
星期五, 10月 21, 2016


Mayor Walsh's millennial engagement initiative encourages young adults to vote early with a series of pop-ups at the polls on Saturday, October 29
BOSTON - Friday, October 21, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh's millennial engagement initiative, SPARK Boston, will launch "Vote With Us," a day-long series of "pop-ups at the polls," events and activities, to encourage Boston's young adults to vote early for the November 8 election. Nine early voting locations will be open between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 29th, and "Vote With Us" programming will take place at or nearby each available polling location.

"Early voting presents a tremendous opportunity to activate young adults in this important  upcoming election, " said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "Boston's millennials are socially connected and civically engaged. The ability to vote conveniently and on your own schedule makes voting more conducive to an active, mobile lifestyle, and I encourage our younger voters to take advantage of this opportunity."

"On election day, voters often pin 'I Voted' stickers to their clothes and devices, illustrating the strong social component involved in voting," said SPARK Boston Director Erin Santhouse. "Early voting is our attempt to expand on that social component, while providing millennials registered in Boston the convenience of voting at any available early voting location. Voters can drop by a polling location that's convenient while out and about, or come 'Vote With Us' at any of our pop-ups at the polls."

Pop-ups will take place one after another throughout the day until the polls close at 6:00 p.m. Each event will feature unique programming, and all are free and open to the public. SPARK Boston Council members wearing SPARK Boston t-shirts will be on site to facilitate the pop-up events and lead participants to the polls. Voters are encouraged to wear an "I Voted" sticker and/or participate in a pop-up at the polls on October 29th using the hashtag #SPARKBosVotes for a chance to meet Mayor Walsh.

A full schedule of activities and locations can be found below:

Learn More
Visit SPARK Boston's website to learn more about VOTE WITH US and #SPARKBosVotes. For more information on early voting in the City of Boston, please visit the Vote Early Boston website.

About Spark Boston
Boston is home to a large and diverse millennial population. SPARK Boston (formerly ONEin3) is a City of Boston initiative that aims to empower the millennial generation to play a greater role in planning for the future of our city.

SPARK Boston focuses on engaging the next generation of civic leaders and social entrepreneurs in the work of city government. This will shape how the City designs and develops policies, convenes stakeholders for important initiatives and works collaboratively with young people to shape Boston's future. Learn more at  www.sparkbos.com.



BOSTON - Friday, October 21, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today released the following statement:

"Tonight my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the two workers who tragically lost their lives while doing their jobs on Dartmouth Street. Today is a difficult day for the entire City of Boston, and especially those who go to work at construction sites everyday to make our city better.  I extend my gratitude to all of Boston's first responders, and the Boston Water and Sewer Commission workers who worked tirelessly today in the recovery efforts."  

Bates Elementary wins $100,000 Thomas Payzant School on the Move Prize

Bates Elementary wins $100,000 Thomas Payzant School on the Move Prize

Mayor Walsh, Boston Public Schools congratulate Bates and finalists Manning Elementary and UP Academy Boston
Mayor Martin J. Walsh, EdVestors CEO and President Laura Perille, Bates School Principal Andrew Vega, School on the Move Prize Selection panelist and Plymouth Rock CEO Jim Stone and EdVestors Board Chairman Wendell Knox, retired CEO of Abt Associates. 

