
星期三, 10月 12, 2016






第二條議題是有關州立特許 ( Charter School ) 學校,目的是讓這類學校,以每年新設12間的速度增加。這些學校的經營開支,主要是來自市立公校的財政預算,令市政府每年對公立學校的緊縮撥款,進一步淘空,變得百上加斤,以致在教育改革計劃上,舉步維艱。




連月來,特許學校的支持者,開動了一切宣傳機器,為第2號公投議題造勢,在電視廣告的花費高達3千萬。並有意偽裝成強化公立學校為目的, 這是切頭切尾的誤導選民。在背後推動的有來自保守政黨,有一向主張行學券制及教育私營化的基金會、打擊工會的政治遊說團體、課程發展商、出版商、考核學生及評估老師的生意人等,都想在教育商業化的過程中牟取利潤。在另一方面,特許學校也想進一步挾持民意,掠奪更多的公共資源及撥款。這一切都說明了,人們享有平民化的公立教育權益,已遭到前所未來有的削減,有面臨被取的危機。

現在,且看看特許學校的教學質量及責任承擔問題。由於特許學校免受教師工會的合約協議規定,為節省開支和增加利潤,便有意聘用資歷淺,無正規訓練及正式檢定執照的老師任教, 以致教師工作時間長,薪金偏低,士氣低落,流失率高,這已是在特許學校一般不可爭辯的事實。學校為保持在標準測驗中,有所謂高的成績表現,用盡一切方法勸服家長,讓學業成績不理想的子女退學,並協助他們轉往市辦的公立學校。波士頓公立學校是由市長委任的學校委員會規管,會議是公開而且透明的,公立學校總監及部門負責人,必須定期向學校委員報告,公立學校總監受學校委員會考評及公眾輿論的監督。反觀,麻州中小學教育署對利用公帑進行私營的特許學校的監管是粗疏的,其牟利與否亦不會向公眾問責。


市政理財有方 P3培訓營邀馮偉傑分享經驗

羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)倡議公家機關與私營企業合作,以促使建築等社區發展項目,辦得更有效率的”P3培訓營",昨(11)日起在伯斯利文森(Burns & Levinson)律師樓舉行一連兩日會議,研議最佳做法範例。羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉杰應邀分享經驗。
全國公私合作理事會(The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships)是個成立於1985年的非牟利組織,以提供溝通平台,促進聯邦,州市政府等公家機構和私營企業合作,激發創新,創意為宗旨。
波士頓這場為期一天半,今(12)日一早的這場,討論內容包括辨識並籌備P3項目,融資,採購及招標過程等。應邀分享看法,心得的有麻州尚莫維爾市(Somerville)市長 Joseph Curatone,羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung),以及Butler Snow律師樓和Nossaman律師樓的合夥人,依序為Stan Ladner,John Smolen。
與會者會後圍著尚莫維爾市市長 Joseph Curatone(左ㄧ),克蘭斯頓
市市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung)(右二)等問問題。(周菊子攝)
 Joseph Curatone指出,為做更好規劃而公私合作時,常常發現法令上有很多限制。
查詢P3培訓營詳情,可上網 http://www.p3bootcamp.org/

VH1捐價值萬元鋼琴、樂器 昆士高中音樂課如虎添翼

歌手兼作曲家Charlie Puth唱生日快樂歌。
(Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)昆士高中(Quincy Upper School)(12)早樂音悠揚,在美國歌手兼作曲家,Charlie Puth也來露臉出席中,慶祝該校獲得VH1拯救音樂(Save the Music)活動價值10,000元的樂器,包括一台卡西歐Celviano大鋼琴(Hybrid GP-500),以及3個卡西歐WK-7600音樂工作臺。
昆士高中校長張可仁(左起)和VH1的代表Trell Thomas,歌手
Charlie Puth,
Boch企業執行長 Ernie Boch Jr.合影。
在波士頓創辦的音樂帶動我們(Music Drive Us)等十餘個非牟利機構的支持下,VH1"拯救音樂琴鍵+孩子(Keys+Kids)鋼琴贈金項目,今年有15州的18所學校獲得捐贈,其中伊利諾州及田納西州,依序各有三所及二所學校獲捐贈。麻州只有昆士高中獲得捐贈。
昆士高中兩名共同校長,張可仁及Steve Cirasuolo 與該校音樂老師Tony Babecka,今日一早安排音樂班等學生在學校禮堂內,歡迎美國有線電視廣播公司 VH1的代表Trell Thomas 音樂帶動我們"創辦人兼Boch企業執行長 Ernie Boch Jr. 到校,拍一段紀錄片。
(12)晚在麻州波士頓藍屋(House of Blue Boston)辦演唱會的美國歌手兼作曲家Charlie Puth也應邀出席,不但為一名剛好生日的學生唱了段生日快樂歌,還現場自彈自唱了一首歌曲。

