
星期三, 1月 06, 2016





台灣科技部推動「2016年科技台灣探索 – 候鳥計畫」接受報名

台灣科技部推動「2016年科技台灣探索 – 候鳥計畫」(Taiwan Tech Trek, TTT),並開始接受海外青年線上報名














星期二, 1月 05, 2016

吳弭再締造歷史 當選為波士頓市議會首名華裔市議長

Michelle Wu's Inauguration Speech

Thank you fellow Boston City Councilors.

Thank you for putting your trust in me to support your work and to lead the meetings of this council over the next two years.
I am proud to be a member of the Boston City Council and grateful to work with colleagues who are strong advocates and good people. Thank you, Councilor Linehan, for your leadership over the last two years.
I want to recognize all the family, friends, and guests who are here with us today as we embark on a new term.
Your love and support makes our work possible and often comes with great personal sacrifice.  We are so grateful to have you as partners in service to the City. I’m of course most grateful for my lovely family – my husband Conor, my sisters Sherelle and Tori who are here. Don’t worry, Blaise is in the building - down in City Hall Child Care on the 4th floor.
He’s in these chambers so often that I’m sure he’s already banged the gavel before mom has.

I also want to thank our City Clerk Maureen Feeney--former Council President—as well as the City Council Central Staff and all Councilors’ staff members. You are often our eyes and ears, and you keep everything running smoothly.
We appreciate the work that you will be putting in these next two years to make our city’s government a voice and service for our fellow citizens.
And thank you to Mayor Walsh, who just presided over a beautiful Inauguration ceremony earlier this morning. His leadership has helped to set a tone of collaboration and partnership with the Council.
Together with the Mayor, the Boston City Council has been taking the lead on important issues where state and federal government has yet to act.
Over the last term, we stood up for working families, passing paid parental leave for city workers.
We passed the Trust Act, highlighting that Boston is a city where immigrant families are welcome.
We passed a diesel emissions reduction ordinance, to make sure Boston is setting the standard for sustainability.
We created opportunities for small businesses and artists, reducing red tape to encourage more vibrant neighborhoods.
I look forward to continuing to partner with the Mayor and his Administration in making strides forward for our city.
Today we officially welcome our two newest colleagues,
Councilor Andrea Campbell and Councilor Annissa Essaibi George.
Congratulations, and thank you for stepping up to serve.
Your voices will be important additions to the conversations in this Chamber and your service will be felt throughout the city.  
Know that all of our doors will be open to you as you work towards the goals that called you to run for office.
To all my colleagues: your willingness to subject yourselves to spotlight and scrutiny – sometimes fair, often unfair – testifies to character and integrity in each of you. It’s easy to give up and be cynical or critical from the sidelines, but you’ve had the courage to put yourselves forward and that says something special about each of you. I’m proud to serve with you all.
Today’s Boston City Council brings together diverse experiences and family backgrounds.  
Some of us are from families who came to Boston generations ago, and some from families who arrived more recently.
We are former labor union members, entrepreneurs, long-time City employees, public interest attorneys, and a teacher.  
We are moms and dads, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors.
These experiences--struggles and joys--truly matter. In this Chamber, every debate is informed by our own families’ lives and those of our constituents.
We don’t just think and talk about policy, but feel the challenges and impacts.
We are sworn in today at a time of historic inequality and uneven opportunity in our country and our city.
This lack of opportunity has led to stark divisions in Boston.
In some parts of our City, we see increased profits, gleaming offices, and growing workforces.
But in too many parts of our City, we see skyrocketing housing costs, nightly gunshots, devastating opioid addiction, insufficient mental health supports, imbalanced schools, and stagnant wages that haven’t kept pace with the costs of supporting a family. 
We have a wealth gap that splits along lines of race and geography.
Too many Bostonians are worrying that coming generations will be worse off, and will have it harder than their parents or their grandparents did.
Against this backdrop, the work of city government is more vital than ever.
In this term, we will take action on reducing income inequality, reforming our criminal justice system, improving educational opportunities, and preparing for climate change.
This Council comprises 13 strong and committed advocates who have knowledge and experience confronting many of the issues we’re facing. 
Our committee assignments will make the most not only of your knowledge and experience, but also of your passion for and commitment to specific issues. By putting you to work on the things you care about most, we will create a climate that revolves around a fundamental principle: your achievements are the Council’s achievements, and your success is the Council’s success.
This term, we will create new committees to focus our resources on today’s pressing challenges:
·     A new committee on Homelessness, Mental Health & Recovery
·     A new committee on Jobs, Wages & Workforce Development
·     A finer focus with reshaped committees on Environment & Sustainability, and on Parks, Recreation & Transportation.
·     An expanded committee to include not just Public Safety, but Public Safety & Criminal Justice
Most of all, we will open up the business of the Council with a focus on transparency and accessibility.
Working with the Administration, we will relaunch the Boston City Council website to make legislative dockets, committee hearing schedules, and Council business easier to understand and track online.
We will bring the Council directly into the neighborhoods, asking each Committee Chair to host a Town Hall on his or her Committee’s area of focus to help us set an action agenda for the term.
Boston has a history of showing that citizens can make a difference.
Democracy started here, and we will carry on that legacy, knowing that the key to progress is empowering people to get involved.
There is much to be done, and there is great energy on this Council and in this city to do it.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead this body, and the opportunity to continue to serve this city we all love. Together, I look forward to working with all of you to expand opportunity for all Boston residents, and make our government more transparent, accessible, and inclusive.
(Photos provided by Michelle Wu's office.)

