
星期四, 2月 19, 2015



麻州,昆士市-將於三月一號星期日在北昆士高中學校內舉行農曆新年聯歡會。 預計當天會有超過八千人和我們一齊慶賀新年,這將會是麻州最盛大,最受歡迎的農曆新年聯歡會之一。


聯歡會只是全球慶祝農曆羊年的一部分。在十二生肖中, 羊排在第八位。羊象徵富創造力,聰明,可靠和冷靜。

今年的聯歡會將會有一個嶄新的文化區域來歌頌中國兩千年的中國文學展覽,展品包括造紙術,中國書法和繪畫。展品和活動均由Thomas Crane公立圖書館提供。南岸青年會(YMCA)將會提供以迪斯尼電影《冰雪奇緣》為主題的兒童遊樂區。屆時將有超過300個表演者,還有來自本地的商家和機構的展覽。

北昆士高中附近設有免費停車場。大型傳統美食廣場,以及超過100個社區義工的支持與幫助,使昆士農曆新年聯歡會成為一個充滿娛樂,令人難忘的活動。聯歡會的地點離北昆士地鐵站(North Quincy)只需幾分鐘步行。

本次活動免費入場,昆士農曆新年聯歡會特別鳴謝首要贊助商華人醫務中心(South Cove Community Health Center)以及許多企業,團體,政府和社區機構贊助。眾多地方團體將在展覽區設有資訊攤位。


亞協服務中心是一個非營利機構,皆於推廣及建立亞美社區的發展與成長。更多關於農曆新年聯歡會活動或了解我們所提供的活動計劃及資料,請致電聯絡亞協會(617)472-2200或瀏覽www.quincyasianresources.org  網頁。

波士頓、上海直飛六月廿日啟航 直飛北京五一起每日一機

海南航空北美區總經理梁璞玢()和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker
Keiko M. Orrall等人一起
海南航空北美區總經理梁璞玢和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),麻州港務局執行長格林(Thomas P. Glynn)昨(十八)日趕在羊年除夕,聯袂宣佈開通波士頓、上海直飛航線,六月廿日啟航,一週三班的好消息。
麻州港務局表示,海南航空是中國唯一獲得羅根國際機場Skytrax 五星級服務認證的航空公司,也是目前唯一提供波士頓和上海之間直飛服務的航空公司,將在每週二,四,六的下午,以可搭載乘客222人的波音787夢想號飛機,來回於上海浦東及麻州波士頓之間。
海南航空目前在北美有四個據點,包括西雅圖(Seattle),芝加哥(Chicago ),多倫多(Toronto),以及波士頓,都有班機直飛北京。
海南航空北美區總經理梁璞玢和波士頓總經理張寧表示,海南航空計畫六月份在美國開通三條新航線,上海到波士頓之外,將從六月十五日起開通北京到聖荷西(San Jose),上海到西雅圖的航線。矽谷核心的聖荷西,屆時將成為海航在北美的第五個直航據點。
麻州州長查理貝克,麻州港務局發言人布瑞利斯(Matthew  Brelis)昨日都曾表示,在沒有直飛班機下,波士頓已是美國到上海的最大航空客運市場,去年來回兩地的旅客人數高達七萬三千人。
同為共和黨籍的亞裔麻州眾議員黃子安,Keiko M. Orrall,昨日應邀出席宣佈會,對這新航線的開通,將促進麻州經濟,都感到很興奮。Keiko M. Orrall表示,企業家將因此更容易面對面溝通 。黃子安指出,上海有如中國的商業首都,麻州繼北京之後,再開通直飛上海班機,勢必增加企業交流,吸引遊客,留學生,並對麻州經濟大有幫助。


4月最低价格是      809.40 美金 (含税,以下都是含税的价格)
5月最低价格是     1059.40 美金      
6 (旺季,)
7 (旺季,)
8月最低价格是1322.40  美金(需要再核实一下)
9月最低价格是 959.40    美金
10月最低价格是 1147.40   美金
11月最低价格是 1147.40   美金
12月最低价格是1147.40     美金

