
星期日, 9月 04, 2016


Labor Day is about more than picnics and parades. We celebrate this day to reflect on America's labor movement -- the men and women who have helped build this country and our middle class. Because they've spoken up together and demanded fairness, we can all enjoy things like the 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, minimum wage, safer workplaces, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, and retirement plans.
For generations, hardworking Americans have been raising their voices, together. Giving people a voice at work -- the ability to organize and negotiate for their fair share of the value they helped create -- is absolutely essential to a growing, vibrant middle class. For the past seven and a half years, President Obama has worked not only to grow the economy but to create a balanced economy, where everyone's hard work is rewarded, where everyone gets a fair shake, where everyone has the chance to get ahead. Simply put, America is stronger when more people have more.
As the President has said, all of that progress is stamped with the union label. And it's all fueled by a simple belief: that our economy works better when it works for everybody.
That's the spirit that's made the progress of these past seven and a half years possible. Not only have businesses added 15.1 million jobs since early 2010, and we've seen the longest streak of total job growth on record, but we've cut the unemployment rate in half since the depths of the recession. So many American families are better off this Labor Day than they were seven years ago.
But we still have work to do. We can only make progress -- like raising the minimum wage and expanding access to paid leave -- if hardworking men and women raise their voices.
"History shows that working families can get a fair shot in this country -- but only if we are willing to organize and fight for it. So whether you simply talk to your coworkers about what matters to you, or take the step of joining a union, the power ultimately rests with you." -- President Obama
 So this Labor Day, read a special message from the President on the power of American workers, then learn more about how we've worked together to strengthen our voices in the workplace.
Happy Labor Day. Let's continue standing with our workers -- not just today, but every day of the year.
Secretary Tom Perez
Department of Labor



WASHINGTON - Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement today in honor of Labor Day, which will be celebrated on Monday, September 5.

“This Labor Day we honor the millions of hard-working men and women across the United States. Decades ago workers successfully banded together to demand fair wages and working conditions. Too often today we lose sight of the tremendous gains the labor movement has made for all American workers and our economy. That is why every Labor Day I plan to highlight two individuals whose work has improved the lives of American workers.”

Eugene Debs
Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, Eugene V.  Debs was a prominent labor organizer in the 1800s. Early in his career, Debs was involved in the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He later founded the American Railway Union, which was one of the first industrial unions in the nation. While leading the Pullman Strike, Debs was jailed for his actions. However, undeterred by resistance to the labor movement, Debs continued to travel the country advocating for the rights of workers throughout his life. To learn more about Debs, please visit http://debsfoundation.org/index.php/landing/debs-biography/.

Larry Itliong
Larry Itliong was a Filipino farm worker and labor organizer in California. In 1965, Itliong led more than 1,000 workers in the Delano Grape Strike demanding better wages. During this time Itliong also worked with Cesar Chavez, bringing together Filipino and Mexican laborers, to organize the United Farm Workers. Itliong’s work, particularly with the Delano Grape Strike, was critical in sparking the farm worker movement. In 2015, to honor the legacy of Itliong, Governor Brown signed legislation marking October 25 as Larry Itliong Day. To learn more about Itliong, please visithttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/us/larry-itliong-forgotten-filipino-labor-leader.html?_r=0.

星期六, 9月 03, 2016

深圳投資推廣署訪波士頓 拋一億補助吸引人才團隊

       (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州劍橋市報導)中國廣東省深圳市投資推廣署一行六人,92日晚到哈佛大學辦宣講會,介紹深圳綜合營商環境,強調深圳鼓勵創新,獎勵剛翻倍,政策已鬆綁,人才團隊最高資助一億元等最新情況,廣邀人才,團隊到深圳落戶發展。

       在這場以創新發展、共營未來為主題的投資合作交流會中,主辦單位還特地邀請來自波士頓本地,現已在深圳創業的塔吉瑞生物公司董事長王義漢,曾入選美國西岸Y Combinator孵化營,現正創辦Skinome這精準美容化妝公司的譚叩,以及麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇本年度主席馬方暢等人發表講話,美中生物醫藥協會會長史相國代表其他嘉賓致詞,包括該會主席林世文,新英格蘭美中醫藥開發協會會長龍江,中國千人計劃專家高光坪,哈佛大學統計生物教授劉軍,輝瑞全球研發亞太區對外研發合作負責人暨執行總監丁元華,清華大學校友會會長庄小丹,麻省國際教育總裁郭先奎等。

