
星期日, 2月 12, 2017



华人社团展新篇 美国河南留学生联谊会成立

华人社团展新篇 美国河南留学生联谊会成立




而美国河南留学生联谊会,则是在全美跨区域、以出国前地域同乡组成的留学生社团,并积极参与当地华人社区的各项活动, 成为华人社团中一支新的生力军。 (AACYF洛杉矶讯)

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Xiang-Dong Ren
Fwd: 2017-2-12 news release from AACYF 华人社团展新篇 美国河南留学生联谊会成立
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        28日,麻州大学波士顿孔子学院在麻州大学波士顿校区举办春节庆祝活动,孔子课堂师生、大学师生和社区居民近400人参加。麻州大学波士顿校区副校长、教务长温斯顿朗利(Winston Langley)和副教务长斯凯乐科本(Schuyler )等校领导出席并为大家送上新春祝福。

        庆祝活动包括游艺项目和文艺演出。来宾们一进入活动区,就首先收到装有签语饼(fortune cookie)的红包,打开来,既能得到一句关于运气或人生的警句,还能学到一个汉字。再走到书法展台,除了能自己挥毫体验书法运笔,还能得到当地书法家梅宇国先生当场书写的字和中文名字。“筷子夹豆子”比赛是许多人都乐意参与的项目。还有编制中国结,老师教得认真,学生学得投入。最考验汉语学习水平的是汉字数独游戏和偏旁组字、汉字组词。由于不少来宾正在学习中文,挑战这个项目的人也不少。


        演出在褚玲舞蹈学校欢快的东北秧歌《新春好》中拉开序幕,接着是麻州大学波士顿校区学中文的学生蓝凤凰(Hanifah Bostic)演唱的字正腔圆、嘹亮悠远的《青藏高原》。随后,波士顿拉丁中学孔子课堂演出的《伞舞》透出浓浓的中国情。波士顿学院高中孔子课堂和波士顿拉丁学校孔子课堂分别表演的《抖空竹》和扬琴《将军令》受到观众的喜爱。丹娜荷中学的中文教师向淑君的相声《我在美国教中文》让人们对中文教师的工作有了更深的理解。她的学生也带来了舞蹈《荷塘月色》。麻州大学波士顿校区的刘瑞明教授、丁薇教授、本雅明 利希滕斯坦Benyamin Lichtenstein)教授则分别表演了独唱、舞蹈和黑管演奏,玛丽特(Mariette Bien-Aime Ayala)朗诵了古诗《劝学》和《画鸡》。孔子学院的教师徐舒表演了《琵琶语》。古筝《渔舟



星期六, 2月 11, 2017

REPRESENTATIVES LIEU AND GALLEGO TO PRESIDENT TRUMP, “TIME TO FIRE GENERAL FLYNN”   WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) and Congressman Ruben Gallego (D I Arizona) – both of whom served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces – issued the following statement calling for President Trump to fire General Michael Flynn.   “General Michael Flynn sought to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting American President.  And then he lied – repeatedly and egregiously – about his actions.  Donald Trump should fire Michael Flynn immediately.”     ‘Flynn communicated with high-ranking Russian officials both before and after a presidential election that, according to our intelligence community, Russia actively worked to influence on behalf of Donald Trump.  When President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its unprecedented efforts to disrupt our democracy, Flynn made a series of phone calls to the Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, offering assurances that the incoming administration would lift these measures after Trump was sworn-in.”    “General Flynn then compounded this outrageous misconduct by lying on multiple occasions about the nature of his conversations with Kislyak, claiming that sanctions had never been discussed.  Not only did Flynn mislead Congress and the American people, he also apparently deceived Vice President Mike Pence, who made false statements on Flynn’s behalf in an interview with Face the Nation.”             “At a minimum, Flynn recklessly violated the sacred principle that America only has one president at a time.  But a compelling case can also be made that Flynn violated federal law by collaborating with foreign officials while still a private citizen.”    “The American people deserve competence – not corruption – from the leaders entrusted with our national security.  They deserve to be told the truth by the men and women who advise the President.  And they deserve a full accounting of how and when President Trump’s advisors colluded with a foreign power that sought to alter the outcome of an American election.”      “For all of these reasons, President Trump should fire General Flynn.”   


