
星期五, 3月 11, 2016

學生抗議波士頓市長關心 下學年學校預算改略增

數以千計的學生走上街頭,抗議教育預算刪減後,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Mayor Martin J. Walsh10日拋出回應,將從整個學區的個別預算項目中做調整,估計各高中將可領得比去年略微高些的營運經費。
            波市公校總監張欽棠(Thomas Chang)公佈的學校預算計劃,還有不到兩星期,就要由學校委員會投票表決了,今年是連續第二年預算總額超過10億元。



(Boston Orange 周菊子報導) 一連舉行3日,甫於38日落幕的第36屆 北美海產展暨水產品加工展(SENA/SPNA),參展商數量之多打破紀錄,高達1244家。中國大陸參展廠商數量及攤位也都破紀錄,共234家廠商,擺出250  個攤位。來自台灣的廠商也增至18家。
            泰國駐美大使Pisan Manawapat 也於三月七日率代表團出席,發表了一篇泰國海產供應鏈改革近況演說,指出泰國將就法令,人權,科技投資等各方面做全方位的漁業改革。
        來自阿拉斯加的華裔移民第三代劉傑華(Warner Lew) 是另類參展廠商。他的本業是海產公司船隊經理,卻開家Deckhand Seafood,自行開發研製出罐頭燻鯡魚,還在阿拉斯加州的漁業創新比賽中獲得首獎,由比賽主辦單位贊助參展。 
今年的海產優異獎由法國溪海產(French Creek Seafoods)的“出味海鮮辣椒”贏得最佳新零售產品獎,三叉戟海產品公司的“太平洋鱈魚一口吃”贏得最佳新餐飲食品獎。 
劉傑華(Warner Lew)創辦了Deckhand


丘成桐兼顧數學、物理 推動中國造巨型對撞機

(Boston Orange 周菊子報導)哈佛大學數學大師丘成桐310日晚在麻省理工學院CSSA“名人論壇“中“宣道”,鼓吹中國建造“巨型對撞機”,嘗試解決宇宙奧秘問題,也藉以把世界頂級科學頭腦全吸引進中國,形成共振效應,推廣及開展基礎、高能物理的研究,深入探索人類文明源起。
丘成桐教授(右)贈書,MIT CSSA學生慶睿(左)代表接受。
丘成桐甚至和好友Steve Nadia還合寫了一本書,“從萬里長城到巨型對撞機(From Great Wall to the Great Collider),並由何紅建和鮮于中之這兩名教授翻譯中文版,闡述他探究“人類文明”,追尋人類活力與存在意義的理想。
MIT CSSA學生代表鄧墨(左)感謝丘成桐(右)教授贈書。
在不下一、二百人出席的這場麻省理工學院中國學生學者聯合會(MIT-CSSA)“名人論壇”中,丘成桐以“數學,現代物理與對撞機(Mathematics, Modern Physics and Colider)”為講題,侃侃而談數學與物理的關係,從三段論證,相對論,量子力學,引力的幾何表達,里奇曲率,卡拉比猜想,以及卡拉比-丘空間,鏡像對稱性等數學,物理的逐步發展,例舉牛頓,富理哀,李政道,楊振寧,丁肇中這些中外著名物理學家,談到強子對撞機(LHC)加速粒子而形成希格斯玻色子,為粒子物理的所謂標準模型劃上句號,以及其後的未來發展。他甚至指出,巨型對撞機的理想設置地點,大概在長城山海關一帶。


殷氏弦樂四重奏音樂會 3/26 登場

中華藝術表演基金會將於3月26日(週六)晚上八點假新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) ,舉辦由殷氏弦樂四重奏( The Ying Quartet, www.ying4.com音樂會。

次重組,現今組員有小提琴手 Robin Scott 和 Janet Ying,中提琴手Phillip Ying, 及大提琴手David Ying。成立至今,他們已成為當今音樂界室樂團裏資
最高,品質最好,最獨特突出的音樂團體之一。他們經常在許多世界級的 音樂廳裏
 演出, 從卡基 音樂廳到雪梨歌劇院,獲得高度的肯定和喝采。

两次被提名格萊美最佳室樂表演類 獎。此外,發布於2008年的“點心 (Dim Sum)” 結合了東⻄方作曲家,⻄方弦樂四重奏與中國傳統音樂的聽覺音樂功能。由Quartz 發布的“殷氏弦樂團LifeMusic” 被留聲機 雜誌 (Gramophone magazine) 評為編輯最佳選擇作品。


殷氏弦樂團現任教於紐約州著名的伊士曼 (Eastman)音樂學院的弦樂系。從
2001-2008, 殷氏弦樂 團任教演出於哈佛大學的Blodgett Artists-in-Residence 項目。在夏季時,殷氏弦樂團參與各大國際音樂節。他們是鮑登 (Bowdoin) 及Aspen國際音樂節的駐營室樂團。



BOSTON – As more Massachusetts homeowners seek clean and renewable energy sources to provide electricity, Attorney General Maura Healey is providing tips for consumers when purchasing or leasing solar panels. 

