
星期二, 12月 20, 2016


Disney, Aeropostale, David’s Tea and Other Retailers Agree to Cease Burdensome Scheduling Practice Following Multistate Investigation

BOSTON – Continuing her efforts to protect vulnerable workers and their families, Attorney General Maura Healey today announced that six major national retailers that have locations in Massachusetts have agreed to stop using on-call shift scheduling following an inquiry by a multistate coalition of attorneys general.

An estimated 50,000 workers nationwide will benefit from the agreements to end the burdensome scheduling practice. Employees assigned to on-call shifts are typically required to contact their employer an hour or two before a scheduled shift to learn whether they must work the shift. Work is not guaranteed, and no wages are paid if a worker is not needed.
“On-call policies hurt low-wage workers who not only must line up daycare, elder care, or other arrangements with no guarantee of compensation, but also must pass up other opportunities to cover a shift or risk losing their job,” said AG Healey. “These policies are bad for workers and their families and we are pleased that these retailers have stopped using them.”

The six companies – Aeropostale, Carter’s, David’s Tea, Disney, PacSun, and Zumiez – were among 15 large retailers who received a joint inquiry letter from nine attorneys general in April of this year seeking information and documents related to their use of on-call shifts. Each of these 15 retailers has at least one store in Massachusetts, and collectively they have more than 150 stores in the state.

These six companies reported that they were using on-call shifts, but after discussions with the AGs’ Offices, all agreed to stop doing so, and none are currently using on-call shifts.

In addition to ending the use of on-call shifts, four of the companies – Carter’s, Disney, David’s Tea, and Zumiez – all committed to providing employees with their work schedules at least one week in advance of the start of the work week. This advance notice allows employees to plan ahead to cover child care and other obligations.

The six companies all found alternative staffing methods for addressing unanticipated employee absences or fluctuations in business volume. Typically, some kind of pool arrangement has been implemented in lieu of on-call shifts.

The collaboration among attorneys general stemmed from their collective concern about the impact of on-call shifts on employees and their families, as well as the national scope of the retail companies involved.

In April, AG Healey’s Office joined the other attorneys general in sending letters to 15 retailers, including American Eagle, Aeropostale, Payless, Disney, Coach, PacSun, Forever 21, Vans, Justice Just for Girls, BCBG Maxazria, Tilly’s, Inc., David’s Tea, Zumiez, Uniqlo, and Carter’s. Nine of these companies responded that they did not use the practice of on-call scheduling or had recently ended it.

The letters were signed by representatives of the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, and Rhode Island. Several offices signed only letters to retailers located within their states. 

Retail salesperson is the most common occupation in the United States. In Massachusetts, there are over 100,000 retail sales jobs, and entry level retail workers earn, on average, $1,460 a month or $17,520 a year. Although men and women are nearly evenly represented in retail jobs, women are concentrated in low-wage retail jobs. 
AG Healey is committed to protecting the economic security of Massachusetts residents, particularly vulnerable workers. AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division is responsible for enforcing the Commonwealth’s wage and hour laws, including minimum wage and overtime laws.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. More information about the state’s wage and hour laws is also available in multiple languages at the Attorney General’s new Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor.


Defendant and Her Twin Sister Stole from Medicaid, Medicare and Lawrence Public Schools

WOBURN – A Burlington woman has been sentenced to jail and ordered to pay up to $570,000 in restitution for stealing from public agencies by billing for unlicensed psychological services, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today. 

Nita Guzman, age 52, pleaded guilty on Friday in Middlesex Superior Court to the charges of Medicaid False Claims (2 counts), False Claims to Public Agency (1 Count), Larceny (4 Counts), and Unlicensed Practice of Psychology (2 Counts). 

After the plea was entered, Judge Laurence Pierce sentenced Guzman to 18 months in the House of Correction, with five years of probation upon completing her sentence. He also ordered her to pay up to $570,000. A restitution hearing has been set for Feb. 7, 2017 in Middlesex Superior Court to determine the exact restitution amount.

