
星期五, 2月 27, 2015


駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處和麻州大學五校聯盟及紐約文化中心合作,將於三月一日(週日)下午兩點,假麻州大學安赫斯特(Amherst)分校的Bowker 禮堂,邀請來自臺灣的「臺原偶戲團」出《台灣偶戲萬花筒》。
「臺原偶戲團 (TAIYUAN PUPPET THEATRE) 」成立於2000年,已巡迴全世界50餘國,推廣流傳百餘年,兼具音樂、聲光、雕刻、刺繡特色,講究雙手細膩表演技巧的台灣傳統布袋戲。近年該團力求創新,發展現代劇場形式的偶戲。
預定三月一日演出的《台灣偶戲萬花筒》是典型的才子佳人故事,劇情描述一位書生路遇不平、鋤強濟弱,最終贏得美人芳心,劇情簡單易懂、趣味橫生。表演師以十指細膩操作,栩栩如生地為觀眾展現生、旦、丑、雜等各類人物的肢體特色 。


華美福利會第二場免費企業法律諮詢 波市府加入陣容

            二月廿五日晚的第二場免費諮詢,民權及經濟正義律師委員會(Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice)的Savah GautierGerald Glover III,
再從Ropes & Gray律師樓,請來Michael J. Gilbert等三名律師,和波士頓市企業發展辦公室的企業經理Maria Di Stefano和小企業及本地企業辦公室的外展聯絡員Hilani Morales Espinoza等人,為年紀在廿五至五十餘歲之間的十位報名者提供一對一諮詢服務。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)辦公室,日前特地為這活動發出通告,表示企業對波士頓的經濟繁榮很重要,波市府將盡可能地支持這“創業門診”,以期新企業能順利創辦,已經營企業能夠擴展。
            查詢相關資訊,可洽吳泳儀,617-426-9492 ext. 206 ,或 scarlettwu@aaca-boston.org


            Ropes & Gray的律師Michael J. Gilbert (左一起)和波市府小企業及本地企業辦公室的外展聯絡員Hilani Morales Espinoza,民權及經濟正義律師委員會主管Savah Gautier(右二),一起為謝婉珍(右一)解答問題。(菊子攝)


128華人科技企業協會講座 2/28

128 华人科技企业协会的朋友们, 新年好:

特别邀请128 华人科技企业协会秘书长,汉纳集团自媒体运营平台的技术专家 zhiming Xu博士在本周六免费给大家演示 “如何用自媒体平台搭建自己的网络电视频道”。希望感兴趣的朋友积极报名!

时间: 本周六 (2/28/2015) , 中午 11 点

地点: MIT斯隆商学院 E51-315,  周六免费停车





Anne wins first union endorsements

Anne became the first candidate to be endorsed by local unions on Friday, winning the support of Pipefitters Association Local 537 as well as Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 12.
“As the product of a union household, it means so much to me to have the support of two unions whose roots in Quincy go deep,” Mahoney said. “These hard-working men and women are exactly who we need to build a new day for Quincy.”

Anne was the first candidate to enter the race and has run on her extensive business experience as the solution to the issues troubling the downtown redevelopment project. She is also the only candidate who has committed to the construction of a new Sterling Middle School, a major issue with local unions that felt abandoned by current city officials who reneged on commitments promised in the Streetworks deal.

星期四, 2月 26, 2015

Cristcot Inc. Expands Distribution of Sephure Suppository Applicators to Australia

Cristcot Inc. Expands Distribution of Sephure Suppository Applicators to Australia
Global life sciences company, Cristcot Inc., secures distribution partnership
with Gallay Medical & Scientific Pty Ltd for Sephure suppository applicator
CONCORD, MA, February 26, 2015 — Cristcot Inc., a global life sciences company, today announced a new distribution partnership with Gallay Medical & Scientific Pty Ltd  to distribute Sephure suppository applicators in Australia.

The partnership is an extension of Cristcot’s distribution of Sephure applicators to international markets. Recognized by healthcare providers globally as an improvement in quality care, Sephure applicators will be available to patients and caregivers in Australia for the comfortable and hygienic administration of suppository medication.

“On behalf of Gallay Medical & Scientific Pty Ltd, we look forward to bringing Sephure applicators to the Australian market,” said Chris Pezet, Director of Sales at Gallay. “We are thrilled about this partnership and what this applicator can do for people who need or are looking for an improved way to administer suppository medication.”

Gallay is a recognized leader in gastroenterological supplies throughout Australia, and anticipates launching Sephure to the Australian market in the next few weeks.

“We are delighted to extend our distribution partnership with Gallay in Australia,” said Jennifer Davagian Ensign, Founder & CEO of Cristcot Inc. “By expanding distribution of Sephure applicators to Australia, we are helping improve quality healthcare for patients and healthcare providers.”

Governor Baker Signs Executive Order to Address Workforce Skills Gap

Governor Baker Signs Executive Order to Address Workforce Skills Gap
Workforce Skills Cabinet will coordinate between Labor, Education and Economic Development

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker signed an Executive Order today to begin the process of bridging the workforce skills gap in Massachusetts, establishing a Workforce Skills Cabinet chaired by the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, Ron Walker, and comprised of the Secretaries of Education, Housing and Economic Development and others as required. The cabinet is charged with creating and implementing a strategy to develop workforce skills to meet the varying needs of employers in the Commonwealth’s regions, today and in the future.

“A talented workforce and growing economy are inseparable and Massachusetts has an opportunity to capitalize on both by ensuring our workers have the skills to meet the needs of employers in the 21st century economy,” said Governor Baker. “The different regions that make up Massachusetts will require dynamic strategies to address the workforce skills gap, but by increasing our communication and coordination, we can prepare individuals across the Commonwealth for the family-sustaining jobs of the future.”

The Workforce Skills Cabinet will develop goals, objectives and metrics with the input of individuals, businesses, government agencies and community-based organizations and advocacy groups, identifying, recommending and ultimately implementing by region, suggestions to improve alignment amongst state policies, programs, resources to improve workforce skills, job readiness and vocational and educational opportunities, reporting their progress back to the Governor.

“One of the most challenging problems facing the Commonwealth is a skills gap that makes it difficult for employers to fill job openings,” said Lt. Governor Polito.  “I am confident this effort will help us identify these obstacles so we can make progress to get people into good-paying jobs so they can support their families and our local economy.”

The Director of Education and Workforce Development, a jointly funded position in the Executive Office of Education, will be elevated to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development and coordinate with the Governor’s Office, the Workforce Skills Cabinet, and with external groups. 

“Governor Baker and I know we need to better connect business to the entire workforce development system which includes workforce investment boards, career centers, community colleges and vo-tech schools,” said Secretary Walker. “The Workforce Skills Cabinet will be the vehicle to drive the conversation and action across the three Secretariats to analyze labor needs and expand talent pipelines for the jobs employers need to fill.


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