
星期二, 4月 04, 2017


馬惠美(Amy Mah Sangiolo)。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 在位已十餘年的牛頓市議員馬惠美(Amy Mah Sangiolo)43日宣佈參選牛頓市市長。由於現任市長塞提(Warren Setti)已決定不再連任,牛頓市亞裔政治意識正漸提高,麻州再出現一名亞裔市長的可能,讓人十分期待。
              馬惠美(Amy Mah Sangiolo)是住在第四選區的牛頓市不分區市議員。43日她宣佈參選牛頓市市長時表示,她非常興奮有這機會繼續服務社區,並成為塑造牛頓市未來的一分子。她發誓會以尊重,多元化,負責任的方式,帶動居民把牛頓市打造得更美好。
麻州的華裔民代,人數一向很少。1997年時,馬惠美應是第一個當選為議員的亞裔女性。其後陸續踏入政壇的有2007年當選為麻州費奇堡(Fitchburg)市市長的黃素芬(Lisa Wong),當選為牛頓市議員的談繼欣,2009年當選劍橋市議員的張禮能(Leland Cheung),以及2010年同時當選,2011年上任為麻州眾議員的黃子安(Donald Wong),陳德基(Tackey Chan)2014年當選,2015年上任為波士頓市議員,2017年再當選為市議會議長的吳弭(Michelle Wu)



Baker-Polito Administration Creates New State Public Service Award To Honor Former Governor Paul Cellucci

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the opening of the Commonwealth’s 33rd annual Performance Recognition Program application period, which will include a new award created for the 2017 program titled the “Governor Paul Cellucci Award for Leadership and Mentoring in State Government.” The Cellucci Award will be open to any Executive Branch or Higher Education employee who has been in state service for 2 years and are leaders in the area of mentoring in the workplace and the fostering of a supportive and learning environment amongst colleagues.

"Paul took enormous pride in the team he built to work by his side in public service with integrity and determination,” said Jan Cellucci, wife of the former Governor. “It also gave Paul enormous joy, even as he faced the realities of ALS,  that many members of his Administration were inspired to continue to serve the Commonwealth.  Our family  remains indebted to their service and is so grateful that others will be encouraged to follow Paul's example through this award."

“Working with and for Governor Paul Cellucci for eight years allowed me to learn and benefit tremendously from his insights and collaborative spirits,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Like so many others, I was able to advance because of his interest in my growth and development and willingness to teach others what he already knew.” 

“Governor Paul Cellucci was my friend and mentor and I'm proud and honored to have his portrait hang in my office as a reminder of the strength and power of bipartisan leadership and state partnership with local government,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “A true public servant, I am inspired by his example and strive to incorporate the values of respect and civility in my work today and am pleased to see his legacy recognized through the works of others employed by our Commonwealth.”

“I had the tremendous honor of working for Governor Cellucci, who was one of the nicest and most genuine persons I have ever met,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Kristen Lepore, who served as Deputy Chief of Staff under Governor Cellucci.  “This award will preserve his legacy and set the bar for future state employees who choose to follow in his footsteps and serve the Commonwealth.”

Argeo Paul Cellucci of Hudson served as Governor of the Commonwealth from 1997 – 2001, when he was appointed Ambassador to Canada by President George W. Bush. Cellucci had previously served the Commonwealth as Lieutenant Governor (1991 – 1997), a State Senator (1985-1991), and a State Representative (1977-1985). Governor Cellucci spent his career engaging others to embrace public service and instilling a philosophy of “paying it forward.”  He was known for his commitment to keeping taxes low, maintaining fiscal discipline, supporting higher education standards, and combatting domestic and sexual violence.

The Commonwealth will honor all Performance Recognition Program award winners at a State House ceremony in the Fall, date to be determined.  Other awards to be given out will include Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service, the Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Public Service Award, and the Commonwealth Equity in Governance Award.


邦克丘學院獲Deval Patrick獎5萬元

Bunker Hill Community College Learn and Earn Program Receives Deval Patrick Award
BOSTON, March 29, 2017 Bunker Hill Community College received the Deval Patrick Prize for Community Colleges in recognition of its Learn and Earn experiential education and internship program.  The annual award from The Boston Foundation acknowledges progress and excellence made by community colleges in establishing employer partnerships and career pathways. Former Governor Deval Patrick presented the award in the amount of $50,000 to President Pam Eddinger on March 22, 2017.
The Deval Patrick Prize builds on a reform movement that recognizes the critical role that community colleges play in developing the workforce needed by regional employers. President Eddinger thanked the Governor for framing this new paradigm, seeing the alliance between businesses and community colleges. 
Paul Grogan, President and CEO of the Boston Foundation, kicked off the event with a convening of community colleges and keynote address given by Dr. Karen A. Stout, President of Achieving the Dream.

Representing the success of BHCC’s Learn & Earn program, Eddinger invited alumni Nelson Franjul and current student Surya Madhala to speak to the growth opportunities that the program presents, and share how they’ve benefited from the program both personally and professionally. 
In his remarks, Governor Patrick said “Matching employer needs with specific training and education for our residents is at the very center of dissolving the skills gap. In fact, it’s critical to how we think about growing the economy out so it reaches the marginalized, not just the well-connected. Community colleges have been at the very center of that undertaking, and we continue to ask them to step up to meet the challenges facing our Commonwealth and communities. We must also support and celebrate them, and that is what this award is truly about.”

