
星期二, 9月 15, 2015

紐英崙藝術學會慶中秋 琴詩書畫加嗩吶

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙藝術學會913日晚在龍鳳酒樓以一場詩書樂畫俱全的藝術饗宴,慶祝乙未羊年中秋。藝術家們還攜手,即席揮毫完成一幅“報春圖”,藉以彰顯團結合作精神。
朱紹昌,Sophia Yee兩人分別做詩朗誦。其中朱紹昌吟誦得格外有韻味。
其他的節目表演包括小提琴演奏,梅國治講笑話等,其中的“拿名” 因發音不准,變成“攞命”, 以及一封討論妻子從大陸到香港探親的短信,竟可以有37個“出”字,最讓廣東人嘴角泛起意在不言中的微笑。
紐英崙中華藝術學會的下一場活動是定926日至1025日舉行的“荷花特展”。查詢可洽梅芬芳,fenfangmei@hhcc.com,或 fenfangmei@msn.com,或梅宇國, 617- 818- 2973林浩宗,781- 363- 6476 
紐英崙藝術學會地址為: 25 Edinboro St. Boston, Ma. 02170
梅芬芳 (右起)、林浩宗、梅宇國主持義賣。
梅芬芳 (右起)、林浩宗、梅宇國主持義賣。



“Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership” will train students, teachers, coaches on relationship violence in public high schools across Massachusetts;
$1.5 million in gifts distributed by New England Patriots Charitable Foundation
to address domestic violence and sexual assault

BOSTON – New England Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft and Attorney General Maura Healey today announced a groundbreaking partnership aimed at preventing youth relationship violence. 
“Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership” takes a multi-faceted approach to violence prevention education. The program, funded with $500,000 from the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation and $150,000 from the Attorney General’s Office, will provide training for students, faculty and coaches at 90 public high schools in Massachusetts. It also includes an innovative partnership that will pair schools with local domestic violence and sexual assault service providers to provide ongoing support to schools.
The Game Change program is one component of a $1.5 million domestic violence and sexual assault prevention initiative developed by the Kraft Family and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation. The initiative will also fund a comprehensive training and community building initiative, provide skills training and capacity support for frontline advocates and leaders in the movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as major funding to select service providers that are delivering programs at the local level.
“One in three young people has experienced physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse in a relationship,” said Attorney General Healey. “Too often, we don’t see it until it’s too late. This program will help prevent violence by reaching students at an early age and teaching them about healthy relationships, how to recognize warning signs and how to intervene. I want to thank Robert Kraft and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation for their incredible leadership on this issue. It will make a difference for so many young people and their families.”
“We are excited to team up with Attorney General Healey to help prevent relationship violence, particularly among young people,” said Kraft. “We need to tackle this problem from all angles – through preventive measures like this one, and by providing resources for survivors in the aftermath of trauma.”
The Game Change trainings will be conducted by the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program (MVP), a nationwide leader in addressing violence prevention. Run by the Center for the Study of Sport in Society at Northeastern University, MVP uses a sports-themed curriculum and employs collegiate athletes and former professional athletes as trainers.
“The Attorney General and the Kraft Family have each been tireless advocates for using sport to promote positive social change,” said Dan Lebowitz, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society. “Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society has embraced that platform for over 30 years and is excited to be a part of this first-of-its kind statewide initiative to empower young people, teachers and coaches with the skills and tools they need to promote healthy relationships and to recognize and prevent teen dating violence in their schools and communities.”
Together, the Attorney General’s Office, MVP, and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation will select the first 90 schools to participate in the initiative. Schools will be chosen from every region of the state and will include a cross-section of rural, urban and suburban schools. Two adult representatives from each school will participate in a three-day training run by the MVP program. Schools will be selected this fall with trainings to begin in the winter.
MVP will also provide more in-depth trainings to 30 high schools – five in each of the six statewide regions – in partnership with local domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy organizations. The advocacy organizations will help train school staff and parents and work with school administrators on policies and services for students and families dealing with violence. Students from each of those schools will also be trained to become peer leaders who can teach younger students about healthy relationships and bystander intervention.
With assistance from Jane Doe Inc., and in coordination with the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation, the Attorney General’s Office will select the local domestic violence and sexual assault organizations that will pair up with MVP in order to provide ongoing support for schools that have gone through the training.
“Through this investment, Mr. Kraft and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation are helping to change how we work across disciplines to promote safety and justice for all survivors,” said Debra Robbin, Executive Director of Jane Doe Inc. “From our local sexual and domestic violence member programs to our partners in government and the private sector, this generous gift will afford us the opportunity to strengthen prevention, support survivors and build a culture free of violence and abuse.”
The Game Change program will also include online support tools for schools and an evaluation component to determine the effectiveness of the program in changing attitudes and behaviors.
Schools interested in applying for the Game Change program can visit www.mass.gov/ago/gamechange.
AG Healey has made tackling domestic violence and sexual assault a key priority. AG Healey is committed to building on that work by raising awareness and providing assistance for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors of every walk of life.





