
星期日, 12月 11, 2016




根據華埠社區中心的介紹,張斯麗(Amy S. Kwei)是一名教育工作者,早年畢業於聖約翰大學及Vassar學院,退休前在Bennett 學院及Duchess社區學院任教。過去這些年來,她勤於筆耕,在雜誌期刊上發表過不少文章,以及一部選集。她曾兩度獲得Poughkeepsie雜誌辦的Talespinner比賽大獎,2009年以青少年為對象的小說”黃家(House of Wong)"面世,2013年再出版”家妾(A Concubine for the Family)。她最新出版的這本"紅月下(Under the Red Moon)”,寫的是在1948到1962年間,一個華人家庭的離散故事。這也是她的第二本小說。故事內容為在第二次世界大戰期間的黃氏三姊妹,到紐約雪城大學( Syracuse)上學的金鐘,在鄰近美國高中唸書的銀鐘,以及和做妾的母親留了在上海的小妹珊鐘。整個故事環繞著三姊妹在文化大革命期間,分處於上海,香港,紐約,歷經南京大屠殺,韓戰,大躍進等歷史事件時面對的種種命運挑戰。張斯麗的這場"書談",同時為波士頓華埠社區中心的青少年項目籌款。出席者購買了25元的餐券。扣除費用後,餘款都將撥入BCNC的青少年項目。波士頓華埠社區中心指出,Amelia Peabody基金會為支持該中心的昆士市青少年項目,設有4萬元的相對捐款挑戰,該中心希望社區人士能熱心支持,以爭取得到該筆捐款。查詢可洽Jean Quintal at jean.quintal@bcnc.net or 617-635-2540.


波士頓臺灣媽媽親子會於12月10日在波士頓華僑文教服務中心舉辦兒童牙齒保健講座,邀請美國哥倫比亞大學博士陳沂牙科醫生,教導父母們如何進行正確的乳牙照護,換牙時期的注意事項,以及孩童的口腔衛生及健康保健,臺灣媽媽及僑胞鄉親50餘人參加,出席踴躍,互動熱烈。僑教中心主任歐宏偉也應邀出席,並鼓勵臺灣新移民參與僑社及各項愛國活動,也歡迎鄉親們自費返國接受安心專案健檢服務。(圖與文:  僑教中心提供)


星期六, 12月 10, 2016





(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)中華耆英會白禮頓樓129日在天天自助餐廳舉辦慶生會暨聖誕聯歡會,祝福4名壽星,表揚13名義工。五,六十名出席耆英唱歌,跳舞,猜謎,領獎,笑聲不斷,開心非常。
在白禮頓樓主任梅麗梨表揚13名義工後,耆英們在慶生會中安排有不下七項表演,包括趙令瑜率領唱歌班一連演唱了"平安夜""Jingle Bells"我的中國心"等三首歌,李正銀等男女聲合唱"垄上行"科羅拉多之夜"醉鄉",鄧東惠,徐勤杰,張秀蘭伴舞,舞蹈班師生表演"夢裡青草香",陳文龍女生獨唱"數菜歌",主持人喊口令,傳花朵,口令停時接到花朵者得說句祝福話的遊戲等等。
13名獲表揚義工為,周玉韶,趙令瑜,林耀遠,關德榮,張麗冰,Alice Li,徐勤杰,呂玲,杜在明,楊遠清,李積秀,李惠芳,鄧東惠。











劍橋合唱團 2016冬季音樂會【冬之歌】

劍橋合唱團 2016冬季音樂會【冬之歌】
劍橋合唱團 2016冬季音樂會【冬之歌】
1210()  晚間7:30, Hampton United Methodist Church, Hampton, NH
12  11(下午 4:00, Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA

劍橋合唱團將於12月上旬舉行兩場冬季音樂會系列【冬之歌】。1210日(星期六)晚間730分將在Hampton United Methodist Church525 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, NH),630分開始現場售票。1211日(星期日)下午4點在Grace Episcopal Church76 Eldredge St, Newton, MA),3點開始現場售票。



劍橋合唱團固定於每週五晚間8點在MIT 教室練習。二月份將開始新一季的擴大招生與練習,歡迎喜愛唱歌的舊雨新知與我們聯繫。聯絡電話:217-979-9719Email: cccs-officers@mit.edu

MIT CCCS 2016 Winter Concert “The Winter’s Tale”
December 10th, Saturday, 7:30 PM at Hampton United Methodist Church, Hampton, NH
December 11th, Sunday, 4:00 PM at Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA

MIT Cambridge Chinese Choral Society (CCCS) will be performing its 2016 Winter Concert series“The Winter’s Tale”. 12/10 (Saturday) 7:30 PM at Hampton United Methodist Church (525 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, NH), tickets selling at the door at 6:30 PM.  12/11 (Sunday) 4:00 PM at Grace Episcopal Church (76 Eldredge St, Newton, MA), tickets selling at the door at 3:00 PM.