星期五, 9月 02, 2016


AG HEALEY TAKES ACTION AGAINST UNLAWFUL STUDENT ‘DEBT RELIEF’ COMPANYCompany to Refund $160,000 to More Than 400 Consumers in Massachusetts

BOSTON – As part of her ongoing effort to address abuses in the student lending industry, Attorney General Maura Healey has announced action against a so-called “debt relief” company that allegedly charged hundreds of Massachusetts borrowers unlawful upfront fees and misled consumers about its affiliation with the federal government.

Under the terms of the settlement, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, Libre Technology, Inc. (Libre) – which did business under the name Student Loan Service.US – will refund $160,000 to more than 400 Massachusetts customers and reform its business practices.

“Student loan debt is crushing students, their families and our communities, and many companies have taken advantage of this crisis by misleading borrowers looking for help,” AG Healey said. “My office will continue to protect students from these abuses and ensure that they utilize the free federal programs available to manage their monthly payments. We are pleased to get money back for those who were charged illegal upfront fees for loan assistance.”
Under the terms of the agreement, Libre will change its name and website to avoid further confusion for consumers and misrepresentation of any affiliation with the federal government. Libre’s services will be discontinued for all Massachusetts consumers, unless the consumer completes an opt-in notice provided under the settlement. Additionally, previously incurred unpaid fees will be waived for all current Massachusetts customers. 

Libre has also agreed to disclose in its contracts and marketing materials that it has no affiliation with the federal government, that federal student loan borrowers can apply for income-driven repayment plans or consolidation on their own for free at www.studentloans.gov, and that Libre cannot help borrowers get lower monthly payments than they can get by applying on their own. 

Student loan “debt relief” companies like Libre typically charge student loan borrowers hundreds of dollars to help them arrange lower monthly payments or resolve defaulted federal student loans. Often, these companies advertise “student loan debt relief” or “Obama student loan forgiveness” on the internet or radio, and fail to disclose that borrowers can apply for this federal loan assistance on their own and for free. The companies typically use names that are intended to falsely convey an association with the federal government or U.S. Department of Education.

Federal student borrowers do not need to pay private companies to access borrower assistance programs, such as loan consolidation, income-driven repayment plans, and loan forgiveness. The federal government offers these programs to borrowers directly and there is no fee to apply.
The Massachusetts AG’s Office continues to be a national leader on issues of student lending. This case against Libre is the third in a series of enforcement actions brought by Attorney General Healey against student “debt relief” companies. In November, AG Healeyannounced settlements worth $96,000 with two debt relief companies – Student Loan Processing.US and Direct Student Aid – for their allegedly unfair and deceptive practices.

Massachusetts students who encounter difficulties enrolling in federal income-driven repayment programs or resolving defaulted loans may contact the Attorney General’s Student Loan Assistance Unit at 1-888-830-6277 or www.mass.gov/ago/studentloans for free help. Students who are interested in learning more about income-driven repayment programs, have questions about their student loan options, or would like to know if they are eligible for relief under this settlement can also call the AG’s Student Loan Assistance Unit for help.
The settlement with Libre Technology, Inc. was handled by Assistant Attorney General Brook Kellerman and Investigations Supervisor Arwen Thoman, with assistance from Division Chief Glenn Kaplan of the Attorney General’s Insurance & Financial Services Division.

FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation

FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation

47 pages in total

Today the FBI is releasing a summary of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s July 2, 2016 interview with the FBI concerning allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure. We also are releasing a factual summary of the FBI’s investigation into this matter. We are making these materials available to the public in the interest of transparency and in response to numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Appropriate redactions have been made for classified information or other material exempt from disclosure under FOIA. Additional information related to this investigation that the FBI releases in the future will be placed on The Vault, the FBI’s electronic FOIA library.

