
星期五, 10月 24, 2014


在這場男生865人,女生662人,共有1527人跑完全程,平均時間四小時一分二秒的馬拉松賽中,波士頓清華校友會中的清華之友蒿正偉,90級的生物系于軍等2人,依序以3:04:15.5 ,以及3:08:36.5 的成績,達到參加波士頓馬拉松賽的資格要求。
為了這次比賽,波士頓清華校友會健康跑步群組成了參賽隊,爭取到哈佛朝聖者醫療保險公司(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care)贊助,找來曾是清華校隊的79級學姐蓬蔓當教練,由80級的費曉賢任隊長,精心設計了有清華二字的紅色隊服,還獲得清華大學體育部提供了藍色清華校隊服。
            比賽後,所有參賽者及後援團應邀到周福民家聚餐慶功,吃著郭亮從俄亥鄂州用冷藏箱帶來,他親手做的肉夾饃,分享跑馬拉松時的遭遇故事。向凱透露,跑到後來,他的腳掌磨破了,但為有始有終,他是忍痛走完全程的。靳琳則說,師妹蘇雅青塞給她一袋Power Gel,師姐羅崑大喊加油,才讓她撐到終點。跑馬拉松四年,今年已跑了四個半馬,一個芝加哥全馬,一個灣州全馬的雷軍表示,波士頓清華大學校友會這次有24人參賽,共24人跑完全程,才最是令人感動。萬家網創辦人之一的清華校友施志敏也感動的贊助了比賽當天的後勤費用。








10月23日,儘管大風大雨,仍有約15名華埠耆英出席,其中還有遠從查理士城(Charlestown 尚墨維爾市(Somerville過來
中華頤養院還每月公路村社區室舉辦免費早餐講座,本月份的講座時間為下週四(10月30日)上午9時30分醫療中心的醫生 Amy Chi針對流感氣溫多變的季節介紹如何預防呼吸道疾病和流感。(圖由殷先彬提供)


提供法律咨詢的所有律師,將來自律師委員會,以及Ropes & Gray律師事務所的法律顧問。他們提供法律咨詢服務範圍包括:成立新的公司或者經營現有企業,有關不同形式成立的公司的責任和條件,例如小型股份有限公司和有限公司,賦稅和可能的減免或優惠,與供應商和/或者賣方簽訂合同時必須包括的條款,租約和條款,商業區劃法,僱傭條件,知識產權等。

查詢詳情或預約,可洽華美福利會,617-426-9492 分機 205,或以電郵scarlettwu@aaca-boston.org Scarlett聯絡。

波士頓經文處長賴銘琪展開轄訪工作 先到羅德島州

            賴銘琪從九月廿四日抵達波士頓履新後,先拜會本地僑團,再忙於慶祝雙十的各項活動,直至十月廿二日,才安排到往羅德島州拜會,由新聞組副組長陳文昌陪同,晤見了羅德島州拜會聯邦眾議員James Langevin,以及羅德島州眾議會議長Nicholas Mattiello,還參觀了羅德島州眾議會
在這期間,賴銘琪向每日發行量達十萬份的「波士頓前鋒報(Boston Herald)」投書,發表「台灣支持香港民主」一文,並引述馬英九總統最近談話中指出的台灣並非香港,絕不接受「一國兩制」等說法。


駐波士頓經文處處長賴銘琪與聯邦眾議員James Langevin合影。(圖由經文處提供)

羅州眾議長Nicholas Mattiello、賴處長及眾議員Brain Kennedy。(圖由經文處提供)


The issues of eliminating gas tax indexing, expanding the bottle bill, repealing the casino the law, and earned sick time for employees are all questions that will appear on your ballot on November 4th. Join us for a non-partisan ballot question forum in Boston next Wednesday, October 29th.  People representing the yes and no sides of the ballot questions will be on hand to give their pitches of why they think you should vote for their side.  There will also be an opportunity for questions from the audience.  See details below.  You can RSVP through Facebook.  This promises to be an informative and exciting evening.
We sincerely hope you will join us and also help spread the word about the event.


Cheryl Clyburn Crawford
Executive Director
P.S. HowlRound.TV plans to live stream the forum. It will be live on their homepage once the event gets underway.

