
星期三, 11月 26, 2014

波士頓興年輕人組樂隊 韻及新定義樂隊、海島室內樂團冒出頭

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 大波士頓近年華裔人數節節高漲,增長幅度最大的是學生,其中就讀音樂學院的,還掀起組織樂隊,辦歌唱比賽熱潮。前有劉培藝薩克斯風樂隊,張玹海島室內樂隊,現有“韻及新定義”樂隊。
            由黃韻與友人合組的“韻及新定義”樂隊在九月份舉辦過一次演唱會後,十一月廿九日(週六)晚八點半,將在劍橋市中央廣場,該市最老的爵士俱樂部Ryles Jazz Club再辦感恩節演唱、演奏會,要讓更多人欣賞到新的中國音樂。
            劉培藝曾經率領樂團,應邀為大波士頓各個社團演奏助興,畢業後還在瑞吉路易斯(Reggie Lewis)中心辦了一場專場演奏會,製作了CD出售,才回北京發展。


駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪夫婦十一月廿二日晚赴克蘭斯頓(Cranston)市,參加「羅德島州航空名人堂」(Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame)年度餐會,代表政府向二次大戰期間赴華助戰的已故美國前空軍官兵 Chester J. Wachowicz 致敬。
            Chester J. Wachowicz 在二戰期間服役於美國航空後勤單位,19442月派赴中國大陸昆明,擔任運輸機及轟炸機機工組員,曾於昆明及重慶等地執勤。該部隊當時也為在華美國航空隊提供後勤補給,支援他們的戰鬥任務。
            羅德島州航空名人堂為非營利機構,由前海軍飛行軍官 Frank Lennon 2003年成立,以表彰該州有貢獻之航空界人士為宗旨。該機構迄已表揚5名二戰期間任職航空兵種赴華助戰之羅州居民。


銘琪處長(左)應邀為羅德島州航空名人堂儀式致詞。右為羅德島州航空名人堂負責人 Frank Lennon。(圖由經文處提供)

銘琪處長(右二)與Chester J. Wachowicz家族親友合影。

星期二, 11月 25, 2014

Statement of Boston Community Leaders

Statement of Boston Community Leaders

BOSTON -- Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined a wide list of elected officials, clergy, and community leaders to co-sign the following statement ahead of this evening's community meeting. 

Boston is a City rooted proudly in the spirit of freedom and strength. We strive to be a City where our residents can express themselves, and to engage in meaningful discussion and efforts to improve the most difficult issues in our society.

We recognize Boston's history and celebrate how far we have come, but we are acutely aware of the disparities that we continue to see today. We see them in outcomes in the foundations for success, from education and public health, to housing and jobs. Our city and state government and the agencies we represent are committed to being responsive and relevant, and to facilitating meaningful discussion.

We echo the sentiment of community leaders, elected officials, and clergy nationwide, calling for unity and peaceful demonstrations, and encouraging all to work together to create real, lasting change. Boston can continue a proud tradition of leadership and use this moment as an opportunity to recommit ourselves to uniting for a better Boston.

To view an up-to-date list of co-signers, visit: http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/Default.aspx?id=17884. The list of co-signers will continue to grow, and will be updated on the City of Boston website as names are added.

Peace Corps Volunteers Celebrate Thanksgiving in Thailand, Reflect on their Service at U.S. Ambassador’s Residence

Peace Corps Volunteers Celebrate Thanksgiving in Thailand, Reflect on their Service at U.S. Ambassador’s Residence

WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 25, 2014 – In celebration of Thanksgiving and the end of two years of service, Peace Corps volunteers in Thailand were recently invited to the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Bangkok to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with Chargé d’affaires W. Patrick Murphy. While volunteers enjoyed Thanksgiving staples like turkey and mashed potatoes, Murphy thanked the 34 volunteers for their service to the United States and the people of Thailand.
“On behalf of the U.S. mission to Thailand, and with special pride as a returned Peace Corps volunteer, I thank you for your service to the people of Thailand and the United States,” Murphy said. “Through your remarkable work, you each might be the only American the vast majority of people in your respective Thai communities will ever know. You are building enduring bonds of friendship that serve both our countries well.”
The dinner marked the beginning of the volunteers’ close of service conference – their last 90 days of service focused on finalizing their projects and transitioning to life and careers after Peace Corps.
“As difficult as it is to see service end, it’s a powerful reminder of the deep relationships we built, the friendships that connects us, and the love that becomes a part of us,” said Peace Corps volunteer Carly Collins, a native of Kilgore, Texas, who has been living in Thailand since 2013.
Peace Corps volunteers around the world will celebrate and share the American Thanksgiving tradition with their communities, fellow volunteers and staff this coming week. The holiday presents an opportunity for volunteers to share American culture with their local communities in support of Peace Corps’ second goal: to promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of people served.
“With all the challenges volunteers face during these two years, the most difficult one may very well be the goodbyes at the end of it all,” said Collins, a graduate of George Mason University.
The 34 volunteers completing their service in Thailand have worked in education and youth development, teaching in classrooms and helping Thai youth develop leadership skills. Throughout the remainder of volunteers’ service, the Peace Corps organizes discussions that prepare them to return to life in the U.S. and encourage them to reflect on their experiences and accomplishments.  
About Peace Corps/Thailand: There are 91 volunteers in Thailand working with their communities on projects in education and youth development. During their service in Thailand, volunteers learn to speak Thai. More than 5,200 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Thailand since the program was established in 1962.
About the Peace Corps:  The Peace Corps sends the best and brightest Americans abroad on behalf of the United States to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world. Volunteers work at the grassroots level to develop sustainable solutions that address challenges in education, health, economic development, agriculture, environment and youth development. Through their service, volunteers gain a unique cultural understanding and a life-long commitment to service that positions them to succeed in today’s global economy. Since President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, nearly 220,000 Americans of all ages have served in 140 countries worldwide. For more information, visit www.peacecorps.gov and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters
1111 20th Street NW  WashingtonDC 20526