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) and Congressman Ruben Gallego (D I Arizona) – both of whom served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces – issued the following statement calling for President Trump to fire General Michael Flynn.

“General Michael Flynn sought to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting American President.  And then he lied – repeatedly and egregiously – about his actions.  Donald Trump should fire Michael Flynn immediately.”  

‘Flynn communicated with high-ranking Russian officials both before and after a presidential election that, according to our intelligence community, Russia actively worked to influence on behalf of Donald Trump.  When President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its unprecedented efforts to disrupt our democracy, Flynn made a series of phone calls to the Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, offering assurances that the incoming administration would lift these measures after Trump was sworn-in.” 

“General Flynn then compounded this outrageous misconduct by lying on multiple occasions about the nature of his conversations with Kislyak, claiming that sanctions had never been discussed.  Not only did Flynn mislead Congress and the American people, he also apparently deceived Vice President Mike Pence, who made false statements on Flynn’s behalf in an interview with Face the Nation.”          

“At a minimum, Flynn recklessly violated the sacred principle that America only has one president at a time.  But a compelling case can also be made that Flynn violated federal law by collaborating with foreign officials while still a private citizen.” 

“The American people deserve competence – not corruption – from the leaders entrusted with our national security.  They deserve to be told the truth by the men and women who advise the President.  And they deserve a full accounting of how and when President Trump’s advisors colluded with a foreign power that sought to alter the outcome of an American election.”   

“For all of these reasons, President Trump should fire General Flynn.”   

星期五, 2月 10, 2017

BINcA Students Celebrate Bravery in Memoirs from Immigrant Youth

BINcA Students Celebrate Bravery in Memoirs from Immigrant Youth
Boston, MA - Friday, February 10, 2017 - On Monday, the Boston International Newcomers Academy (BINcA) will host Celebrating the Upstanders in Our Lives: Memoirs from Immigrant Youth, a celebration of student writing. Tenth graders will share their personal memoirs.
After reading Elie Wiesel's memoir, Night, BINcA students have written memoirs about the moments of bravery and upstanders in their own lives, including several memoirs about students escaping civil war in their countries and how family members helped save their lives. The students also watched and discussed videos about the bystander effect, then wrote about the rise of hate crimes and the Syrian refugee crisis.


Dr. McCreary to advance public/private partnerships, philanthropic community relations
BOSTON - February 10, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Tommy Chang today announced the promotion of Dr. Makeeba McCreary to the role of managing director and senior advisor of external affairs for BPS. In her new capacity, Dr. McCreary will focus on expanding BPS' public/private partnerships and philanthropic community relations, and oversee special projects and corporate relations. Dr. McCreary previously served as Chief of Staff for BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang.

"Makeeba knows the priorities of BPS, and knows how to follow through and improve the lives of our students," said Mayor Walsh. "Makeeba has already shown her leadership and strategic thinking in advancing BPS through multiple public/private partnerships, and I congratulate her on this well-deserved step forward."

In 2016, General Electric partnered with BPS to bring $25 million to Boston public school students, advancing STEM education throughout the district. In 2015, BPS and the City of Boston launched Invest BPS, an "Adopt a School" program linking business investment to individual schools. In addition, BPS created an Invest BPS portal, highlighting school-business partnerships and recruiting additional business partners. Dr. McCreary's new role will focus on partnerships like these, which leverage public/private cooperation into more opportunities for students, as well as increased engagement in Boston for corporations.

In addition, for the first time in BPS's history, there will be a senior liaison to the philanthropic community. As managing director and senior advisor of external affairs, Dr. McCreary will focus on continuing relationships with Boston's large philanthropic community, and strategically explore funding opportunities for BPS with philanthropic organizations.

"Makeeba's work at Boston Public Schools has been exemplary, and I'm looking forward to the increased opportunities she will bring to BPS," said Superintendent Chang. "I am thrilled that she will be able to focus on this critical work for BPS and, I will continue to work closely with Makeeba in her new role."

As Dr. McCreary takes on this new role, Rob Consalvo will take on the role of BPS Chief of Staff. Previously, Consalvo was Deputy Director of the Boston Home Center, part of the Department of Neighborhood Development.

