
星期三, 12月 17, 2014

BRA briefs Boston City Council on effort to seek extension of urban renewal plans

BRA briefs Boston City Council on effort to seek extension of urban renewal plans
First step in thorough public process to engage community and elected officials about the importance of this redevelopment tool

BOSTON – This morning, Director Brian Golden and other senior staff members of the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) briefed members of the Boston City Council on the agency’s intention to seek the extension of 15 of the city’s 18 active urban renewal plans. Most of the plans are set to expire in April 2015, but the BRA will file a request with the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), which has final authority to approve urban renewal plans, for a short-term extension of them until April 2016. The BRA will use this time to engage the community around updating the expiring urban renewal plans to reflect current redevelopment priorities before seeking approval from the City Council and DHCD to extend them for ten years.

Urban renewal dates back to the American Housing Act of 1949, when the federal government began to invest great sums of money to redevelop cities that were rapidly declining after World War II. Early urban renewal efforts attempted to tackle widespread blight by assembling land to develop massive infrastructure and public facilities, usually at the expense of displacing poor and marginalized residents. In Boston, urban renewal is often associated with the infamous experience of the West End, which was almost completely razed in the late 1950s for redevelopment, displacing thousands of people. 

“Urban renewal has always been very personal to me, as I grew up in Allston and witnessed what many would agree was an excessive use of the powers,” said Golden. “If I felt that today’s approach to urban renewal came anywhere close to being that heavy-handed, I wouldn’t support its continued use. But the truth is that our strategies have evolved considerably over time in order to meet new challenges in a way that is thoughtful and respectful towards the community. We look forward to having a robust public process to discuss urban renewal’s benefits in the months ahead.”

As representatives from the BRA explained to the City Council at this morning’s briefing, the current approach is decidedly more restrained and judicious. It is now used to transform underdeveloped parcels of land, not to redevelop entire neighborhoods. Today’s focus on investing in preexisting infrastructure to add density and other uses bears little resemblance to the large-scale housing and highway projects that defined urban renewal decades ago. 

Boston’s urban renewal plans were last extended in 2005, after an at times contentious process that included a superior court ruling that the City Council violated the state Open Meeting Law in its interactions with the BRA. The BRA team leading the current extension effort is taking particular care to be as open and transparent as possible this time. Today’s briefing with the City Council is just the first step in an extensive public engagement process to educate residents and community leaders about urban renewal and to solicit their feedback about the best ways to use its tools to create vibrant neighborhoods. 

Recent examples of projects facilitated through urban renewal include the new Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown, the new Charlesview affordable housing development in Allston-Brighton, the new Whittier Street Health Center in Roxbury, and the nearly complete Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, the future home of the Boston Public School’s central offices in Dudley Square.

The BRA is seeking to extend urban renewal plan areas that cover over 3,000 acres of the city and include parts of Charlestown, the Fenway, Chinatown, the South End, Roxbury, the Downtown Waterfront, the West End, North Station area, and Government Center. The agency plans to let smaller urban renewal designations in North Allston and the Downtown Central Business District expire, as the redevelopment goals for those areas have largely been met.

The BRA has worked with the Mayor’s Office to organize an advisory task force that will help engage community members throughout the extension process. The task force is composed of neighborhood representatives from the communities where urban renewal extensions are being sought as well as stakeholders from the construction industry and the building trades.

Urban renewal allows the BRA to utilize a variety of tools for redevelopment efforts, some examples of which include the ability to exercise eminent domain, implement land use controls, issue blight findings, and create demonstration projects.

The BRA expects to convene a meeting of the task force in early January to brief them on the process for extending the plans, after which a series of public meetings will be held to engage the community at large on the issue. The first community meeting is expected to take place by the end of January.

More information about Boston’s use of urban renewal and its benefits will soon be available online. The BRA is developing a webpage that is set to launch by January. It will include a public commenting feature, a schedule of community meetings, maps of the urban renewal plan areas, and more.

Although Boston might be the most high-profile urban renewal area in the state, a total of 31 cities and towns in Massachusetts have urban renewal plans.

紐英崙成大校友會交接 柯曼雯卸任黃俊義接棒

            李湘盈介紹了她在麻省理工學院白頭(Whitehead)生物醫學研究院做的紅血球細胞研究,包括體外製造紅血球,治療貧血的藥物,以及基因改造紅血球等。由於這一研究成果的用途廣泛,她的指導導師已成立了Rubius 療法公司。
            即將71歲的柯乃南表示,參加校友會活動,給他機會找過往回憶,聽年輕人未來。 他勸年輕人在外不談政治,處事要有優先順序。臨尾他還出考題,要座中眾人考慮,如果有機會登上火星,但上去之後回不來,頂多只能活三個星期,有誰仍然願意?結果做中竟有四人舉手表示願意以生命作賭注,爭取這一輩子難有的一探其他世界機會。










這場滑雪活動總共二天二夜,週五晚出發,週日晚踏上歸程。協辦單位包括紐約留學生網。他們包下了假日客棧(Holiday Inn)的120個房間,舒適客棧(Comfort Inn)的60間房,品質客棧(Quality Inn)的40間房,才勉強為所有報名的人都安排出住宿地點。
            華人青年協會(CYPN, Chinese Young Professional Network)的共同創辦人吳迪一透露自己是一名十四歲就移民來美的華人,在加州成長,求學,從南加大(USC)畢業後到康乃爾唸碩士,來波士頓工作已有五年,最近換到一家做商務智能的電子商務公司工作。他表示,剛到波士頓時,不認識人,也找不到一個認識新朋友的平台,於是和朋友發起,籌辦了一個,沒想到會成為新英格蘭地區發展最快,也是最大的年輕華人活動團體,已正式登記為非牟利組織,為準備找工作,以及剛踏進職場工作的年輕華人建立一個交流平台,定期舉辦上百人的大規模活動,以及小型的聚會。該會的臉書網友已上萬人。



民眾抗議弗古森事件 州市政警察加班耗資兩百萬

上週日,麻州警察逮捕了23名示威者。其中大部分都是在試圖闖過州警攔阻,在波士頓的利佛瑞圈(Leverett Circle)被捕的。波士頓警察表示,他們沒有逮捕任何人。

觸發抗議示威的原因,是密蘇里州弗古森的麥可布朗(Michael Brown),紐約州美國島(Staten Island)的艾瑞克嘎納(Eric Garner)死亡,以及最近發生的其他事件。這些抗議也在全美引發警察和少數族裔社區關係的爭論。

華埠王氏青年會慶聖誕 眾議員黃子安到賀

曾經擔任該會董事,現為麻州眾議員的九龍餐廳東主黃子安(右起),當天應該會董事Nancy Solomon, 發展主任陳魯誠等人邀請,到會做嘉賓,和新朋舊友暢敘。

該會行政主任包薇珥(Patricia Barnwell)表示,聖誕聯歡慶祝是該會回饋社區的一項活動,即日起至十二月三十一日止,凡是加入成為該會家庭會員者,可免繳報名費。查詢詳情可洽617-426-2237,或www.ymcaboston.org/wang(圖由麻州眾議員黃子安辦公室提供)