
星期六, 12月 24, 2016



亚裔家庭移民美国的经历: 普遍的情绪压力和 寻求情绪健康服务的屏障

2000: 1190万=>2008: 1550万
=> 2050: 4060万
40%西海岸, 21.1%东北地区,21.1%南部
Myth 1: 亚裔学生都是模范生
Myth 2: 亚裔美籍家庭比其他少数族裔收入高 
Myth 3: 亚裔美籍家庭都顺利移民到美国

34% 家庭,工作,以及人际的关系问题
42% 经济问题 (Mental Health America Attitudinal Survey 2006)
新移民汇报的4项最普遍压力: (Blair, 2000)
担心在美国的将来 (27%)
担心健康问题 (26%)
担心仍在母国的家人 (24%)
担心经济问题 (23%)




84万到134万人口,64.4%, 2000-2009
自1990,菲利宾,中国,韩国,越南 占前四位(US Census Bureau, 2011)

(Hossen et al. 2012)







Presenter Emily Wu Biography
Dr. Emily Wu is a Psychiatry Resident Physician at the Harvard LongWood Psychiatry Residency Training Program, affiliated with Harvard Medical School. She works at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, MA. She is a Group for Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Fellow 2017-2018. She is an American Medical Association (AMA)-Resident Fellow Section (RFS) delegate elected by the Mass Medical Society (MMS). She is on the leadership board of the Mass Psychiatric Society (MPS) Multicultural/Diversity Committee. She has published multiple manuscripts and presented posters at National conferences, in topics related to immigrant mental health and cultural psychiatry.
(Provided by Terry Yin)

波士頓市議會議長吳弭年終感謝支持者 2017將競選連任

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市議會議長吳弭(Michelle Wu)128日在甜蜜的卡洛琳(Sweet Caroline)舉辦年終感謝晚會,強調將與議會同仁攜手,繼續努力為民服務,呼籲支持者在未來四年要格外警覺的因應世局,伸手支援身邊需要救助的人,別忘記選舉時出席投票很重要。
"甜蜜的卡洛琳(Sweet Caroline's)東主黃新平(左一),鄺國彬(右一),麻州
眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)(左二)都支持吳弭(右二)。(周菊子攝)
與吳弭同屬年輕世代的麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)也特地到會。(圖片已於12/10發表)

星期五, 12月 23, 2016


HUD Continuum of Care Grant to help Boston increase access to permanent supportive housing
BOSTON - Friday, December 23, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a $24.2 million federal award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support Boston's continued work in ending chronic homelessness. Boston's funds will be distributed among the city's Continuum of Care, the local provider network that provides housing and services for Boston's homeless individuals and families. Continuum of Care funds leasing and rental assistance for permanent housing; transitional housing; supportive services; homeless management information systems and planning.

"Funding for our most vulnerable populations is critical, as we cannot leave any member of our community behind. This grant will go a long way in helping Boston pursue its goal of ending chronic and veteran homelessness by 2018," said Mayor Walsh. "As a city that believes in equity and affordability for all its citizens, we will put these funds to extraordinarily good use to support the work our city does every day. I thank Secretary Castro and HUD for their continued support for Boston."

In an announcement this week, HUD awarded a record $1.95 billion in grants to nearly 7,600 homeless assistance programs throughout the nation, including Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands as the Obama Administration boosted efforts to prevent and end homelessness.

The Continuum of Care award is a competitive grant, awarded annually through the Homeless Continuum of Care funding competition. Awards are based on the merit of the submission and how closely programs adhere to HUD priorities. This year, HUD continued to challenge state and local planners to support higher performing local programs that have proven most effective in meeting their own local challenges and have a lasting impact.

Out of 40 projects submitted by the Boston Continuum of Care for funding, 37 were selected. In addition to renewing critical funding to support the city's current programs, HUD also awarded Boston four new projects. Overall, the Boston Continuum of Care award increased by $255,451 over 2015. The funds will help serve more than 1,400 chronically homeless individuals, and will fund more than $1 million to place homeless individuals in housing, while providing stabilization services to help them successfully remain housed. One of the City's new projects will help 20 homeless families of school-aged children to become housed.   

This grant will support Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end veteran and chronic homelessness in Boston by 2018. In January 2016, Mayor Walsh announced Boston had ended chronic veteran homelessness; to date, nearly 800 veterans have been housed. In 2016, the City scaled up its efforts to end chronic homelessness; since January of 2016, almost 230 chronically homeless individuals have been housed.

