
星期四, 12月 03, 2015

Governor Baker Signs Legislation Establishing Massachusetts’ Workforce Development Board

Governor Baker Signs Legislation Establishing Massachusetts’ Workforce Development Board


BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker signed legislation today establishing the Massachusetts’ Workforce Investment Board to improve the public workforce system and enhance regional economies around the Commonwealth by focusing on employers’ growing need for skilled workers.
“With changes to the federal workforce investment laws, we now have an opportunity as a state to redefine and reimagine how we create skill-building programs,” said Governor Baker. “Creating strong regional economies by designing programs that meet the demands of workers and businesses in each region is important to driving economic growth and new job opportunities for our residents.”
Required by federal law and currently defined by state statute (MGL, Ch. 23H, §7), the Massachusetts Workforce Development Board advises the governor and the secretary of Labor and Workforce Development with the mission to build a strong workforce system aligned with state education policies and economic development goals.
“To help people find good jobs, we are flipping the model to be demand-driven for employers, which, in turn, will help more people find jobs that suit their skill sets,”Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Ronald L. Walker, II said. “We need to create a system that better meets the needs of employers who struggle to find talented workers.”
The legislation signed today, “An Act establishing a State Workforce Development Board” (H 3772), is based on a bill introduced by Governor Baker in June reconstituting the state’s Workforce Investment Board, reducing its membership from 65 members to 33 and ensuring the makeup of its membership continues to comply with federal requirements under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA was signed into law by the President on July 22, 2014 reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 after more than a decade to transform the nation’s workforce system, and to invest in a skilled workforce.
The Workforce Development Board is charged with developing plans and policies, which are approved by the Governor, to coordinate services through One-Stop Career Centers and workforce boards. The board also issues policy recommendations to align the public workforce system and improve performance accountability, and will develop strategies to promote workforce participation of women, people of color, veterans, and persons with disabilities across industry sectors.
The reconstituted board will consist of 17 business representatives and seven workforce representatives – including two representatives from labor, one of which is chosen from the National Association of Government Employees; and four from community-based organizations. The board will also have four executive branch representatives from the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development and Executive Office of Education. The governor or a designee, two state legislators and two local government representatives will also sit on the board, which will be chaired by a member of the business representation.
Soon after taking office, Governor Baker signed an executive order creating the Workforce Skills Cabinet, which brings together Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald Walker, Education Secretary James Peyser, and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. The Workforce Skills Cabinet is creating strategies to further develop workers skills and meet businesses’ needs.

星期三, 12月 02, 2015


Governor Baker Nominates Assistant Attorney General Patrick Sabbs to Springfield District Court

Governor Baker Nominates Assistant Attorney General Patrick Sabbs to Springfield District Court

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker has nominated Assistant Attorney General Patrick Sabbs to the Springfield District Court. Sabbs brings over 18 years of trial experience as a state prosecutor in Western Massachusetts, handling major felony matters for the Office of the Attorney General and Hampden County District Attorney’s Office.

“Patrick Sabbs’ nearly two decades of experience as a prosecutor and trial attorney will prove invaluable to the District Court and people of Western Massachusetts,”said Governor Baker. “I look forward to the Governors Council’s consideration of his nomination.”

"The administration is pleased to have the opportunity to nominate a talented individual who was raised in the Springfield area, practiced in his home town, and now is willing to take on the obligation to sit on the court before which he practiced,”said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.

Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor.

There are 62 District Courts throughout the Commonwealth hearing a range of criminal, civil, housing, juvenile, mental health and other case types, including all felonies punishable by a sentence up to five years, misdemeanors and violations of city and town ordinances and by-laws. Springfield is located in the Region 6, which includes courts in Chicopee, Eastern Hampshire, Greenfield, Holyoke, Northern Berkshire, Northampton, Orange, Palmer, Southern Berkshire, and Westfield. 

For more information about the District Court, visithttp://www.mass.gov/courts/court-info/trial-court/dc/.

About Patrick Sabbs:

Patrick Sabbs currently serves as an Assistant Attorney General overseeing the Criminal Bureau of the Western Massachusetts Regional Office of the Office of the Attorney General, responsible for the investigation and prosecution of all criminal manners in Massachusetts’ four western counties. Prior to joining the Attorney General’s office, Sabbs served for over 18 years in various capacities with the Hampden County District Attorney’s Office, most recently as head of the Superior Court Public Protection Unit where he lead investigations and prosecutions for felony narcotic, firearm, homicide and aggravated assault cases. Sabbs obtained his Juris Doctor in 1996 from Western New England College School of Law in Springfield and was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1997. He graduated from University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Communication Studies in 1984 and spent 12 years as a television director and producer with WWLP-22News in Chicopee.

星期二, 12月 01, 2015


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華公所昨(1)日改選職員,共42人出席投票,陳家驊以28票當選下屆主席。



紐英崙余風采堂換屆交接 余建興、余麗媖任主席


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙余風采堂1129日舉辦新屆職員就職典禮,余建興,余麗媖在駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處副處長陳銘俊親自到賀中,接任為新屆主席。其中的余麗媖締造紀錄,成為該堂歷年來首名女主席。





        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙溯源公所1129日中午在波士頓華埠哈佛街61號會址聚餐,慶祝感恩節,預祝宗親雷國輝,鄺炎彬鐵定當選為波士頓華埠社區議會議員,期許宗親鄺坤珍的女兒朱蘇珊當選為中華公所英文書記。
            1988年起,全美8 個分堂的253名宗親大方資助,陸續湊了18萬餘元,紐英崙溯源公所才於1992年以25萬元買下哈佛街61號一整棟3層樓,做會址,並開始發獎學金,建敬老制度,設互助基金會,並有雷梓坤,雷如鏡,雷國輝等人於2007年升任全美溯源堂永久顧問。


            遊行路線從興國街(Hancock)和華特漢儂(Hannon)公園路交界處出發,一直到北昆士高中,長約3 哩。
            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),麻州參議員約翰基南(John Kenan),以及還待明年一月才宣誓就任的昆士市有史以來首名華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)都在遊行終點的站台上,向經過的一隊隊遊行隊伍揮手。


            昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch(右一),麻州參議員約翰基南(John Kenan)(左一),以及昆士市有史以來首名華裔市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang)(中)都在遊行終點的站台上,迎接遊行隊伍。(菊子攝)