Americans toss 40 percent of food produced, while 50 million go hungry; New report raises concerns about food waste in U.S.

NATIONAL CONSUMERS LEAGUE PRESS RELEASEAmericans toss 40 percent of food produced, while 50 million go hungry; New report raises concerns about food waste in U.S.
For immediate release: October 24, 2014
Contact: Ben Klein, National Consumers League, benk@nclnet.org(202) 835-3323
Washington, DC- A new report published to coincide with Food Day reveals that America is one of the worst food waste offenders, tossing 35 million tons of food each year, and offers solutions for retailers and consumers. Released by the National Consumers League, the report finds that, worldwide, a quarter to a third of all food goes to waste, and in America, the figures are more stark: 40 percent of our food remains uneaten, and the numbers are trending upwards.
“We hope this report sounds the alarm. America needs to grapple with this issue and begin to take steps to change the national mindset on food and food waste. Like the United Kingdom, which has embarked on a national strategy to reduce food waste by 50 percent by the year 2020, Americans need to be mindful of our buying and consuming habits. We are throwing away 40 percent of the food we produce, while nearly 50 million Americans struggle to put food on the table,” said Sally Greenberg, executive director of NCL. “It is a shame that we as American consumers waste so much food while millions of families are food insecure. It’s a disconnect that needs to be addressed. ”
NCL’s new report, Wasted: Solutions to the American Food Waste Problem, is an examination of the financial, ethical, and environmental concerns associated with food waste, and offers solutions to address the challenge. The report highlights how certain retailer practices encourage consumers’ overbuying and highlights the crucial role industry, environmental, and consumer groups working together could play in reducing food waste and decreasing its substantial environmental and landfill consequences.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans threw out 35 million tons of food in 2012, 50 percent more than in 1990. American families toss out an estimated 25 percent of the food they purchase, costing between $1,350 and $2,275 for a family of four each year. At the same time in the United States, 14 percent of households struggle to put food on the table. Raising consciousness about the importance of food as a commodity could lead to more responsible habits, according to the consumer advocacy group.
“Food waste has ethical, financial, and environmental implications. Wasting food, when one in nine people on earth suffers from chronic hunger, is wrong,” said Kelsey Albright, NCL food policy fellow and the lead author of the report. “As Americans’ relationship with food trends further from the farm and closer to the grocery store isles, knowledge about origin, preparation, and storage is lost, and our appreciation of food and incentives to conserve this precious resource have diminished.”
NCL’s Food Waste report demonstrates that many consumers are aware wasting food is a problem, but consistently underestimate their contribution to it. Few people realize the environmental effects of growing, transporting, and ultimately throwing out food. The amount of oil needed to feed each person every year is 400 gallons. Additional oil is used when transporting uneaten food as trash. When food begins decomposing in garbage dumps, methane, the second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted in the United States, is released.  
“While there is waste at every stage in the American supply chain, the good news is that consumers are responsible for the largest percentage of food waste, and they have the power to make a difference,” said Greenberg. “Our report emphasizes consumers’ need for information about food storage and expiration dates and encourages retailers to promote better consumer choices.”
  1. Plan out meals in advance and use a list when grocery shopping to prevent overbuying.  Always inventory the fridge and pantry before heading to the grocery store.
  2. Properly store and preserve food, preparing or freezing what can’t be used before it goes bad. Learn classic preservation methods like canning and drying produce.
  3. Know how to properly read and interpret expiration/sell-by and use-by dates. Rely on senses to determine whether food has spoiled or is still edible.
  4. Make smaller portions for dinner at home and always take home – and actually eat –leftovers from restaurants.
  5. Get creative and repurpose foods that may go bad soon. For example, stale bread can be turned into croutons and breadcrumbs; apples into applesauce or baked goods.
  6. Compost scraps of food that cannot be eaten.
“This report outlines why addressing food waste should be the next big environmental movement in this country," said Elizabeth Bennett, the founder of Fruitcycle, a social enterprise that makes healthy snacks from fruit that would otherwise go to waste. "The massive scope of the issue means that there is tremendous opportunity for consumers, farmers, retailers, and other businesses to work together to create solutions."
NCL’s report was released in conjunction with Food Day, a nationwide celebration for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food.
To read the new report, visit www.nclnet.org/foodwaste.