
星期二, 4月 12, 2016


Members of the Business Community, State and Local Government Join Treasurer Goldberg to the Discuss Gender Wage Gap

BOSTON – Treasurer Deb Goldberg and the Office Economic Empowerment hosted an Equal Pay Day conference at the Omni Parker House today in Boston. At the event, the Treasurer introduced her brand-new website, EqualPayMA.com, dedicated to providing citizens and businesses with resources to close the gender wage gap.
“Wage equality is not solely a women’s issue, it’s a family issue and affects the economic health and wellbeing of our entire state,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “When women are paid as much as men for equal work, we all benefit. Our hope is that the launch of EqualPayMA.com will empower more people to take part in ending the gender wage gap.”
The website’s central feature is a wage equality tool kit, which employers can use as a guide to implement better pay practices and ensure pay equity. The website also features a wage gap calculator, which uses age and occupation to determine how much the gap costs over an entire lifetime.
The Treasurer was joined by several business and community leaders from the Boston area, who discussed these issues on a series of panels. Carol Fulp, president and CEO of The Partnership, Inc., moderated the panel “Closing the Wage Gap” with executive vice president and chief operating officer of State Street’s Global Human Resources Division Kathryn Horgan and Joyce A. Murphy, Executive Vice Chancellor, Commonwealth Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Treasurer Goldberg moderated the women in government panel with Attorney General Maura Healey, Cambridge city Mayor E. Denise Simmons, State Senator Karen Spilka, and Boston City Council President Michelle Wu.
John Fish, the Chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction, was the event’s keynote speaker and discussed how the institution of better equal pay practices greatly benefited his business.
“The benefits of offering women equal pay and equal opportunities are clear — we must leverage all our best talent and engage the women leaders of tomorrow if we are to ensure a strong and sustainable economy for future generations,” said John Fish, Chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction. “But the issue of equal pay goes beyond just paychecks. Equal pay for women is about respect and our commitment to keep the promise of the American dream alive for everyone, regardless of gender. In the end, this is about our future.”
On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created the Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), led by a deputy treasurer with the deliberate goal of incorporating a range of economic empowerment initiatives, including financial literacy, college affordability and programming to support wage equality.

For more information, please visit http://www.EqualPayMA.com/. For more information on the Office of Economic Empowerment, please visit http://www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment/.

劍橋合唱團 2016春季音樂會【天上‧人間】 5/21

劍橋合唱團 2016春季音樂會【天上‧人間】
521 晚間7:30 MIT Kresge Auditorium

劍橋合唱團 2016春季音樂會【天上‧人間】
521 晚間7:30 MIT Kresge Auditorium

劍橋合唱團521日星期六晚間730分將在麻省理工學院Kresge Auditorium (地址: 48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA) 舉行2016春季音樂會【天上,人間 】。

劍橋合唱團本次將呈現兩首重量級管風琴伴奏作品:20世紀英國重量級作曲家布列頓的「Rejoice in the lamb」,以及浪漫時期作曲家孟德爾頌的合唱曲「Hear My Prayer聽我祈禱」。後者由新英格蘭音樂院聲樂家蒲飛鸰擔任女高音獨唱。

蘇格蘭詩人Robert Burns的詩作譜成的合唱曲,加上台灣校園民歌「今山古道」、「忘了我是誰」、「浮雲遊子」,有蕩氣迴腸、有輕快悠揚,是不能夠錯過的一場音樂饗宴。本次音樂會由顏毓芬博士擔任指揮,正在波士頓大學攻讀博士學位的鋼琴家林宜穎擔任伴奏,近40位熱愛合唱音樂的歌手擔綱演出,邀請您一起來享受合唱音樂的美好。自由入場,歡迎您捐款支持。

劍橋合唱團固定於每週五晚間8點在MIT 教室練習。八月份將開始新一季的擴大招生與練習,歡迎喜愛唱歌的舊雨新知與我們聯繫。聯絡電話:217-979-9719Email: cccs-officers@mit.edu

安多福鎮秀華人從政榜樣 邀波士頓市議長吳弭到訪

波士頓市議會議長吳弭(Michelle Wu)在安多福鎮和華裔民眾見面。
 (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市首名華裔市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)今年更上層樓,當選為首名華裔市議會議長。新成立的安多福華人協會深感與有榮焉,410 日特地請吳弭到該鎮步步高中文學校訪問,分享經歷,給華裔第二代做榜樣。
            沒想到,她剛踏入社會工作沒多久時,母親病了,她被迫匆匆趕回芝加哥,照顧母親,安排弟妹上學,還一肩挑起維持家計重擔,開起賣茶與糕點的小店。也就是那時候,為申請營業牌照,她體會到政府對民眾日常生活影響之大。後來她進哈佛大學法學院深造J. D.學位期間,到波士頓市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino辦公室實習,不但策劃了餐飲業申請牌照一站式服務,還辦了流動餐車試驗。