星期四, 9月 01, 2016


僑 務 簡 訊

Culture Center of T.E.C.O. in Boston90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461Tel: 617-965-8801 Fax: 617-965-8815


   如有疑問可逕洽國際醫療管理工作小組陳怡伶經理(電話:02-2885-1528 ext.12email:nhca14@gmail.com),可獲得即時、專業之解答,另亦可洽本會承辦同仁黃馨瑩小姐代為詢問(電話:02-2327-2856email: jany@ocac.gov.tw)

   今年僑務委員會遴派之國慶文化訪問團美加團將於本年9月22Regis College出,訪團由潘越雲、李明德、黃上(模仿伍佰)、簡語卉(模仿張惠妹)及周子汧(雜技人)等人擔綱演出,將帶領大家共同回味經典老歌及民俗技藝。相關資訊如下日期:20169227:00PM,地點:Regis College-245 Wellesley St., Weston, MA 02493。贊助與票務詢問請洽蔣宗壬僑務委員781-454-5615 h2oeng275@aol.com,謝如鍵主席617-901-3888kenchia22778@gmail.com,陳式儀會長339-927-2960 shihyi_chen@yahoo.com。

「臺灣聯合國協進會」將於9月13日到達波士頓,並於9月14日週三7:30。參加在劍橋第一教堂First Church in Cambridge, 11 Garden St, Cambridge, MA臺大EMBA合唱團和劍橋合唱團聯合演出「臺灣之聲」音樂會

   意者請備中華民國護照、永久居留證(綠卡)及學經歷證明文件之影本及中文履歷表,自傳與二吋光面相片,於(105)910 日下午5時前寄()達僑教中心(90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461)


Contact Taiwan攬才服務網httpwww.contacttaiwan.tw
 Contact Taiwan分別為國際專業人才、國內企業及海外投資者提供「一站式服務窗口」 (ONE-STOP)的資訊服務。同時以海外人才在臺工作與生活的親身故事,讓大家認識臺灣,並歡迎來臺為您的職涯與投資發展的藍圖築夢!

 Contact Taiwan為國際專業人才,提供了簽證、居留與生活資訊、臺灣產業優勢及就業機會等資訊;

 Contact Taiwan為國內企業人才需求,提供國際專業人才資訊及潛在專業人才媒合的服務;

 Contact Taiwan為海外投資者提供臺灣產業優勢、投資機會、各種鼓勵投資方案等   資訊與服務。

   為傳承八年抗戰及日據時期之歷史,提醒國人記取教訓,感恩、惜福,臺北市感恩協進會特辦理第5屆「發現、感恩、致敬我身邊的抗戰/臺灣日據故事」影像紀實比賽活動,並期藉此活動拉近海外僑胞與國內距離,凝聚海內外同胞向心力。收件日期自即日起至10595日止,並訂於本年1023日舉行頒獎典禮,歡迎僑界人士踴躍參加,比賽簡章詳細資訊請逕至活動網址參閱: http://www.facebook.com.tw/ouroralstory

  為表揚年度內我國參加國內外運動賽會成績優良之運動選手與其有功教練,及對體育運動有特殊貢獻之個人或團體,教育部體育署規劃辦理體育運動精英獎頒獎表揚活動,推薦期間自即日起至本(105)930日止,歡迎踴躍參與。 教育部公告、體育運動精英獎獎勵辦法及推薦表表單下載下:  

黃榮亮 9/13 訪波士頓支持Hillary

波士頓亞裔社區將於九月十三日晚五點十五分至七點十五分,邀請曾獲東尼獎的亞裔電影明星黃榮亮(B. D. Wong)在波士頓龍鳳酒樓,與美國總統候選人希拉里柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)的支持者晤面, 共餐。
根據活動主辦者李超榮(Leverett Wing)的說明,活動入場費五十元,加入籌辦活動行列,費用從九十元起至二千七百元。

As we emailed last week: B.D. Wong - Tony Award Winner, activist, and star of stage & screen - will be in Boston to help raise funds to support “Hillary for America” - Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign.

