
星期一, 11月 21, 2016



On-street testing of autonomous vehicles will begin in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park

nuTonomy's autonomous vehicle

BOSTON - Monday, November 21, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the Boston Transportation Department and the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics today announced the City of Boston will partner with nuTonomy to begin testing autonomous, or self-driving, cars in Boston by the end of 2016. nuTonomy, a leading developer of autonomous vehicles, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Boston and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation that will authorize nuTonomy to begin testing its growing fleet of self-driving cars on public roads in Boston, once their application is approved. Last month, Mayor Walsh and Governor Baker simultaneously issued Executive Orders directing the development of an on-street testing process. The City of Boston will be able to carefully monitor the effects of autonomous vehicles, and further identify how autonomous vehicles will further the safety, access and sustainability goals of Boston's transportation plan, Go Boston 2030 through this first partnership.

"Boston is ready to lead the charge on self-driving vehicles, and as Mayor of Boston, I am committed to ensuring autonomous vehicles will benefit Boston's residents," said Mayor Walsh. "This is an exciting step forward, and together with our public and private partners, we will continue to lead the way in creating a safe, reliable and equitable mobility plan for Boston's residents."

"As companies look to begin testing autonomous vehicles, MassDOT will work through the AV Working Group created by Massachusetts Executive Order No. 572 to manage a rigorous approval process and respective safety protocols," said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. "Criteria and credentials needed for testing will be thoroughly evaluated, such as a private company's demonstrated experience, licensing, inspection and registration status in order to ensure the safety of the public."

Based in Cambridge, MA, nuTonomy will begin testing its self-driving Renault Zoe electric vehicle this year in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park in the Seaport neighborhood of Boston. nuTonomy outfits its vehicles with a state-of-the art software system, which has been integrated with high-performance sensing and computing components, to enable safe operation. The company's sophisticated autonomous and robotics technology system grew out of research conducted in Massachusetts Institute of Technology labs run by nuTonomy co-founders Karl Iagnemma and Emilio Frazzoli. nuTonomy has been testing its software on roads in three continents, starting in December 2014, with its largest testing in Singapore.

"Boston and Massachusetts are leaders in rethinking the future of transportation, and we are grateful for their partnership and support of nuTonomy's efforts to develop a fleet of self-driving cars to serve the public," said Karl Iagnemma, CEO and co-founder of nuTonomy. "These tests in the City of Boston will enable our engineers to adapt our autonomous vehicle software to the weather and traffic challenges of this unique driving environment. Testing our self-driving cars so near to nuTonomy's home is the next step towards our ultimate goal: deployment of a safe, efficient, fully autonomous mobility-on-demand transportation service."

Bob Davis, General Partner at Highland Capital Partners in Cambridge, who led nuTonomy's Series A financing, added, "Autonomous vehicles will transform human transportation and over the course of the next generation cars everywhere will drive themselves. Boston leading the way is yet another example of its position as a global hub of innovation."

During the Boston road tests, nuTonomy's software system will learn local signage and road markings while gaining a deeper understanding of pedestrian, cyclist and driver behavior and interaction across a complex urban driving environment.

nuTonomy will monitor and evaluate the performance of its software system throughout this testing phase. An engineer from nuTonomy will ride in the vehicle during testing to observe system performance and assume control if needed.

nuTonomy is the first partnership for on-street testing in Boston. It follows a previous off-street testing pilot with another company. The City of Boston is in conversation with other autonomous vehicle companies about additional on-street pilots.

In 2015, more than 35,000 people died as a result of motor vehicle crashes in the U.S., and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has estimated that driver error is the critical reason for approximately 94% of crashes. Autonomous vehicles promise to dramatically reduce fatalities and injuries, and to bring freedom to people living with physical challenges that prevent them from driving. Utilizing autonomous vehicles to lower the car crashes upholds Boston's commitment to Vision Zero, the city's pledge to eliminate fatal and serious traffic crashes in the city by 2030.

In addition to safety, autonomous vehicles can also bring environmental benefits: by using electric vehicles, mobility-on-demand autonomous car service can also reduce the number of trips taken in gasoline-powered vehicles and decrease the carbon footprint of transportation in urban settings.