BOSTON - October 21, 2016 - Boston Public Schools and EdVestors are pleased to announce that the Phineas Bates Elementary School in Roslindale is the winner of this year's $100,000 Thomas W. Payzant School on the Move Prize. The awards were presented at a ceremony this morning featuring Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh at the Westin Copley Place.
Finalist schools Joseph P. Manning Elementary of Jamaica Plain and UP Academy Boston of South Boston each received $10,000 prizes.
Now in its 11th year, the School on the Move Prize was created by nonprofit EdVestors to recognize rapidly improving schools that have made exemplary progress in advancing the academic achievement of all students. The prize spotlights the daunting, yet less publicized, achievements of these and other Boston Public Schools making significant strides in improving educational outcomes for students. EdVestors awards the Prize, in partnership with philanthropic sponsors, as part of the organization's work accelerating positive change in urban schools.  
"I congratulate the Bates on being awarded this year's School on the Move Prize," said Boston Mayor Martin J Walsh. "Our top priority is creating a public school system that gives all of our young people an opportunity to succeed. I thank EdVestors for their continued partnership and support in helping to improve educational outcomes for our students and prepare them for a bright future."
"On behalf of the entire Boston School Committee, we congratulate the winner, Bates Elementary, and the two finalists, Manning Elementary and Up Academy Boston, for all of their hard work in improving student achievement. All three schools deserve to be recognized," said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael O'Neill. "These three schools serve as leaders as we work as a district to close opportunity and achievement gaps."
"These schools provide great examples of approaches to equity and innovation in our Boston Public Schools," said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. "I commend the Bates Elementary and the two finalist schools for their dedication to providing a rigorous education to all students."
The 300-student Phineas Bates Elementary School in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston prides itself on a culture of leadership and engagement for both teachers and students. The Bates credits its steady improvement in both English language arts and math to giving teachers greater autonomy to make instructional decisions to meet the needs of their students. As a full inclusion school where students with significant special needs learn alongside their typically-developing peers in general education classrooms, all students benefit from more robust and effective use of classroom supports thanks to creative staffing and scheduling.
"The Bates has transformed into a school where every person, student and staff member alike, who walks through the doors is a leader," said Andrew Vega, principal of the Bates School. "We are fearless in our efforts to name and tackle the most challenging topics in education today in one of the most diverse schools in the Boston Public Schools. Winning the School on the Move Prize is a validation of our collective work over the last five years: We've taken risks and been bold in our approaches and this Prize is a sign we're on the right track."
"It is an honor to work with our philanthropic partners and our panel of Prize judges to present the eleventh annual School on the Move Prize, and to lift up these three schools' successes." said Laura Perille, CEO and President of EdVestors. "The achievements of schools such as the Bates, the Manning, and UP Academy who demonstrate rapid student progress often go unnoticed.  The School on the Move Prize not only aims to congratulate the amazing work of these schools but also share lessons learned with the rest of the Boston Public School district and beyond."
To document and share key strategies from School on the Move Prize winners, this morning EdVestors also released a case study of the 2015 winner, the Jeremiah E. Burke High School. The case study illuminates how the Burke drove change and accelerated student achievement by embracing a school climate that emphasized two major elements: whole child supports and new cultural norms for teachers. Together, these key strategies and supports fueled the Jeremiah E. Burke High School's transformation from one of the lowest-performing schools in the state to the most improved school in Boston Public Schools.
The Thomas W. Payzant School on the Move Prize is made possible by sponsors including Eastern Bank, Fidelity Investments, jetBlue, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Microsoft, Plymouth Rock Assurance, and State Street Bank among other generous companies and individuals.

蘇宇寅獲選為波士頓商業期刊 40歲以下菁英

波士頓商業期刊(Boston Business Journal)頒發"40名40歲以下菁英獎"。今年僅29歲的蘇宇寅是其中唯一的獲獎華裔。他謙虛表示,這是所有"雞肉飯傢伙( Chicken & Rice Guy)"全體員工的努力成績。榮幸獲獎,他說感覺太棒了。