Boston's Way Home has redesigned the way Boston offers services to homeless individuals. Rather than counting on shelter as the solution to the issue, Boston has moved toward a housing-first model, where an individual's entrance into the shelter system is also their entrance to a path toward permanent, stable housing. Through investments in housing, technology and system redesign, Boston is on track to meet its goal of ending chronic homelessness by 2018.

海青班北區畢典 吳新興勉勵再進修








藝術家新天地 "天涵畫苑"開幕

畫家郭天涵(左起)與前任麻州大學副校長KKathleen Teehan為開幕剪綵。
旁為Allan Guo,王藐若等嘉賓。(周菊子攝)
KKathleen Teehan。(周菊子攝)
畫家郭天涵(左)與Iverson Guo(右)父子歡迎嘉賓,前任麻州大學副校長
Kathleen Teehan。(周菊子攝)
            該日下午一時,書畫家郭天涵與前任麻州大學波士頓分校副校長Kathleen Teehan,以及麻州國際教育公司總裁郭允奎,共同為新張[天涵畫苑]牌名揭幕,宣佈正式啟用。




Brianna Wu 宣佈2018參選國會議員

Frank Wu 和Brianna Wu夫婦。(取自網路)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合整理報導)現在離2018年還早,麻州的國會議員選舉已經傳出新人參選消息。網路遊戲公司創辦人Brianna Wu在個人臉書上宣佈此事,波士頓環球報1222日刊出採訪報導。
Brianna Wu這姓名,從姓氏來看,讓人以為是亞裔,但她其實是因為嫁給了亞裔科幻藝術家Frank Wu,於是成為亞裔家族一員。
這有點像她本人的經歷,在學校時修的新聞學,還包括調查新聞,踏進社會後,卻因緣際會,走上創辦網遊公司巨大太空貓(Giant Spacekat)”這條路。
Brianna Wu的宣佈參選會引起媒體注意,其實是因為她本人早就是新聞人物。二年前,她在推特上發文,嘲笑遊戲者們運動(GamerGate Movement)”的成員,批評他們想把女性排除在電子遊戲這行業之外以後,她就開始收到列出她住址,銀行資訊,社安號碼的死亡強姦等霸凌威脅,嚇得從阿靈頓搬家。
她在接受波士頓環球報訪問時說,正在組織競選團隊,準備聘請律師,整理文件,預定下星期申請參選。她不肯明說將在哪個地區參選,但強調自己不會和Katherine Clark競爭。
Brianna Wu在推特上有58,000名追隨者,自從上次的事件後,她已經成為全國性的爭取女權人物之一。



Gee How Oak Tin Association - 
Boston Chinatown Lions Club - 
Yee Fung Toy Association - 

Kuo Min Tang Association - 
Frank Chin - 陳毓禮

Paul Chan - 
Roman Chan - 
Peter Chan - 
Sam and Shirley Chan -
Paul and Linda Lee - 李洪文夫婦
Peter Ng - 伍振中
James and Lucy Wong -


(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 美國男籃球星林書豪,今年1026日,趁著來波士頓打這場布魯克林網(Brooklyn Nets)”隊和波士頓凱爾特人(Boston Celtics)隊對抗的美國男籃開季賽時,宣佈捐款100萬元給母校哈佛大學,資助本科生財務援助計畫,並翻修校內籃球場。


星期四, 12月 22, 2016


Andrea Dine主任
為協助臺灣廠商及科研機構延攬人才,以提升競爭力及科技研發能量,臺灣政府近年積極延攬海外人才。繼20169月間由經濟部籌組攬才團訪問波士頓舉行需才廠商與海外人才間的洽談會,及拜會多所麻州知名高等學府洽談攬才合作後,本(12)22日臺灣經濟部與麻州知名學府布蘭代斯大學正式簽署攬才合作備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding),奠定雙方未來合作基礎。
該備忘錄由駐波士頓臺北經文處經濟組石組長大玲代表經濟部,與布蘭代斯大學Hiatt學生職涯中心(Hiatt Career Center)執行主任Andrea Dine共同簽署,經文處賴處長銘琪擔任見證,經文處教育組黃組長薳玉、學務組陳組長珮瑩等多位同仁及Hiatt學生職涯中心副主任Sonia Liang在現場觀禮。根據該備忘錄,雙方未來透過連繫窗口交換臺灣廠商徵求海外人才及該校學生、校友求職之資訊,雙方還同意協助對方舉辦企業徵才活動,以媒合臺灣需才企業及該校之學生和校友。此外,如果該校學生、校友有意赴臺就業發展,經濟部將適時提供客製化之媒合服務,或該校籌集學生及校友訪問臺灣時,經濟部亦將協助安排參訪臺灣企業,及安排與臺灣需才廠商間之面對面洽談,以促成「需才」與「人才」間之有效對接。