In 2016 the world will commemorate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare.   There have been numerous choral songs composed using the work of Shakespeare.  MIT CCCS will be performing “Songs and Sonnets” by the famous jazz pianist, George Shearing, as well as selected work from “Shakespeare Songbook” by Matthew Harris.

Besides the choral songs selected from William Shakespeare, Chinese and Taiwanese folk songs such as “Mending the Broken Net”, “18 Year Old Girl”, “Darkening Sky”, “Kharlegax”, and “Dance of Youth” will also be performed.

This concert will be conducted by the University of Illinois Choral Conducting DMA Dr. Yufen Yen, and accompanied by current Boston University Piano DMA student I-Ying Lin. The Winter concert will be $10 for adults and $5 for students sold at the entrance.  Please come and experience the wonderful musical performance that we have prepared.

MIT CCCS will begin recruitment for the Spring of 2017 after the concert in December, if you are interested please come talk to us after the concert or email us directly. MIT CCCS regularly rehearse on Friday 8 PM at MIT. Please contact us at 217-979-9719, or email us at cccs-officer@mit.edu

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $12 Million for Electric Vehicle Rebates

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $12 Million for
Electric Vehicle Rebates
Renews Commitment to Reducing Emissions and Fuel Usage with MOR-EV Incentives

BOSTON – December 9, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $12 million in funding for the Commonwealth’s electric vehicle rebate program, Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV). The announcement builds upon the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) $2 million commitment in January and represents more than double the rebate funding over the lifetime of the MOR-EV program. Consumers can qualify for rebates ranging from $750-$2,500 on the purchase or lease of more than 25 qualifying new electric vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell electric vehicles.

“The adoption of electric vehicles is an important component of the Commonwealth’s plan for reducing emissions and meeting our Global Warming Solutions Acts goals,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “With the continued growth and consumer choice for electric vehicles, our administration is committed to working with all stakeholders to promote the host of positive benefits electric vehicles offer.”

“This investment in electric vehicles through the MOR-EV program will help continue our positive progress as we continue to build towards a clean transportation future,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Through DOER’s Green Communities Program, Massachusetts’ municipalities have taken a leading role in adopting electric and fuel-efficient vehicles, once again setting an example for the rest of the Commonwealth to follow.”

Since June 2014, the MOR-EV program has issued or reserved over $6 million for 2,931 vehicles, cutting the state’s greenhouse gas emissions output by an estimated 8,123 short tons annually. The Commonwealth recently adopted a fuel efficiency standard for the purchase of new state vehicles, requiring minimum fuel efficiency on newly purchased state vehicles. As part of DOER’s Green Communities Program application process, cities and towns must pledge to only purchase fuel-efficient vehicles. DOER is also in the process of developing an additional rebate program to promote electric vehicle adoption for low-income consumers. 

“The intense interest in the MOR-EV rebate program is a testament to the progress the Commonwealth has made towards incorporating clean energy technologies into everyday life,” said Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration continues to demonstrate our commitment to reducing emissions and providing a clean, healthier environment for all Massachusetts’ residents through the integration of fuel-efficient and zero emissions vehicles.”

“Thousands of consumers have taken an important step towards reducing emissions across Massachusetts by embracing zero emission and fuel-efficient vehicles,” said DOER Commissioner Judith Judson. “By doubling the historic funding of the MOR-EV program, the Baker-Polito Administration is ensuring that the Commonwealth is poised to secure our clean transportation future as options for electric and fuel-efficient vehicle consumers continue to grow.”

In May, DOER awarded four grants for the purchase of electric school buses and chargers to Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, Amherst Public Schools, Cambridge Public Schools and Concord Public Schools. The grants were awarded through the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) new Vehicle-to-Grid Electric School Bus pilot program, which aims to reduce schools’ petroleum use and test the benefits of electric school bus technology.

“The MOR-EV program is a great incentive that anyone interested in purchasing an electric vehicle should consider,” said State Senator Don Humason (R-Westfield). “This significant investment into the successful program will contribute to the Baker Administration’s ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote clean energy in the Commonwealth.”

Increasing the use of zero emissions vehicles would help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and I’m happy to hear that the administration is offering more rebates for such cars,” said State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton). “I was happy to work with my Senate colleagues to pass a bill earlier this month that creates new incentives for people to buy zero emissions vehicles, and I wish to thank Secretary Beaton for his support of ZEVs through the rebates program. These initiatives will help the state achieve its stated goal of 300,000 zero emissions vehicles registered in Massachusetts by 2025, and are an important part of protecting our environment.”

“I commend the Baker-Polito Administration for its strong commitment to electric vehicles and the MOR-EV rebate program,” said State Representative Jonathan Hecht (D-Watertown). Widespread use of electric vehicles is critical to meeting the Commonwealth's emission reduction laws. Through MOR-EV and private and public efforts to expand charging infrastructure, electric vehicles are quickly becoming an affordable, practical choice for Massachusetts residents.”

