
星期一, 6月 05, 2017



BOSTON – Urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to crack down on the national onslaught of robocall messages, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear opposed a petition requesting that so-called “ringless robocalls” be exempt from consumer protections under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

In the joint comment letter sent last week, the Attorneys General urged the FCC to not add to the existing plague of unwanted robocalls. The petition – filed by All About the Message – seeks an exemption for ringless robocalls that deliver voicemails to consumers without causing their phones to ring, arguing that they should not be considered “calls.” The attorneys general argue that this exemption further opens the floodgates to more harassing messages.

“Massachusetts residents already face a constant barrage of harassing, intrusive and unwanted robocalls,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. “Granting companies a free pass to push ringless voice messages to consumers’ phones just adds more robocalls and causes significant financial harm to those who are charged for checking their messages.”
“New Yorkers are already the victims of countless unwanted phone solicitations,” said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. “The federal government has a basic responsibility to protect American consumers. That certainly doesn’t mean making it even easier for companies to spam them with costly, unsolicited, ringless robocalls.”
“Protecting Kentuckians from the constant barrage of unwanted scam and robocalls is an ongoing priority of my office,” said Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear. “We must strengthen the protections to our citizens, not clear the way for costly, unwanted calls.”
The purpose of the TCPA is to protect consumers from unwanted and intrusive calls. The FCC’s Robocall Strike Force reports that robocalls are the number one source of complaints it receives, with consumers receiving an estimated 2.4 billion robocalls per month in 2016.

The letter points out that these ringless robocalls prevent consumers from blocking unwanted messages with many of the latest call blocking apps for mobile phones. Also, whether the they ring or not, robocalls can impose significant costs on consumers, especially those with prepaid cell phones or limited minutes who are charged for checking their messages. These messages will adversely impact consumers with limited size voicemail boxes may miss important messages when their voicemail is clogged with unwanted messages. 


English for New Bostonians, Boston Cares receive
Cummings Foundation grant of $100,000 for volunteer ESOL Tutor Corps 
ESOL Tutor Corps connects local volunteers with immigrants and refugees learning English across Boston

BOSTON, MA - June 5, 2017   A partnership between English for New Bostonians (ENB) and Boston Cares is one of 100 local nonprofits to receive a grant of $100,000 each through Cummings Foundation's "$100K for 100" program. The Boston-based organizations were chosen from a total of 549 applicants during a competitive review process.

ENB supports 25 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs for low-income immigrants across the city of Boston, reaching approximately 1,100 students every year. Boston Cares mobilizes individual and corporate volunteers who strengthen communities and improve the lives of people in need, engaging thousands of adults, children, teens and corporate partners annually serving 67,000 hours at 165 schools and nonprofits. The ESOL Tutor Corps will add in-class, small group, and individualized assistance for 210 students each year, allowing them to attain their economic, educational and civic goals more quickly.

Representatives from ENB and Boston Cares will join approximately 300 other guests at a reception at Trade Center128 in Woburn on June 8, 2017 to celebrate the $10 million infusion into Greater Boston's nonprofit sector. With the conclusion of this grant cycle, Cummings Foundation has now awarded more than $170 million to local nonprofits.

"Cummings' support for immigrant and refugee communities, and the organizations that serve them is exactly what is needed from our philanthropic community right now," said Claudia Green, ENB's Executive Director. "We are deeply grateful for this grant, and look forward to welcoming new volunteers to building meaningful relationships with those making Boston their home."

"Partnering with English for New Bostonians, Boston Cares has introduced new ways to recruit and retain ESOL volunteers. The Cummings grant will allow us to expand and accelerate this work, leveraging more volunteers for one of Boston's most pressing needs," said Boston Cares Executive Director Patrice Keegan.

ENB and Boston Cares will expand their joint volunteer initiative, the ESOL Tutor Corps program, which helps adult immigrants learn English and gain confidence and skills to fully contribute as workers, parents, and community members. Volunteers in the Corps are exposed to rich experiences working directly with immigrants as part of a well-organized team, while building ESOL programs' capacity to reach more students.With Cummings Foundation support, ESOL Tutor Corps will build ESOL support infrastructure on a citywide level while ensuring distinct needs of hard-to-reach immigrant students at community programs are effectively met.
The Cummings Foundation grant comes at a time when both volunteers' good will and immigrant students' language acquisition needs are at record-high levels. Since November 2016, ENB has seen a 100% increase in individuals wishing to volunteer to assist immigrants.

