
星期一, 10月 26, 2015


麻州華人參政風氣近年漸高,最新出現的一名參選人是張文華,刻正競選牛頓市憲章委員會(Charter Commission)委員。

            1997年起,牛頓市首先有連任迄今的馬惠美(Amy Sangiolo)當選為第4選區的不分區市議員。2007年又有已於2012年底卸任的談繼欣(Greer Tan Swiston)當選為5區不分區市議員。



            牛頓中文學校校董會董事長鄧永奇指出,該校昨(25)日下午,舉辦了牛頓市有史以來第一場,面對華裔的市議員論壇,共有7名牛頓市議員候選人親自出席,爭取選票。其中4人為牛頓中文學校所在的第二區候選人,包括Susan AlbrightJake AuchincloseLynne LeblancMacia Johnson



            牛頓中文學校校董會董事長鄧永奇(右起),接待出席論壇的牛頓市議員候選人,第三區的Jim CoteJulia Malakie,第二區的Lynne LeBlancJake Auchinclose以及第五區Chris Pitts(左一)等人。(菊子攝)

星期日, 10月 25, 2015

BPS reduces district-required testing by half in lower-performing schools, sharing concerns raised over the amount of testing

BPS reduces district-required testing by half in lower-performing schools, sharing concerns raised over the amount of testing

District’s actions in line with the Council of Great City Schools’ probe into redundant assessments

BOSTON – Since the 2014-15 school year, the Boston Public Schools (BPS) has begun reducing the number of its required tests, lowering them by half for many of its students. The district’s efforts to reduce over-testing comes as a national study finds that the average student in large public schools spends up to 25 hours of instructional time on assessments that often produce overlapping results.

BPS is one of 66 school districts that participated in the study by the Council of Great City Schools, an organization made up of the nation’s largest urban public school systems. The Council closely examined the amount of instructional time devoted to standardized testing in what is considered to be one of the most comprehensive surveys ever undertaken to determine the true extent of mandatory and optional testing in the nation’s schools.

Findings from the report, titled: “Student Testing in America’s Great City Schools: An Inventory and Preliminary Analysis,” show that the average student in a large U.S. public school takes eight standardized tests per school year, consuming between 20 and 25 hours of instructional time on multiple assessments that frequently produce overlapping results.

“We are pleased with the Council of Great City Schools for undertaking such a comprehensive assessment,” said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael O’Neill, who is also a member of the executive committee of the Council’s board of directors. “Even though Boston has already focused on eliminating redundant assessments, we look forward to reviewing the Council’s recommendations on best practices. I anticipate that Boston will have a seat at the table as part of the Council’s commission that will focus on next steps.”

While BPS continues to recognize that testing and formative-progress monitoring are strong tools to serve our students, the district shares concerns raised by families, educators, community partners, Boston School Committee members and the Boston Teachers Union over the increase in student assessments in recent years.

“I am pleased that Boston Public Schools participated with the Council of Great City Schools to tackle such an important issue,” said Dr. Tommy Chang, superintendent of the Boston Public Schools, which is a member of the Council of Great City Schools. “We will continue to review each and every assessment our students take. It’s crucial that we maintain our focus on effective teaching and learning practices. Formative assessments that encourage student reflection and inform teacher practice are critical. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that all students achieve, and are prepared for college, career and life.”

On Saturday, President Obama called for limiting testing to 2% of classroom time. Since BPS has been proactive in reducing the amount of testing time over the past two years, the district is under this threshold.

In the lower-performing BPS schools, which are classified as “Level 3” and “Level 4” by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the number of district-required standardized tests has been cut in half for students in grades 3-10 -- from six exams in 2013-14 to three exams in 2015-16.

Beginning this school year, the highest-performing BPS schools, classified as “Level 1” and “Level 2” by DESE, have full discretion over how often district-provided standardized tests are used for students in grades 3-12. Students in grades K-2 in Level 1 and 2 schools are still required to undergo assessments using DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) three times per school year.

With cumulative national data in hand from to the Council of Great City Schools’ report, BPS will reassess where the district stands versus the national averages. BPS looks forward to reviewing the Council’s recommendations on best practices and collaborating with its commission on this topic.