星期四, 10月 20, 2016

三,四十名華人在 House of Blue 前向饒舌歌手抗議 路人以為是反對川普者抗議




右起,業超,Jevon Chan, 吳子平。(Jevon 提供)
(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)美籍華人葉超,吳子平,以及 Jevon Chan承做,改建磨廠樓宇,翻修伊莉莎白威賓樓(Elizabeth Webbing)成住宅大廈這工程,9月28日獲得羅德島史蹟保存項目獎。
羅德島州的史蹟保護及傳統局(Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission)今年是第8度頒發獎項,表揚對保護該州歷史古蹟建築卓有貢獻人士或公司。表揚類別包括專業領袖獎,志工服務獎,藝術獎,居家獎,項目獎。除了項目獎有七名獲獎者之外,其餘獎項各有一名獲獎者。
這座宮殿莊園,1899年動工,1902年才竣工,由建築師Stanford White設計,仿照法國凡爾賽宮裏Grand Trianon建造。當年的莊園主人,也是內華達州銀礦大亨繼承人Theresa Fair Oelrichs,在這兒舉辦過許多盛宴,包括一場神話晚宴,請來著名魔術師Harry Houdini的派對等。
葉超,吳子平和Jevon Chan的大澳公司,歷時數年,費了不少心思,才把中央瀑布市,沿著黑石古河的蜿蜒磨廠樓房,以及具有史蹟地位的伊莉莎白威賓樓(Elizabeth Webbing)翻修,改建成一座美輪美奐的住宅大樓。
這座大樓現在的名稱是M Residence,共167個單位,分別有套房到四睡房等不同格局,總共面積20萬平方呎,裏面還有健身房,戲院,會議室,洗衣房等等設施,四周有寬闊綠地,目前已全部出租。


 (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)今(10月20)日,"有約而同"的同時在早上11點對外發佈消息,簽署行政命令,為”自動駕駛車輛”的在麻州,波士頓市進行測試駕駛鋪路。
麻州長和波士頓市長的這一行動,顯然在回應近年發展,演變極為快速的機器學習(Machine learning)科技,為人類社會大轉變,邁出謹慎一步。
從此,許多大公司,研究機構都開始研究無人駕駛汽車。最近這幾年,從谷歌(google)的無人駕駛汽車上路測試,麻省理工學院媒體實驗室進行智慧城市研究等等,到今年8月優步( Uber)"宣佈到匹茲堡(Pittsburg)測試無人駕駛汽車,甚至今(20)日鋼鐵人伊隆馬斯克(Elon Musk)的特斯拉(Telsa)公司宣佈,將開始製造能夠完全自動駕駛的電動車,都透露著人類社會交通模式,已從挑戰科技轉向挑戰法令。
麻州州長查理貝克今日簽署的行政命令第572號,成立自動駕駛汽車工作小組(The AV Working Group),制定規範準則,以供有意做自動駕駛汽車測試"的公司參考。
他們將召集汽車安全,汽車自動化方面的專家做顧問,和麻州議會合作,提出法案建議,以備公司們和麻州交通署(MassDOT),以及受影響市鎮簽協議,要在麻州測試自駕汽車時,有個了解備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding)"可依循。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊今日也簽署了行政命令,指派波士頓是交通局長Gina N. Fiandaca擔任波士頓市內的監管自動汽車長,和波士頓交通局,市長的新市區機器辦公室(Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanic)合作研擬在波士頓測試自動駕駛汽車準則。
麻州機器人協會行政主任Thomas Ryden曾經指出,不同的人談論自動駕駛汽車(autonomous car)時,可能會用到無人駕駛汽車(driverless car),自駕車輛(self-driving car),或機器人車( robotic car)等不同名詞,其實指的差不多是同一件事。

Governor Baker Signs Executive Order to Promote the Testing and Deployment of Automated Vehicles

BOSTON –  Governor Charlie Baker today signed Executive Order 572, “To Promote the Testing and Deployment of Highly Automated Driving Technologies.” The Executive Order recognizes recent innovations in sensing and computing technology which have resulted in the rapid advancement of motor vehicle automation and creates a special working group on autonomous vehicles (AV) comprised of the Commonwealth’s Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Public Safety, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Highway Administrator, and four members designated by the Senate President, Speaker of the House, Senate Minority Leader, and House Minority Leader. 

The group, to be called the “The AV Working Group,” is to consult and convene with experts on motor vehicle safety and vehicle automation, collaborate with members of the Massachusetts Legislature on proposed legislation, and support “Memorandum of Understanding” agreements which companies will need to enter into with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and affected municipalities or state agencies when plans are proposed for conducting testing of self-driving vehicles in Massachusetts.