“Guzman and her sister orchestrated a criminal scheme to provide and bill for unlicensed psychological and mental health services for patients, including children, that they were not qualified to offer,” said AG Healey. “Guzman stole more than half a million dollars from taxpayers and defrauded public agencies who provide important services to those in need.”

Guzman’s twin sister, Nina Tischer, pleaded guilty in February 2016 to charges of False Claims to Public Agency (3 Counts), Larceny (3 Counts), Identity Fraud (3 counts), and Unlicensed Practice of Psychology (3 Counts). She was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in the House of Correction, suspended for a probationary period of five years.

Guzman and Tischer were indicted in August 2014 by a Statewide Grand Jury.Both sisters lived in Minnesota at the time of the indictments. In September 2014, Guzman was arrested by a Minnesota County Sheriff and Tischer turned herself in, and they were subsequently arraigned in Middlesex Superior Court.

The AG’s investigation revealed that Guzman, through her company New England Psychological Consultants, Inc., billed Medicaid, Medicare, and Lawrence Public Schools more than $550,000 for unlicensed mental health services.

Her twin sister, Nina Tischer, through her company PsychSupport, Inc., billed a division of UMass Medical School more than $30,000 for unlicensed psychological examinations. Neither sister is a licensed psychologist, a legal requirement for practicing psychology in Massachusetts. 

Through their corporations, both located in Lowell, the sisters provided bilingual psychological services to Medicaid and Medicare members in the greater-Lowell and greater-Lawrence areas, performed mental health disability evaluations for the Department of Transitional Assistance and the state’s Medicaid program (MassHealth), and assessed children for learning disabilities for Lawrence Public Schools. 

The investigation of Guzman began when a licensed psychologist reported to the AG’s Office that Guzman’s company had used her name and license number without permission to bill a Medicaid managed care organization more than $430,000. 

Additional investigation by the AG’s Office and federal agents from the Office of the Inspector General for Health and Human Services revealed that Guzman also used the name, license and other identifying information of a second psychologist to bill the managed care organization and the federal Medicare program more than $60,000 of services that the psychologist did not provide. 

Guzman also billed the Lawrence Public School system more than $60,000 of psychological evaluations of students in special education programs. The evaluations were performed by Guzman or Tischer. State regulations require that any such evaluations be performed by a licensed psychologist. 

The investigation of Tischer began when a licensed social worker reported the unauthorized use of her name and license by Tischer’s company, PsychSupport. Tischer used the social worker’s name and credentials to bill a division of UMass Medical School for disability examinations of people applying for Medicaid benefits or financial assistance from the Department of Transitional Assistance. Tischer billed UMass more than $8,000 for those evaluations.   

Two additional professionals, a licensed mental health counselor and a licensed psychologist, also reported the unauthorized use of their names and licensing information by Tischer. The investigation revealed that Tischer billed UMass more than $30,000 for disability evaluations purportedly performed by the three professionals. 

This case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Casey Groff of the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division. It was investigated by Investigator Eric Panicucci, also of the AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, State Police assigned to the AG’s Office, and officials from the Division of Professional Licensure. The Wright County Minnesota Sheriff’s Office and Wright County Attorney’s Office also assisted in this case.


              (Boston Orange) 波士頓華裔退伍軍人會(Post 328)上週末當聖誕老人,到波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)的紅橡木聖誕會上送禮物,共送出約169份玩具。
           今年和往年稍微不同的是,該 會募集的玩具,由該會自行匯集,並分送給華埠內的小朋友。
            在波士頓華埠社區中心之外,該會還將於1222日率隊拜訪中華廣教學校,把禮物送達廣教學校的小朋友手中。 (更新版)


藝協傳統中國舞蹈團接受 Newton 市政府的邀請,在 New Year’s Eve Mayor’s Open House, Saturday, December 31, 2016, 1:30PM –
3:30PM 演出三場各三十分鐘的中國傳統舞蹈。

