
星期五, 2月 05, 2016

波士頓市 2/5停課但不禁停車

BOSTON - Thursday, February 4, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that due to weather forecasts, with expected accumulations of up to eight inches, Boston Public Schools will be closed Friday, February 5. The Public Works Department (PWD) will have 500 trucks pre-treating roads in Boston by 6:00 a.m. and two city-owned truck-mounted snow blowers to prepare for this storm, with 40,000 tons of salt available.

Information on the storm will continue to be updated on boston.gov/snow. To register for Alert Boston, please visit:http://www.cityofboston.gov/oem/alertboston.asp.

"With expected accumulations of four to eight inches over the next 22 hours, we are acting out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our residents, especially our children," said Mayor Walsh. "Our Office of Emergency Management will continue to monitor the storm throughout its duration. I'm asking residents to remain vigilant during this snow event and keep an eye out for our neighbors, especially our seniors during this time."

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Storm in effect from Friday at 1 a.m. until Friday at 3 p.m. Snow accumulation has shifted to 4-8 inches of snow in Boston and maximum wind gusts have increased to 30-35 mph.

"The snow levels are expected to increase throughout the school day and we believe it is in the best interests of our students' safety to close schools on Friday," said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Tommy Chang. "I encourage families to have their children attend a BYCF Center if childcare is needed."


Due to the forecast, the Mayor and the Superintendent together have called for all Boston Public Schools to be closed on Friday, February 5. Administrative offices, including the BPS Welcome Centers and Newcomers Assessment and Counseling Center, will also be open. All after-school activities on Friday are cancelled. Digital educational resources and materials are always available online at the Boston Public Schools website:http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/.

Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) will have all facilities open from 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. All are welcome, and children ages 7 and older can be dropped off upon completion of a short intake form. Visit the BCYF website for center locations: 

Parking/Space Savers

Since a snow emergency has not been declared, there should be no space savers on our streets. To find out more information about the city's policy on parking during a snowstorm, please visit:http://www.cityofboston.gov/snow/parking/.

Safety Tips
  • Please help your neighbors and do your part to assist during this snow event by clearing sidewalks and shoveling out hydrants.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces.
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion, please be cautious and pay attention to symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly when you stop exertion.
  • Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should be sure to use their home heating systems wisely and safety, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling.  Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow. For example, gas exhaust from heating system or dryer.
  • Remember to keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear.
  • Snow piles can make navigating intersections dangerous for walkers and drivers, please take extra care when turning corners with snow piles that might limit visibility.
  • If you see a person in need of shelter, of it there is an emergency, please call 911.
  • Please check on neighbors, especially the elderly and disabled.
  • For those with questions or concerns, help is available through several channels. 311 will be running with extra staff around the clock for the next two days and the City's social media and mobile technology strategy will be in full effect throughout the storm. Residents can tweet @bos311 with a question or concern, and use the Citizens Connect app to report issues.

Public Works

The Public Works Department (PWD) will have 500 trucks salting streets by 6:00 a.m. across the City, with 40,000 tons of salt on hand. The City's two truck-mounted snow blowers will be available for snow removal to clear main roadways.

Trash and Recycling

Trash pick-up for neighborhoods with Friday trash pick-up will start at 6:00 a.m.

Public Libraries

All Boston Public Libraries will be open during normal business hours.

Helping the Homeless

Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) will continue to coordinate their city-wide network of emergency shelters, outreach providers, city agencies and first responders to assist the homeless during this impending storm. Shelters are kept open during the day for the safety and well being of our clients.

All individuals seeking shelter should go to Central Intake, located at Woods Mullen Shelter - 794 Massachusetts Avenue in the South End at the corner of Melnea Cass Boulevard and Massachusetts Avenue.

Residents are encouraged to sign-up for AlertBoston to receive emergency alerts and to call 311, download the BOS:311 app, or tweet at @BOS311 with questions or concerns. Follow @CityofBoston and boston.gov/snow for the latest updates.  


