
星期六, 8月 30, 2014


高羅士打時報(Gloucester Times)指出,這是劉沙林第三年贊助歌劇音樂會,把國際知名歌劇演唱家,帶到普羅大眾眼前,讓口袋不豐的人,不必顧忌阮囊是否羞澀,也可心情輕鬆的踏進那座建築結構美麗的劇場,欣賞演出。
當晚這場音樂會,由鋼琴大師麥克爾瑞奇秋(Michael Recchiuti)演奏廿世紀最偉大德國作曲家理查史特勞斯(Richard Strauss)創作的歌劇。國際知名歌劇演唱者,女高音畢吉絲(Elizabeth Blancke-Biggs ),以及男高音卡梅隆(Cameron Schutza演唱史特勞斯的最偉大歌劇作品,包括莎樂美(Salome), 玫瑰騎士(Der Rosenkavalier), 達佛涅Daphne), 無影女子(Die Frau ohne Schatten),  阿里阿德捏在納克索斯島上(Ariadne auf Naxos)等等。
麥克爾瑞奇秋(Michael Recchiuti)指出,史特勞斯生於1864年六月,逝於1949年九月,經歷過世界大戰,也見過原子彈爆炸,他的作品文化深度與引人共鳴度,達到了西方文明的最高點。他稱史特勞斯為“音樂鍊金士(alchemist of music.)”,廿世紀最重要的德國作曲家,不但個性迷人,更對世界上的音樂文化,有著不可磨滅影響,把戲劇音樂和歌唱家的敘說,完美結合起來,還把希臘,羅馬的那些神秘的古典傳統,全都揉合成一個個優美的,弗洛伊德時代(Freudian age)故事。


            劉沙林(右二)和鋼琴大師麥克爾瑞奇秋(Michael Recchiuti)(右一),以及兩名歌劇演唱家在演出結束後,接受獻花。(菊子攝)


星期五, 8月 29, 2014

波士頓藝術節 8/30-31

North End)的哥倫布水前公園(at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park),舉辦第十一屆波士頓藝術節,展演多項表演,教育性藝術活動,並將有45名以上的本地藝術家出席展售作品。
            波士頓藝術節在表演活動之外,還在兩天的中午十二點至下午六點之間,安排有公共藝術活動,包括向觀賞者挑戰,請他們經由音樂,科技,藝術品等另一種方式,探索對環境觀感的 The Earl 項目;展示25名本地藝術家作品的迷你現代藝術博物館裝置藝術等。
            拉小提琴,會作曲,畢業於加州柏克萊大學,新英格蘭音樂學院的劉紹龐(譯音,Shaw Pong Liu),將率同青少年藝術家助理,佈置出一個讓人們以水墨書法揮灑出和平的天地。紐英崙藝術學會會長梅宇國將佈置出一張桌子,收集人們的創作,也展示他自己的書法作品。
            溫徹斯特(Winchester)中國文化學校的張海靜(Jennifer Zhang)將在現場教摺紙。
            波士頓市府和水前夏日(Summer on the Waterfront)還將連續第二年合作,在週日晚,也是勞工節週末那天晚上九點,在波士頓海港施放煙火。

Mayor’s Office of Arts + Culture Announce Final Schedule for 11th Annual “ähts: The Boston Arts Festival” on August 30th and 31st

BOSTON - The Mayor’s Office of Arts + Culture presents the 11th annual “ähts: The Boston Arts Festival,” showcasing diverse performing arts, educational and interactive art activities, cutting-edge temporary public art, and more than 45 juried local artists selling their work. 

“ähts: the Boston Arts Festival” will be held at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park in the North End on Saturday, August 30 from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Sunday, August 31 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

“ähts: The Boston Arts Festival” is presented in partnership with State Street. 

Saturday, August 30th

12:00 - 12:45 Chu Ling Dance: http://www.chulingdance.com 

Chu Ling, a choreographer from China, is the founder and director of the Chu Ling Dance Academy. She has also taught and performed at many other institutions in the Greater Boston area, including Wellesley College, Boston University, and Harvard University. 

1:00 - 1:45 City Stage Co.: http://citystage.org

City Stage Co. sends original, participatory plays to reach family audiences in the neighborhoods where they live. At ähts, City Stage Co. will perform folk tales with a 30-minute show dramatizing three traditional tales from European, Chinese, and Native American cultures. 

2:00 - 2:45 OrigiNation: http://www.originationinc.org

Founded in 1994 by Artistic Director Shaumba-Yandje Dibinga, OrigiNation, Incorporated is a non-profit organization that produces innovative and dynamic performing arts programs which motivate, challenge, and inspire youth. OrigiNation offers dance, theater arts, and African history education, focusing efforts on providing services to young people from Dorchester, Roxbury and Mattapan.

OrigiNation will feature four professional youth dance companies—NIA Dance Troupe, Girlz of IMANI, IMANI Jr and Aleye Boyz Troupe— presenting a mix of dance styles from African to Modern Contemporary to Hip Hop, with audience participation.

3:00 - 3:45 Los Rumberso de Boston

Los Rumberso de Boston is a trio of Mexican Bostonians, including guitarists Lito de la Isla and Angel Cespedes and percussionist Paul Sefchovich. The 2013 Boston Music Award winners combine a host of Latin influences with traditional styles in blues, flamenco, rock, dance, funk and reggae. 

4:00 - 4:45 J Hoard and the Greenhouse People: https://www.facebook.com/j.hoardtgp 

J Hoard and the Greenhouse People was formed to popularize a movement into soul pleasing, awakening, connecting music. The group is made of skillful, intelligent musicians who play with a mission to connect to anyone interested in listening.