每年市政府主辦的 Mayor’s Open House 都提供很多精彩的節目,譲市民攜家帶眷自由參觀,觀眾川流不息。中華藝術協會為這個重要的演出特別安排了三場不同的多彩多姿舞蹈節目,譲觀眾能欣賞到更多中華民族舞蹈之美,有興趣的觀眾朋友不要失去這難得的好機會。

AACYF 美南加州華人社團2016十大新聞

1, 由非营利机构PlusYoou普创等机构主办的首届南加州华人创业颁奖典礼131日下午在洛杉矶帕萨迪纳市隆重举行,吸引近六百位风华正茂的各路青年精英与会。颁奖典礼全程充满了鼓励青年学子创业,分享创业经验和知识的热烈氛围,被誉为南加州华人创业圈形成以来最大规模和最具影响力的颁奖盛典。
3, 由南加州大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、尔湾分校、圣地亚哥分校的香港学生会(HKSA430日晚联合在洛杉矶好莱坞举办国际舞会,得到南加州各大学的中国同学会、台湾同学会、香港同学会、韩国同学会、印度尼西亚同学会等31个留学生团体的支持协办。是多年来华人留学生在南加州地区举办的规模最大的国际学生交流舞会。
4, 美国华人公共外交促进会、全美中华青年联合会、美华国际商会、北美海峡两岸文化交流写会、美洲中华青年促进中国和平统一联合会、南加州华人华侨联合会、亚洲研究会、美国海峡两岸经济研究、北美深圳青年联合总会等侨团,713日在洛杉矶向全球华人社团发出倡议,海外华人社团发表的反对南海仲裁声明,要同时发布当地语种的版本,并争取在当地主流媒体发布,让当地社会知道中国对南海主权的立场,同时在国际社会中为历史留下重要的记录。他们同时表示,只要有英文版本的声明,就提供协助在美国的英文媒体上发表。该倡议获得了全球众多媒体的广泛报道。
5, 由洛杉矶当地知名学府罗耀拉大学 (Loyola Marymount University) 的华裔教授们发起组成的中国俱乐部,和该大学的中国学生学者联谊会(LMUCSSA),819日在洛杉矶的La Harbra 市举办专题研讨会。提出加强美国大学和中国学术界、教育界的交流。联合在美的中国学者,营造中国学者板块,提高中国学者整体在美国学术界的影响力。这是近年来,在当地众多华裔学界团体和各类活动中,首次公开明确提出的学界愿景。
另,由北美职通车发起、与南加州中华科工会CESASC,全美中华青年联合会,美西南中国学生学者联合会,世界青年发展论坛等几家美、中公益组织合作的 首届全美公益调查-留美中国学生职业规划现状调查”的启动仪式,109日下午在南加州大学校园内的Ronald中心举行。
8,由中国留学生发起成立的SoGal洛杉矶分会, 108日在洛杉矶主办的全球影响力峰会。邀请了十多位,合计拥有粉丝上亿的国际网红、各行业具有极大影响力的网络大咖们,介绍自己的经验、分享自己的观点、回答青年朋友们的问题。将洛杉矶的创业优势,娱乐产业、新媒体、多元文化内容创造一起来讨论,给青年创业生态圈带来更多的思路。是洛杉矶众多新兴的创新创业活动中,唯一专注促进和帮助青年女性创业的专业活动。
10,有近四千名中国留学生的南加州大学中国学生学者联谊会 (USCCSSA)  1118日晚在洛杉矶市中心的城市俱乐部 (City Club) 举办南加州菁英汇 (SoCal Elites Connect) ,邀请来自社会各界精英与留学生分享工作心得和感悟。鼓励留学生积极面向社会,建立自信,培养使命感和责任感。近30名知名人士嘉宾和来自南加州各知名学府经过遴选出的150名中国留学生出席了当天的活动。是首次由华人社团、留学生社团在城市俱乐部举办的高端交流活动。(AACYF洛杉矶讯)

星期一, 12月 19, 2016

A Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

A Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

“I am pleased that the First Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the convictions of John O’Brien and the other employees of the Probation Department in connection with the alleged scheme to receive legislative appropriations in return for jobs in the Probation Department. 