The Memorandum of Understanding is to include a process for companies to follow in order to obtain approval from MassDOT for testing.  The process will include submitting an application which demonstrates the vehicle to be tested has passed a Registry of Motor Vehicles inspection, can be operated without undue risk to public safety, and at all times will have a human being inside the vehicle while it is traveling.

“The Commonwealth is home to many world-class innovation companies and academic institutions intimately involved in autonomous vehicle technology, which makes Massachusetts uniquely qualified to responsibly host this emerging field to foster innovation and economic growth,” said Governor Baker. “The guidance the AV Working Group provides will be instrumental in ensuring companies can further develop autonomous vehicle technology in the Commonwealth and do so while maintaining the safety of our roadways.”

“Executive Order 572 embraces an innovative technology that has the potential to create jobs across Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We look forward to working with the developers, municipalities, the City of Boston, neighboring state and our federal partners to host and develop autonomous vehicle technology responsibly and effectively.”

Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack added that the AV Working Group’s goal will be to help advance innovation in autonomous vehicle technologies while ensuring that testing is conducted safely.  “Public safety will be our top priority,” Secretary Pollack said.  “As we collaborate with municipal and private sector partners, the Memorandum of Understanding will enable safe testing with people ready to take the wheel on pre-approved routes.”

“There is no doubt that autonomous vehicle technology will play a large part in the future of transportation,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Dan Bennett. “By taking proactive steps such as this Executive Order we will be more fully prepared to take advantage of these advances in technology in ways that are as safe and efficient as they can be.”

“Massachusetts is pioneering the new technologies that are enabling autonomous vehicles, including robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced materials, and internet-enabled sensors,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash.“This executive order will allow Massachusetts to harness autonomous vehicle technology as a driver of economic development, by increasing investment in research and development, creating a predictable legal framework for autonomous vehicle developers, and positioning Massachusetts companies to fill key supply chain roles in this rapidly growing industry.”

"Autonomous vehicles have the incredible promise to deliver safer streets and a more equitable, reliable, and sustainable transportation system, but that will only occur with the right technology and right policies in place," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh.  "For that reason, Boston is ready to lead the charge on self-driving vehicles, supporting the development of the technology and policies that ensure this innovation will benefit all of our residents."

Mayor Martin J. Walsh signed and announced his own executive order today that establishes that the Boston Transportation Commissioner, Gina Fiandaca, will lead oversight of autonomous vehicles in the City of Boston, and the Boston Transportation Department (BTD), in coordination with the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM), will publish guidelines for the testing of autonomous vehicles. In addition, the BTD, with support from the MONUM, will publish policy recommendations with respect to autonomous vehicle technology, business models and supportive changes concerning the use of the public right of way.


Executive order establishes the Boston Transportation Commissioner as the leader in autonomous vehicle oversight
 BOSTON - Thursday, October 20, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today signed an executive order on autonomous vehicles, "Autonomous Vehicles in the City of Boston," establishing that the Boston Transportation Commissioner, Gina N. Fiandaca, will lead oversight of autonomous vehicles in the City of Boston, and the Boston Transportation Department (BTD), with support from the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM), will develop guidelines for the testing of autonomous vehicles in the City of Boston. 

In addition, BTD, with support from MONUM, will publish policy recommendations with respect to autonomous vehicle technology, business models and street regulation and design. Those policy recommendations will be designed to advance Boston's equity and sustainability goals, putting a strong preference on models which are operated as shared and electric fleets that complement mass transit, walking and bicycling.

"Autonomous vehicles have the incredible promise to deliver safer streets and a more reliable, equitable and sustainable transportation system, but that will only occur with the right technology and right policies in place," said Mayor Walsh.  "For that reason, Boston is ready to lead the charge on self-driving vehicles, supporting the development of the technology and policies that ensure this innovation will benefit all of our residents."