
星期三, 11月 26, 2014

天氣預報下雪兩吋 波士頓市府發通告提醒市民小心

Winter Weather Advisory for Wednesday, November 26, 2014

BOSTON -- The National Weather Service has declared a Winter Weather Advisory in effect for the City of Boston through 7:00 a.m. Thursday. Latest forecasts indicate the storm is expected to result in a wintry mix of rain, snow, and sleet, with accumulations of up to 1 to 2 inches of slushy snow. Boston is likely to see heavy rain this afternoon that will change to snow and sleet this evening. 

Holiday travelers are cautioned that the weather conditions are anticipated to have a significant impact on travel, and to plan accordingly. Boston Transportation Department will have their Traffic Management Center activated to mitigate any travel concerns. 

Snow/Ice Control and Response

City of Boston Public Works crews are prepared with more than 200 pieces of equipment on call for snow and ice control, and a full compliment of salt on hand.

The Boston Water & Sewer Commission will have crews monitoring neighborhoods to ensure that all drains are cleared. 

NSTAR will have extra crews on standby to respond to any service issues. 

Emergency Shelter Operations

The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) coordinates a city-wide network of emergency shelters, outreach providers, city agencies and first responders to assist the homeless. Shelters are also kept open during the day for the safety of clients when temperatures fall below 32 degrees. 

Working with the Pine Street Outreach Team and Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, BPHC actively seeks out individuals and helps them find shelter during a cold snap, providing food, clothing, blankets, medical assistance to those in need.

Cold Weather Safety Reminders

  • Residents are encouraged to shovel out hydrants and catch basins near or abutting their property to assist our public safety agencies and protect against flooding
  • Carbon Monoxide is an odorless and tasteless gas that results from combustion and can quickly become fatal. Residents should clear snow and debris away from mufflers before starting the car and ensure that external vents are cleared of snow. If you are using a generator, make sure it is far enough away to vent air and gases away from the home. A safety video about carbon monoxide poisoning prevention is available here.
  • Property owners are required to salt and sand sidewalks, stairs and pedestrian ramps to prevent slippery surfaces.
  • Use caution when walking near buildings that may have falling snow or ice.
  • Shoveling snow can pose a serious health safety risk to persons with heart disease and senior citizens. Residents should consider seeking the assistance of a family member, a helpful neighbor or hire someone to help.
  • Residents are encouraged to check on the well-being of elderly or disabled neighbors, and be mindful of homeless individuals that may need assistance. Should you encounter a homeless individual in need of assistance, please notify public safety officials by calling 9-1-1 or the Mayor's 24-hour Hotline at (617) 635-4500.
  • Use caution when using portable heating devices such as space heaters.
  • To make your home more energy efficient consider disconnecting the water hose from your home, wrap or cover exposed spigots, caulk or putty windows, ensure kitchen and bathroom dampers close properly, close all storm windows and doors, apply weather stripping, properly insulate all pipes that are exposed, cover vents.
  • Additional cold weather safety tips can be found at: www.cityofboston.gov/cold/safety.

Stay in Touch

The Mayor's 24-Hour Hotline is always available to respond to residents with weather-related questions or concerns, including downed power lines, down trees or icy conditions, should call (617) 635-4500.

Residents are encouraged to use the City’s “Know Snow” program for access to other important storm-related information. To receive notifications, register for the City’s Alert Boston network at www.cityofboston.gov/snow. For updates & questions via Twitter, use @NotifyBoston, follow #bosnow.  

National CAPACD Statement of Solidarity with #Ferguson

Statement of Solidarity with #Ferguson


In response to the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Lisa Hasegawa, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD) issued the following statement:

“We stand in solidarity with Michael Brown’s family and friends and express sadness and outrage at the  grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown.

“On one level, this is an intensely personal and specific tragedy.  For Michael Brown’s family and friends, the grand jury decision is a direct and immediate miscarriage of justice.  An indictment would not have brought back the precious life lost.  But a more fair, full, and open process would have been an important step towards justice and healing.

