
星期五, 10月 28, 2016

亞美專業人員協會慶30週年 助年輕人為明日成功鋪路

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)亞美專業人員協會波士頓分會(NAAAP Boston)"昨日的夢想,今日的機會,明日的成功"為主題,今(28),明兩日在波士頓萬豪酒店(Marriott Courtyard Boston)舉行30週年領袖會議,從不同角度為青年亞裔指點方向。
古德溫(Goodwin Proctor)律師樓合夥人李保華(Paul Lee)Accenture市場行銷及傳播主管羅一曼(Betty Lo)兩人,今日依序在早上,中午談個人經歷,亞裔的市場影響力。
李保華引用埃莉諾羅斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)說的未來屬於那些相信自己夢想品質的人",鼓勵青年亞裔為自己打造一個有品質夢想,秉持信念的去實踐。
會議主任林蓉蓉(左)與講者巴布森學院數位內容主任Michael Bruny。
三場工作坊分別為巴布森學院主管及企業教育數位內容經理Mike Bruny教人如何做個人品牌,Selena Tan談作為一名局外人的領導力思維,Su Joun"如何在未來的組織中茁壯"
三場分享分別為,在百奧健(Biogen)Accenture,世界語言及文化,威靈頓管理等公司工作者分享成功的秘密,富士餐飲集團創辦人梁戰士談一生學習者(A Lifelong learner),李超榮綜論從政及公民參與的亞裔。
"在美國的亞裔美人未來"這座談中,我的中國生活"紀錄片導演及製作人伍少文簡述他怎麼轉向回頭拍自己的族裔社區,白宮亞太裔太平洋島民計畫行政主任Doua Thor一直到上大學後,才意識到自己是赫蒙族(Hmong)亞裔。Ashoka北美運作及策略主任YeSeul Kim坦言,自己成長在一個幾乎全是白人的社區中,也是直到上大學後,才知道有亞裔這回事。BCBSMA的數據分析及品質管理表現衡量副總裁周奇(Qi Zhou)分享了他在中國安徽的成長經歷,職業選擇轉變,隨妻移民來美後再度因應環境做不同發展選擇的經過。
講者Su Joun 主持如何在未來組織內表現良好。(周菊子攝)
波士頓亞美專業人士協會董事會主席鄺寶朝,會長Jesse Nandhavan,大會主任林蓉蓉(Joanna Chua)等人在年會會刊中指出,該會創辦於1986年,是亞美專業人士協會第一個地方分會,原本只以交流為主要活動,經歷屆成員努力,如今已發展成為一個平台,不但為波士頓地區各行各業的亞美專業人士提供專業進修,領導力培訓,創業輔導,到社區做志工機會等服務,還發放獎學金,推動婦女計畫。目前有活躍會員400餘人。

講者 Selena Tan主持"圈外人概念的領導力"工作坊。(周菊子攝)

亞美專協會長Jesse Nandhavan(右)頒感謝獎牌給中午的主旨演講者,



亞美專協嘉賓座談"美國亞裔美人的未來"。右起,周奇(譯音,Qi Zhou),
YeSeul Kim, Doua Thor,伍少文,主持人Echo Liu。(周菊子攝)





都市家居護理公司的波士頓分公司總共有大約250位工人,其中60% 是華工,剩餘40%工人是大部份拉丁裔、和小部分海地人、和講葡萄牙文。都市工人於去年的六月份投票成功成立工會,但如今有合約才實實在在得益。都市工人的勝利也是所有家庭護理工作者和移民工人們的勝利,因為家庭護理是移民正在增長的行業之一。即使這個合同沒有達到工人百分之百的要求,但它將為所有家庭護理工作者和未來的合同戰鬥鋪了路。


根據這為期兩年的合約,工人將獲得每小時$ 0.99的最低加薪,能夠得到準確和全額路費和等待時間工資,並且可以使用1199SEIU培訓和升級基金福利,包括:英語課,電腦課,職業發展培訓,大學學費報銷。一些工人甚至得到每小時$2.52加薪。最重要的是,工人在工作中會有聲音,他們不再是“隨意的僱員”,即是工人有合同,雇主必須跟隨合約規定工人的工資,實施行為紀律或開除。