AARP推出新紀錄片­­「照護家人: 愛的傳承」

Documentary Caregiving: The Circle of Love
Urges Chinese American Families to Prepare to Care

Featuring MSNBC News Anchor Richard Lui
MSNBC新聞主播Richard Lui (呂勇詩)分享經驗之談

AARP’s Caregiving: The Circle of Love follows three family caregivers: former educator Elizabeth Chun, MSNBC Anchor Richard Lui and AARP Historian Emerita Lily Liu.
AARP紀錄片《照護家人愛的傳承》介紹退休教育家Elizabeth Chun MSNBC新聞主播Richard Lui (呂勇詩)AARP品牌歷史榮譽顧問Lily Liu (劉綺君)等三位家庭照護者的經歷。

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 12, 2016 – To help families start the difficult but vital conversation about caregiving in the Chinese American community, AARP presents its new documentary Caregiving: The Circle of Love that tells the stories of three caregivers, including MSNBC News Anchor Richard Lui. Produced and directed by Toan Lam, the 14-minute documentary also follows former educator Elizabeth Chun and AARP Historian Emerita Lily Liu as they care for their families.Caregiving: The Circle of Love is produced in English and subtitled in Chinese.

“There are stories we tell our entire lives. The ones we appreciate and cherish are like the one I am living now—being able to live in two cities so I can be a regular and helpful presence for my father and mother during a challenging time,” said Richard Lui, MSNBC News Anchor and AARP Caregiving Champion. “When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, I didn't respond thinking I was signing up to be a caregiver. I was raised to value and support family. I know the company I work for believes this too. My work community knows good stories involve going above and beyond to help employees when they need it. I am grateful to share my story and help foster a larger discussion around caregiving.”

“We know that in Chinese American families it is not easy to discuss difficult issues such as caregiving which encompasses so many taboo topics—health, end-of-life, long term needs, and financial issues,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “We either avoid or tiptoe around these uncomfortable issues, but with caregiving it is so important to start the conversations now with and about your loved ones’ wishes before an emergency happens. With this documentary, we hope to give people the courage to begin to prepare to care.”

According to AARP Research:
  • Nearly 40 million Americans—almost 1 in 5 adults—help care for a relative or friend over age 50.
  • Respect for one’s elders is a value common to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs); as is family togetherness, demonstrated by the fact that AAPIs are also twice as likely as other Americans to live in households with at least two adult generations.
  • Since two-thirds of AAPIs age 50 or older are immigrants, they may have traditional cultural expectations that can be a challenge to meet by their more Western acculturated children who are attempting to balance work-life with raising children of their own.
  • AARP’s study found that the vast majority (73%) of AAPIs, more than any racial or ethnic group, believe that caring for parents is expected of them. The study found that AAPIs were more likely to take charge of caregiving for their elders: they are more likely to talk to doctors (54% vs. 36%), contribute financially (51% vs. 27%), and handle paper work or bills (41% vs. 33%) than the total population of the same age or compared to other Americans.

To see Caregiving: The Circle of Love and download AARP’s “Prepare to Care: A Planning Guide for Families,” visit AARP.org/AAPI.

【華盛頓2016年10月12日訊】為幫助華裔社區就十分困難但又極為重要的照護親友議題展開對話,AARP特別推出全新紀錄片照護家人愛的傳承》Caregiving: The Circle of Love),這條十四分鐘的影片是由著名獨立導演Toan Lam監製及執導,內容是通過退休教育家Elizabeth Chun 、MSNBC新聞主播Richard Lui (呂勇詩)及AARP品牌歷史榮譽顧問Lily Liu (劉綺君)等三位家庭照護者的經驗,介紹未雨綢繆之重要。影片以英文製作,附有中文字幕翻譯。

「我們的人生中總會有一些百說不倦的故事,當下,我們很珍惜和重視這些事情,就例如現在我經常穿梭於兩個城市之間,可以定期在父母身旁,在他們有需要時給予幫忙照護,」MSNBC新聞主播、AARP模範照護者Richard Lui (呂勇詩)說。「當我的父親被診斷出患有阿兹海默症時,我並沒有立刻想到將會成為一名照護者。但我從小就被教育要重視家庭和扶持家人,而且我知道我的公司也有相同的價值觀。我的僱主和同事們都十分理解,在員工有需要的時候伸出援手及提供額外的援助。我很高興能夠分享我的故事,引起大家關注以更廣泛地談論照護議題。」