“Our office encourages the continued expansion of the solar industry, but we urge consumers to take the time to research the costs and benefits of buying or leasing solar panels for their homes,” AG Healey said. “This is a long-term investment for homeowners, so it is crucial that residents have the information they need to make informed choices for the future.”

Massachusetts is ranked as one the top states in the country for installed residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. With more solar options for residents, it is important to check information online about specific solar companies, ask questions and check references. For homeowners considering installing solar panels, the AG’s Office advises consumers to understand the following:

  • Know Your Electricity Usage: Look at your utility bill to determine how much electricity you consume and what price you pay per kilowatt-hour. Consumers should consider any planned changes to property, family size, or purchases that may impact electricity use in the future. 

  • Be Realistic about Savings: Solar companies often calculate your projected savings by assuming utility rates will increase by a certain percent each year. Consumers should watch out for exaggerated projections. Do your own research about electric rate trends and projections in Massachusetts in order to evaluate the company’s representations.

  • Energy Production May Vary: The amount of energy produced by your panels may vary at different times of the year, and it may not cover all of your energy needs. Understand how your system is likely to perform and what the financial impact may be.

  • Identify Federal, State, and Utility Incentives: Look into whether you are eligible for solar-related tax credits and incentive programs, and do research on renewable energy certificates and net metering credits. These resources may help defray upfront costs and improve the return on solar PV systems.

  • Understand the Different Arrangements: Consumers can purchase or lease a solar PV system and should know the differences before signing a contract.
o   Purchasing: You own the system and the power it produces, and may benefit from available tax credits, incentives, renewable energy certificates, and net-metering credits. However, you will also generally be responsible for system maintenance.
o   Leasing: Requires monthly payments in exchange for the right to use the system. You may spend less money upfront compared to purchasing panels and may not be responsible for system upkeep, but you will not be eligible for incentives like rebates and tax credits. Contracts are long term – some last 20 years or more.
o   Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A developer generally owns, maintains, and operates the system on your property and you agree to purchase the system’s electric output at a price specified in the agreement. There may be low or no upfront costs, but you will generally not be eligible for incentives such as rebates and tax credits. Contracts are also usually long term.

  • Know Before You Sign: Do not rely on someone else to tell you what a document is or to summarize it for you. Pay particular attention to any rights and obligations you have under the agreement, including cancellation of the contract. 

  • Property Record Filings: Some solar companies make a UCC-1 filing in real estate records for the house where they have installed and leased the system, or entered into a PPA. This filing acts as notice that a third party has rights to the panels on the property. If a lender who holds a mortgage forecloses on a consumer’s home, the filing protects the solar company’s ownership of the system. If you sell your home, the filing gives notice to the new homeowner and lender that they are not taking ownership of the panels.
o   Consumers should read their agreement carefully and pay particular attention to any provisions that could cause restrictions upon transfer of their home. Ask questions about how a UCC-1 filing may impact your future plans.

  • Get Multiple Estimates: Obtain detailed quotes from multiple solar companies in order to secure the best deal for the installation of your system. Ask whether there are any costs that are not included in the quoted price. If you are considering a loan to help pay for the system, look into your options and check interest rates and loan terms. There may be state or federal government programs that can assist you financially as well.

  • Confirm the Timeline: Ask the solar company for a written description of the work they will do, and the timeline for completing the installation and connecting to the grid.

Consumers who have questions about their rights or need assistance can call the Attorney General’s Consumer Advocacy and Response Division at 617-727-8400 or visit the AG’s website for more information about considering solar panels.