布蘭代斯大學是具猶太淵源和背景、注重研究之私立高等文理學府,以國際經濟、商學、藝術、設計及生命科學等相關科系而聞名,自1948創校以來,每年都被US News and World Report排名在全美前35名的大學中,目前教職員數近1,800名,大學部學生達3,800多名,來自世界各國。 (圖文:經文處經濟組提供)

Cranston's First Lady launches first annual "First Lady's Art Awards"

CRANSTON, RI—A lover of the arts, Cranston’s First Lady Barbara Ann Fenton is inviting local artists to share their creative spirit this holiday season by launching the first annual “First Lady’s Arts Awards” in City Hall.

Soon, City Hall will be filled with paintings, drawings and collages and several winners will get the chance to go out to Newport Creamery for ice cream with the First Lady and her husband, Cranston Mayor Allan W. Fung.

The theme is “Holidays in Cranston” and Cranston artists of all ages are welcome to submit a two-dimensional work of art using any medium, from finger paints and watercolors to chalk and ink (and everything in between). 

“I can’t wait to see City Hall filled with color and creativity from the community once submissions start rolling in,” Fenton said. “This is a great activity for Cranston students on their holiday break and is an opportunity for the community to celebrate the arts together in a public space.”

Entries can be dropped off at the Mayor’s Office on the third floor of City Hall during business hours until Jan. 3 and every work will be put on display in the building through mid-February.

Winners will be selected from the following age groups: 5 and under, 6 to 7, 8 to 9, 10 to 11, 12 to 14 and 15 and older. There is no age limit. 

Submissions shouldn’t be larger than 11x14 inches. The name, age, address and parent contact information for the artist must be included on the back of the submission. 

Entries will be available to be picked up after being displayed at City Hall in mid-February.

BCNC和 CPA合作的零售業員工培訓班結業

BOSTON, December 22, 2016 – The Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) and Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) graduated five students from the Pre-Vocational Skills for Retail Employment Training program. The 10-week training program, which helps low-income immigrants find full-time jobs in the retail industry, is funded by the City of Boston Mayor's Office of Workforce Development through the Neighborhood Jobs Trust. Students learn not only retail skills such as customer service, but also general workplace and job-search skills, and workplace English. The program helps link trainees and employer partners, including Bon Me Foods, Roche Brothers and Uniqlo. Three of the graduates have found jobs and two are in the interviewing process. The next training cycle begins on January 3, 2017. For more information and to apply, please visit the Chinese Progressive Association at 28 Ash Street, Boston, MA.

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $245,000 Grant for Solar Canopy Installation at State Facility

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $245,000 Grant for
Solar Canopy Installation at State Facility
Funding Will Support Solar Canopy Installation at MassDOT Building

BOSTON – December 22, 2016– The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $245,000 in grant funding for the installation of a 490 kW solar canopy at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT) research and materials facility in Hopkinton, Massachusetts.  The funding is provided by the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) Leading by Example Clean Energy Grant Program for Solar Photovoltaic Canopies, which seeks to increase installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) parking canopies and innovative solar PV technologies at state facilities.  Today’s grant announcement represents the sixth award from DOER’s Leading by Example solar canopy grant program since 2014 and has resulted in the installation of over 6.5 MW of solar power at state facilities.

“Integrating solar technologies into MassDOT’s new research and materials facility demonstrates their commitment to embracing innovative technologies,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The Commonwealth’s state facilities continue to lead by example in adopting new clean energy practices that reduce energy costs and emissions for all ratepayers.”

“Our Administration is committed to working across agencies to ensure clean energy innovation is implemented where it can have the greatest impact,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito.  “This solar canopy will allow MassDOT to save energy costs and repurpose those resources for more vital operations while reducing emissions.”

The new MassDOT facility, currently under construction and nearing completion, will house the statewide research and materials testing laboratory.  The 490 kW solar canopy, in conjunction with a 40 kW rooftop solar PV system, will help offset a substantial portion of the building’s electrical demand.  The solar canopy project, which includes two Level II Dual-head electric vehicle charging stations, will be built at no cost to MassDOT through a third-party agreement with Ameresco. 

“The Commonwealth is at the forefront of integrating clean energy and energy efficiency technologies into our new state construction, setting the pace for the rest of the state and nation to follow our lead,” said Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Matthew Beaton. “As the cost of solar installations continues to decrease, the Baker-Polito Administration is committed to expanding clean energy integration to state facilities.”