「總統創新獎」(以下簡稱本獎項)每二年舉辦一次,為我國鼓勵多元創新最高榮譽獎項,本(104)年度邁入第二屆徵選,本獎項分為科技研發、文創加值、服務創新、人才培育四個項別,總獎額共計5名,含團體組2名及個人組3名,另為鼓勵青年綻放創新創業能量,特別保留1個名額給予40歲以下青年,所有獲獎者將於明(105)年由 總統親自頒授獎牌、獎座及獲選證書,並頒發獎金新臺幣二佰萬元。第二屆「總統創新獎」徵選報名受理至104年10月30日止。


CAPAC Calls on Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation to Examine Ethnic Profiling Practices

CAPAC Calls on Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation to Examine Ethnic Profiling Practices

Washington, DC - Today, Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) called upon the U.S. Department of Justice  (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate a pattern of cases in which U.S. citizens of Asian descent have been wrongfully arrested or charged with alleged espionage.

On Friday, the Department of Justice dropped all charges against Dr. Xi Xiaoxing of Temple University, but not before storming his house with guns drawn, arresting him as he was taken away from his family in handcuffs, accusing him of being a spy for China, and causing humiliation when his title of Chair of the Physics Department was taken away.

CAPAC Members released the following statements:

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chairwoman: 

“As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I am deeply troubled by what appears to be a growing pattern of Chinese American employees being targeted and charged of spying and economic espionage, only to have those charges later dropped.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“Just last week, the Department of Justice dropped all of its charges against Temple University professor Xi Xiaoxing, who was accused of sharing sensitive U.S. technology with China.  This comes just months after charges were dropped against another Chinese American, Sherry Chen, who had also been accused of spying for China.  These incidents are eerily reminiscent of the case of Chinese American scientist Wen Ho Lee, who was charged with 59 counts of espionage, fired from his job, taken to jail, and held in solitary confinement only to have 58 of the charges later dropped.

“This practice breeds suspicion of Chinese Americans, and begs the question of whether federal prosecutors are indicting innocent Americans based on race or ethnicity rather than concrete evidence.  I call upon the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to reexamine their practices.  We have asked Attorney General Loretta Lynch to meet with CAPAC immediately to address our concerns.”

Congressman Mike Honda (CA-17), CAPAC Chair Emeritus:

“As a leader, the United States must set a good example for the rest of the world that highlights what we all know to be true: No person should be mistreated or targeted simply because of his or her ethnicity.  Our Constitution guarantees the same rights to all citizens and the full protection of the law.

“My own family was subject to internment, a dark period of our country's history.  The federal government did what was right by acknowledging and apologizing for those actions.  We cannot return to the xenophobic mistakes of the past.

“We now see a recurring theme of false allegations being placed on patriotic, law-abiding American citizens of Chinese descent.  A person’s ethnicity should never be sufficient justification for charges or suspicions being brought upon them; therefore, I call on the Department of Justice and law enforcement to delve into their practices to ensure that their findings are solely based on merit.  Our nation should view our diversity as an integral quality to celebrate, not use our differences to divide and target one another.”

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33):

“I call upon the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate what appears to be a pattern of arresting and indicting Americans based on their ethnicity rather than the evidence.  There have been multiple cases of Americans—who happen to be of Chinese ethnicity—being arrested and charged for alleged spying or economic espionage, only to have those charges dropped.