麻省理工學院學生宣佈今日遊行 抵禦可能的政治迫害

   (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)一群麻省理工學院學生發表聲明,大約100人將於11月21日中午12:30,在該校校園的  Killian Court 遊行,藉以捍衛社會正義。
   Brian Tom  代表發起這行動的學生們表示,鑒於選舉形成的一股政治力量,正以前所未見的方式偏頗著 MIT 校園,校內師生的個人安全或科學進展都受到威脅。他們代表 MIT 內許多學生社團,呼籲校內師生們站出來,和受到影響的群體一起遊行。他們希望這是捍衛社會正義,促使全球社區參與的一個開始。


MIT Solidarity and Value Statement

In the wake of the recent election, many of us find ourselves questioning the alignment of values between our government, our society, and ourselves. The election has sparked conversation around threats to our community; however, politics of fear and blame have existed long before this election cycle. As we face divisive and hateful rhetoric that hurts those within our community and throughout the country; as we encounter hate crimes against marginalized communities; and as we watch actions that threaten our environment irreversibly, many of us have been stricken by panic, fear, anger, and immense concern.

At MIT, we dedicate our time and energy, using “mind and hand,” for the betterment of humankind. It is our duty to make a strong statement about who we are and what we stand for. We, MIT, stand together as one in defense of our common values.

1. We stand behind the scientific process. We see evidence-based reasoning as essential to making progress in solving the world’s problems, whether in public policy or scientific research. Therefore, we affirm that climate change is a real threat to our environment and to all humanity, and that we must take action to stop it.
2. We believe in open discussion. At MIT, we know the power of collaboration. We pledge to listen with an open mind and create spaces in which all people are free to speak. Every member of our community should have a voice.
3. We remain committed to diversity and inclusion. We promise to provide an environment in which students, faculty, staff, and administrators, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexuality, or ability, have the tools and support to succeed. We recognize that existing biases prevent inclusion. We commit to being aware of these biases and working towards structures of participation that allow all community members to have an equal contribution.
4. We pledge our support to marginalized communities. We recognize that not all communities will be equally affected by the policies that are to come. It is essential for us to support marginalized communities, including people of color, Muslims, the LGBTQ+ community, undocumented immigrants, and women.
5. We stand firmly against bigotry and hatred. We stand against white supremacy; against discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexuality or ability; against the exploitation of the working class; and against systems of oppression in all of their forms, including hate speech, religious registries, and racial profiling.
6. We work towards a better global future. We understand that responsibility falls on all of us as citizens of the world to continually shape the course of human history to benefit everyone. We recognize our extraordinary privilege and vast potentials as students of MIT. This means fighting against systems of oppression, attitudes that reinforce “us” and “them”, and policies that benefit one group at the cost of others. It means continually reevaluating our humanity and our roles in the universe and fighting today for that ideal tomorrow.

We pledge to stand up for what we believe in – justice, equality, progress, and the fundamental rights and dignity of every human being; and to fight what we stand against – hatred, discrimination, inequity, and injustice, and any attempts to normalize these behaviors in the coming months and years.

星期日, 11月 20, 2016


(Boston Orange)臺美專業人士協會-波士頓分會11月12日在柏克萊市Brook House舉辦一年一度的TAPsgiving慈善午餐募款活動,40餘名會員一起為波士頓地區低收入亞裔家庭的小朋友包裝禮物,並分送到每個家庭。
台北專業人士協會波士頓分會在12月份還將舉辦兩次活動,分別為12月1日下午1點起的到位於波士頓是南灣大道(South Bay Ave.)70號的波士頓食物銀行做義工,以及12月11日下午2點到5點,在奧斯頓(Allston)西方大道(Western Ave.)219號舉行的”技能工作坊"。查詢詳情可上網http://www.tap-boston.org/。(圖片由波士頓僑教中心提供)

