
星期四, 7月 30, 2015


麻州眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert A. DeLeo),參議會議長羅森伯(Stanley Rosenberg)昨(7月30)日公佈,麻州議會通過議案,今年繼續放稅假,8月15,16兩日,消費者購物,不需付稅。

Legislature Passes Sales Tax Holiday Bill
Sets Tax-Free Weekend in August to Provide Relief to Massachusetts Residents

BOSTON Today the Legislature approved a bill creating a sales tax holiday on August 15 and 16, 2015. The legislation is designed to provide relief to consumers and increase sales for local businesses.
“The sales tax holiday is a shot in the arm for individuals, families and businesses alike,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “While the Massachusetts economy is continuing to improve, folks are still facing tough fiscal times. By passing this legislation, we reaffirmed our commitment to helping hardworking families, particularly as the school year begins.”

“The sales tax holiday has become an annual event in our state and today the Legislature voted to give a small tax break to consumers and businesses alike,” said Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “I hope that we will soon review this policy to determine if, after more than a decade, the desired impact is being achieved.”  

“The summer sales tax holiday is a benefit to both consumers and businesses during a particularly slow period,” said Representative Joseph Wagner (D-Chicopee), House Chair of the Joint Committee on Economic Development.  “Suspending the tax in August leads to an increase in sales at a time when retailers could use a boost and allows families to save on a variety of purchases, including back-to-school items.”

“The summer sales tax holiday is a proven way to encourage people to buy locally and support Massachusetts companies and jobs rather than drive to New Hampshire or go to tax-free websites to shop,” said Senator Eileen Donoghue, (D- Lowell), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Economic Development. “The tax holiday is particularly valuable for lower-income earners who disproportionately pay more sales tax and could use a tax break now. I am proud that the Legislature took action on this important incentive to promote continued economic development in Massachusetts”

As in previous years, the sales tax holiday will apply to purchases under $2,500. It excludes vehicles, motorized boats, tobacco, meals and utilities.

The bill now goes to the Governor for his signature.

The BRA and UDR select The Society of Arts and Crafts for Pier 4 cultural space after competitive search

The BRA and UDR select The Society of Arts and Crafts for Pier 4 cultural space after competitive search
Newbury Street-based nonprofit will move operations to 20,000-square-foot space on South Boston Waterfront
BOSTON – The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and Colorado-based real estate investment trust firm UDR have chosen The Society of Arts and Crafts as the future tenant for the nearly-complete cultural space at 100 Pier 4. The 21-story apartment building on the South Boston Waterfront includes two levels of interior space that will become the new base of operations for the nonprofit. The 118-year-old Boston institution will relocate after being headquartered for 40 years on Newbury Street, a move expected to enhance the organization’s ability to deliver creative programming to the public.
In April, UDR and the BRA released a Request for Interest to solicit programming ideas and a potential operator for the Pier 4 space. Architects at Sasaki Associates designed the winning proposal for the Society of Arts and Crafts’ new home, which will include eye-catching second floor window displays and a lively public plaza with artwork. The 20,000 square feet of civic and cultural space at Pier 4 is part of a larger plan to activate 127,000 square feet of dedicated public space along the waterfront, as envisioned by the municipal harbor planning process that the BRA has led with the community.
“The Society of Arts and Crafts is a homegrown Boston institution that has promoted local art and artists for over a century,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “This new location will allow this incredible gallery to grow in a modern, energized environment that will better showcase local talent, and draw even more activity to the waterfront.”
"The Society of Arts and Crafts has a proud past and visionary future,” said SAC Executive Director Fabio J. Fernández. “We are thrilled to move to the Seaport District, a neighborhood that is as ambitious and forward-looking as we are." 

In this new location, The Society of Arts and Crafts will expand its reach and become a center for the craft and design community, connecting students, artists, collectors, and the public. A proposed artist-in-residency program will provide makers with a space to create their work in culture-rich Boston. Planned retail and exhibition galleries will show larger and more experimental work. Finally, the outdoor civic plaza will allow for collaborative and educational programming, and exhibitions can expand into this space to include public sculpture.
With a gallery that is always free and open to the public, The Society of Arts and Crafts will make craft accessible to all people visiting the waterfront, providing locals and tourists alike with opportunities to engage with artists, makers, and their ideas. The nonprofit’s first exhibition in the new location will be titled “Radius,” highlighting the talented makers located within a 5-mile radius of 100 Pier 4 who work in clay, metal, wood, glass, and fiber. The inaugural exhibition will be a clear signal of The Society of Arts and Crafts’ intent to collaborate with neighborhood artists and support Boston’s creative economy.
“We’re very eager to see The Society of Arts and Crafts engage with the community and expand its offerings,” said BRA Director Brian Golden. “This historic institution will bring a unique perspective to the neighborhood, building on its past successes in a fresh and purposeful, community-driven way.”
The BRA hosted a public meeting in early July to allow finalists for the civic and cultural space to present their proposals. Steinway Society of Massachusetts and Celebrity Series of Boston were also in the running.
The Society of Arts and Crafts will join other waterfront destinations, such as the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston Children’s Museum, Boston Tea Party Museum, Artists for Humanity, Midway Studios, the Fort Point Arts Community, and the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
100 Pier 4 is home to 369 apartments and features an original Dale Chihuly installation in the lobby. Ocean Prime, Cameron Mitchell’s flagship steak and seafood restaurant, will occupy the first floor. The restaurant is expected to open in November.