  • Ÿ接近4000萬、即五分之一的美國人正在照顧一位50歲以上的親人或朋友。
  • Ÿ美國亞太裔家庭普遍有尊老敬賢、闔府團圓的價值觀,因此兩代成人同堂生活的比例也是其他美國人的兩倍。
  • Ÿ由於三分之二50歲以上的亞太裔人口是移民,他們可能有傳統文化上的期望,但對於在西方成長的子女來說,他們經常會在迎合父母期望、及平衡本身工作和照顧下一代方面處於兩難之間。
  • ŸAARP研究還發現,絕大多數亞太裔(73%)比任何其他族群都更相信他們有責任照護父母。研究顯示,亞太裔更會主動照顧家中長者,他們比全國同齡總人口或其他美國人更會與醫生討論(54%對比其他美國人36%)、更會提供財務援助(51%對比其他美國人27%)、更會處理文件或帳單(41%對比其他美國人33%)。

如欲觀看照護家人愛的傳承》Caregiving: The Circle of Love)影片及下載「AARP照護準備: 為家人規劃的指南」(Prepare to Care: A Planning Guide for Families),請瀏覽網站:AARP.org/AAPI

About AARP
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million that helps people turn their goals and dreams into 'Real Possibilities' by changing the way America defines aging. With staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and promote the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare security, financial security and personal fulfillment. AARP also advocates for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name.  As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation magazine, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. To learn more, visit www.aarp.org or follow @aarp and our CEO@JoAnn_Jenkins on Twitter.


