
星期四, 11月 27, 2014

Black Friday shopping

With 66 percent of consumers planning to shop this Black Friday, more than in previous years, the leading personal finance social network WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of 2014’s Best & Worst Retailers for Black Friday Deals.

To help consumers maximize their savings this year, WalletHub surveyed 5,525 deals from the 2014 Black Friday ad scans of 21 of the biggest U.S. retailers. Below is a quick summary of our findings.

Best Retailers for Black Friday

JCPenney (65%)

Walgreens (47%)

Macy's (54%)

Office Depot and OfficeMax (44%)

Rite Aid (53%)

Ace Hardware (41%)

Meijer (51%)

Kohl's (40%)

Sears (50%)

Staples (39%)

Key Stats
   JCPenney has the highest overall discount rate at 65%. Costco has the lowest at 21%.
   “Jewelry” is the most discounted category at 58%. “Electronics & Computers” are the least discounted at 30%.
   The overall average discount for Black Friday is 39%. Consumers should aim for this or a greater discount in order to avoid Black Friday traps.
   The “Toys” category has the biggest number of discounted items, representing 26% of all offers. The “Consumer Packaged Goods” category has the smallest, with only 1.3% of all offers.

For the full report and to see where each retailer ranks for each product category, please visit: 

成大校友 12/13 辦年會

成大校友會訂於 12-13-14 星期六在勒星頓揚子江飯店,舉行年度晚宴。下午五點開始報到,六 點開席。歡迎校友攜伴參加。主辦單位為減輕校友們參加校友會活動 的財力負擔,每人只收二十五元,不足之數將由會費貼補。 按照往例,校友柯乃南學長將要熱情招待所有在學的校友,所以學生校友免餐費,歡迎大家告訴大家。報名請電郵 NCKUinBoston@gmail.com 或電話 會長柯曼雯 (617-335- 3131)。

麻州候任總檢察官 Healey 公佈交接團隊,招才網站

 Maura Healey for Attorney General

Dear Friends,

Thanks to your hard work – and to the people of Massachusetts, I am honored to serve as your next Attorney General.  I am excited to return to an office that I believe has been, and will continue to be, the strongest public law firm in the country.

The outpouring of congratulations and offers to help I’ve received since the election has been overwhelming. Thank you again for all you did to make this possible.

Today I announced a Transition Committee to help prepare me to take office this January, chaired by Stephen Oleskey. You can read more about my transition and the members of the Transition Committee here.

Over the last year, so many people shared their ideas and hopes for our state. During this transition and in the coming months, I’ll be traveling around Massachusetts to meet with community leaders, activists, policy experts, business owners, and concerned citizens to continue our conversations and to lay out my aggressive agenda as the People’s Lawyer.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach me through my Transition Director, Deborah Shah, at deborah@maurahealey.com.

We also will use the transition to attract talented individuals from all backgrounds to the Attorney General's Office. For those interesting in joining our team, please visit our Transition webpage and fill out an application here.

I want to close by saying that the national reputation of this office is a tribute to the current Attorney General, Martha Coakley.

Martha’s courage and tenacity in pursuit of economic and social justice is an inspiration. I am honored to have served with Martha and I know she will continue to fight for the people and causes she has championed throughout her career.

Again, I want to thank you for all you did to make this possible. I’ll be counting on you to stay engaged through the next four years.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday,

Maura Healey
Attorney General-Elect



BOSTON, MA -- Treasurer-elect Deb Goldberg today named the following people to her transition committee, highlighting the wide-ranging experience of her leadership team.

"As we plan a robust agenda for the Treasurer's office, I am honored to have such talented, diverse, and innovative leaders help launch our transition," said Goldberg. "With their proven experience and track records, I am confident that we will have the right team in place to protect taxpayer dollars and bring new levels of transparency to state government as well as strengthen economic security, lead on wage equality, and expand financial literacy."