Prior to joining BPS in 2015, Dr. McCreary served as founder and executive director of AbekaM Consulting, a nonprofit program designed to execute grant management for clients targeting large-scale change for urban youth and families. Examples of clients included Nike, Darden Restaurants, adidas, The Boston Foundation, Jordan Brand Inc. and United Negro College Fund. Dr. McCreary's previous roles also include Educational Policy Consultant at Compass Consulting, Director of Philanthropic Services at EdVestors and Director of Development at the Epiphany School in Dorchester. 

Dr. McCreary earned a Doctor of Education at Columbia University, a Master's in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at UMass Boston. Dr. McCreary lives in Jamaica Plain with her son, Gary.



BOSTON - Massachusetts State Democratic Party Chair Gus Bickford issued the following statement in response to President Trump's claims that thousands from Massachusetts voted illegally in New Hampshire, as reported in Politico:

"This is the latest in a seemingly endless stream of outlandish lies being peddled by the President. Donald Trump lost New Hampshire fair and square and lost the popular vote nationally. He has presented no evidence to the contrary. He needs to get past his petty embarrassment and get serious about the job of the presidency." 


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) sent a letter to the Director of the Office of Government Ethics requesting an ethics investigation into the actions of White House senior staff, Kellyanne ConwayThis morning Ms. Conway publicly endorsed the Ivanka Trump fashion line, a clear violation of federal ethics law. Having served on active duty as a Judge Advocate General officer in the U.S. Air Force, Mr. Lieu worked extensively on cases specific to ethics issues of civilian and military personnel, including this very section of the Code of Federal Regulations governing federal government ethics.


“In an appearance this morning on Fox News program “Fox & Friends,” Ms. Conway made the following remarks regarding the Ivanka Trump fashion line: "Go buy Ivanka's stuff, is what I would tell you. It's a wonderful line. I own some of it. I fully -- I'm going to just, I'm going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online."

“Ms. Conway’s comments are a clear violation of the letter and spirit of the law. Given President Trump’s apparent view that federal ethics rules do not apply to his office, I respectfully request the Office of Government Ethics to investigate this incident. Pursuant to Title 5, Section § 2638.503 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, I urge you to immediately notify the White House of the violation of government ethics law to prompt corrective action.”


According to Title 5, Section § 2638. 501 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, if the White House does not address this matter in a timely fashion after receiving a notice, “the OGE Director may use the procedures of Section § 2638.504 to issue a nonbinding recommendation of a disciplinary action or an order to terminate an ongoing violation. Nothing in this subpart relieves an agency of its primary responsibility to ensure compliance with government ethics laws and regulations.”


Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asian American Commission (AAC) Statement on Immigration
BOSTON – The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asian American Commission (AAC) is the only governmental nonpartisan organization representing our diverse and multi-faceted Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in our state. AAPIs are the fastest growing racial group nationally and in our Commonwealth, and are expected to reach an estimated national population size of 40 million by 2060. Importantly, two-thirds of all AAPIs in the United States were born outside of this country, designating AAPIs as the racial group with the highest proportion of foreign-born residents in the United States. Immigrants are the backbone of our AAPI communities, and our AAPI immigrants have contributed significantly to the accomplishments and achievements of this country. 
Recent events and decisions at the federal level affecting the immigration of certain members of our national community recall to mind similarly restrictive policies which directly impacted AAPIs in this country’s recent history. 
This year we will observe the 75th anniversary of the Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which led to over 100,000 Japanese Americans being forced into internment camps across the United States, due to fears that these American citizens of Japanese descent were a threat to national security.  2017 will also mark 135 years since the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed, which was the first law implemented in the United States that prevented a specific ethnic group from immigrating to this country, based largely on concerns that Chinese laborers were negatively impacting the wages and the economy of municipalities where they worked. Subsequently, beginning in the 1920’s, restrictions on AAPI immigration remained in place via a quota system that disfavored immigrants from Asian countries, until the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.
It is this historical context of our own AAPI community members being targeted, limited, or restricted, based on our race, ethnicity, or country of origin, which prompts the AAC to express our support for those affected by current federal policy decisions concerning entry to the United States.
Let’s not repeat history.  Many of us In the AAPI communities are immigrants or refugees ourselves, or are the daughters and sons of immigrants and refugees, and would not be here in the United States today, had the immigration policies remained as they were before the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.
Local, statewide, and national contributions have been made by residents and citizens of the United States, of diverse ancestry.   The United States of America is home to all of us, but particularly for those who chose to seek liberty, happiness, and a better life in this nation by leaving behind their country of origin, the American Dream is a real goal and not an abstract concept.
What can you do?  Take action by contacting your local non-profits, your elected city, municipal, and state officials, your advocacy groups, and other supporters.  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asian American Commission would like to laud those organizations which have already taken a stance in support of immigration rights and have shared messages of unity with their community members. We, Staff and Commissioners of the AAC, stand in support of all our country’s many immigrants and refugees, who have helped make this nation great.

