
星期五, 10月 28, 2016


The City of Boston will open source the code of its official website
BOSTON - Thursday, October 27, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a milestone in the development of the City of Boston's website: three months after launching a redesigned Boston.gov, the City has released the site's source code to the public domain as an open source project.

"The City's website will have to constantly evolve and change to meet the needs of the people of Boston," Mayor Walsh said. "By open sourcing Boston.gov, we're opening up our website to a community of software developers and designers who can help us build for the future."

The City's Digital Team led the effort to open source Boston.gov after building and launching the redesigned website this year. Open sourcing Boston.gov allows the City to democratize the development of Boston.gov, working with outside organizations and academic institutions to build new features for the City's website. Software developers can now view the City's public repository on GitHub and propose code contributions to improve the website. The City gave advance access to groups including Boston University to begin reviewing the code and making contributions.

"Since we launched, many people in Boston have reached out to us looking to help with Boston.gov, and many other cities have looked to us as a model," said Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Boston's Chief Information Officer. "By releasing the website as open source, we've taken a huge step to engage our local tech community, and the many other government technology innovators across the country."

This step makes Boston the first major US city to open source its full website. Additionally, the City of Boston will make future web applications and improvements that it develops open by default. The source code for the Drupal-based website will be made public, but no sensitive information will be released. Open source systems are often viewed as more secure due to the extra scrutiny they receive from a wider community of developers.

Importantly, opening the website also allows the City of Boston to share useful features of Boston.gov with other cities and government agencies.

"We talk regularly with cities in the region and around the country who are looking to redesign or improve their websites," said Boston's Chief Digital Officer Lauren Lockwood. "Releasing Boston.gov in the public domain empowers others to reuse the code underlying our site without building it from scratch."

In opening the site, Boston joins a growing number of cities, states, and federal governments releasing applications and websites as open source projects. It also adds to the City's ongoing efforts to share data and technology. The Cityrecently launched an open source toolkit for CityScore, the City's daily performance management system, and the City's Open Data portal has also become an important resource for municipal data.

About the City of Boston's Digital Team
The Digital Team is part of the City's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and focuses on delivering digital services that are welcoming, highly useful, and designed around the needs of the Boston community. As part of that effort, they launched the City's redesigned website, Boston.gov, in July 2016.

Former NAAAP Boston Scholarship Recipient Fatima Mahmud Gives Back

Former NAAAP Boston Scholarship Recipient Fatima Mahmud Gives Back 

BOSTON, MA – NAAAP Boston’s Future Leaders Scholarship fund has received a $1,400 donation from Fatima Mahmud, AACP. A former recipient of the scholarship, Fatima hopes to give back to the community and to help make the opportunities that were awarded to her available to others.

The annual Future Leaders Scholarship, first established in 1987, recognizes and celebrates outstanding high school seniors who demonstrate leadership qualities, community service, and high academic achievement in the greater Boston area. After receiving the scholarship in 2001, Fatima went on to attend Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA where she majored in political science. Fatima is originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh but immigrated to Cambridge, MA with her parents. Fatima grew up watching her parents help new immigrant arrivals just as they had been helped when they first immigrated here. She credits her upbringing, religion, and cultural heritage for instilling in her the importance of giving back.

Fatima believes that the benefits of the scholarship extend beyond monetary value. “I was thrilled by the financial help as my family was struggling with the rising cost of college,” she had said upon receiving the scholarship. She also added that she “appreciated being connected to a community of professional Asian-Americans.” When Fatima moved to Maryland for work, she was able to quickly build her network by reaching out to the NAAAP community, the community she became a part of in Boston because of the scholarship. 

Personally and professionally, Fatima believes in the importance of both having, and helping create, a community in which its members support and help one another. She currently works as an Enforcement Paralegal for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in Washington, empowering consumers to take control of their economic lives. Her generous donation will not only help to recognize aspiring Asian-American leaders and introduce them to the NAAAP community, but also encourage future recipients to give back and help others as well. 


The Boston Chapter of NAAAP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to cultivating, supporting and promoting Asian-American leaders through professional development programs, community services engagements, and diverse industry connections. NAAAP Boston was founded in 1986 and is the largest of the 26 chapters and associate chapters in North America.