“The MOR-EV rebate program has been an invaluable addition to our Commonwealth, and I am incredibly thankful for the Baker-Polito Administration’s continued support and funding toward such an important environmental initiative,” said State Representative Brad Hill (R-Ipswich).

MOR-EV is administered on DOER’s behalf by the Center for Sustainable Energy. The funding is financed by Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction proceeds, and aims to help reduce reliance on foreign oil and meet Massachusetts’ goals under the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector 7.6 percent by 2020.

For complete rebate program information and other details, go to www.MOR-EV.org.

星期五, 12月 09, 2016

Drought Conditions Remain Unchanged Throughout Commonwealth

Drought Conditions Remain Unchanged Throughout Commonwealth
Monitoring of Water Resources to Continue, Indoor Water Conservation by Public Necessary

BOSTON – December 9, 2016 – Although many areas of the state experienced some precipitation in November, large portions of the state continue to experience a water deficit. As a result, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton today declared the following drought levels throughout the Commonwealth: a Drought Warning for the Connecticut River Valley, Western, Central, Northeast, and Southeast Massachusetts, unchanged from the month of November; and a Drought Advisory for the Cape and Islands, unchanged from the month of November. The declaration was the result of a recommendation issued from a recent meeting of the Drought Management Task Force, comprised of state, federal and local officials, and will remain in effect until water levels return to normal in the affected regions.

“It is incredibly important that as the Commonwealth transitions from fall to the winter months that we all focus on indoor water conservation methods, now that the outdoor watering season has come to an end,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration urges the public to reduce indoor water usage, fix any indoor leaks, and conduct water audits.”

“While the state has received beneficial rainfall over the last few weeks, totals for the month of November were below normal and serious drought conditions remain across the state,” said Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Director Kurt Schwartz. “The public is urged to continue conserving water in order to reduce the overall demand on our water sources.”  

A Drought Warning, as outlined in the Massachusetts Drought Management Plan, indicates over six consecutive months of groundwater and stream flow levels being below normal, and larger reservoirs at below normal levels. This initiates a much more concerted set of government responses including instating water restrictions, and more intensified monitoring and coordination between the agencies. Areas within the Drought Warning regions are currently experiencing precipitation levels below normal for six out of seven consecutive months. The declaration of a Drought Advisory indicates a level of dry conditions that warrants closer tracking by government agencies. 

The state continues to intensely monitor and assess the drought situation, and any associated environmental and agricultural impacts. Furthermore, the state asks the public to be mindful of the amount of water they are using, and to reduce indoor water use, address leaks as soon as possible, and for larger buildings and businesses to conduct water audits to ensure they identify areas of leaks and potential water conservation. All these steps will greatly help reduce water use to ensure essential needs such as drinking water and fire protection are being met, habitats have enough water to recover, and to stretch our water supplies into the spring.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP) permits exempt certain water uses from mandatory restrictions, including: for health or safety reasons; the production of food and fiber; the maintenance of livestock; and to meet the core functions of a business. MassDEP continues to provide technical assistance to communities on managing systems, including assistance on use of emergency connections and water supplies, as well as assisting towns on how to request a declaration of drought emergency.

“Despite recent rain events, the Commonwealth is still in a significant drought, so people should continue to use water wisely,” said Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “Residents should all look to efforts within the home to conserve water. Fixing leaky faucets, toilets and showerheads is a great way to conserve water and save money.”

To aid farmers and other small businesses, the Baker-Polito Administration launched the Massachusetts Drought Emergency Loan Fund, and continues to work closely with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency. As a result of USDA primary agricultural disaster designations due to losses caused by drought, all Massachusetts counties are now eligible for federal emergency loans through the Farm Service Agency to help recover from crop losses. Additionally, all Massachusetts counties are eligible for federal emergency loans as a result of a USDA primary agricultural disaster designation due to crop losses of tree fruits like peaches that were caused by frost and freeze occurring between February and May.

“As year-end approaches, farmers are pleased with the more frequent recent precipitation, but need much more of the same prior to the 2017 growing season,” said Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux.  “We encourage everyone to continue to support our farmers by buying locally grown Christmas trees and greens, as well as delicious food products at our winter farmers’ markets.”

Task Force officials noted that although reservoir levels are recovering during this natural recharge period, most as still below normal. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) water supply system is not currently experiencing drought conditions, as defined within its individual plan.

“While the Quabbin Reservoir dipped into the below normal range during the month of November, mandatory restrictions are not yet necessary for our service area,” said MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey. “As drought conditions continue across the state, it is important that residents and businesses in our member communities conserve water whenever possible.”

The declaration of a Drought Warning and Drought Advisory requires the Drought Management Task Force to meet on a regular basis to more closely assess conditions across the state, coordinate dissemination of information to the public, and help state, federal and local agencies prepare any responses that may be needed in the future. The Task Force will next meet in January. For further information on water conservation and what you can do, visit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ drought page, the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s drought management page, and the MassDEP Water Conservation page.