The $100K for 100 Program supports nonprofits that are not only based in but primarily serve Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk counties. This year, the program is benefiting 35 different cities and towns in the Commonwealth. Through this place-based initiative, Cummings Foundation aims to give back in the area where it owns commercial buildings, all of which are managed, at no cost to the Foundation, by affiliate Cummings Properties.

"Nonprofit organizations like ENB and Boston Cares are vital to the local communities where our colleagues live and work," said Joel Swets, Cumming Foundation's executive director. "We are delighted to invest in their efforts."

This year's diverse group of grant recipients represents a wide variety of causes, including homelessness prevention and affordable housing, education, violence prevention, and food insecurity. A complete list of 100 grant winners is available at www.CummingsFoundation.org.

English for New Bostonians' mission is to invest in the future of our region by creating opportunities for English language learners to pursue their educational, economic and civic aspirations. ENB programs serve 1100 students at 25 sites each year. The English Works Campaign, founded in 2008, activates unions, employers, immigrant community leaders, civic groups, and educators calling for government and private resources to sustain an ESOL system responsive to needs of immigrant workers and their employers.

Boston Cares mobilizes individual and corporate volunteers who strengthen communities and improve the lives of people in need. Boston Cares builds relationships with schools and nonprofits around needs that can be filled by volunteer teams; then recruits, orients and leads reliable volunteers who get the job done. Boston Cares' programs and service events engage thousands of adults, children, teens and corporate partners annually serving 67,000 hours at 165 schools and nonprofits.

About Cummings Foundation
Woburn-Based Cummings Foundation, Inc. was established in 1986 by Joyce and Bill Cummings of Winchester. With assets exceeding $1.4 billion, it is one of the largest foundations in New England. The Foundation directly operates its own charitable subsidiaries, including two New Horizons retirement communities, in Marlborough and Woburn. Its largest single commitment to date was $50 million to Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Additional Information is available at www.CummingsFoundation.org.

星期日, 6月 04, 2017

六四燭光悼念會 6/4 晚在紐英崙中華公所舉行

2017  6  4 日(星期日)
為軫悼二十八年前犧牲生命、八九民主運動期間失去家園的鬥士與難屬致敬,海外香港華人民主人權促進會於 2017  6  4 日(星期日),晚上七時半,假紐英崙中華公所(波士頓華埠 泰勒街 九十號),舉行悼念燭光晚會,歡迎各界人士參加。波士頓港澳之友社協辦是次悼念會查詢請電 +1(617)966-2575 Che8888@aol.com 謝中之先生。
Candle Light Vigil
28th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre
4 June 2017 (Sunday)
In commemoration of the June 4 Democracy Movement, a candle light vigil will be held on 4 June 2017 (Sunday) at 7:30 pm at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England (90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111).  All are welcome.

For inquiries, please contact the organizers of the vigil, the Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, and Friends of Hong Kong and Macau at +1(617)966-2575 or Che8888@aol.com.


               (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導) 新英格蘭台灣青年商會(TYCCNE)63日在牛頓市海德社區慶祝端午節。會長歐怡君呼朋引伴,邀來60多名會員,會友和嘉賓"呷粽,玩超級比一比,讓一眾帥哥美女在活動中應遊戲要求對視交流,一,二小時下來,彼此全成了好朋友。





波士頓華埠槍擊案二嫌犯 一人被捕

在逃嫌犯,Greg Wright。
            (Boston Orange)波士頓華埠Hudson66號前,527日凌晨兩點左右發生槍擊案,一名20歲出頭男子死亡案件,波士頓警察局64日宣佈已逮捕兩名嫌犯的其中之一,籲地方民眾協助追捕另一人。
             波士頓警方早前已公佈了兩名嫌犯的照片,個資,分別為現已被捕,23歲的Ricardo Edwards,以及住在劍橋市,仍然在逃的21Greg Wright。他們兩人都大約510吋高,180磅重。
             波士頓警察局局長尹萬斯(William Evans)表示,希望民眾協助搜尋另一名嫌犯。通報訊息可打電話給波士頓警察局凶殺案警探,617-343-4470。社區民眾有意匿名協助者,可打電話到阻止犯罪者熱線1-800-494-Tips,獲發短信”TIP” CRIME(27463)

            Ricardo Edwards預定週一(65)到波士頓地方法院出庭。