Please read more about Hillary's efforts with the AAPI community below - and B.D.'s stellar career, at the end of this email.

Here are the event details:
~ "AAPIs for Hillary" Reception with B.D. Wong ~
* When: Tuesday, September 13th
  - 5:15pm-6:15pm: Exclusive, Sponsor Reception (see below for details & sponsor opportunities)
  - 6:15pm-7:15pm: General Reception
* Where: China Pearl Restaurant - 9 Tyler St., Boston
General Admission: $90.00 (limited number of young professional, veterans and senior tickets available)  
* Host Committee (in formation): Please see below for sponsorship details (includes private reception with B.D. Wong)

Please click on the links below to read more about Hillary's efforts to support & empower the AAPI community, and to learn why we believe she's the clear choice for President, this November:

Hillary’s Official AAPI Website:

Hillary and Her Plans with the AAPI Community

Thanks, and hope to see you on Tuesday, Sept. 13th!
- Leverett
(sponsorship levels & benefits, below - along with more about B.D. Wong)

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS & BENEFITS (see below & attached) ~
** CHAIR: Donate OR Raise $2,700 (from self and/or others)
– 4 Seats: Private, Sit-Down “Pre-Dinner” with B.D. Wong
– Personal photo (with guests – or separately) with B.D. Wong at Private Reception
– 4 Seats: Priority (front table), Reserved Seating at Main Reception
– 4 tickets: General Admission to future "Hillary for America Event", in Boston
– "Lead/Header" placement on invitation and materials at event
– Public acknowledgement from podium at event reception
– Acknowledgement in Program Book, Event Signage, Invitation, Promotional materials & invitation listing

** HOST: Donate OR Raise $1,000 (from self and/or others)
– 2 Seats: Private, Sit-Down “Pre-Dinner” with B.D. Wong
– Personal photo (with guests – or separately) with B.D. Wong at Private Reception
– 2 Seats: Priority (front table), Reserved Seating at Main Reception
– 2 tickets: General Admission to future "Hillary for America Event", in Boston
– "Lead/Header" placement on invitation and materials at event
– Public acknowledgement from podium at event reception
– Acknowledgement in Program Book, Event Signage, Invitation, Promotional materials & invitation listing

** FIGHTER: Donate OR Raise $500
– 1 Seat: at Private, Sit-Down “Pre-Dinner” with B.D. Wong
– Individual, Personal photo (1 person) with B.D. Wong at Private Reception
– 1 Seat: Priority (front table), Reserved Seating at Main Reception
– "Lead/Header" placement on invitation and materials
– Public acknowledgement from podium at reception
– Acknowledgement in Program Book, Event Signage, Invitations & Promotional materials & invitation listing

** ADVOCATE: Donate $250
– 1 Seat: Reserved, General Seating at Main Reception
– "Lead/Header" placement on invitation and materials
– Public acknowledgement from podium at reception
– Acknowledgement in Program Book, Event Signage, Invitations & Promotional materials & invitation listing

** SUPPORTER: Donate $150 individually
– 1 Seat: Reserved, General Seating at Main Reception 
– Acknowledgement in Program Book and Event Signage

** FRIEND (Unreserved Seating, Main Reception): $90.00

** YOUNG PROFESSIONAL TICKETS: (Limited availability): $50.00
(Student and Senior Citizen Rates Available... limited quantity, please inquire)

~ More About B.D. Wong ~
Like millions of Americans, B.D. is lending his efforts to Hillary Clinton's campaign because he realizes that we need a strong, compassionate, experienced leader like Hillary - who has a long track record of supporting our community... 

B.D. is known world-wide for his Tony Award winning role as Song Liling in M. Butterfly, for which he became the ONLY actor in Broadway history to win a Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, Clarence Derwent Award and Theater World Award, for the same role.

He is currently starring in two television series: Gotham (as Dr. Hugo Strange) and Mr. Robot (as Whiterose), and he recently reprised his role as Dr. Henry Wu, in Jurassic World.  In addition, B.D. is well known for his roles in television series such as: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, "OZ", and All-American Girl - along with movie roles in: MulanExecutive Decision, and most recently In Focus, with Will Smith.