大提琴家章雨亭 1/27 來波士頓演奏

中華藝術表演基金會將於2017年1月21日星期六晚上八點於新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳(Jordan Hall)舉辦由大提琴家章雨亭和美國鋼琴家亞當·尼曼(Adam Neiman)共同演出的一場音樂會。
大提琴家章雨亭是被國際公認為當代最優秀的演奏家之一,在世界樂界享有盛名。他曾穫Avery Fisher 及MEF成就獎。是第九屆柴可夫司基大提琴大賽銅牌獎主。章雨亭在2009年公共廣播公司的演出獲得2010年格萊美提名。
章雨亭出生在密西根州,八歲進入茱莉亞音樂學院。十一歲時就與名指揮祖賓梅塔Zubin Mehta合作,與紐約愛樂交響樂團演出。該場演出由CBS電視台在現場作全球實況轉播。他是有史以來獲得Gregor Piatigorsky紀念獎的最年輕的大提琴家,也是有史以來最年輕獲得國際藝術家獎的。他是哈佛的畢業生及耶魯大學的音樂碩士。 現任教於德州大學Austin分校,榮穫德州最佳教師獎。被奧斯汀評論界評為“年度最佳演奏家”。他還擔任印第安納大學客座教授。被美國網路CultureFinder喻為“一週之星”。在網上大提琴會裡被喻為“本月之藝術家”,也出現在”21世紀大提琴家”一書中。
章雨亭曾與Pamela Frank,Jaime Laredo,林昭亮,Anne Akiko Meyers,,竹澤恭子,Michael Tree,馬友友,Gary Karr和Leon Fleisher合作演出。他是波士頓室內樂協會的常客,常出現在布魯克林室內樂協會,達拉斯國際室內樂等等,也在各地藝術節、音樂節中演出。他擔任科羅拉多州勞雷爾Laurel 藝術節藝術總監有十年之久。章雨亭常與知名交響樂團合作擔任獨奏; 如紐約,莫斯科,香港,美國國家,太平洋及台灣交響樂團等。最近他與祖賓梅塔和芝加哥交響樂團演出獨奏,在洛杉磯與好萊塢樂團合作。他還與Leon Botstein與美國交響樂團在紐約Avery Fisher音樂廳首演埃內斯庫交響曲Enescu Symphonie Concertante,在亞特蘭大首演譚盾的大提琴協奏曲臥虎藏龍,在波士頓首演Noam David Elkies為他所寫大提琴協奏曲。
章雨亭發行多張唱片其中包括2010年由Artek發行,他和鋼琴家Anton Nel在喬登廳音樂會的現場錄音。他的專輯還包括Kodaly大提琴獨奏作品以及一套完整的巴赫無伴奏大提琴作品。他先後在奧斯汀及西雅圖一場同時演奏六個巴哈組曲。此外他和鋼琴家Anton Nel在卡內基及波士頓喬登廳,演奏了完整的貝多芬大提琴和鋼琴作品,由WGBH錄製Artek發行。2011年,他與指揮家阿巴多Abbado和聖保羅室內樂團合作錄製個人專輯,與鋼琴家Leon Fleisher聯合演奏會,以及到香港為當代舞蹈團獨奏巴赫曲目。
鋼琴家亞當·尼曼(Adam Neiman)被譽為是當代首屈一指的鋼琴家,樂評們讚賞他的琴藝施展出一種罕見的力量和想像力,是靈敏和精確的配合。兩次獲得Juilliard的Gina Bachauer國際鋼琴比賽冠軍和魯賓斯坦大賽金牌,及Avery Fisher成就獎。
尼曼 11歲時在洛杉磯羅伊士音樂廳首次亮相,吸引了觀眾和評論家的關注。在成長的歲月中他得獎無數。1995年他成為吉爾莫青年藝術家獎(Gilmore Young Artist Award)最年輕的獲獎者。華盛頓郵報說“集蕭邦的華爾茲和夜曲,Prokofieff的第二奏鳴曲,他的音樂抒發了內在聲音,顯示出一個歷練藝術家的智慧和光彩“ 。青年音樂會藝術家協會頒予他Michaels獎,並安排他在紐約林肯中心演出。
尼曼的獨奏備受好評,常在美國,加拿大和歐洲的主要音樂廳演出。他常與世界著名的樂團和指揮家合作演出。他的獨奏專輯“亞當尼曼現場獨奏”,被選為2007年和2008年美國唱片指南樂評家的最佳選擇。他的首張唱片,以及他在東京的Suntory Hall的現場獨奏最近被重新發行。他還於2015年發行一個完整的Rachmaninoff Preludes和Études組成的碟盤。以及他在洛杉磯現場演出錄製的DVD發行。尼曼的演出在國際電台和電視有定期廣播。他在NPR的“今日表演”現場的演出被格萊美獎提名為特色藝術家。
多次與PBS的合作開展出他對作曲的的熱愛:他寫的譜子“寬恕:愛和恨的時候” 由艾美獎導演惠特尼在2010發表在PBS的影片上。他的一些室內作品已經在西雅圖室內樂音樂節,紐約市的Poisson Rouge和墨西哥的Cervantinos節首映。2012年,他的弦樂四重奏在西雅圖室內樂節世界首演,他目前正在完成他的第二個交響曲。尼曼是羅斯福大學芝加哥表演藝術學院鋼琴教授。他固定在佛蒙特州的曼徹斯特夏季音樂節,韓國的大山音樂節授課。他經常被邀請在各種比賽中當為裁判。
DOHNÁNYI:降B大調奏鳴曲作品第 8 ,大提琴和鋼琴協奏曲
BRITTEN:C大調奏鳴曲作品第 65,大提琴和鋼琴協奏曲
GRIEG:A小調奏鳴曲作品第 36 ,大提琴和鋼琴協奏曲
音樂會門票分為$50 (貴賓保留區、可預先指定座位)及$30(不對號自由入座)兩種 ,學生票$15 (不對號自由座區) 。六歲以下兒童請勿入場 。購票:喬登廳票房: 617-585-1260。
網站購票: http://www.ChinesePerformingArts.net 無手續費 。
提供100張免費學生票 (14歲以上 , 每人一張) 請上贈票網頁索票 。
查詢: 中華表演藝術基金會會⻑譚嘉陵, 電話: 781-259-8195,
Email: Foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net