“On another level, this is a national concern.  The grand jury decision – the lack of due process in the wake of a police shooting of an unarmed, black teenager – is an all too familiar reminder of the persistence of systemic racism and anti-black violence in this country.  While National CAPACD is an organization that advocates for low-income Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities, we believe that what is happening in Ferguson is a touchstone moment – a moment that calls on all of us to step out of our familiar roles and communities and demand what is right.   All of us who are concerned about fairness, equity, and social justice need to stand up and, as the Brown family implores in their post-verdict statement, ‘work together to fix the system that allowed this to happen.

’“Like our sister organizations such as the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ-AAJC), National Korean American Services and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), and the Southeast Asia Resource Action Network (SEARAC), we urge other AAPIs and AAPI organizations to be visible during this critical moment and to be active in related local movements against racism and for racial justice and social change.”

The National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development is the first national advocacy organization dedicated to addressing the housing, community and economic development needs of diverse and growing Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for low-income AAPIs by promoting economic vitality, civic and political participation, and racial equity.
Links to Other National AAPI Org Statements on Ferguson:


Release of Preliminary Official Statement on Series 18 Green Bonds

Treasurer Steven Grossman today announced the release of the Preliminary Official Statement (POS) for the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust’s first “Green Bond” sale. These bonds will finance approximately $231,095,000* of water infrastructure projects in Massachusetts. The sale will occur during the week of December 8. 

“We’re thrilled to announce the release of information on the Trust’s first ‘Green Bond’ sale,” said Treasurer Grossman. “These bonds will offer investors an option that directly funds environmentally beneficial infrastructure projects right here in Massachusetts.”
“It is exciting that the Green Bond market has developed to support clean water infrastructure.  By providing investors with bonds that meet their investment goals, we are able to create new demand and reduce costs for Massachusetts taxpayers,” said Scott Jordan, Undersecretary for the Executive Office for Administration and Finance.

"I am pleased to present the POS for the Clean Water Trust's first Green Bond issue and our first issue under our new name,” said Sue Perez, Executive Director of the Trust. “This POS provides all the necessary information regarding the Series 18 bond issuance and demonstrates how these bonds qualify as ‘Green Bonds’."
Massachusetts became the first state in the country to offer Green Bonds in 2013, and this is the first time the Clean Water Trust has done such an issuance.  In addition to funding environmentally beneficial projects, Green Bonds appeal to a wider range of bidders, thereby increasing competition and potentially lowering borrowing costs for the Commonwealth.  State officials said the bonds are appealing to pension funds and endowments that are required or choose to dedicate a portion of their holdings to green initiatives, spurring interest among some large institutional investors that might not otherwise buy Massachusetts bonds. 

The Clean Water Trust is working with J.P. Morgan as lead managing underwriter of the Green Bonds.  J.P. Morgan is a leading expert in Green Bonds and one of the banks that drafted the Green Bond principles that serve as a guide for issuers and a standard for disclosure. 

Individual retail investors from Massachusetts will have the first opportunity to purchase these bonds that benefit Massachusetts communities on December 9. For further information on the “Green Bonds,” including the POS please visit www.mass.gov/treasury/affiliated-prog/wpat/bonds/.

The Clean Water Trust provides subsidized loans to cities and towns for clean water and drinking water infrastructure development.  Since its establishment in 1989, the Clean Water Trust has loaned over $6 billion to improve and maintain the quality of water in the Commonwealth.  An estimated 97 percent of Massachusetts’ citizens have benefited from the Clean Water Trust’s financial assistance.
*Preliminary, Subject to change 

TD Garden感恩節辦千人朋友桌 波士頓市長、政要齊為流民打菜

波士頓市內有19,600個座位的體育館TD花園(TD Garden),昨(廿五)日中午在球場內舉辦第十九屆“朋友桌”千人宴,在感恩節期間為流民送溫暖。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),波士頓警察局長伊文斯(William Evans),副局長歐羅基(ORouke),麻州參議員安東尼裴卓力(Anthony W. Petruccelli),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市健康及人民服務長小阿若約(Felix Arroyo, Jr.),以及今年十月升任波士頓公共衛生局代理局長的阮惠(譯音,Huy Nguyen)等幾十名要人,分成兩列,為數以千計的無家可歸者打菜,給他們送上一份感恩節大餐。
            麻州眾議員麥家威也說,自從他當上議員後,就每年出席。昨日他剛從外地休假回來,馬上就加入服務行列。說到感恩節正日,他將如何過時,他透露由於父親仍在杭州行醫,他將到位於北端(North End)的阿姨家和親人團聚。那天早上,他還將和波士頓市長馬丁華殊一起,先到松街客棧(Pine Street Inn)為那兒的流民服務一下。