        BOSTON – The Boston Interagency Committee on Violence Prevention will host events and competitions for young people in the Boston community in recognition of National Youth Violence Prevention Week, April 4-8, 2016. 
        “I’m thrilled to once again be a part of this event, which showcases how young people channel their incredible talents to resist and prevent violence in their schools and communities,” said United States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz.  “Each year, I’m awed by the strength of Boston’s young people to stand up for peace and defend their right to violence-free communities.  With the activism and advocacy that youth have been demonstrating, I’m sure this year will be no different!”
        National Youth Violence Prevention Week aims to raise awareness and to educate young people, parents, and communities as a whole, about effective ways to prevent and reduce youth violence.  The campaign, which is held in cities across the country, features activities, competitions and events that bring young people together to make their schools and communities safer by using peaceful forms of self-expression.
        DJs from JAM’N 94.5 will host a city-wide Peace Rally at the Reggie Lewis Center at Roxbury Community College on April 7th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, which will be the highlight of the week.  At the rally, the winners of the anti-violence themed contests for Boston students will be announced, and the Floorlords, Vine Street Dancers, and Seekers of Knowledge dance groups will perform.  There will also be surprise audience-participation contests with prizes, and guest-appearances by top officials.  Over 500 people attended the 2015 Peace Rally.
        The Boston Interagency Committee on Violence Prevention recently announced the creative anti-violence themed contests in schools and community centers.  Boston students in grades K-5 will submit posters with a theme of “Youth Standing STRONG Against Violence;” grades 6-8 will enter poetry with the same theme; and high school students are invited to create hip-hop music videos with an anti-violence message. 
        Prizes for the top three entries in each category include Target gift cards, Red Sox tickets, and a spotlight on JAM’N 94.5’s “Saturday Night Jump Off.”  Sponsoring agencies will also receive Staples gift cards in recognition of their support. 
        Another event taking place in Boston during National Youth Violence Prevention Week will be held at the Umana Barnes Middle School in East Boston on April 4th.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office will team up to present a combined program encouraging positive decision-making and alternatives to violence.
        The Boston Interagency Committee on Violence Prevention consists of representatives from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Office of the Governor of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department, City of Boston Mayor’s Office, Boston Police Department and Boston Centers for Youth & Families.
        Sponsors of the event include JAM’N 94.5 Radio, Roxbury Community College, MassHousing, Crystal Rock Beverages, Boston Police Athletic/Activities League and the Youth Violence Prevention Funders Learning Collaborative.
        For further information, visit www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf/programs and click on “Youth Standing Strong Against Violence,” or send an email to youthstandingstrong@yahoo.com.

星期四, 3月 10, 2016

New Leadership Staff Appointments Made at Boston Public Health Commission

New Leadership Staff Appointments Made at Boston Public Health Commission Commission Announces Selection of Deputy Director and of Director of Administration and Finance
BOSTON - Thursday, March 10, 2016 - The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) has announced the selection of two experienced health officials who will assume top leadership roles at the agency.  Rita Nieves, RN, MPH, LICSW, has been named Deputy Director and Grace Connolly, JD, has been named Director of Administration and Finance.  
Nieves has over 22 years of experience at BPHC.  She began her service in 1994 as director of the tuberculosis program. Nieves later directed the Division of Addictions Treatment Services for Women and Families. In 2003, Rita was appointed as Director of BPHC's Addictions, Prevention, Treatment, Recovery Support Services bureau. She manages a budget of approximately $9M and oversees a multi-disciplinary team of 85 full-time staff. 

Nieves has been recognized as an exemplary public servant and leader in the field of substance abuse treatment and prevention, receiving awards including the Henry L. Shattuck Public Service Award and the Outstanding Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services Award from the national Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse award. Nieves also has direct care experience as a nurse in both Boston and Puerto Rico and is also a licensed clinical social worker. 
"I am confident that Rita will be a valuable asset to Commission and the city as a whole as she takes on this role," said Valdes Lupi. "Addictions prevention and treatment is a top priority both for Mayor Walsh and myself and Rita's leadership role here will help to strengthen our focus on this issue."
Grace Connolly will be returning to the Commission to lead its Administration and Finance team after serving most recently as the Senior Director of Grants and Contracts for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Earlier in her career, Connolly spent seven years in a number of senior budget roles at the BPHC, providing day-to-day fiscal and administrative oversight for the Substance Abuse Services Bureau, Communicable Disease Program, Office of Public Health Preparedness, Homeless Services and also discrete areas within the BPHC involving more than sixty cost centers inclusive of federal, state, foundation and third party billing sources.

Connolly then gained significant experience in state government, serving six years at Massachusetts State Department of Public Health as a Director of Administration and Finance where she was responsible for fiscal planning and management, grant compliance, budgeting, contracts and purchasing and staff supervision.  In this role, Connolly led assessments of the budget and finance systems, evaluating staff competencies, providing risk management and overall direction to ensure that we were in maximizing compliance with state and federal finance rules.
While at ASTHO, Connolly led the development and execution of internal controls, annual budgeting and reporting and system procurement and implementation.
Connolly has a JD and is licensed to practice in CA. In a prior life worked as a senior litigator for a firm in San Francisco.
"I am excited to share these two leadership hiring announcements," said Valdes Lupi "I hope my colleagues will all join me in congratulating Grace and Rita on their new roles."
Monica Valdes Lupi, JD, MPH, took the helm as BPHC's executive director on February 1st of this year following her appointment by Boston's Board of Health.