I am particularly grateful that the Court has found that no member of the legislature had committed any impropriety in connection with the allegations in the indictment. It is unfortunate that for six and a half years other legislators and I have lived under the cloud of suspicion of having been involved in illegal activity. 

Today, the Court of Appeals has affirmed what I have said for the entire period – that neither I, nor to my knowledge any other legislator had engaged in any wrongdoing. The decision of the Court constitutes a complete exoneration for this institution and all of its members. These false and scurrilous allegations can now be given an appropriate burial.”

麻州獲選為美國生物醫藥製造創新夥伴 分享2.5億美元大餅

Massachusetts Selected to Partner in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Innovation
Public-private partnership will develop and commercialize new advanced manufacturing technologies, and train a skilled workforce

BOSTON - Today the Baker-Polito Administration is pleased to announce that Massachusetts will be a partner in the nation’s first manufacturing innovation institute in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. The biopharmaceutical manufacturing innovation institute is the sixth Manufacturing USA project secured under the Baker-Polito Administration

The $250 million biopharmaceutical innovation institute is a national public-private partnership, awarded through Manufacturing USA, a federally-authorized network of manufacturing innovation institutes. Federal matching funds for the manufacturing innovation institute will be provided by the US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology. The University of Delaware convened this Manufacturing USA team.

Massachusetts will anchor the northeastern node for the biopharmaceutical manufacturing project, which will be known as the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL). The NIIMBL project will be led regionally by a consortium of small, medium, and large biopharmaceutical industry partners from across the supply chain, along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Quincy College, UMass Lowell, UMass Medical School, and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).

The Commonwealth is supporting NIIMBL’s collaborative research and development, and workforce training efforts, through a five-year, $20 million commitment from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC). The Commonwealth’s matching contribution leverages $70 million in federal funds, awarded to the national project, and additional matching funds from private sector participants.

“Massachusetts leads the nation in the development and deployment of advanced manufacturing technologies, and this new biopharmaceutical manufacturing innovation institute will ensure that our globally competitive life sciences cluster continues to deliver cutting-edge therapies, while providing quality manufacturing jobs to the citizens of Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “NIIMBL continues our administration’s substantial investment in public-private research partnerships that open new advanced manufacturing pathways for workers across Massachusetts. We look forward to collaborating with our partners in the federal government, academia, and the private sector, as we continue to build a foundation for dynamic economic growth.”

“Our administration is harnessing advanced manufacturing and workforce development to build prosperity across Massachusetts, and NIIMBL advances these efforts in meaningful ways,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By strengthening the ties between academic research institutions, commercial biopharmaceutical research and development efforts, and the manufacturing community, we will create new capacity to manufacture modern biopharmaceutical therapies in Massachusetts, and continue to broaden the reach of the life sciences cluster throughout the Commonwealth.”

A shift in the delivery of medical treatments, from powder-based medicines based on chemistry and manufactured in large batches, to biologics, cell therapies, and gene therapies, presents new challenges for the manufacturing of biopharmaceutical treatments at scale. The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals is a public-private partnership that seeks to solve challenges related to the production, testing, and regulation of new treatments.

NIIMBL is a process innovation effort that aims to reduce the risks associated with manufacturing new therapies, improve efficiency in order to deliver new therapies to patients more quickly and at lower cost, and increase the quality and safety of new biopharmaceutical products.

The project will also train an advanced manufacturing workforce, capable of working in new biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies.

“Being selected as the Northeast node for the National Institute for Innovation in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, and the federal funding that comes with it, will further strengthen Massachusetts’s position as the world’s leading ecosystem for drug development, from discovery, right through to commercialization and fabrication,” said Travis McCready, President and CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. “This Institute will build connections between our biomanufacturing innovators in industry and academia, and will connect the innovation going on in manufacturing with the innovation going on in the lab. This will translate into technical innovations to improve the biomanufacturing process, allowing for new drugs to reach and help patients more efficiently, and at lower cost.”