            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)在TD Garden為流民打菜,送上感恩節大餐。(菊子攝)

            麻州參議員安東尼裴卓力(Anthony W. Petruccelli)(右),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)(左)聯袂為劉民服務。(菊子攝)

            今年十月升任波士頓公共衛生局代理局長的阮惠(譯音,Huy Nguyen)也加入服務行列。(菊子攝)


            波士頓警察局局長伊凡斯(William Evans)(右)也夾在感恩節打菜服務行列中。(菊子攝)

            有些耆英聽聞TD花園有感恩節大餐,也來參加,主辦單位來者不拒。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)也一樣為他們 。(菊子攝)


波士頓興年輕人組樂隊 韻及新定義樂隊、海島室內樂團冒出頭

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 大波士頓近年華裔人數節節高漲,增長幅度最大的是學生,其中就讀音樂學院的,還掀起組織樂隊,辦歌唱比賽熱潮。前有劉培藝薩克斯風樂隊,張玹海島室內樂隊,現有“韻及新定義”樂隊。
            由黃韻與友人合組的“韻及新定義”樂隊在九月份舉辦過一次演唱會後,十一月廿九日(週六)晚八點半,將在劍橋市中央廣場,該市最老的爵士俱樂部Ryles Jazz Club再辦感恩節演唱、演奏會,要讓更多人欣賞到新的中國音樂。
            劉培藝曾經率領樂團,應邀為大波士頓各個社團演奏助興,畢業後還在瑞吉路易斯(Reggie Lewis)中心辦了一場專場演奏會,製作了CD出售,才回北京發展。


駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪夫婦十一月廿二日晚赴克蘭斯頓(Cranston)市,參加「羅德島州航空名人堂」(Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame)年度餐會,代表政府向二次大戰期間赴華助戰的已故美國前空軍官兵 Chester J. Wachowicz 致敬。
            Chester J. Wachowicz 在二戰期間服役於美國航空後勤單位,19442月派赴中國大陸昆明,擔任運輸機及轟炸機機工組員,曾於昆明及重慶等地執勤。該部隊當時也為在華美國航空隊提供後勤補給,支援他們的戰鬥任務。
            羅德島州航空名人堂為非營利機構,由前海軍飛行軍官 Frank Lennon 2003年成立,以表彰該州有貢獻之航空界人士為宗旨。該機構迄已表揚5名二戰期間任職航空兵種赴華助戰之羅州居民。


銘琪處長(左)應邀為羅德島州航空名人堂儀式致詞。右為羅德島州航空名人堂負責人 Frank Lennon。(圖由經文處提供)

銘琪處長(右二)與Chester J. Wachowicz家族親友合影。

星期二, 11月 25, 2014

Statement of Boston Community Leaders

Statement of Boston Community Leaders

BOSTON -- Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined a wide list of elected officials, clergy, and community leaders to co-sign the following statement ahead of this evening's community meeting. 

Boston is a City rooted proudly in the spirit of freedom and strength. We strive to be a City where our residents can express themselves, and to engage in meaningful discussion and efforts to improve the most difficult issues in our society.

We recognize Boston's history and celebrate how far we have come, but we are acutely aware of the disparities that we continue to see today. We see them in outcomes in the foundations for success, from education and public health, to housing and jobs. Our city and state government and the agencies we represent are committed to being responsive and relevant, and to facilitating meaningful discussion.

We echo the sentiment of community leaders, elected officials, and clergy nationwide, calling for unity and peaceful demonstrations, and encouraging all to work together to create real, lasting change. Boston can continue a proud tradition of leadership and use this moment as an opportunity to recommit ourselves to uniting for a better Boston.

To view an up-to-date list of co-signers, visit: http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/Default.aspx?id=17884. The list of co-signers will continue to grow, and will be updated on the City of Boston website as names are added.