星期四, 10月 27, 2016


(Boston Orange)駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處紐英崙中華公所攜手舉辦的台灣電影欣賞"系列,今(27)日下午舉辦第二場,放映西施",僑胞出席踴躍。
接下來的兩場,將於11月,12月各放映一場,分別是1125(週五)下午6點放映艋舺(Monga121日(週四)下午3:30,放映大輪迴(The Wheel of Life
大輪迴(The Wheel of Life一片由胡金銓、李行、白景瑞聯合導演石雋、彭雪芬、姜厚任主演,奪得1983年金馬獎最佳剪輯、最佳美術設計獎,1983年亞太影展最佳男主角獎。片長105分鐘
經文處處長賴銘琪,新聞組組長朱永昌,波士頓華僑文教中心主任歐宏偉等人,20日首映時,專程出席,與僑胞一起欣賞朱延平導演,周杰倫主演,入圍2008年金馬獎最佳原創電影功夫灌籃(Kung Fu Dunk




鄭洪教授:鄭教授從1970 就在MIT數學系,是應用數學和理論物理的泰斗,也是台灣中研院院士。他今年八月由MIT出版了”Nanjing Never Cries: A Novel”.  此書在Amazon可以買到。專協很榮幸請到他來現身法。

宋怡明教授:哈佛費正清中國研究中心的主任。他寫了一本以金門為主的書“前線島嶼:冷戰下的金門”。此書英文版在Amazon可以買到。中文版係由台大出版,屆時將有定購單。宋教授 精通中文,他將用國語作此演講。預料將會非常精彩。


            Registration please go to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/neacp-39th-annual-conference-tickets-27668230422 .  If you have difficulty registering, please reply with this email, indicating your name, lunch box selection, and number of attendees.  You can pay at the registration desk.

會長  蔡明機

Founded: 1978

紐英崙中華專業人員協會於一九七八年在波士頓成立,已有三十七年的歷史。當初由曾經參加『國家建設研討會』之學者專家組成,後為廣泛延攬人才,會員並不限於參加國建會的人士,舉凡學有專精的學者、教授、專家及學生皆可入會。協會的二百多名會員分布於紐英崙六州:MaineConnecticutMassachusettsNew HampshireRhode IslandVermont

NAAAP 30th anniversary leadership conference 10/28-29

30th Anniversary Leadership Conference, Career Fair & Gala Dinner 
Date/Time: Friday, October 28, 2016
from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Venue: Courtyard Boston Downtown (Marriott)
Address: 275 Tremont Street Boston MA

REGISTRATION LINK: http://naaapbos30.eventbrite.com/?aff=website

30th Anniversary Leadership Conference Theme:
Yesterday’s Dream, Today’s Opportunities, Tomorrow’s Success

**Tickets marked with ALL INCLUSIVE means you get access to the conference, career fair and dinner gala. Career Fair & Information Session is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC. ERG Panel (Session 3, Oct 28 afternoon) is FREE but with limited seats.**

This year marks NAAAP Boston’s 30th anniversary. Over the last 30 years, NAAAP has weathered many challenges and welcomed change as the workforce dynamics continued to evolve. We as Asian Americans also weathered many challenges and learned valuable lessons as we assimilated into the American dominant workforce. While Asian-American professionals have been struggling for decades against the proverbial “bamboo ceiling”, many have managed to break past it into positions of leadership. These leaders can serve as an inspiration to show that our cultural values should not be personal inhibitions that encumber our path to success. Instead, our values should integrate seamlessly into our working lives while we exhibit our leadership abilities.
Join us on October 28th and 29th at the Courtyard Boston Downtown as we celebrate NAAAP Boston’s 30-year Anniversary with a weekend-long Leadership and Professional Development Conference, full of interactive workshops, leadership panels, impressive keynote speakers, a career fair, a gala/awards dinner, and much more. This 2-day event will show us how to pave the way to becoming inspiring, forward-thinking, and strategic leaders in our personal and professional lives.
**Tickets marked with ALL INCLUSIVE means you get access to the conference, career fair and dinner gala. Career Fair & Information Session is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC. ERG Panel (Session 3, Oct 28 afternoon) is FREE but with limited seats.**

Keynote Speeches
  • Paul Lee, Of Counsel at Goodwin Procter LLP
  • Betty Lo, VP of Community Alliances & Consumer Engagement at Nielsen
Closing Panel Discussion
  • Qi Zhou, VP for Performance Measurement, Data Analytics and Quality Management at BCBSMA
  • Kenneth Eng, Documentary Filmmaker
  • YeSeul Kim, Director of North America Operations & Strategy at Ashoka, and
  • Doua Thor, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
  • Moderator: Echo Liu, Research Economist at RTI International
Workshops and Presentation Sessions
  • Mike Ambassador Bruny, Digital Content Manager for Babson Executive Education; Creator of RunThePoint.Com
  • Selena Tan, Founder/Executive & Career Coach at O Positive Coaching
  • Su Joun, Talent, Diversity & Inclusion Expert
  • Leverett Wing, Political Organizer Active in Boston’s Asian-American community
  • Jimmy Liang, Founder/CEO/Chef of JP Fuji Group
  • ERG Panel Discussion
    • Gwendolyn McCoy, Enterprise Inclusion Leader at BCBSMA
    • Rebecca Harris, Manager, Employee Resource Networks and Workforce Initiatives (Global Diversity & Inclusion) at Biogen
    • Joyce Kline, Managing Director at Accenture
    • Farzana Nayani, Director of Client Management, Language & Culture Worldwide; NAAAP National Director of ERG Relations
    • Moderator: Lisa Strack, AVP of Global Campus Programs at Wellington Management