Due to the forecast for heavy snow starting in the early morning through the day Friday, the City of Malden will be declaring a snow emergency as of 12:00 Midnight. For those affected by the resulting parking ban, you must seek off street parking to avoid being towed. If you do not have access to off-street parking, we have opened the following locations for public parking during the snow emergency. Those locations are: Beebe School, Linden School, Salemwood School, Forestdale School, Ferryway School and The Early Learning Center. You may enter these lots immediately. Regarding City services; all municipal buildings will be open Friday but public schools will be closed. Trash and recycling will be picked up as normal. For more information or to follow up-to-the-minute updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

昆士市 2/5 早上七點起實施風雪停車禁令

Snow Emergency Parking Rules Begin 7 a.m. Friday, 2/5

麻州昆士市2月5日早上7點至晚上7點,實施風雪停車禁令。居民可把車輛停在非緊急幹道的奇數街道邊。但是如果有辦法的話,應儘量停在各人自家車道上。需要援助者,可上網http://www.quincyma.gov/Utilities/alert.cfm?alert_id=785 ,或致電617-376-1927。

Snow Parking Rules Extended Through Tonight

Friday, February 05, 2016

With snowfall anticipated to into the evening, snow emergency parking rules will remain in effect until tomorrow morning. 
Residents may park on the ODD numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available.
Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. Click here for a complete list of emergency arteries.
Residents on side-streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed.
For assistance, residents can use the City’s snow request application athttp://www.quincyma.gov/Utilities/alert.cfm?alert_id=785 or call the DPW's snow operation hotline at 617-376-1927.
Emergency parking rules do not relate to the status of the Quincy Public Schools. Any weather-related notices will come from the School Department.
For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy’s Facebook page or via Twitter @CityofQuincy.
Residents are encouraged to sign-up for e-mail and text alerts via CityLink on the City’s website, www.quincyma.gov.

Snow emergency parking rules will be in place from 7 a.m. on Friday,February 5, 2016 until 7 p.m.  
Residents may park on the ODD numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available.
Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. Click here for a complete list of emergency arteries.
Residents on side-streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed.
For assistance, residents can use the City’s snow request application at http://www.quincyma.gov/Utilities/alert.cfm?alert_id=785 or call the DPW's snow operation hotline at 617-376-1927.
Emergency parking rules do not relate to the status of the Quincy Public Schools. Any weather-related notices will come from the School Department.
For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy’s Facebook page or via Twitter @CityofQuincy.
Residents are encouraged to sign-up for e-mail and text alerts via CityLink on the City’s website, www.quincyma.gov.


艾克頓中文學校 2/7 慶猴年新春

羅德島州克蘭斯頓市 2/5 早上七點起實施風雪停車禁令 學校停課

羅德島州克蘭斯頓市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)公佈,除實施風雪停車禁令之外,學校部總監已決定2/5停課。

*The predicted totals have risen since earlier today, and the morning commute looks to be very problematic. Please plan accordingly and be safe out there if you must go out.
*There is a PARKING BAN in Cranston as of 7AM. We cannot clear your road effectively when there are cars in our way. Please adhere to this so that we can do our best for you and your neighbors.
*We will be out at 3AM pretreating the more than 300 miles of roads in our city.
*Waste management will be out there tomorrow trying to pick up everyone's trash on schedule. If the weather gets so bad that we must pull the trucks off the road for their safety, they will do make-up stops on Saturday.
*As of right now, there is no word on any potential school delay. The superintendent will continue to monitor.
Thank you and I'll keep everyone up to date as things develop

星期四, 2月 04, 2016



紐約人壽保險公司波士顿分公司将于二月十八号,在Waltham分公司办公室舉辦高端市场産保障規劃讲座此次讲座特邀紐約人壽公司副總裁﹑高端市场規劃部执行顧問Mr. Alan Chew周恩明 (法学博士,注册会计师,特许财务顾问) ,将用您熟悉的语言,让您瞭解如何最大限度地保障资产,降低所得税,做好退休规划,规避资本风险,建立收入保障及降低遗产成本的各种策略和方法;并为在美国及海外拥有高资产新栘民和非美国公民或绿卡的跨国投资者,讲解分析如何设立信托来更好地保存积累的財富,并有效地傳給下一代的相关理念,技巧和經驗。Alan Chew在加入紐約人壽之前曾在多家一流金融服務公司供職﹐在遺產規劃﹑個人財富管理和法律服務等領域具有十多年丰富經驗﹐近年來更是專門與紐約人壽的業務代表合作為全美華人社區的工商界領袖和其他高資產人士提供服務﹐深受歡迎。
讲座的举办地点: 201 Jones Road, 6th Floor, Waltham MA 02451
时间:2/18/2016,星期四,下午6点– 八点,五点三十分开始注册報到,偹有茶点招待。