(Boston Orange)駐波士頓經濟文化辦事處教育組1119日在龍鳳九樓舉辦獎學金生座談餐會。刻在波士頓訪學的檢察官郭峻豪應邀分享心得,34名出席獲得教育部獎學金者也熱絡交流,提前慶祝感恩節。




(Boston Orange)紐英倫客家鄉親會和波士頓華僑文教中心合作,11月19日一口氣連辦兩場講座,分別邀李國富,鄭宏銘談理財,護眼,再次吸引近百民眾出席改善生活,身心健康。
李國富不但是麻州大學的企管碩士,還持有美國特級理財師證照,在名片上可以加印CHFC, CSA等說明。過去37年來,他致力協助小型企業業主及富裕人家理財,在退休規劃和資產規劃方面,經驗豐富。
目前在Integrated Financial Partners公司做財務計畫師的李國富以「未雨綢繆--用最好的理財方法去保障您的財富!」為主題,為出席者介紹了許多保障個人財富的方法。
鄭宏銘是眼科醫生,教授,資歷豐富。他曾經在哈佛醫學院眼科做研究學者,講師,助理教授,副教授,後來應邀到新加坡國家眼科中心做眼科研究所主任。回波士頓後,他當過Schepen's Retina Associates Foundation 的顧問,中間還回台灣,擔任中山大學醫學院特聘講座教授。現在他繼續擔任日本金澤醫大,東北文化學園大學客座教授,台中霧峰亞洲大學講座教授。


全美中文學校總會(NCACLS)和美國外語教學委員會(ACTFL)合作,11月18日中午,在波士頓水前區的衛斯汀酒店(Westin Boston Waterfront)舉行年度午餐會,邀紐約州立大學培育中國語文教師中心共同主任唐力行主講”人文主義教育理念及其對美國中文教學的啟示”。

美国南加州菁英汇年会 助力留学生面向社会

美国南加州菁英汇年会 助力留学生面向社会
美国知名学府南加州大学中国学生学者联谊会(USCCSSA)主办的南加州菁英汇(SoCal Elites Connect)1118日晚在洛杉矶市中心的城市俱乐部(City Club)举办第四届年会,邀请来自社会各界精英与留学生分享工作心得和感悟。鼓励留学生积极面向社会,建立自信,培养使命感和责任感,在未来成为一个真正的传递正能量的社会菁英。近30名嘉宾和来自南加州各知名学府经过遴选出的150名中国留学生出席了当天的活动
摩根斯坦利公司执行董事Gregory Laetsch鼓励青年学子们要学习面对公众讲话、要明确目标、要有激情来自台湾的知名年轻企业家田茂庆在分享自己的三次创业的经验时,提出要有自己的创意、建立广泛的社会交际网络,这些都是创业的要件之一。同时他也鼓励创业者不要因挫折而放弃、应从中找出原因,打好第二杆
南加州大学中国学生学者联谊会主席高宇同表示,Socal Elites Connect邀请嘉宾侧重在初创领域,让立志创业的学生,有更多机会和投资人接触。不仅让来参与的商界翘楚、学界,媒体菁英们,最重要的是同学们,都可以有所收获。这次活动,总计收到申请700余份,最后筛选出了团队最认可的150位菁英。很多同学与嘉宾们,从北京、上海、和台湾,以及从波士顿、芝加哥、Santa Cruz等地专程飞来洛杉矶参加这次活动。我们期望搭建一个对大家切实有用的青年菁英社交平台,为大家带来更多的资源,助力实现更多的梦想
南加州大学中国学生学者联合会公共部负责人苏柯榕安排的活动模式,受到参与者的高度评价,会议没有过多的致辞,除了邀请摩根斯坦利公司执行董事Gregory Laetsch,台湾的知名年轻企业家田茂庆发表了简洁的主题演讲外,将绝大部的时间留给了嘉宾和学生互动。入场前,每位来宾都会得到一本列有嘉宾名单、照片以及所在行业的介绍手册,鼓励学生们主动寻找自己想要倾谈的嘉宾。而嘉宾们不论是业界大牛、亦或是社会精英,对于青年学子们的耐心和关切之情,无不溢于言表。活动到近晚上12点才画下句点