Chris Keohan, Executive Director: The Founder and Principal of CK StrategiesChris Keohan served as a senior advisor for Goldberg's campaign. His previous experience includes advising for Mayor Marty Walsh’s election last year, helping to develop one of the largest grassroots operations in Boston's history. Keohan, a 2003 graduate of Boston College, has also had a broad range of experience in local, state, and presidential campaigns.

Benaree Wiley, Senior Advisor: Benaree Pratt Wiley is Principal of The Wiley Group, a firm specializing in strategy, talent management, and leadership development and retention. She previously served as President and CEO of The Partnership, Inc., an organization dedicated to increasing the representation of African-Americans in positions of leadership, influence, and decision-making in Greater Boston. A graduate of Howard University and Harvard Business School, Wiley is a Director of Howard University, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, The Efficacy Institute, and Dress for Success Boston.

Fletcher Wiley, Senior Advisor: For more than two decades, Fletcher "Flash" Wiley has worked as a practicing attorney concentrating in the areas of corporate and commercial law, small business development, entertainment law, and real estate. Wiley currently serves as of counsel at the Boston-based law firm Bingham McCutchen, LLP. He served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel at PRWT Services, Inc., a Philadelphia-based products and services company, and played a key role in building PRWT into one of the nation's largest minority-owned businesses. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Harvard Kennedy School, and Harvard Law School, Wiley is extensively involved in civic and charitable activities and founded the Governor's Commission on Minority Business Development.

Ruth Ellen Fitch, Co-Chair: Ruth Ellen Fitch is a successful leader of complex organizations. She served as President/CEO at The Dimock Center in Roxbury through 2013 and an Associate/Partner at Palmer & Dodge LLP for 20 years, retiring in 2003. Before attending Harvard Law School, Fitch served as the Director of the METCO program in the Brookline Public Schools. She currently serves as a director/trustee of several organizations and foundations.  

Evelyn Murphy, Co-Chair: The Honorable Evelyn F. Murphy, former Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, is the Founder and President of The WAGE Project, Inc., a national organization dedicated to eliminating the gender wage gap. A Ph.D. economist, she is the author of Getting Even: Why Women Don’t Get Paid Like Men and What To Do About It. Murphy is also a Director of Citizens Energy Corporation and SBLI USA Life Insurance Company as well as a founding Director of the Commonwealth Institute.

Deb Goldberg served for six years on the Brookline Board of Selectmen, the last two as its chair. She is President of Adoptions With Love and on the Advisory Board at the Greater Boston Food Bank. Deb is also the Massachusetts Senate President’s appointee to the Treasurer’s Commonwealth Covenant Fund.

Deb is a graduate of Boston University, Boston College Law School, and Harvard Business School. She grew up in Brookline where she still lives with her husband, Michael Winter, and their son and daughter, Evan and Meredith.


國家電網(National Grid)公司報告,約有 11,000 戶人家在晚上六點左右停電了。北星(NStar)公司報告約有427戶人家停電了。


          (Boston Orange 周橘子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所廿五日晚召開本年度最後一次董事大會,將近九點半才結束,大部份時間花在爭論會議記錄該怎麼記才符合法律要求等細節。會末提及修訂選舉法規,將在下次會議中討論。
            紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦在會中報告,明年的中華公所春宴定二月廿日在帝苑舉行,各僑團桌次,照樣由抽籤決定,華埠舞獅迎新年活動,訂三月一日舉行。                                                                                                                                     中華公所董事們在上一次會議中對公所律師陳朝聖發信陳述會議紀錄應如何摘要會議內容,並以中華公所與保險公司之間的交涉作為例子,引起部分董事質疑。


 華埠退伍軍人會(Chinatown Post 328)會長司徒文信(右)廿五日晚出席
(Boston Orange 波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所十一月廿五日晚召開董事大會,華埠退伍軍人會出席報告將舉辦募捐玩具活動,波士頓僑務委員馬滌凡匯報中華公所圖書館近況。
            華埠退伍軍人會(Chinatown Post 328)會長司徒文信在會中報告,該會今年將在十一月三十日,十二月七日、十四日這三天的早上十一點至下午三點,到華埠牌樓前設點,收集捐給兒童的玩具。