Michelle Obama Announced New Commitments to Let Girls Learn

New Commitments to Let Girls Learn Announced by First Lady Michelle Obama on International Day of the Girl
Since March 2015, Let Girls Learn has invested more than a billion dollars in new and ongoing girls’ education programming in more than 50 countries and today announces more than five million dollars in new private commitments to girls’ education
Together with the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Peace Corps, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and most recently the Department of Labor and the Department of Agriculture, Let Girls Learn includes more than a billion dollars in new and ongoing programming in more than 50 countries to address the range of challenges – both in and out of the classroom – girls around the world face in attaining the education they deserve. 
Today, in celebration of International Day of the Girl, Let Girls Learn announces the equivalent of more than five million dollars in new private sector commitments to help address the barriers that prevent adolescent girls from attaining an education.  Since the launch of Let Girls Learn, the White House has announced nearly 100 private sector commitments to adolescent girls’ education. By engaging governments around the world, the private sector, civil society and many others, Let Girls Learn is improving the future for millions of adolescent girls across the world.
More detail on all of the accomplishments Let Girls Learn has achieved can be found here.
New Announcements
RISE UP’s LET GIRLS LEAD is committing to deliver new programming worth $2.5 million to enable girls to finish school and delay early marriage in Malawi through its new ENGAGE Initiative. ENGAGE is an evidence-based program that addresses the complex needs of vulnerable adolescent girls by ensuring that they stay in school and avoid early marriage. Rise Up's goal is to reach 300,000 marginalized girls in southern Malawi. Rise Up will also build public support for girls’ rights by investing in visionary Malawian leaders, providing them with leadership development and support to create innovative solutions that advance girls’ access to education. For more information, please contact Denise Dunning.
NEWMAN’S OWN FOUNDATION, founded by Paul Newman, announce a $200,000 donation to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund. An additional grant of $800,000 is being made to Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO), which runs the Kibera School for Girls in Kenya, so girls may continue their educations through high school.  For more information, please contact Jan Schaefer.
ENDEAVOR ENERGY, an independent power development and generation company, is donating $400,000 over four years to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund to support volunteer-led education and empowerment projects in Africa.  A Power Africa partner, Endeavor continues to be a part of President Obama’s initiative to increase the number of people around the world who have access to power.  For more information, please contact Mike Gehrig.
CENTRAL ASIA INSTITUTE is committing $500,000 for educational services and programs that will benefit adolescent girls in some of Afghanistan’s most conflicted and disadvantaged communities. This includes construction of boundary walls and latrines, which are essential for the retention of female students. Girls who previously had no access to schooling will be prepared for a formal education in expedited Quick Learning Centers. Literacy and Vocational Centers will empower girls, teaching them how to read, write, and do basic math. Scholarship money will also be provided. Through this commitment, Central Asia Institute expects to reach 25,000-30,000 adolescent girls. For more information, please contact Hannah White.
WATER CHARITY, a California-based nonprofit, and the National Peace Corps Association announce a $200,000 donation to support water, sanitation, public health, and environmental projects implemented by Peace Corps Volunteers under the Let Girls Learn initiative.  Projects are implemented in rural villages to improve access to potable water, relieving girls of the burden of walking long distances to obtain water for their families each day.  Bathrooms are provided for adolescent girls at schools, ensuring that the facilities provide privacy and promote hygiene, thus helping create an environment that enables girls to remain in school. For more information, please contact Averill Strasser.
WORLD LEARNING AND THE WOMEN’S REFUGEE COMMISSION announce the "Pathways to Refugee Education" program, a new $250,000 collaboration aligned with the Let Girls Learn initiative.  “Pathways to Refugee Education” will help facilitate access to formal and informal education for adolescent girls in difficult circumstances with an initial focus on Lebanon.  The project will provide technical assistance and expert recommendations to governments, civil society, and international institutions that are designing, funding, and implementing assistance programs to address the unique circumstances and needs of adolescent girls. For more information, please contact Kimberly Abbott.
GIRL STARTER announces a $100,000 donation to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund. Girl Starter is a new media company that seeks to use the intersection of entertainment and technology to help girls—at home and abroad—become entrepreneurs. In a reality television series set to air in 2017, young women who wish to start their own businesses will learn about fundraising fundamentals and develop strategies using the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn fund as a cause to raise money. For more information, please contact Jeannine Shao Collins.
THE BARNEYS NEW YORK FOUNDATION is making a commitment to support the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund. The donation will support Peace Corps Volunteer-led projects aimed at helping break down the barriers to adolescent girls’ access to education. For more information, please contact Ashley Calandra.
CNN FILMS will premiere a new film about girls overcoming incredible challenges to achieve their educations and change their own lives, titled We Will Rise: Michelle Obama’s Mission to Educate Girls Around the World on October 11 and 12. The film includes contributions from First Lady Michelle Obama, Meryl Streep, Freida Pinto, and CNN journalist Isha Sesay. The Documentary Group, which produced CNN Films’ first co-production, ‘Girl Rising,’ also produced this special one-hour film. For more information, please contact Jennifer Dargan.
INSTYLE commissioned a limited-edition line of designer tote bags inspired by Let Girls Learn. For the each tote bag sold, InStyle will donate 100 percent of profits (a minimum of 30 percent of the purchase price) to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund.  Each bag in the line was inspired by a different country where Let Girls Learn is creating lasting change. Carolina Herrera, Diane von Furstenberg, Prabal Gurung, Jason Wu, Narciso Rodriguez, Tanya Taylor, and DKNY’s Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne provided exclusive designs for the collection. For more information, please contact Reid Myers.
MPA - THE ASSOCIATION OF MAGAZINE MEDIA has garnered commitments from the magazine media industry to donate advertising space for Let Girls Learn Public Service Announcements that are running in 65 print magazines in fall 2016 issues, with most hitting the newsstand and subscribers’ mailboxes to coincide with the International Day of the Girl. The ad campaign is expected to reach more than 60 percent of U.S. adults through the support of 11 companies: Active Interest Media, Bloomberg Media, Bonnier, Condé Nast, Dwell Media, Forbes Media, Hearst, Meredith, National Geographic, Rodale, and Time Inc. For more information, please contact Susan Russ.
PLAYBILL Inc., is supporting Let Girls Learn through a public service announcement set of ads in upcoming Playbill publications to raise awareness about global girls’ education. The campaign will reach theatregoers for select shows running in New York this November.  For more information, please contactMark Peikert.
ALEX AND ANI announces the launch of a Daisy Charm Bangle to be released in March 2017 in continued support of the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund.  Last year, ALEX AND ANI released the Kindred Cord Daisy bracelet as a commitment to Let Girls Learn, which has raised nearly $200,000 to support girls around the world who are out of school. For more information, please contact Keshia Holland.
NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION (NPCA) has committed to contribute its Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) contributions in 2016 to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn fund to support volunteer community-led projects around the world. NPCA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, encompasses a network of over 220,000 individuals and more than 150 affiliate groups. The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused and effective in providing all federal employees with the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. For more information, please contact Glenn Blumhorst.
THE WORLD BANK, which recently pledged $2.5 billion over five years in education projects targeting adolescent girls, announces that it has already invested $530 million since April 2016 towards this goal. These resources will help adolescent girls gain access to quality education in some of the world’s most challenging environments, such as Syrian refugee communities in Lebanon, in Pakistan, where few girls complete secondary school, and conflict-affected areas in northeast Nigeria. For more information, please contact Kavita Watsa.










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