Statement from MA AG Maura Healey on tonight's 9th Circuit Ruling

BOSTON –  Attorney General Maura Healey issued the following statement on tonight’s 9th Circuit Ruling:

“Tonight, the Ninth Circuit upheld the principle that no president is more powerful than our Constitution. My office challenged this reckless and discriminatory Executive Order to protect the residents, economic vitality, and basic values of Massachusetts. I stand with state attorneys general united in our commitment to hold this administration accountable to the laws and the people of this country.” – Attorney General Maura Healey

星期四, 2月 09, 2017


即日起至2017年4月18日 AARP基金會提供免費報稅及稅務協助

To find a Tax-Aide location near you offering assistance in other languages,
visit www.aarp.org/findtaxhelp or call 1-888-AARPNOW

網站:www.aarp.org/findtaxhelp  電話:1-888-AARPNOW 
Tax-Aide volunteer Elaine Tran speaks three Asian languages—Vietnamese, Mandarin and Cantonese—in addition to English. Read more about how Tax-Aide volunteers strive to meet language needs. 
Tax-Aide義工Elaine Tran除了英文之外,更通曉普通話、粵語及越南語三種亞洲語言。了解Tax-Aide義工如何努力滿足民眾的語言服務需求。 Photo by Beck Diefenbac.

WASHINGTON, February 9, 2017 Beginning today through April 18, AARP Foundation is providing free tax assistance and preparation through its Tax-Aide program. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 49th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, offering free tax preparation help to anyone, especially those who are 50 and older, who cannot afford a tax preparation service.

Some locations offer assistance in additional languages, including Chinese, Tagalog, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. For more information or to locate an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide site, visit aarp.org/findtaxhelp or call 1-888-AARPNOW (1-888-227-7669). An appointment may be required. 

“Our bilingual volunteers generously give their time to help taxpayers who don’t speak English or speak English as a second language prepare their returns,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “We need more bilingual volunteers so if you can help translate, please join our Tax-Aide volunteer team so that we can expand our services to Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.”

Tax-Aide, which is offered free of charge, is available to AARP members and non-members and includes more than 5,000 locations in neighborhood libraries, malls, banks, community centers and senior centers nationwide. Since 1968, Tax-Aide has helped nearly 50 million low- to moderate-income taxpayers.

In 2016, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers helped 2.7 million people navigate complicated tax codes, ensure proper credits and deductions and file their federal and state tax returns. Taxpayers who used AARP Foundation Tax-Aide received $1.41 billion in income tax refunds and more than $240 million in Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs). AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in conjunction with the IRS.  


部份報稅站提供包括中文、菲律賓文、韓文日文及越南文在內的其他語言協助。如欲了解詳情及尋找AARP基金會Tax-Aide報稅站地點,請瀏覽網站 www.aarp.org/ findtaxhelp 或致電1-888-AARPNOW(1-888-227-7669)查詢。報稅服務或需預約。
“我們的雙語義工無私奉獻他們的寶貴時間,來幫助不會說英語或英語作為第二語言的人們報稅。”AARP多元文化引領亞太裔受眾副總裁Daphne Kwok(郭為婉)說,“我們還需要更多雙語義工,如果您能夠幫助翻譯便請加入Tax-Aide計劃行列,讓我們深入亞太裔社區提供協助。”

單在2016年,AARP基金會Tax-Aide計劃的義工們便幫助多達270萬人次處理複雜的稅務問題,確保他們在申報聯邦與州稅時獲得應得的扺稅額和免稅額。納稅人通過AARP基金會Tax-Aide計劃合共獲取了14.1億元所得稅退稅,以及超過2億4000萬元“工作所得抵稅”(Earned Income Tax Credit ,簡稱EITC)。


Massachusetts Health Connector Marks Record Enrollment and Strong Customer Service

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration announced the results of the Massachusetts Health Connector’s recent Open Enrollment period that ended last week. The Connector successfully managed the highest enrollment totals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) era, with significant applicant and member activity buttressed by strong customer service performance.