星期六, 11月 19, 2016


波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)19日召開社區會議,討論市內的族裔歧視問題,,公佈”波士頓彈性策略原則及架構藍圖預覽("The Blueprint: A Preview of the Principles & Framework for Boston's Resilience Strategy"),2017年起再進全市各社區進一步討論。



BOSTON - Saturday, November 19, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today hosted a public discussion to discuss racism in Boston and how we acknowledge our past as we look to our future in order to become a more socially cohesive and resilient city. The discussion was attended by over 600 residents, and served as the kick-off to a citywide conversation about racism. Additional conversations will take place in neighborhoods across the city in early 2017.

"At this moment in history, Boston will take a stand. We'll answer the call to put the safety, the rights, and the equity of everyone in our city at the top of our agenda, every day," said Mayor Walsh. "If we want to be a strong city, we have to be able to depend on each other, trust each other and understand each other. I want to thank each and every person who took the time to attend, and those who have been having this conversation for years. Together we will grow the conversation, one person at a time, and build bridges of understanding that can become bonds of healing."

The discussion was supported by partners including 100 Resilient Cities - pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and Emerson College.

As part of the dialogue, Mayor Walsh in partnership with 100 Resilient Cities, released "The Blueprint: A Preview of the Principles & Framework for Boston's Resilience Strategy" which helps set the foundation for the release of Boston's Resilience Strategy in early 2017. The Blueprint for Boston's Resilience Strategy provides a shared framework to remove the barriers of racism that hinder Bostonians from having access to opportunity and support to thrive from childhood to retirement.

The Blueprint identifies recommended visions and goals, built upon the racial equity framework, to achieve a more resilient Boston. They include:
  1. Reflective city, stronger people: A Boston that reflects upon its history and confronts present realities of racism in daily life and during emergencies, to learn from and reduce the impact of trauma on individual and community health and well-being.
  2. Collaborative, proactive government: An inclusive and collaborative City government culture that offers residents a meaningful role in decision-making processes and facilitates cross-departmental partnership.
  3. Equitable economic opportunity: Access to economic and social pathways that support closing the wealth gap to ensure our economic security is not determined by our race or ethnicity.
  4. Connected, adaptive city: Increased connectivity for communities of color while improving critical infrastructure for all Bostonians.
"A truly resilient city is one that works to achieve equity: ensuring that important services reach all residents, including the most vulnerable; providing access to opportunity for all and actively fostering cohesive communities," said Otis Rolley, 100 Resilient Cities Regional Director for Africa and North America. "Boston is offering its residents, and its nation, a glimpse into what's possible when challenges are acknowledged openly and honestly."

Earlier this year, Mayor Walsh and 100 Resilient Cities convened the first-ever Transatlantic Policy Lab (TAPL) to assess inequality in the city. The meeting ofcity and nonprofit officials helped address the ways inequalities in income and opportunity affect Boston's shared resilience-building efforts.

In August 2015, Mayor Walsh announced Dr. Atyia Martin as the City of Boston's first Chief Resilience Officer (CRO), a position created to lead citywide resilience efforts to help Boston prepare for, withstand and bounce back from the 'shocks' - catastrophic events like floods, infrastructure failure and acts of terrorism - and 'stresses' - slow-moving disasters like persistent racial and economic inequality, lack of affordable housing and unemployment - which are increasingly part of 21st century life. A member of the 100RC network since 2014, Boston's resilience-building efforts place a unique focus on social resilience in a city affected by historic and persistent divisions of race and class.

About the Mayor's Office of Resilience and Racial Equity
The Mayor's Office of Resilience and Racial Equity leads efforts to help Boston plan for and deal with catastrophes and slow-moving disasters - like persistent racial and economic inequality - that have become part of 21st century life. For more information about the office, please visit our website.