Increases transparency, accountability in City government
BOSTON - Thursday, July 30, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today released  he Open and Protected Data Policy, designed to increase transparency and accountability by opening more City data to the public. The policy fulfills a commitment made by the Mayor in his 
"The City's Open and Protected Data Policy builds on my commitment to openness and transparency in government," said Mayor Walsh. "This new policy will make more data available to the public, encourage business to build useful applications with City data, and increase collaboration between the City and the research community."

The Open and Protected Data Policy was created by the Department of Innovation and Technology and the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics, with input from the public, City departments and outside experts. The policy will streamline the release of new datasets. It adopts a Creative Commons license for all data released by the City to encourage the use of data for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It also provides a framework for responsibly sharing data with researchers and other partner organizations.

To accompany the release of the data policy, the City of Boston has announced the current availability of a number of new datasets:
  • Usage information from the City's ParkBoston meter parking payment program
  • Boston Police Department firearm recovery data
  • Usage information for the City's Wicked Free WiFi initiative
  • Residential recycling/waste tonnage
  • Active user counts from the Boston Public Libraries
The City of Boston also announced today that they are joining the Building and Land Development Specification (BLDS), one of a number of emerging Open Data standards. BLDS provides a standardized format for data about development projects and is being adopted by municipalities around the country.

"Data standards like BLDS make open data more useful," said Chief Information Officer Jascha Franklin-Hodge. "They encourage private companies to use open data, and make it easier for residents and businesses to access the information they need."

Since the Mayor signed the Open and Protected Data Executive Order in April 2014, the City has continued to expand its open data program:
  • The number of published data sets has grown from 342 to 376. New datasets include data on tax assessing for City properties, Liquor Licenses, as well as economic indicators tracked by the BRA.
  • The City was selected as a Knight News Challenge grant recipient to make Open Data more useful by creating data-focused programs within the Boston Public Library.
In April, the City of Boston hosted its second HubHacks hackathon
, where members of the public were invited to use City data and data from partners to tell the story of Boston through data visualization.

漢字文化節 郭天涵展演學草書訣竅

郭天涵認為,學草書時好比選師傅,一要選好字帖,二要讀好帖的文字,不斷背誦觀摩牢記,先學字體大概像,再求神韻形象,堅持不懈練習,三要了解並記住草書的字符替代規律,以及使用習慣,特別是草書的用筆方法 ,包括字與字的連筆藝術和個人的書法感情處理。
活動結束前,郭天涵在古箏樂曲「春江花月夜」的音樂聲伴奏下 ,即席揮毫的以草書寫出蘇東坡水調歌頭詩詞”明月幾時有”的全文,把會場氣氛帶到最高潮。










紐英崙中華公所董事會籍問題棘手 土地發展備受矚目

          (Boston Orange 周橘子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所七月廿八日晚在董事大會中,以一票之差,否決職員輪值提案,並再度激烈爭議會籍雙胞的認定及處理。物業小組報告的修繕中華公所大樓,改建喜露街(Herald50號討論,令人更關切中華公所的未來發展。
            Thomas J. O’Malley Associates這家商業樓宇顧問公司的Frank De Simone在遞交給中華公所的文件中指出,中華公所大樓是全美最早的學校樓宇之一,如今是分別佔地6000平方呎及1700平方呎的兩棟相連樓宇,五月份檢驗後,他們認為屋頂漏水,建築體有銜接破損,水泥脫落等現象,需要維修。
            Davis公司提議與紐英崙中華公所合作發展喜露街50 號。該公司提出兩種方案,一是建一座獨立大樓,以大約141,150平方公尺面積,蓋139個單位。這麼做,大約需款64(MM)萬元,其中22.4MM元需由中華公所投資,另41.6百萬元建築費用融資,需由中華公所向外申貸。若依照現有的區域規劃(zoning)規定,其中13%必須是可負擔住宅。如果中華公所無償拿出土地來蓋,約可建成27個可負擔住宅。