Enrollment for February 1st stands at over 246,000 people, the highest since the ACA was implemented and approaching the 252,000 in Health Connector coverage before 100,000 people became eligible for other coverage through Medicaid expansion in January 2014.

“Fixing the broken Health Connector and restoring a reliable customer service support system for the program were top priorities for our administration after taking office,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Over the last two years, the Connector’s leadership and staff have worked tirelessly to transform the exchange into a functional and reliable service the people of Massachusetts deserve. While there is still work to do, I am proud of the work that has been accomplished to date and feel confident that the restored Health Connector can play a crucial role in the state’s health care structure.”

“The Health Connector plays an important role in ensuring communities across the Commonwealth have access to affordable health care,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased to see such significant and targeted progress toward enrolling new people and look forward to continued progress for years to come.”

“The Health Connector is vitally important to our state’s commitment to making health care accessible to everyone,” said Secretary Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Health and Human Services. “Over the last two years, the Health Connector has gone from an agency hanging on to one that is home for thousands who need health insurance and a powerful advocate for universal coverage.”

The Health Connector started Open Enrollment on November 1, 2016 with 233,000 members, and retained more than 85 percent of those members despite many facing significant premium increases due to rate changes by some carriers. The Health Connector implemented a large member communication plan during Open Enrollment encouraging shopping, and more than 65,000 members switched plans for 2017. The 28 percent switch rate was four times higher than the usual 3-7 percent switch rate during an Open Enrollment.

In addition, 53,000 people who did not have coverage through the Health Connector enrolled in a plan for 2017. That is an increase of nearly 50 percent from the 36,000 new members added during 2016 Open Enrollment. The Health Connector’s new member strategy was fueled by an outreach effort focused on communities with higher rates of uninsured residents and that have been typically slow to sign up for coverage. In those targeted communities, new enrollments were 52 percent higher than 2016, with communities like Mattapan (93 percent) Chelsea (81 percent), Brockton (85 percent) and Everett (77 percent) experiencing the biggest increases. The Health Connector contracted with 16 community organizations through its Navigator program to help educate consumers about options available to them, and help uninsured people complete an application and select a plan.

“A successful Open Enrollment is reliant on support from the entire Commonwealth, including Governor Baker and Secretary Sudders, on through to our hard-working staff, our Navigators and assisters, and our customer service team,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Health Connector. “I am grateful that we were able to capably handle the significant member activity we saw, which also serves as a reminder that Massachusetts values access to affordable, health coverage, and will continue to do so in the future.”

“After missing open enrollment last year and going  without health insurance, I was always worried. I learned coverage was necessary after breaking my leg a few years ago while playing rugby. If I hadn't been covered, the expenses would've been astronomical, this taught me that in today's world, you have to be sure you're covered in case of an accident,” said Vincent Daley, a Cambridge resident who signed up for coverage through the Health Connector during Open Enrollment with the help of a Navigator. “The staff at the Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee walked me through the process and showed what I needed to do. Applying for health insurance is not something you’re taught. But, after learning the process, I even helped a friend apply for coverage, too.”

When Governor Baker took office in 2015, improving the Health Connector’s customer service was a top priority. Two years later, customer service outlets were able to successfully support a substantially high volume of calls and requests. Calls to the call center increased from 243,619 during 2016 Open Enrollment to 345,621 for 2017 Open Enrollment, an increase of over 40 percent. Visits to the Health Connector’s six walk-in centers increased from 14,710 for 2016 Open Enrollment to 17,711 for 2017 Open Enrollment, an increase of 20 percent. The customer service platforms were able to handle the additional traffic, particularly with the call center remaining within predetermined service levels for hold time and abandonment rates. Additionally, customer satisfaction scores remained near 80 percent satisfaction during this Open Enrollment.