About 100 Resilient Cities-Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation
100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) helps cities around the world become more resilient to social, economic, and physical challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century. 100RC provides this assistance through: funding for a Chief Resilience Officer in each of our cities who will lead the resilience efforts; resources for drafting a Resilience Strategy; access to private sector, public sector, academic, and NGO resilience tools; and membership in a global network of peer cities to share best practices and challenges. For more information, visit:www.100ResilientCities.org.


(左至右)布朗大學Robert Lee教授、Emory大學Tonio Andrade教授、
布朗大學Chas Freeman大使、Rutgers大學Matt Matsuda教授及布朗
大學胡其瑜(Evelyn Hu-Dehart)教授
(Boston Orange)布朗大學與中華民國(臺灣)教育部合作的「薈聚臺灣研究計畫11月14日舉辦太平洋臺灣研討會(Transpacific Taiwan Symposium)」,探討臺灣在太平洋研究的角色及臺灣原住民文化
這場研討會,有兩場座談,共10名來自美國及台灣的學者出席,分別討論「臺灣與太平洋(Taiwan and the Pacific)」及「全球原住民文化(Global Indigeneity)」
國立臺灣師範大學梁一萍教授、布朗大學Caroline Frank教授
、Rutgers大學Matt Matsuda教授、布朗大學Marielena
 Huambachaono教授、布朗大學Robert Lee教授、麻省理工學院
Emma Teng教授及駐波士頓教育組組長黃薳玉。
「臺灣與太平洋」的這場討論在上午舉行講者有Rutgers大學歷史系教授Matt MatsudaEmory大學歷史系教授Tonio Andrade布朗大學美國研究教授胡其瑜(Evelyn Hu-Dehart)擔任引言人。
Matsuda教授以「太平洋包括臺灣嗎?(Does the Pacific include Taiwan?)」為題,臺灣對太平洋地區國家的教育交流等計畫說起,闡述臺灣的國際參與指出,學者從系譜(genealogy)角度研究諸如紐西蘭等地的南太平洋玻里尼西亞地區(Polynesia)原住民,發現根源可溯及臺灣原住民,他們彼此的文化及語言相關聯,彰顯臺灣在太平洋地區的角色。
Tonio Andrade教授「一個島嶼與五個帝國(An Island and Five Empires)」 指出臺灣17世紀起,歷經荷蘭西班牙明鄭清朝及日本等5帝國的殖民或統治,分別發揮著作為拓展和中國大陸貿易的跳板,反清復明據點,轄地,殖民地等功用,是研究歷史者窺看世界的重要地點
布朗大學國際與公共事務研究所(Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs)的Chas Freeman大使及美國研究系Robert Lee教授,接著以評論人身分發言,從臺灣的國際關係跨太平洋地區文化,以及人口變動等角度與聽眾及講者進一步討論。
一萍教授的講題是島嶼相會:臺灣與美國原住民文化比較(Island Encounters: A Comparison of Global Indigeneities between Taiwan and the Americas)。她1867年羅發號事件(Rover Incident),美籍船員因故遭臺灣南部原住民殺害事件談起,指美國駐廈門領事李仙得(Charles William Le Gendre)臺灣排灣族族長Tauketok為此談判簽訂「南岬條約」(Southern Cape Treaty),確保美國及歐洲船舶航行至臺灣的安全,接著把美國和印地安人簽訂的和平協議(Medicine Lodge Treaty)拿來做比較。她也從「李仙得南台灣踏查手記(Note of Travel in Taiwan)」研究李仙得所觀察到的臺灣原住民文化,以及臺灣美國的接觸。該場講座評論人,麻省理工學院Emma Teng教授建議梁一萍也參考19世紀江蘇人兩度拜訪臺灣的紀錄,增加19世紀臺灣的居民生活文化情形。
童元昭教授長期關心臺灣原住民文化的學者。她這次歸返/再連結根源:臺灣博物館再定位(Returning to/Reconnecting with the Source: The re-orientation of Museums in Taiwan)」為題分享國立臺灣博物館國立臺灣大學人類學博物館臺灣地方原住民鄉鎮合作,舉辦原住民文化展覽,在促進大眾認識原住民文化上的努力
布朗大學為這場講座請來麻省理工學院教授Emma Teng,以及該校研究紐西蘭原住民毛利文化的Marielena Huambachano教授評論人。他們兩人提出了許多建議。