DA Conley Invites Non-Profits to Apply for Grant Funding

DA Conley Invites Non-Profits to Apply for Grant Funding
BOSTON, Oct. 28, 2016—Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley today invited non-profit organizations serving youth across Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop to apply for grants to support programs that keep kids away from drugs, gangs, and dangerous behavior.
The grants will be dispersed through Conley’s Asset Forfeiture Community Reinvestment Grant program, which uses funds and assets seized from drug traffickers to provide cash awards to non-profits serving Suffolk County youth.  Grant amounts range from $2,500 to $7,500.
“Through the Asset Forfeiture Community Reinvestment Grants, we’ve provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to non-profits that steer young people away from drugs, guns, and violence,” Conley said.  “The program allows us to take drug money off the streets, where it would only further the scourge of addiction and violence, and instead put it to positive use for the community.” 
A panel of community representatives will review the grant applications submitted to Conley’s office and assist in selecting award recipients. Non-profit organizations that wish to apply for one of this year’s awards can download the application packet here.  Inquiries may be directed to Deputy Chief of Staff Catherine Rodriguez at Catherine.Rodriguez@state.ma.us.  Completed applications are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 18.  
Massachusetts law allows up to 10 percent of money from the auctions of drug dealers’ property and confiscated funds to be returned to the community.  State auditors in 2013 reviewed the grant program and gave it high marks for turning “the profits of crime into something positive for the community” while carefully documenting all forfeiture-related income and expenditures.  

轉載活動訊息: 麥當勞升學講座11月5日在昆西市舉行


  申請大學相關資訊一站通 還有抽獎 速上網報名
 【波士頓新聞訊】出生在中國南京市,10歲隨父母移民來美國的 李依依(Jessica Li),畢業於馬州洛城理查‧蒙哥馬利高中(Richard Montgomery High School),順利進入美國首屈一指的普林斯頓大學( Princeton University)。權威的「美國新聞與世界報導」 大學排行榜,最新公佈的名次,普林斯頓大學仍然蟬連第一名。 普林斯頓大學的吉祥物是老虎,所以我們管叫普大的女學生「 普林斯頓虎妹」(Princeton Tiger)
 李依依可以說是第一代移民,一切從頭開始。 她的雙親跟一般的新移民家庭一樣,來到這個新世界, 打工維持家計,李依依則就讀附近的公立學校,力爭上游, 進入高中的IB班。沒有perfect 成績的她,竟受到了多所長春滕盟校, 以及包括史丹福大學在內名校的青睞,全部錄取她, 最後她選擇了給她獎學金的普林斯頓大學,「虎妹」之名, 實至名歸,她的求學歷程,奮鬥精神,生命價值,值得新移民仿效、 借鏡。
 李依依應邀在115日舉行的麥當勞升學講座分享她的故事, 傳授她的經驗,讓後進學習如何克服壓力,創造價值,鼓舞人心, 在眾多優秀學生之中脫穎而出。心動就要立即行動,請速上網報名: http://goo.gl/gSNm6v,或www. bostonchinesenews.com
  由波士頓新聞、麥當勞和ASC English & A+ Program聯合主辦的這項免費升學講座,主題包括:
-上了社區學院也能拿學到大學文憑?專家告訴你「2+2」的奧妙 !
-新的?SAT測驗已上路,攻克?SAT/ACT?測驗的訣竅, 分享給你。
 講座時間是115(星期六)上午10點到下午3點, 地點在麻州昆西市:Ruth Cameron Auditorium, Eastern Nazarene College, 23 East Elm St. Quincy, MA 01720,?請上網報名,索取免費票,座位有限,先到先得!g oo.gl/gSNm6v,詳情請上網:www. bostonchinesenews.com

磐石獎得主拜會僑委會 回饋台灣不落人後





獲得第18屆海外台商磐石獎的企業分別是Win Time LLC(美國)、經寶精密公司(泰國)、大山行花旗蔘公司(加拿大)、豐鼎石材公司(泰國)與杜甫科技公司(馬來西亞)。(僑委會提供)

中華頤養院感謝宴 表揚21名服務5到30年員工 (圖片)


The Netherlands’ leading research and development center expands activities to Massachusetts

 (BOSTON, MA) October 27, 2016 -- Yesterday, Holst Centre, a leading Dutch research institute in the area of flexible electronics and wireless sensing, based in Eindhoven the Netherlands, hosted an introductory event at the Cambridge Innovation Center to announce their expansion into Massachusetts and bolster relationships in North America. The event was supported by the Province of Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands.

Holst Centre is an independent research and development center, set up by TNO and imec, specializing in wireless low power sensor technologies and flexible electronics. Their areas of expertise include perceptive systems for the internet of things and smart flexible systems for wearable health, energy and automotive applications.

Holst Centre is dedicated to answering global societal challenges in health care, lifestyle, and sustainability through the motivation of its researchers, encouragement of different collaboration models and choosing of its research topics.