波士頓  貝克-白莉朵政府公佈麻州健康聯絡者登記人數於2月1日時超過246,000人,打破開辦以來最高紀錄。
「今年通過與安琪派拉格策略集團(Archipelago Strategies Group)合作,我們在聯絡少數族裔媒體方面取得重大進展,覆蓋了大範圍的不同語言,包括西班牙語、葡萄牙語、中文、海地語、越南語和高棉語等,」健康聯絡者執行主任路易斯·古鐵雷斯說,「同時我們還擴展了實地的基層工作,拜訪教堂、理髮店、英語課堂和其他不同地方。最終,這些努力獲得了回報。在我們去到的社區,去年新登記人數增加52%,部分社區甚至超過60%,如馬塔潘(Mattapan,過去一年增長93%),布羅克頓(Brockton85%),切爾西(Chelsea81%),埃弗里特(Everett77%),多切斯特(Dorchester68%)和昆士市(Quincy65%)。當你真正想要深入社區聯絡時,這就是外聯所帶來的成效。

波士頓將於 2/26 紀念二二八事件70週年

二二八事件 70 週年紀念禮拜 228 MEMORIAL SERVICE

Boston Taiwanese Christian Church
Time時間: Sunday, Feb 26 , 2017 10:30am
Place地點: Andover Newton Theological  School之 Stoddard Hall
(210 Herrick Road, Newton Center, MA 02459)
Contact 聯絡:歐陽瑞琳 ouyang.jl@gmail.com

1947的二二八事件發生至今已 70年。為了紀念這看 似久遠,卻對台灣影響重大的事件,我們教導台美第二代的 孩子們 228紀念禮拜的意義。不約而同地,他們都說,紀念 是為了不再重蹈覆轍,是為了愛,是為了希望。
 波士頓台灣基督教會將在 2月 26日舉行 228 七十週 年紀念禮拜,邀請各界撥空前來,見證七十年來,流淚撒種, 含笑拾穗的點滴。或許,您是埋首課業的留學生;或許,今 年是您的研究學假;或許,教會對您很陌生;但是,因為我 們同為出外人, 因為台灣是生咱的所在 ,因為對生命的願 景,所以,讓我們跨出腳步,為這塊土地誠心祈禱 --我們全 心所疼惜的台灣啊!
我們會吟唱「伊是咱的寶貝」,體會詩中的「伊」意 涵著公義、仁愛、自由、族群的和諧、跨越藩籬、復合、台 灣、地球家園、科技文明等「寶貝」。當我們的寶貝孩子盡 心以台語,為「伊」歌唱,我們彷彿看到七十年來的血汗耕 耘,也在北美生根。
我們誠摯地邀請波士頓各領域、團體,學界、業界、 一起來參加二二八紀念禮拜。讓我們同心數算上帝的信實, 心繫芸芸的苦難,立志為世界的平 安及福祉耕耘。我們如 此致意--讓 228七十週年紀念禮拜成為我們攜手前進、互相 扶持的里程碑!

星期三, 2月 08, 2017

麻州長宣佈因應暴風雪 州政府關門

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在2月8日晚將近8點時宣佈,麻州政府2月9日關門,非緊急工作人員,不必上班。州政府也勸一般民眾,非必要別出門。

 Governor Baker Announces State Office Closures for Non-Emergency State Employees

BOSTON – Tonight, Governor Charlie Baker announced that state offices will be closed tomorrow for non-emergency, executive branch state employees. Due to the upcoming winter storm, the Baker-Polito Administration is urging everyone to stay off roadways if possible, allowing crews to clear snow that will accumulate across the state throughout the day.

“Tomorrow’s forecast is expected to create hazardous driving conditions across many parts of the Commonwealth. To prioritize public safety, we are asking everyone to stay off the roads to allow crews to safely clear snow or use public transportation,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Please assist us by shoveling driveways and sidewalks in your communities, and be sure to lend a hand to neighbors in need.”

The Baker-Polito Administration remains in close contact with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, National Weather Service, MassDOT and State Police to monitor the forecast and will work to alert the public with important updates or notifications. The MBTA Storm Desk will continue to monitor rail service throughout the storm and provide updates to commuters at MBTA.com/winter.

State Office Closures: State offices will be closed for all non-emergency, executive branch state employees on Thursday, February 9, 2017.

Highway Travel: Commutes and travel will be significantly impacted with snow covered roads, low visibility and possible white-out conditions.  Motorists should stay off the roads and use public transit when possible. If you must drive, please exercise caution, “don’t crowd the plow”,  and stay behind snow removal equipment on the roadways.