6月,7月,8 月一般是每年的旺季。 
9月,10月,11 介于旺季和淡季之间。
11月,12  月也是旺季  (圣诞节)
1月,2  月就根据中国年的时间取决是否 淡和旺。



麻州州長理貝克(Charlie Baker)昨(十八)日和麻州議會的黑人及拉丁裔黨團晤談後,簽署行政命令,提升取得機會辦公室(OAO)的層級,並新設一個副幕僚長,掌管該辦公室。
取得機會辦公室(Office of Access and Opportunity,簡稱OAO)原本歸屬於行政及財務辦公室。該行政命令將把OAO的層級,提升至直屬州長辦公室,並新設一個OAO副幕僚長職位,來主管這一單位。
            參與行政命令簽署活動的民意代表,包括麻州參議員Linda Dorcena Forry,以及Byron Rushing等五名麻州眾議員,波士頓市議員普斯莉(Ayanna Pressley)。
            已在麻州議會內推動成立了議會亞裔黨團的麻州眾議員黃子安表示,自從他和陳德基於 2010年雙雙當選為麻州首名亞裔州議員之後,陸續在2011年有來自夏威夷,有日裔血統的Keiko M. Orrall,去年底有柬埔寨裔的Rady Mom當選為麻州眾議員,加上有八分之一華裔血統的Paul Schmid,現在他們的麻州議會亞裔黨團也有成員五人。他們將要求和州長對話,參與推動多元化及包容性。


            麻州眾議員黃子安(右),Keiko M. Orrall(左)希望能進一步了解麻州州長的推廣多元化及包容性活動。(菊子攝)


大雪困擾交通 麻州長要求相關機構拿出行動計畫來

根據WBUR向已登記為選民者所做的民意調查,大波士頓中十人有八,認為麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)應該把處理MBTA問題,當作首要之務。       
            查理貝克獲悉後表示,讓人高興的是,只有5%的波士頓地區選民認為他最應該為MBTA今冬的災難負責。27%的人認為麻州議會應該負責,25%的人認為前任州長應該負責,19%的人責怪即將辭職的MBTA總經理畢華麗(Beverly Scott),然後還有2%的人覺得波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)要負責。
            麻州州長辦公室發言人William Pitman表示,MBTA是個半官方機構,由該機構的董事會監管,州政府並無直接管轄權。目前該董事會內只有麻州交通廳廳長一人是由麻州現任州長查理貝克指派的。






Secretary Matthew A. Beaton Announces Launch of Park Planning and Assessment Tool

Secretary Matthew A. Beaton Announces Launch of Park Planning and Assessment Tool
Partnership Between Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities

CHELSEA – Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - Today, Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Matthew A. Beaton was joined by various local officials in announcing the launch of the Park Planning and Assessment Tool. The Tool will be used in conjunction with the Commonwealth’s 26 Gateway Cities and EEA to analyze the existing park and open space inventory and to identify and evaluate possible future investments.

“Parks and open space are the heart of every community, especially in our Gateway Cities,” said Secretary Beaton. “As these Cities plan for the future, the Park Planning and Assessment Tool will allow both the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and our partners in the Gateway Cities to make effective investments in parks and open space.”

Secretary Beaton announced a $125,000 investment to hire Stantec, an international design firm with significant experience in the Gateway Cities, to produce the Park Planning and Assessment Tool which will be used to guide subsequent park and open space projects.  Both are evidence of the Baker Administration’s commitment to investing in parks and open space in urban communities.

“As a former city manager, I’ve seen the power of a park to transform a community firsthand,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “This new tool will help communities identify opportunities for targeted investments in our local parks and open spaces. We look forward to seeing this emphasis on local development resonate throughout gateway cities and the Commonwealth as a whole.” 

The tool assesses how well each city’s park system is serving its residents and where the greatest areas of need for improvement are within each city.  It also enables testing to determine which park investments will have the greatest impact.

Cities using the Tool will be able to make more informed decisions when applying for state and federal grant programs, and when making capital investments.  Similarly, EEA will use the Tool to more effectively evaluate and compare park and open space proposals made by municipalities.  