“You heard I’m a community college graduate,” said Bill Swanson, Former CEO of Raytheon and current President of the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership. “Community college gave me the spark that lit the fire and the passion to do everything I could do and make a difference.”

Learn and Earn was launched in 2012 as collaboration with the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership (MACP) starting with 20 students and five employer partners. Now in its fifth year, the program has grown to 18 partners and has placed 500 students in internships at top corporations in and around Boston and across all major industry sectors.
Through the program, BHCC students have the opportunity to interview for paid internships at 18 leading Boston companies. Learn and Earn Partners include Bank of America, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Dovetail Health, Eaton Vance Investment Managers, EMC, Fidelity Investments, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Plymouth Rock Assurance, Putnam Investments, Raytheon, Staples, State Street, Suffolk Construction, The Boston Foundation, Tufts Technology Services, UBS and Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
Interested in building a qualified and diverse workforce? Partner with the Learn and Earn program at Bunker Hill Community College. Learn more atbhcc.edu/learnandearn/ or contact learnandearn@bhcc.mass.edu.

波士頓市長馬丁華殊慶50大壽 將競選連任

Tuesday, April 4th at 6 p.m. at Laugh Boston, to celebrate Mayor Martin Walsh's 50th birthday.
Please RSVP and secure your ticket today to help the Mayor celebrate his birthday with a night of comedy and good music!

Most sincerely,

The Walsh Committee

波市長 AAUW合作開班 教你談判薪資

BOSTON - Monday, April 3, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement and the American Association of University Women (AAUW) today announced the launch of Boston's second "Equal Pay Awareness Week," featuring 14 free salary negotiation workshops for women who live or work in Boston. The goal of Equal Pay Awareness Week is to acknowledge the gender wage gap and its consequences, while providing the training and tools to help Boston women advocate for themselves within the workforce.

Tuesday, April 4 is "Equal Pay Day," a symbolic date when women's pay "catches up" and equals men's pay from the previous year. Women working full-time are typically paid just 80 percent on average of what white, non-Hispanic men make. That gap is larger for black and Hispanic women.

"Boston thrives when women and men have an equal playing field," said Mayor Walsh. "These salary negotiations are one step we can take to provide women with the information and tools to advocate for themselves and work towards closing the wage gap. The workshops, combined with the work we are doing with employers to report wage data anonymously, will continue to make Boston the best city for working women. With the help of AAUW Work Smart and my Office of Women's Advancement, we will continue to fight for equal pay for all."

"Salary negotiation workshops are part of AAUW's multifaceted approach to closing the gender pay gap," said Jesse B. Rauch, the senior program manager for AAUW's salary negotiation workshop programs, AAUW Start Smart and AAUW Work Smart. "Women who negotiate increase their potential to earn higher salaries and better benefits packages - and these advantages add up over time."

AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshops were launched in September of 2015 as a five-year partnership with the City of Boston. Since that time, the program has trained over 3,000 working women in the City, with the goal of training 8,500 Boston women by December 2017, and 85,000 women by 2020.

Registration for AAUW Work Smart in Boston free salary negotiation workshops is available online.

The following workshops will be open to press:

Monday, April 3
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Host: She Geeks Out
Anchor (Behind the Render 121 Cafe on the First Floor)
50 Milk St.

Tuesday, April 4
6:30 p.m..- 8:30 p.m.
Host: The Latina Circle
The Coop @ Hatch Fenway
Landmark Center 401 Park Drive
*Take 8th Floor East Elevators

Thursday, April 6
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Host: Ellevate Network Boston
Ernst Young, 200 Clarendon St.

To cover the workshop, media is required to RSVP to the Mayor's Press Office: press.office@boston.gov, or 617-635-4461. Additional information will be provided to outlets that RSVP.

洛杉矶世界民族电影节 中国电影军团获多项大奖


洛杉矶世界民族电影节 中国电影军团获多项大奖

洛杉矶世界民族电影节 中国电影军团获多项大奖
2017年洛杉矶世界民族电影节(Universe Multicultural Film Festival) 33142日在洛杉矶南海湾Palos Verdes 半岛上举行。向当地观众和来自好来坞的知名电影人放映了近100部来自世界各地的优秀作品,其中来自中国的电影界人士一行30多人为本次电影节带来16部作品,在42日举办的颁奖典礼上,来自中国的电影军团荣获多项大奖。
来自中国著名编剧王梅和导演杨峰获得最佳外语剧本奖,著名导演原雅轩导演的电影《大荷花小荷花》获得本届电影节最佳儿童故事片奖,好莱坞资深华裔电影人Aki Aleung获终身成就奖。来自湖北武汉的青年制片人王鹏飞的《小马语者》获最佳儿童短片奖,留学生何家亮和团队一起制作的《 Lottery》获最佳音乐电影奖。
曾经和众多美国巨星合作过、在好莱坞从影近70年的华裔知名影星Aki Aleung在本次电影节获终身成就奖,他在上台致辞时,全场起立鼓掌欢呼致敬。他对于当天中国军团在电影节中获得多个奖项发出感慨,提及华裔电影人早年在好莱坞的艰辛往事,在追朔到当年修铁路的华工、排华法案时,他表示,华裔电影人仍需继续努力。他自己就正在推动拍摄一部反映修建太平洋铁路华工的电影纪录片。