“I will be sending a letter requesting the DOJ to investigate what appears to now be a pattern and practice of some federal prosecutors indicting Americans based primarily on race or ethnicity.  I will also request the FBI to investigate whether some of its agents are engaging in a pattern or practice of arresting Americans based primarily on race, ethnicity, or other civil rights classifications.

“If it was just one case in which federal officials arrest and indict an American for spying or espionage and then drop all charges, perhaps that can be called a mistake.  But when it is multiple cases—all linked by the same fact that the Americans happened to be of Chinese ethnicity—then we have a constitutional and civil rights problem.  Otherwise innocent actions do not become nefarious simply because the Americans taking those actions happened to have ethnic surnames.” 


Boston - Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a Cook-Off Challenge, hosted by his Office of Emergency Management (OEM), to highlight September as National Preparedness Month in the City of Boston and inform Boston residents of safety preparedness tips. The cook-off will take place this Thursday, September 17 at 11:00 a.m. on City Hall Plaza.  

"Emergencies are often unexpected and it is our top priority to ensure the safety of all Boston residents and visitors," said Mayor Walsh. "Now is the time for residents to evaluate how prepared they are for a disaster - it can be as simple as gathering batteries and flashlights or identifying a family-meeting location."

Mayor Walsh will kick-off the cook-off, which focuses on creative recipes using items a resident could have in their pantry in the event of an emergency. Often, residents prepare to leave their home in the event of an emergency, however, as experienced this past winter, residents may be shelter-in-place for days on end. He will be joined by the Director of the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, Rene Fielding, Chief Resilience Officer, Atyia Martin, Boston Emergency Medical Services Chief James Hooley, Boston Police Deputy Superintendent, Nora Baston, and Boston Fire Commissioner, Joseph Finn. Boston Parks Commissioner Christopher Cook will emcee the event.

The Mayor's Office of Emergency Management encourages Boston residents to follow these steps to prepare for an emergency:

Make a Plan

Your family might not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to plan ahead of time and plan for the following:

  • Create and practice a family communications plan in case you are separated during an emergency
  • Select a family meeting spot where everyone can go in case you are separated
  • Learn where the closest emergency shelter in your town is located. Visitwww.cityofboston.gov/oem to access a map of City of Boston Emergency Shelters.
Make a Kit

An emergency supply kit should provide a collection of basic items that household members would need in the event of a disaster. This kit can be used if you had to leave your home during an emergency or in your home if there is an extended power outage. During an emergency there probably will not be time to shop so having this kit ready before a disaster occurs is very important.

Below is a list of recommended to have in your emergency supply kit:

  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days
  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Can opener for food
  • First aid kit
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Moist towelettes and garbage bags for personal sanitation
  • Dust mask to help filter contaminated air
  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  • Supplies for your pets - water, food, leash and collar
Stay Informed

Reliable and accurate information is essential before, during and after an emergency. Please connect to the following resources:

Directions to City Hall can be found, here: http://www.cityofboston.gov/contact/directions.


BOSTON - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) calling for a partner to work with the City of Boston to enhance City Hall Plaza. The ideal respondent will have an experienced team that is representative of the people of Boston, and a compelling vision for how to make the plaza both a civic space and attractive destination for residents and tourists.

"The Plaza is the front yard for Boston's City Hall, and it has enormous potential to be an engaging and activated civic space," said Mayor Walsh. "We're looking for a partner with an innovative plan to unlock this potential and transform the plaza into a must-see destination for residents and visitors alike. Together, we want to reimagine the plaza as a thriving, healthy and innovative civic space."

Working with the City, the partner will have the opportunity to add new programming elements to complement existing activities on the plaza, and add new temporary amenities over a three-year contract period. Drawing on experience spearheading similar projects, the ideal team will propose a detailed and feasible implementation plan. The RFP is deliberately open-ended in an effort to inspire creativity and diversity among respondents.

The effort to improve City Hall Plaza by calling for a plaza partner is one of three interrelated proposals that the City is considering. All share the same goal of making the Plaza a more welcoming and vibrant space for residents and guests. 

The Mayor's Chief of Operations will lead and coordinate each process and all proposed activities through the appropriate city departments.

The chosen plaza partner will organize events and activities and will be an active partner in helping the City of Boston define in greater detail the scope needed for a campus plan, which was the subject of a separate Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to craft a master plan for City Hall, City Hall Plaza and 26 Court Street. The campus plan RFQ was issued on June 8, 2015, and the city is in the process of negotiating a contract with a vendor.