星期一, 1月 04, 2016


Council Serves as Leadership in City's Efforts to Engage Boston's Millennial Population  
"Boston is known for having the best and brightest talent, and I look forward to seeing the great work to come from this year's ONEin3 Council," said Mayor Walsh. "The work that ONEin3 does to engage our young adult population in the issues that impact them the most is a critically important part of our efforts to move the City forward for everyone."

The ONEin3 Council serves as the leadership for ONEin3, a civic engagement initiative that aims to empower and support Boston's millennial population through active citizenship. The Council will spend this year overseeing volunteers and managing projects that will increase young adult participation in city government and civic affairs. The Council will provide strong leadership in order to build a community of active, involved young adults from all over the city, working together to make Boston an inviting, connected, culturally rich and sustainable place for young people to live.

The 2016 ONEin3 Council will reflect the diversity of Boston's young adult population and will be representative of their wide variety of interests and experiences. Last year's Council was comprised of 31 Boston residents, including 16 women and 15 men who live in 17 neighborhoods across Boston, and work in 22 different industries. In order to be eligible, applicants must be between the ages of 20-34 and live in Boston.

The 2016 ONEin3 Council will be installed in March, after which point any young adult wishing to be involved with ONEin3 will be welcome to attend open meetings and volunteer time, energy and talent to further ONEin3's mission of empowering and supporting Boston's millennial population.

Applications for the 2016 ONEin3 Council can be found here. For more information on the ONEin3 program, please visit www.ONEin3Boston.com.

With more than one-third of our population between the ages of 20-34, Boston is home to the highest proportion of young adults out of any major city in America. Recognizing the importance of engaging this demographic, the Mayor launched ONEin3 to serve as the connection between the City of Boston and its millennial population. Through its various programs and events,the Mayor's ONEin3 initiative builds relationships, increases civic engagement and promotes active citizenship to empower and support Boston's young adults. 

星期五, 1月 01, 2016


今年的元旦升旗典禮出席嘉賓包括牛頓市議員John Rice僑務諮詢委員家驊僑務諮詢委員陳毓禮僑務諮詢委員馬滌凡僑務諮詢委員楊克敬紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦駐波士頓辦事處處長賴銘琪僑教中心主任郭大文,現任僑務委員蔣宗壬,梅錫銳等人


2016-1-1 105年元旦勒星頓童聲合唱團演唱
指導老師:韓 菲、王郁萍

via  Shiuan Chang

演 出 者:謝佳樺、林楚芸、蔡弦修、許宜澂
新英格蘭台灣室內樂團_台灣民謠組曲演奏 2
演 出 者:謝佳樺、林楚芸、蔡弦修、許宜澂

麻州屋斯特吾村春節聯歡會訂 2/21日舉行

新英格蘭台商會高爾夫球俱樂部 1/3 練球

TCCNE GOLF CLUB MEETING ON Sunday, January 3, at 10 AM
Come join us at the McGolf Driving Range to hone your skills. Our club meets every other Sundays from 10 AM to 12 PM. Experienced golfers will be on site to provide practice tips. All are welcome.
時間 When: Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 10 AM to 12 PM
地點 Where: McGolf Driving Range
150 Bridge Street, Route 109, Dedham, MA 02026
Te: (781) 326-5999
費用 Costs: We don’t collect member dues. But the cost of the golf balls are on you.
報名 Registration: 胡美惠 Meihuei Hu 617-278-3955 or email: meihueihu@rcn.com
RSVP 24 hours before the event
TCCNE golfers: Roger Tsai, Ming Tsai, Danny Xu, Jason Yu, and K.S. Tsay
Club Chair: 胡美惠 Meihuei Hu