5:00 - 5:45 Thalia Zedek Band: http://www.thrilljockey.com/thrill/Thalia-Zedek

Thalia Zedek is a Boston singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Active since the early 1980s, she has been a member of several notable alternative rock groups, including Live Skull Come, Uzi, and Dangerous Birds. Zedek now leads the Thalia Zedek Band, which has released four albums on Thrill Jockey Records. 

6:00 - 6:45 Nick Flynn reciting his poetry: http://nickflynn.org

Nick Flynn’s most recent book, The Reenactments, which Kirkus calls “a truly insightful, original work,” completes a trilogy begun with Another Bullshit Night in Suck City. His previous book, The Captain Asks for a Show of Hands, was a collection of poems linked to the second book of the trilogy, The Ticking is the Bomb, which the Los Angeles Times called a “disquieting masterpiece.” His poems, essays and non-fiction have appeared in The New Yorker, the Paris Review, National Public Radio’s This American Life, and The New York Times Book Review. 

7:00 - 8:00 Animal Hospital Ensemble: http://animalhospitalmusic.com

Animal Hospital is Kevin Micka’s one-man musical recording/performance entity. Formed at the tail-end of Micka’s time with Boston band The Common Cold, Animal Hospital, Kevin has consistently toured the United States, the U.K., and Europe. 

Sunday, August 31st

12:00 -12:45 Cornell Coley: http://www.afrolatin.net/

Born in Kingston, Jamaica of Cuban and Jamaican parents, Cornell Coley, M. Ed. is an arts educator with over 20 years of experience teaching around the world. He holds a B.A. from Tufts University, a M.Ed. from Cambridge College, studied cultural anthropology at UCLA and traveled to Ghana, Africa for one year to study dance. Cornell is an accomplished dancer and percussionist, performing at festivals world-wide. His percussion skills include drum kit, timbales, congas, bongos, talking drum, berimbau, cajon, and other Latin percussion. His dance specialties include Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian, Congolese, Ghanaian and salsa.

1:00 - 1:45 City Stage Co.: http://citystage.org 

City Stage Co. sends original, participatory plays to reach family audiences in the neighborhoods where they live. At ähts, City Stage Co, will perform folk tales with a 30-minute show dramatizing three traditional tales from European, Chinese, and Native American cultures. 

2:00 - 2:45 Grey Season: http://greyseasonmusic.com 

Grey Season is a 5-piece folk-rock band based out of Boston. 
Their debut EP "Troilus" was released in May 2013, and since then they have performed at a variety of venues throughout the Northeast, from radio stations, basements, pop-up markets, and conventions to galleries, bars, colleges, and concert venues. In January 2014, after a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign, Grey Season recorded their first full-length LP, "Time Will Tell you Well." The album was released in April  and can be streamed on their bandcamp site.

3:00 - 3:45 Isis Lune: https://www.facebook.com/ISISLUNEmusic

Isis Lune is a Boston-based band featuring Ella Joy Meir on vocals and piano, Asher Kurtz on guitar, Ran Gil on keys, Aaron Liao on bass, and Tim Merle on drums. 

4:00 - 4:45 Inta Afrika 

Insta Afrika is a drum circle with group participation. 

5:00 - 7:00 The Moth: http://themoth.org 

The Moth, as heard on NPR, is dedicated to promoting the art and craft of storytelling. The goal of The Moth is to present the finest storytellers among established and emerging writers, performers and artists, and to encourage storytelling among populations whose stories often go unheard. The Moth was the only New York-based arts organization to win a 2011 MacArthur Award for Creative & Effective Institutions (MACEI), for “sharing humanity’s stories one person at a time.”

Public art events will run from 12 noon to 6 p.m. both days:  

  • The ear1 project (http://brackmorrow.org/), which challenges viewers to explore ways to perceive the environment in alternative ways through music, technology, and artwork.
  • A miniature contemporary art museum installation by artist Pat Falco  (http://www.illfalco.com/) exhibiting the work of over 25 local artists.
  • Water Graffiti for Peace with artists Shaw Pong Liu (http://www.shawpong.com), Mike Mei (http://wahar-art.com/about_the_artist), and teen artist assistants will offer a guided public water calligraphy play area, introducing writing of Chinese characters and encouraging them to create their own symbol for peace. Artist Mike Mei will set up a table to record people's creations and also display some of his ink calligraphy artwork. 
  • Sidewalk Chalk with Christian Guerra
  • UP Truck with artist Cedric Douglas with screen printing t-shirts, live community painting, as well as the UP truck photo booth Live painting Percy Fortini-Wright (http://percyfortiniwright.com) live painting a Boston theme canvas.
  • Jennifer Zhang from Winchester School of Chinese Culture (http://wscc-ma.org) will be teaching the art of Origami. 

As always, the “ähts Village” of juried artists will offer an eclectic selection of local, handmade jewelry, crafts, and artwork for sale. 

For the second year in a row, the City of Boston and Summer on the Waterfront are holding Boston Harbor fireworks at 9 p.m. on theSaturday night of Labor Day Weekend during ähts. Lead sponsor Boston Harbor Cruises and supporting sponsors the Boston Harbor Hotel, the Boston Globe, and the City of Boston are generously underwriting the event. 

Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park can be reached via the MBTA at Aquarium Station on the Blue line. 

For additional details visit http://www.cityofboston.gov/arts/arts_festival.asp . 











(Boston Orange) 住在波士頓市天滿街南灣東座老人公寓的耆英們,827日這天自己辦中秋聯歡會,90多名耆英歡聚一堂,欣賞表演,享用蛋糕,開心非常。