The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs has selected the cities of Chelsea and Worcester to test a more detailed version of the tool as a pilot project, with the goal of eventually implementing this more detailed version in all 26 Gateway Cities.

“The City of Worcester is proud of our 60 parks with almost 1,400 acres that encompass a broad range of amenities from water falls to sports fields to open space,” said Worcester City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr. “The City of Worcester looks forward to working with Secretary Beaton during the development of this important assessment tool.”

“We are excited to work with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs on this project,” said John DePriest, Director of Planning & Development for the City of Chelsea. “We will use the findings of the pilot project as we update our park and open space plan and as we prioritize our park investments moving forward.”

A deadline of June 30, 2015 has been indentified to complete a preliminary park assessment in each of the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities.


Chief Secretary Carlo Basile to receive Semper Fidelis Public Servant Award

BOSTON – Tomorrow, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will proclaim Iwo Jima Day, celebrated annually per M.G.L. Chapter 6, Section 12AA. The Marine Corps League will host a ceremony in recognition of this historic day at the State House, during which they will honor Carlo Basile, former State Rep and current Chief Secretary to Governor Charlie Baker, with the Semper Fidelis Public Servant Award.

Rene Rancourt of the Boston Bruins will sing the National Anthem to begin the ceremony, which will take place at 12:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall, followed by a gathering in the Hall of Flags at 1:30 p.m. A number of Iwo Jima Marine veterans will be in attendance, escorted by the Salem High School ROTC. All veterans and the public are encouraged to attend to honor these heroes. Other honored guests will include Treasurer Deb Goldberg and Senator Mike Rush.

The Marine Corps League is an organization comprised of active duty, reserve, retired and honorably discharged Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and Navy Chaplains. Their primary goal is to support Marines, past and present, in part through charitable contributions to various soldiers homes and veterans hospitals. 

For more information about the event, or about the Marine Corps League, contact John M. MacGillivray at jmacgillivray1000@gmail.com

亞太裔國會黨團強調不放棄 聯盟呼籲各界支持移民家庭團聚

CAPAC Immigration Leaders on Texas v. United States Ruling

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chair Rep. Judy Chu and CAPAC Immigration Task Force Chair Rep. Mike Honda spoke with key Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) press and community leaders to discuss the effect of the State of Texas v. United States preliminary ruling on the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program. Rep. Chu and Rep. Honda released the following statements:  

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair: 

“While I am deeply disappointed by the court decision in Texas, this is just a temporary setback. The President’s immigration actions are legally sound and morally right. In fact, every president since Eisenhower—regardless of political party—has used their executive authority to set priorities in immigration enforcement.

“CAPAC's message to the AAPI community is clear: we will not give up. We will not let this hateful lawsuit deter millions of aspiring Americans from preparing to apply to the expanded DACA and DAPA programs once this case is resolved. This includes the nearly 400,000 Asians and Pacific Islanders who stand to benefit from these programs.

“Our future is, as it has always been, in fixing our broken immigration system so that all who contribute to our country will continue to have a shot at the American dream. Along with my colleagues in CAPAC, I will continue to fight until the executive action on immigration becomes a reality.” 
Congressman Mike Honda (CA-17), CAPAC Immigration Task Force Chair: 

“I strongly disagree with the ruling by a Texas judge that will temporarily delay the implementation of President Obama’s executive action on immigration. But this temporary setback will not stop us from getting families ready for DACA and DAPA. We must continue the work of educating families and individuals in our communities, and make sure those who are eligible will apply immediately when the time comes.

“DACA and DAPA will help thousands of members of the AAPI community come out of the shadows and become full members of our society. This is the right thing for us to do from both a humanitarian and economic standpoint. I stand behind the President and look forward to the day that we have full comprehensive immigration reform.”

Keeping Families Together Coalition and Allies Hold Press Conference on District Court Ruling Against Immigrant Families
Speakers Confident That Appeals Court Will Reject Politically-Motivated Lawsuit, and Urge the Community to Prepare and Keep Fighting

Undeterred by the political attacks, Masachusetts immigrants continue to prepare for new immigration programs and will advocate for legislative solutions
BOSTON - Immigrant community representatives, advocates, city officials, union members, mainstream and ethnic media, and many others came together today for a press conference led by the New England Keeping Families Together Coalition at the Irish International Immigrant Center. The purpose was to express their determination to support the implementation of the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability Programs, as well as the President’s executive action announced on November 20, 2014.