The third RFP will explore the possibility of engaging a partner to operate a civic/cultural entity in City Hall, whose presence would complement the cultural and historic institutions in the area. The release date for this RFP is to be determined.

The seven-acre City Hall Plaza, of which 200,000 square feet is currently programmable is located at the heart of downtown Boston.

More information about the plaza partner RFP is available here. Responses will be due no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 26, 2015.



Campus Plan RFQ: The City is currently in the process of selecting a designer to develop a master plan for City Hall, City Hall Plaza and 26 Court St. The result of this plan, which will be developed over the next few years, will be a vision and a roadmap for the operation and design improvements to those facilities.

Plaza Partner RFP: While the campus plan is being developed, the City (through this RFP) is seeking a partner to improve City Hall Plaza over the next three years. The awardee of this RFP will not receive any benefit in a future RFP that may arise from the Campus Plan study.

Civic/Cultural Partner RFP: The City is interested in partnering with an entity to operate a civic/cultural entity in City Hall whose presence could complement the cultural and historic institutions in the area and enhance the current building. This partner will be the subject of a future RFP. 


Boston - Friday, September 11, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced today that Boston was selected to receive $3.2 million in funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that will be used to further reduce the risk of childhood lead poisoning in Boston.  

"In Boston, we are continuing our work to ensure that our youngest residents are living in safe and healthy conditions," said Mayor Walsh. "I would like to thank HUD and Secretary Castro for providing us with these resources to make significant improvements throughout our neighborhoods." 

The funding comes as part of a $101 million competitive HUD funding round which will be awarded to 32 city, county and state governments.  These funds will protect families by targeting health hazards in more than 6,000 low-income homes with significant lead and/or other home health and safety hazards.

As part of this funding, Boston's Lead Safe Boston program will be awarded $2,906,610 in Lead Hazard Control grant program funding and $325,000 in Healthy Homes supplemental funding.  These funds will address lead hazards in 178 housing units, providing safer homes for low- and very low-income families with children. The Lead Hazard Control grant program will also perform healthy homes assessments in 70 units.

The City of Boston's lead poisoning prevention efforts are led by the Mayor's Department of Neighborhood Development and the Boston Public Health Commission, in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Fair Housing and Equity, which investigates lead paint-related housing discrimination, Suffolk County Housing Court and a range of medical, community development, code enforcement, and lead paint advocacy partners with the goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning in Boston.

Boston is a national leader in the effort to protect children from lead poisoning.  According to the Boston Public Health Commission, the percentage of screened children with elevated blood lead levels has been steadily declining since 1995.

In 1995, the Boston Public Health Commission found that 13.5 percent of children screened for lead in the blood had elevated lead levels.  By 2011, however, that number had declined to 0.7 percent, demonstrating Boston's emergence as a national leader in lead prevention programs.

In 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Health found that 0.4 percent of children screened positive for elevated blood lead levels. While this number has declined, almost a quarter of housing discrimination cases the Office of Fair Housing & Equity receives are related to lead paint in rental homes.

The award from HUD is the 13th competitive federal funding award that the City's Lead Safe Boston program has received since 1993.  The funding, totaling more than $34 million, has enabled Boston to provide technical and financial assistance to more than 2800 homes citywide.

Mayor Walsh has also partnered with State Representative Jeffrey Sanchez in filing legislation that would strengthen existing lead laws to better protect our children's health. H.2049, An Act Relative to Lead Abatement, would reduce the allowable lead exposure in homes, increase tax credits available to unit owners who wish to de-lead their properties, and increases the penalties for landlords who discriminate against renting to families with children.

HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes promotes local efforts to eliminate dangerous lead paint and other housing-related health hazards from lower income homes; stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control; support cutting-edge research on methods for assessing and controlling housing-related health and safety hazards; and educate the public about the dangers of hazards in the home.

Residents who are concerned about lead paint in their home should call the Boston Home Center at 617.635.HOME or visit www.bostonhomecenter.com.

星期一, 9月 14, 2015


            昨日出席道賀的政要有麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市長幕僚長高丹尼(Daniel Koh)。