“We are proud to work closely with the Department of Energy Resources and our partners in state government to incorporate innovative energy technologies into our transportation projects and systems,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to adopting renewable and clean energy technologies that allow us to minimize our environmental impact and lower energy costs across the Commonwealth.”

In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, lowering MassDOT’s electricity costs and contributing to the building’s LEED certification, the solar canopy will also provide shade and shelter from the elements for all customers and staff.  MassDOT will use this project as a pilot as they explore further deployment of solar canopies at their facilities statewide. 

“Through close collaboration with our fellow state agencies, DOER continues to prove that clean and renewable energy technologies can be successfully and cost effectively integrated into new state construction projects,” said DOER Commissioner Judith Judson. “We are committed to working closely with our partners across state government to ensure that Massachusetts remains a leader for clean energy building practices.”

Solar canopy installations provide opportunities to state facilities to generate clean renewable electricity at operating parking areas, while reducing heat absorption on parking surfaces and shading parked vehicles.  DOER has provided grants to install solar canopies at six additional sites, including Roxbury Community College, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Massachusetts Lowell and Bristol County Community College.

“In the Legislature and in MetroWest communities, we continue to encourage innovative clean energy technologies, economic development and sustainability,” said State Senator Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “Hopkinton has a strong record in clean energy innovation, and this new installation will help our community to expand solar power at a lower cost.”

“Communities and businesses in the MetroWest have been leading the way in solar energy for a long time. The new MassDOT installation in Hopkinton is another exciting step forward for our area,” said State Representative Carolyn Dykema (D-Holliston). “This leadership by the state sets a great example for others and will result in environmental benefits as well as savings for residents of the Commonwealth.”

The program is funded by an allocation of Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) funds. ACP funds are paid by electric retail suppliers if they have insufficient Renewable or Alternative Energy Certificates to meet their compliance obligations under the Renewable and Alternative Portfolio Standard programs.

The Leading by Example (LBE) program works with state agencies to meet specific target for greenhouse gas emission reductions, energy consumption reduction and renewable energy procurement. Since 2007, state agencies have made significant progress, including reducing GHG emissions by 26 percent, generating 15 percent of electricity demand from onsite renewable and combined heat and power sources, and reducing heating oil use by 78 percent. LBE results have contributed to Massachusetts being ranked for the past five years as the number one state for energy efficiency in the country by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

Governor Baker Nominates Edward F.X. Lynch to the Barnstable District Court

Governor Baker Nominates Edward F.X. Lynch to the Barnstable District Court

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker has nominated Edward “Ned”  F.X. Lynch, an attorney with civil, criminal, prosecutorial and defense experience, to serve as a judge in the Barnstable District Court.

“Ned Lynch is an accomplished attorney with exceptional temperament, intelligence and interpersonal skills,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “He has earned and maintained the respect of his peers, defense attorneys and judges and is an outstanding candidate I am pleased to nominate for the Governor’s Council’s consideration.”

“Attorney Lynch is an active and contributing member of the Barnstable County community and will bring a wealth of knowledge to the bench if confirmed,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “His twenty-four years of experience and his keen ability to be flexible, yet firm and scrupulously fair, in sentencing recommendations will serve the people of the Commonwealth well.”

There are 62 District Courts throughout the Commonwealth hearing a range of criminal, civil, housing, juvenile, mental health and other case types, including all felonies punishable by a sentence up to five years, misdemeanors and violations of city and town ordinances and by-laws.

For more information about the District Court, visit http://www.mass.gov/courts/court-info/trial-court/dc/.

Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor. Governor Baker established the JNC in February, 2015 pursuant to Executive Order 558, a non-partisan, non-political Commission composed of volunteers from a cross-section of the Commonwealth's diverse population to screen judicial applications. Twenty-one members were later appointed to the JNC in April, 2015.

About Edward F.X. Lynch

Edward F.X. Lynch currently serves as an Assistant District Attorney in the Barnstable County District Attorney’s office where he is a Superior Court Prosecutor. Prior to that, Mr. Lynch served as the sole practitioner at his own criminal defense law firm after leaving Barnstable firm Manning & Lynch. He began his career as a law clerk at Walsh, Neville, Pappas & Mahoney in Chicago and then moved to Massachusetts where he served for the first time, in the Barnstable District Attorney’s office as an Assistant District Attorney from 1992 until 1997. Mr. Lynch graduated from the University of Connecticut in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in the School of Business Administration and from DePaul University College of Law in 1992.