On Monday, District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, issued a preliminary injunction that temporarily blocks the implementation process of the immigrant deferred action programs. The ruling temporarily pushes back the start date for millions of immigrants workers to come forward, register, and apply for work permits, planned to begin as soon as February 18, 2015 for the portion of the program that would provide relief to immigrants brought here as children, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The larger program, Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), provides temporary relief for parents with U.S. citizen or permanent resident children and was scheduled to begin in May. 

“We stand in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of young immigrants and immigrant mothers and fathers, across this city, across the state, and across the country,” said Ronnie Millar, Executive Director, Irish International Immigrant Center, which hosted the press conference--originally planned to celebrate the beginning of expanded DACA implementation. Eva Millona, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), who emceed the press conference, declared that “this is just political theater to block implementation, and create fear and confusion. We are here to emphasize this is only temporary.” Advocates have encouraged the Department of Justice to file for an emergency stay with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Millona noted, expressing confidence that the appeals court will overturn Judge Hanen’s ruling. "Our message to the community is to stay calm and get prepared.” 

Jeannie Kain, New England Chapter Chair of American Immigration Lawyers Association, emphasized that President Obama, like many presidents before him, was well within his legal authority in taking this executive action. “This is just a temporary setback,” she said, stressing the political nature of the decision to bring the case before Judge Hanen because of his previous decisions on executive action. The Department of Justice has declared that it will appeal the injunction to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas today. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security will not begin accepting requests for the expansion of DACA. Renata Teodoro, Lead Coordinator for the Student Immigrant Movement, also stressed the importance of allies working together to fight for the executive order as well as larger reform goals. 

“Although we are disappointed, we are not deterred,” said Alejandra St. Guillen, Executive Director of the Office of New Bostonians, who reminded listeners to keep their focus on those most directly impacted by the court’s action. She stressed Mayor Walsh’s support for this issue and for Boston’s immigrant communities in general. Boston’s Police Commissioner William Evans was a co-signer of the amicus brief submitted to the Texas District Court, at the direction of the Mayor. The City of Boston has a DACA/DAPA hotline, (617) 635-4141, from 10am to 3pm Monday through Friday, and will hold an Information Clinic at City Hall on Thursday, February 26, from 4-8pm. 

Immigrant community members also offered their personal testimony to the hopes and opportunity created by the President’s executive action, and the pain and challenges created by the recent court decision. “This is my country,” declared Zoila Lopez of Waltham, who fled dangerous conditions in her home country of Guatemala, and who has lived in the U.S. for 25 years, raising seven children—the oldest now an engineering student at UMass Lowell. She worked in restaurants, cleaning houses, and baby-sitting, sometimes as many as three jobs at once, to provide opportunity for her family. “I was so happy for this chance to have a better job, a driver’s license, and not be in the dark,”  she said, near tears “I hope we can fight and have the opportunity to be here legally. I am here because I want to work hard and be a help to this country and the people in my community,” declared Lopes, who volunteers with REACH Beyond Domestic Violence’s Latinas Know Your Rights in Waltham. “A lot of families are waiting for this dream to come true. I told them, you have to keep fighting, and we will reach victory. These people have to be for at least minute in our shoes, and how we feel being here and doing our best for this country.” Lourdes Hernandez, from the Dominican Development Center, read testimony from her sister Nancy Mota, who came to the US with her two sons from the Dominican Republic 10 years ago, and now has a U.S. born son who struggles with autism.

Roxanna Rivera, Vice President of 32BJ SEIU District 615 gave the closing remarks, charging the audience to look both to the future of the executive order and the larger goals of immigration reform “We need to make our voice heard as a strong voting bloc in the 2016 elections—not just to protect what we’ve already won, but fight for more. We will continue to work together, focusing on our goal to have immigrant families recognized for the contributions they have made to this state and this country.”