
星期五, 3月 20, 2015

加斯林糖尿病中心“一匙薑”籌款會 3/23MFA舉行

March, 2015

A Taste of Ginger!
Monday, March 23rd at MFA, Boston 
Get your tickets online today!
Have you reserve your spot in this delightful event? There will be 26 fine restaurants and cafe joining us this year! Tickets are now available. We look forward to seeing you there. Check our official Facebook page to find out which restaurants will be joining us this year!
Here are the reasons why you should join us!
Asian Clinic patients testimonials

Joslin's Asian Clinic was established by the AADI in 2004.We have patients with various backgrounds from all over the of the world. Here are three patients from Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong who have shared their stories, why they chose Asian Clinic.
Cafénation and MEM Tea Imports

Alvin and Gilbert have been supporting our Ginger event representing Cafénation andMEM Tea Imports over the years. They also happen to be brothers who are passionate about supporting Joslin and the Asian community. They shared their story (and delightful cappuccino!) with us at Cafénation in the heart of Brighton Center. 
Jasper White's Summer Shack

If it weren't for the one and only Jasper White, there would not be Ginger events for the AADI!! 
Thanks to Jasper from Summer Shack, we continue to share our achievements with our supporters every year at our Ginger event. Find out how it all started and why he continues to support Joslin's AADI.
Can't make it to the event?
You can buy these fabulous items now!
Can't make it to the "A Taste of Ginger" event? No problem! Check out these spectacular auction items before the event and buy them BEFORE the bidding starts!!
Monstah Sox Experience - BUY IT NOW: $1,500
Take a friend and live every Red Sox fan's dream. Watch the game on the notorious Green Monster seats, tour the park pre-game and catch a birds-eye view of batting practice. Includes a commemorative limited edition 2013 World Series Championship book and dirt from a 2013 World Championship game. 
Weekend Stay at North Conway - BUY IT NOW: $1,600
Treat yourself to a one week stay at a lovely vacation home in the quaint village of North Conway, New Hampshire. The house is nestled in the scenic White Mountains and positioned right on Hale's Location Country Club where guests will play a round of golf. This fabulous house sleeps up to 15 guests! 
Fine Dining Experience for Eight at Abe & Louie's - BUY IT NOW: $1,500
Enjoy an incredible dining experience with seven friends at Abe & Louie's located on Boylston Street in Boston. Abe & Louie's sets the standard for the classic American steakhouse, offering unparalleled flavor combinations.
Dr. George L. King - Guest Appearance at your Book Club - BUY IT NOW: $500
Joslin's Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. George L. King, will attend your book club meeting to discuss his new book, Diabetes Reset: Avoid it. Control it. Even Reverse It. A Doctor's Scientific Program. All attendees will take home a signed copy of his book.
Sushi Class for 8 with Master Chef Ting from Oishii - BUY IT NOW: $1,800
Learn the art of sushi preparation with Master Chef Ting San of Oishii. Your class takes place in the kitchens of the chic Oishii Boston in the South End! 
If you are interested in any of these auction items
please contact Caitlin Enright at
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波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh )昨(十九)日宣佈“一波士頓日(One Boston Day)”,以一個新傳統來誌記波士頓市在馬拉松賽爆炸案那天所展現的靈活,慷慨與力量。


鳳倫公所慶新春 祝願僑社團結

(Boston Orange) 紐英崙鳳倫公所日前在帝苑大酒樓慶祝乙未羊年新春,共享美酒佳餚,互祝萬象更新,羊年行好運。席間還奉上新年紅包給三名高齡九十以上耆英,以示歡慶不忘敬老。
出席的西人嘉賓有薩福克郡治安官湯普金(Steven Tompkins),新英格蘭動物園執行長John Linehan,電工公會103業務經理John Dumas等人。
當晚由關莉莎擔任司儀,陳國航高歌“財神到”,“歡樂年年”,為新年慶祝會的娛樂節目拉開序幕。包括司徒長群,梅惠聰,馬滌凡,伍國光,伍伯和等人都紛紛獻唱,從“一水隔天涯”,“每天愛你多一些”,“All of me“等中英文歌曲,把會場氣氛帶得十分高昂。鳳倫公所顧問司徒彥鏗還和孫女一起上台,增添了慶祝會的家庭同樂感覺。
Steven Tompkins)等人。(黃定國攝)