“With this event, Holst Centre aims to kick start its activities in the US. We intend to share and further develop our extensive knowledge in smart flexible systems with new partners,” said Ton van Mol, Managing Director of Holst Centre. “With our wide variety of collaboration models, we are looking to build relationships with new partners, both from industry and in the process of validation of our technology”. 

One of the key areas that smart flexible systems will play an essential role is in health care domain, solutions that provide support in prevention from diseases or help healthcare professionals to cure the disease. The solutions can range from wireless medical grade biometrics monitoring devices that could screen patients’ wellbeing remotely to flexible imager sensors for use in MRI or CAT scan devices. 

“We are pleased to welcome the Holst Center to Massachusetts, where they are joining a strong community of innovators that are developing the next generation of wearable and sensor technologies,” said Travis McCready, President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.  “We are confident that here they will find the partners and resources that they need to advance this work, while building stronger ties between the innovation economies in Massachusetts and the Netherlands.”

During yesterday’s event, Holst Centre presented its knowledge on topics such as ECG monitoring patches, flexible x-ray imagers and various optical and printed sensors, showing Holst Centre’s leadership in these research domains. 

“I am pleased to welcome the Holst Centre to the Cambridge Innovation Center in Boston as our City continues to expand our innovative life sciences industry," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "Boston is open for business, and I look forward to welcoming innovative, international companies like the Holst Centre our City." 

The event also featured presentations highlighting the importance of the Massachusetts innovation economy to the Holst Centre and remarks from representatives of the Netherlands Government, the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and the Mayor of Boston’s Office of Economic Development.

 ---- end ----

About Holst Centre
Holst Centre is an independent R&D center that develops technologies for wireless autonomous sensor technologies and for flexible electronics, in an open innovation setting and in dedicated research trajectories. A key feature of Holst Centre is its partnership model with industry and academia based around shared roadmaps and programs. It is this kind of cross-fertilization that enables Holst Centre to tune its scientific strategy to industrial needs.
Holst Centre was set up in 2005 by imec (Flanders, Belgium) and TNO (The Netherlands) and is supported by local, regional and national governments.
Located on High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Holst Centre benefits from, and contributes to, the state-of-the-art on-site facilities. Holst Centre has over 200 employees from some 28 nations and a commitment from over 50 industrial partners.


The City of Boston will open source the code of its official website
BOSTON - Thursday, October 27, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a milestone in the development of the City of Boston's website: three months after launching a redesigned Boston.gov, the City has released the site's source code to the public domain as an open source project.

"The City's website will have to constantly evolve and change to meet the needs of the people of Boston," Mayor Walsh said. "By open sourcing Boston.gov, we're opening up our website to a community of software developers and designers who can help us build for the future."

The City's Digital Team led the effort to open source Boston.gov after building and launching the redesigned website this year. Open sourcing Boston.gov allows the City to democratize the development of Boston.gov, working with outside organizations and academic institutions to build new features for the City's website. Software developers can now view the City's public repository on GitHub and propose code contributions to improve the website. The City gave advance access to groups including Boston University to begin reviewing the code and making contributions.

"Since we launched, many people in Boston have reached out to us looking to help with Boston.gov, and many other cities have looked to us as a model," said Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Boston's Chief Information Officer. "By releasing the website as open source, we've taken a huge step to engage our local tech community, and the many other government technology innovators across the country."

This step makes Boston the first major US city to open source its full website. Additionally, the City of Boston will make future web applications and improvements that it develops open by default. The source code for the Drupal-based website will be made public, but no sensitive information will be released. Open source systems are often viewed as more secure due to the extra scrutiny they receive from a wider community of developers.

Importantly, opening the website also allows the City of Boston to share useful features of Boston.gov with other cities and government agencies.

"We talk regularly with cities in the region and around the country who are looking to redesign or improve their websites," said Boston's Chief Digital Officer Lauren Lockwood. "Releasing Boston.gov in the public domain empowers others to reuse the code underlying our site without building it from scratch."

In opening the site, Boston joins a growing number of cities, states, and federal governments releasing applications and websites as open source projects. It also adds to the City's ongoing efforts to share data and technology. The Cityrecently launched an open source toolkit for CityScore, the City's daily performance management system, and the City's Open Data portal has also become an important resource for municipal data.

About the City of Boston's Digital Team
The Digital Team is part of the City's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and focuses on delivering digital services that are welcoming, highly useful, and designed around the needs of the Boston community. As part of that effort, they launched the City's redesigned website, Boston.gov, in July 2016.