
星期三, 3月 18, 2015

波市 3/22辦美國市長會議討論改善民眾經濟

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)將從三月廿二日下午起,在麻州大學波士頓分校主持一連兩日的“美國市長領導日會議(US Conference of Mayor’s Leadership),討論”財務賦權的市政策略(Municipal Strategies for Financial Empowerment)“。
出席會議者,將包括西雅圖市長Ed Murray,以期從全美各地來的市長。
這一會議將有四十分鐘的問答時間,預定由波士頓聯邦儲備銀行董事長Eric Rosengren主持。

波士頓國民黨慶元宵 唱歌猜燈謎






星期二, 3月 17, 2015

Governor Baker Appoints Two New Members and Designates Chairman to Board of Higher Education

Governor Baker Appoints Two New Members and Designates Chairman to Board of Higher Education

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Chris Gabrieli and Dr. Sheila Harrity to the Board of Higher Education, and designated Mr. Gabrieli as the new Chairman.   

“These new Board members not only have practical experience as leaders in education, but also have a strong commitment to excellence in higher education in both academic and vocational fields,” said Governor Baker.“Chris Gabrieli’s background as an advocate for public education and an innovative social entrepreneur gives him first-hand insight into the challenges and opportunities to make positive change happen for students. I am proud of our Commonwealth’s world-class institutions of higher education and I’m confident that these new Board members will help ensure that our state and community colleges get the attention they deserve and continue to rise to the next level.”
“I look forward to working with these top-notch education leaders who have made an impact both inside and outside of the classroom,” said Secretary of Education Jim Peyser. “The combination of their background in education as advocates, practitioners, and thought leaders will add great value to our ability to make a difference in the lives of the students and families.”

“I am delighted to welcome Chris Gabrieli to the Board,” said Richard M. Freeland, Commissioner of Higher Education. “He has a deserved reputation as an education reformer with a deep and personal commitment to students in the Commonwealth. I know him to be an innovative thinker who has worked very hard to give young people in urban districts more time to learn and more opportunities for academic success.”

Mr. Gabrieli and Dr. Harrity will replace Charles Desmond and Keith Peden.

"It is an honor serve in this role. This is a crucial moment for higher education as the stakes for students and our society are higher than ever, and there is pressing need and opportunity for transformative innovation to address access, cost and impact," said Chairman Gabrieli. "I share Governor Baker's goals of making higher education more affordable and better connected to both K-12 education and employers."
“I want to thank Dr. Desmond and Mr. Peden for their commitment and service to the Board and our Massachusetts education system,” said Governor Baker.

“I also want to thank our departing chair, Dr. Charles Desmond, for his service to the Board and his outstanding leadership across many areas, including the Vision Project, our strategic agenda for higher education, and especially, our work in teacher education,” said Freeland. Much of the progress we have made in public higher education in recent years is a reflection of Dr. Desmond's commitment to academic excellence at all our colleges and universities.” 

About Chris Gabrieli:
Chris Gabrieli is the co-founder of three non-profit education innovation and reform initiatives and a lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. As the co-founder of Massachusetts 2020/the National Center on Time & Learning, he has been at the forefront of the movement to expand learning time for disadvantaged students. He co-founded Empower Schools to align student results with community needs and is a Partner Emeritus at Bessemer Venture Partners where he started in the entrepreneurial healthcare software and biotechnology field. He has served in numerous higher education advisory board roles at Harvard HAA, Boston University’s School of Public Health and Clark University. 

About Dr. Sheila M. Harrity:
Dr. Sheila M. Harrity is the Superintendent of Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School District and a former Principal at Worcester Technical High School, where she was named the 2013 Massachusetts Principal of the Year, and 2014 National High School Principal of the Year. In 2013, the school received the National Blue Ribbon School distinction for outstanding student achievement by the U.S. Department of Education and was the only high school in the nation in 2014 to host President Obama as a commencement speaker. 

About the Board of Higher Education:
The mission of the Board of Higher Education is to ensure that Massachusetts residents have the opportunity to benefit from a higher education that enriches their lives and advances their contributions to the civic life, economic development, and social progress of the Commonwealth. To that end, the programs and services of Massachusetts higher education must meet standards of quality commensurate with the benefits it promises and must be truly accessible to the people of the Commonwealth in all their diversity.

For more information on the Board of Higher Education, please visit:http://www.mass.edu/bhe/aboutbhe.asp

波士頓降雪總量破紀錄 108.6英吋

            國家氣象局是在週日晚上恭喜波士頓締造了一項新紀錄。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)還玩耍性的上推特說“我們實在是個很小的城市,不會為此遊行”。
            麻州氣候行動網行政主任卡羅歐丹(Carol Oldham)表示,今年成為降雪量最多的一年,以及過去這幾個廿年內的降雪量破紀錄,都暗示了氣候變化,其實頗讓人擔心,也提醒人得為環境,氣候做些事。


塔醫慶新年 昆士小學獻才藝

1990年起就加入塔醫,從一名普通內科醫生做起,陸續擔任過不同部門首長,如今出任執行長的華格納(Michael Wagner)當天特地出席,向華埠社區拜年,以示敦親睦鄰。
他強調塔醫在文化,語言等各方面,竭力因應各種不同背景病患的需要。該中心的呼叫中心已擴大,增設了中文預約門診熱線,有能夠說幾種中文方言的專屬員工,幫助英語能力有限的病人。有需要者可打 617-636-8833
華格納指出,塔醫也在昆士市,Crown Colony等地擴大服務,還和羅爾市總醫院,南端社區醫療中心建立了聯繫關係,就近為病人提供護理服務。
            曾雪清在致詞表示,簡直讓人難以相信,今年是她第十三年籌備,主持塔醫的農曆新年慶祝會。 儘管今冬不斷下雪,他們很感謝撥冗出席的大眾。她還打趣,指中國俗語有瑞雪送豐年的說法,今冬下了這麼多雪,來年必將豐收,好運當頭。




