Arts Studio, a space where people of all ages can come together and create all types of art;
  • Future Media Center, a space that would contain recent technology that would otherwise be unavailable to most students;
  • Youth Retail Space, a mobile retail space for youth entrepreneurs.
Mayor Walsh has made youth summer employment a priority for his Administration, pledging to place 10,000 Boston youth in meaningful summer employment. In the fiscal year 2017 budget, Mayor Walsh allocated over $5 million to fund youth jobs through the BCYF Division of Youth Engagement & Employment. In addition to SuccessLink, several partnering organizations help the City to hire youth through the Mayor's Summer Jobs Program.

星期二, 7月 04, 2017

看7月4日 談美國獨立歷史

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)(4)日是美國脫離英國獨立241週年的大日子,不但美國人慶祝,連英國人都來幫美國人回顧歷史,檢視到底什麼是獨立日。
      在東海岸的這些殖民地有新罕布夏(New Hampshire),麻薩諸塞(Massachusetts),康乃狄克(Connecticut),羅德島(Rhode Island),紐約(New York),新澤西(New Jersey),賓夕法尼亞(Pennsylvania),德拉瓦(Delaware),馬里蘭(Maryland),維琴尼亞(Virginia),北卡羅萊納(North Carolina),南卡羅萊納(South Carolina),以及喬治亞(Georgia)
      當時的美國軍隊由喬治華盛頓率領,不過由於湯姆斯傑弗遜(Thomas Jefferson)的外交努力,法國、西班牙都在軍隊和裝備上支持美國。喬治華盛頓後來成為美國總統。

星期一, 7月 03, 2017


           (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓今(4)日將慶祝美國241歲生日,早上9點,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)會在市府廣場為獨立日遊行致詞,帶隊遊行,晚上8點,波士頓流行交響樂團將在貝殼劇院(Hatch Shell)舉行煙火音樂會。
           波士頓市長馬丁華殊在六月三十日為慶祝美國獨立日的海港節(Harbor Fest)主持揭幕儀式後,今日一大早將先在市府廣場前致詞,接著率隊遊行,到穀倉墳場(Granary Burial Ground)向先賢致意,登上舊州政府大樓陽台,參加每年一度的宣讀獨立宣言,再到芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)出席緬懷當年儀式。
             創立並舉辦七月四日煙火音樂會已43年的大衛穆加(David Mugar),去年春天宣佈退休時,坊間一度憂慮波士頓的國慶日貝殼劇場音樂會也將嘎然而止。103日,波士頓流行交響樂團指揮Keith Lockhart正式宣佈接辦。昨(3)晚,包括坐在第一排看彩排的黃周麗桃見證了今年的這場音樂會將一樣璀璨,動人。
             東尼獎得主Brian Stokes Mitchell,漢彌頓明星Leslie Odom Jr.,流行樂名歌手Andy Grammer,美國民謠搖滾歌手兼歌曲寫手Melissa Etheridge等人都將在波士頓流行交響樂團的演奏中高歌。
             美國陸軍野地樂隊及士兵合唱團,米斗塞郡鼓笛樂隊(FIFES AND DRUMS)也將在音樂會中唱奏。                                                                                                                          波士頓流行交響樂團為了讓人們更容易獲取音樂會相關訊息,今年特地提供蘋果iOS及手機安卓版程式,供人下載,查詢節目詳情。(所有圖片黃周麗桃提供)