MBTA: The MBTA, including the commuter rail, is preparing to operate on a normal schedule tomorrow. Commuters are encouraged to be patient, allow plenty of time for travel and plan ahead by checking MBTA.com/winter or @MBTA on Twitter for real-time updates.

Public Safety: Please clear home and auto exhaust vents to prevent carbon monoxide exposure and avoid downed utility wires. Also, please assist in keeping sidewalks, and fire hydrants and storm drains in your neighborhood clear.

The State Emergency Operations Center at MEMA Headquarters in Framingham will be activating tomorrow morning to provide situational awareness and coordinate any requested assistance to cities and towns.

波士頓市宣佈暴風雪Niko來襲 2/9早10 點起實施停車禁令

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)宣佈,為因應暴風雪妮可(Niko)可能在波士頓降雪14吋,2月9日早上10點起,波士頓進入暴風雪緊急狀況。


Urges residents to take caution, abide by snow emergency regulations 

BOSTON - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced preparations for tomorrow's winter storm, Niko, which is anticipated to bring eight to 14 inches of snow to Boston.

The National Weather Service has issued a weather storm warning, in effect from 6 am to 8 pm Thursday. Temps will be bitterly cold, falling to 17˚ by 5 p.m., low of 9˚ later at night. High wind gusts could reach up to 40 mph in the afternoon. There will be a windchill of -7˚.

Mayor Walsh has declared a snow emergency, beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 9th. Residents can park in designated discounted garages two hours before the snow emergency takes effect. A full list of garages is available at boston.gov.  

The Boston Public Works Department (PWD) will have 600 pieces of equipment on the roads. PWD will start pretreating roads early morning before snow starts. Street cleanup crews will remove flex posts on Mass Ave. to maintain bike lanes during snow removal.

"We are encouraging residents to use caution when traveling, assist the elderly and disabled, and keep up with the shoveling of their property throughout the storm tomorrow," said Mayor Walsh. "The City offers a number of resources geared towards keeping residents safe and aware of current conditions. I encourage everyone to sign up for emergency notifications through AlertBoston and utilize our 311 call center for non-emergency related issues."

To find out more information about resources and services available to residents, please visit boston.gov/snow.

Rules on Clearing Snow
  • Property owners must clear snow, sleet and ice from sidewalks and curb ramps abutting the property within three hours after the snowfall ends or three hours after sunrise if it snows overnight. Failure to comply will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Removal of snow, ice from a private property to the street or sidewalk is prohibited and will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Please look here for information about fines associated with improper removal of snow.
Safety Tips
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion, please be cautious and pay attention to symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly when you stop exertion.
  • Snow piles can make navigating intersections dangerous for walkers and drivers, please take extra care when turning corners with snow piles that might limit visibility.
  • Pedestrians should use caution as visibility will be diminished due to blowing and drifting of the snow caused by high winds.
  • Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should be sure to use their home heating systems wisely and safety, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling. Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow. For example, gas exhaust from heating system or dryer.
  • Remember to keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear.
  • Please check on neighbors, especially the elderly and disabled.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow-rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces.
Public Libraries & Community Centers

All Boston Public Libraries and Boston Centers for Youth & Families Community centers will be open during normal business hours. Please check their schedules here.

Helping the Homeless
  • If you see homeless individuals out  in the cold who appear immobile, disoriented or underdressed for the cold, please call 911.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) coordinates a city-wide network of emergency shelters, outreach providers, city agencies and first responders to assist those in need of shelter.
  • Emergency shelters are open 24 hours and will accept any person in need. Men can access shelters through 112 Southampton Street, and women should go to the Woods-Mullen Shelter at 794 Massachusetts Ave. BPHC and the City are working closely with shelter providers to ensure that no client is without shelter, food, resources, and a warm respite from the cold.
  • Emergency shelters are open 24 hours and will accept any person in need.
  • During extreme cold weather, street outreach teams operate with extended hours and provide mobile outreach vans on the streets in the evening and throughout the day.

Residents are encouraged to sign-up for AlertBoston to receive emergency alerts and to call 311, download the BOS:311 app, or tweet at @BOS311 with questions or concerns. Follow @CityofBoston and boston.gov/snow for the latest updates.