“Biopharmaceutical manufacturing innovation at MIT and in our region is reflected by the many small and large companies -- and talented faculty and students --- that have come out of such research,” said MIT Provost Martin Schmidt. “Those companies have settled in Massachusetts to be part of the growing innovation ecosystem anchored in Kendall Square but linked to vibrant regions across the entire Commonwealth. MIT looks forward to continuing to be a strong partner in NIIMBL's national efforts to de-risk manufacturing technologies for new biologic therapies, and to educate and train the future workforce of these companies.”

“The University of Massachusetts is proud to leverage the Massachusetts BioManufacturing Center (MBMC) at Lowell and MassBiologics in Boston and Fall River as part of the NIIMBL effort,” said UMass President Marty Meehan. “UMass has years of experience assisting biotechnology companies in developing cGMP compliant manufacturing processes and in producing FDA-licensed therapeutics, offering solutions that improve productivity, quality and cost. NIIMBL reflects our commitment to expand these public-private partnerships that contribute to the research, innovation, economic development and workforce development needs of the Commonwealth.”

“WPI was founded more than 150 years ago to support education and workforce development during the industrial revolution, and we look forward to driving innovation, career development, and other techniques to support 21st century biopharmaceutical manufacturing initiatives,” said WPI President Laurie Leshin. “For the past decade, WPI has been home to three bioscience facilities that are instrumental to education and innovation in biomanufacturing. We are committed to making those facilities -- the Life Science and Bioengineering Center, the Bioprocess Lab, and the Biomanufacturing Education and Training Center -- indispensable resources for organizations seeking competitive advantages in a global manufacturing economy.”

“Quincy College is proud to comprehensively teach the laboratory and critical thinking skills necessary to enter the growing biomanufacturing industry in Massachusetts and beyond,” said Bruce Van Dyke, Chair of the Biotechnology and Compliance Program at Quincy College. “Through lectures, seminars, and over 450 hours of hands-on laboratory experience, students earn an Associate of Science or Certificate in Biotechnology and Good Manufacturing Practice, and are fully trained to begin working in the biomanufacturing industry at entry-level positions. As a partner in the NIIMBL Project, our role would be to train individuals to fill biopharmaceutical manufacturing positions in the local workforce.”

Manufacturing USA, formerly known as the National Network for Manufacturing Institutes, is a network of competitively awarded public-private innovation institutes. Manufacturing USA seeks to spur research into cutting-edge technologies that can be applied to advanced manufacturing processes. Bidders frequently form teams of universities across different states, with regional nodes supporting the lead bidder. The federal awards are leveraged several times over through a series of state and industry matches.

Massachusetts is convening a national effort to develop revolutionary fibers and textiles, and the state is a participant in regional manufacturing innovation institute nodes in photonics, flexible hybrid electronics, smart manufacturing, and rapid process intensification.

新英格蘭台商會師法台灣 女人當家

                (Boston Orange 周菊子傅萊明罕鎮報導)新英格蘭台灣商會1217日晚在傅萊明罕鎮和荷花苑餐廳舉辦2016年終尾牙,慶祝創會20週年,掀開女人當家新頁,歡迎全是女性的三名新任正副會長,歐陽露,林海倫,李苡惠就職。









由馬來西亞台灣商會聯合總會副總會長劉惟祥邀請,馬國柔佛州政府組團於1824日來台參訪,並考察觀摩台灣的農業科技,柔佛州行政議員拿督鄭修強、馬來西亞台商總會總會長許正德、名譽總會長江文洲及馬來西亞投資發展局處長Nurullydia Binti Ahmad一行,於19日拜會僑委會,由委員長吳新興接見,雙方進行意見交流,副委員呂元榮及僑商處副處長賴麗瑩亦在座陪同。





星期日, 12月 18, 2016

關麗莎當選紐英崙龍岡親義公所主席 向前看籲團結

(Boston Orange ) 紐英崙龍岡親義公所1218日在帝苑大酒樓辦理主席選舉,在分別代表兩方的律師監票,開票下,關麗莎以112票當選為新一屆主席。公所元老趙羨藻,張國華並即席主持授印,就職典禮。


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