星期六, 10月 24, 2015

中華頤養院慶30週年 感謝22名員工

            當晚並未全數出席,但獲表揚的員工,包括服務30年的金杏濱,梅在振,Veronica Saunders,滿20年的陳瑞霞,孫元昭,胡嘉玲,Catherine Murphy,滿15年的盧美源,曾平娜,滿10年的劉喜彪,鄧詩廉,滿5年的陳凱欣,鄧秀菲等人。
            中華頤養院日前舉辦慶祝30週年的內部員工作文比賽。屈振生當晚代表院方,頒獎表揚優勝者,包括第一名的麥南燕,第二名Quoc Thang,第三名林黎輝等人。
            阮陳金鳳透露,30年前,來自台灣的金杏濱由她面試。那時院長是西人,他們希望請個協助管理說廣東話員工的人。由於申請者中金杏濱資歷最好,儘管金杏濱其實只會說幾句廣東話而已,她仍然當機立斷的說,“You are hired“。


            右起,中華頤養院院長陳力,陳毓璇,阮陳金鳳,陳秀英,屈振生,財務長Scott Hanson等人頒獎感謝金杏濱(中)服務滿30菊子攝)



麻州新一輪醫保11/ 1日起登記 "每日桌"食材價格超低

麻州健康聯繫者(Mass Health Connector22日和波士頓公共衛生局攜手,在多徹斯特的“每日桌(Daily Table)“超市,提醒民眾新一輪的購買醫療保險註冊,從111日起至明年131日止。
            麻州健康聯繫者選擇在每日桌“宣佈新一輪的購買醫療保險註冊(open enrollment)日期,旨在強調身體保護從吃得健康開始,即使家庭經濟不寬裕,在”每日桌“可以廉宜價格買到新鮮又營養的食物。
            接替楊晴,出任麻州健康聯繫者行政主任的Louis Gutierrez表示,麻州健康聯繫者的購買醫療保險註冊網站,早已完成整修,民眾可以上網輕鬆尋找適合自己的醫療保險計劃,有任何疑問,可和波士頓公共衛生局(BPH),地方上的社區醫療中心聯絡,要求個別協助。
            麻州健康聯繫通訊主任Jason Lefferts表示,現行的醫療保險制度,希望所有人都能享有醫療保險,年收入在全國貧窮線150%以下者,甚至可以繳交零元保費,就享有醫療保險。年收入在25,000元以下者,可以申請“聯繫者護理(connector care),有可能以每月不到100元,沒有扣除額(deductible),每次看醫生的共同付款(co-pay)只要10元左右的條件,享有醫療保險。
            為協助民眾辦理購買醫療保險,麻州健康聯繫者在現有的波士頓市(Boston),屋斯特市(Worcester)之外,新增四個服務中心,包括羅爾(Lowell),新貝福市(New Bedford),春田市(Springfield)。
            麻州健康聯繫者還將在未投保率較高的10個社區加強宣傳,包括布洛克頓(Brockton),秋河(Fall River),羅倫斯(Lawrence),羅爾(Lowell),林市(Lynn),新貝福(New Bedford),昆士市(Quincy),春田市(Springfield),以及屋斯特市,波士頓市的多徹斯特,東波士頓等地。
            波士頓公共衛生局代理局長阮惠(Huy Q. Nguyen)表示,波士頓市長馬丁華殊為協助市民辦理醫療保險登記,設有市長健康熱線,民眾可撥打617-534-5050,或發電郵到mayorhealthline@bphc.org,獲得幫助。
            每日桌(Daily Table)“是由Trader Joe的創辦人Doug Rauch提出構想,爭取到百事可樂,新平衡(New Balance),波士頓基金會等贊助,以及“異國情調食物”,“夏娃花園”等公司的捐贈生鮮食品,以總共150萬元資金籌辦,聘有約30員工的一個小型超市,以超廉宜價格為消費者提供日常飲食所需的各種肉類,蔬菜,水果等食品。
         該機構資深主任Fredi Shonkoff表示,“每日桌”目前有125項不同食品,由該機構廚房新鮮烹調的牛肉義大利粉,咖喱雞肉糙米飯等,依序只要2.99元,1.49元。由於該機構強調不分貧富,都應飲食健康,因此店內貨品雖然價格低廉,但任何人都可以前往購買,並無條件限制。該機構設於450 Washington St
Boston MA 02124的店面,還和一般超市一樣設有停車場,對消費者來說很方便。


            HealthworksGibbs Saunders,每日桌的Doug Rauch,波士頓公共衛生局代理局長阮惠(Huy Nguyen),麻州健康聯繫者主任Louis GutierrezMujeras UnidasJohannah MaloneVACA Thvan Tran等人連袂宣傳新一輪的醫療保險登記期。(菊子攝)

            每日桌的Doug Rauch,波士頓公共衛生局代理局長阮惠(Huy Nguyen),麻州健康聯繫者主任Louis GutierrezMujeras UnidasJohannah MaloneVACA Thvan Tran等人連袂宣傳新一輪的醫療保險登記期。(菊子攝)



            一盒牛肉起士通心粉,只要 2.99元。(菊子攝)