
星期六, 8月 02, 2014

波士頓鋒號基金會維權 為美國華人發聲

大波士頓地區最近成立一個非牟利的維權組織,波士頓鋒號基金會(Boston Forward Foundation),繼去年ABC電視台Jimmy Kimmel事件,加州SCA5法案後,最近再為福斯(FOX)電視台新聞主播Bob Beckel的發言不當,站在華人角度抗議。
            波士頓鋒號基金會成員,趙剛,朱鵬程,高璐,鄧鋒,顏建明,李如琢,謝婉珍,周鵬,楊盛洪,黃開元等人說,他們原來彼此都不認識,也分別從事不同行業,住在四面八方,但ABC電視台的節目主持Jimmy Kimmel在在全美聯播電視節目訪談中,任由小朋友在螢幕前說“殺光中國人”,讓他們全都憤慨非常,紛紛響應熱心人在波士頓發起的抗議示威。
他們和維權人士在全美各地的舉牌,發傳單,爭取政客施壓,抗議行動,爭取到ABC電視台為Jimmy Kimmel事件道歉,並宣佈要實驗性的拍攝一部以亞裔家庭為主角電視劇,讓他們深深感到“團結就是力量”,逐步決定成立維權組織,為華裔人權發聲。
波士頓鋒號基金會沒想到,隨後出現了對亞裔子女就讀理想大學機會有很大影響的加州SCA5法案。儘管那只是加州一地的法案,但包括麻州在內,全美各地已有許多學校悄悄以族裔比率做發放入學許可的參考,坊間甚至出現哈佛大學的亞裔學生錄取率曾經高達25%,近年一度降至16% ,就是受此做法影響的傳聞。
            這些事件,讓波士頓鋒號基金會體會到政治,政策對人民生活影響極大,開始在為維權發聲外,也為推動民眾關心政治出力,七月時和波士頓大學復旦大學校友會合作,舉辦了一場和麻州州長候選人查理貝克(Charlie Baker)見面會。
            今年七月十日,福斯(FOX)電視台新聞主播Bob Beckel”The Five“上的指華人從事間諜,恐怖行為的言論,在華人社區再度引爆憤慨,不滿情緒。七月廿九日時,波士頓鋒號基金會和80-20EF, AAPA-PACAAV等八、九個機構,聯袂發出聲明,要求Bob Beckel道歉,辭職。


廣西同鄉會選舉第二屆理事 楊文連任會長

逾百名廣西同鄉會日前到霍普金頓Hopkinton)州立公園郊遊,經61 人投票,選出11名第二屆理事,楊文連任會長。


星期五, 8月 01, 2014


Pan-Mass Challenge August 2-3; Radiotelethon August 19-20;
Patients to be honored at Fenway Park Throughout the Month;
Brock Holt to Visit Jimmy Fund Clinic Today

BOSTON, MA – As the Red Sox celebrate 61 years of partnership with the Jimmy Fund, August will again be designated as “Jimmy Fund Month,” with the club paying tribute to the Jimmy Fund’s remarkable efforts in cancer research, treatment, and care in children and adults at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 

To launch the month-long tribute, the Red Sox’ Brock Holt will visit with patients at the Jimmy Fund Clinic today, August 1, at 11 a.m.

Prior to each home game throughout the month of August, a Jimmy Fund patient will be honored and will then deliver the game ball to the pitcher’s mound. 

August begins and ends with large fundraisers for the team’s official charity.  This year is the 11th anniversary of the Red Sox Foundation’s sponsorship of the Pan-Mass Challenge, which takes place August 2-3.  This year is also the 13th annual Red Sox Jimmy Fund Radiotelethon on WEEI and NESN, which takes place August 19-20.

The relationship dates back to 1947, when Hall of Famer Ted Williams began visiting patients, often before arriving at the ballpark just up the street.  His role as a pioneer in the development of the Jimmy Fund is commemorated in the bronze statue of him with a Jimmy Fund child that stands outside Gate B at Fenway Park.

The Jimmy Fund was formally launched in 1948 when the Variety Club of New England (now known as the Variety Children’s Charity of New England) organized a radio broadcast from the bedside of pediatric cancer patient Carl Einar Gustafson, who was nicknamed “Jimmy” because at the time, the stigma of cancer dissuaded people from revealing their names. Members of the Boston Braves took part in this fundraising broadcast, helping raise enough money to purchase a new television set for Jimmy.

From those origins, the Braves began an association with the Jimmy Fund, but when they moved from Boston to Milwaukee in 1953, the Red Sox adopted the Jimmy Fund as their official team charity.  The ensuing partnership is the longest of its kind in the history of sport.

The new owners of the Red Sox introduced the radiothon on WEEI in 2002, and NESN added television coverage in 2003.  That event alone over the years has generated more than $34.2 million.

The club also became a prominent sponsor of the Pan-Mass Challenge, created by Billy Starr, which has raised a stunning $414 million in its history.

This year, the Jimmy Fund paid tribute to the Red Sox’ longstanding partnership. On May 29, Dr. Edward J. Benz, CEO and President of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, unveiled new Red Sox signage on the outside of the Charles A. Dana Building on Brookline Avenue, presented a new Boston Red Sox Jimmy Fund Gallery in the Dana Building lobby chronicling the history of the relationship, and re-named the Dana Building auditorium as the “Boston Red Sox Jimmy Fund Auditorium.” 

National CAPACD Applauds Confirmation of Erika Moritsugu as Assistant Secretary for HUD

National CAPACD Applauds Confirmation of Erika Moritsugu as Assistant Secretary for HUD

Earlier this week, the U.S. Senate confirmed Erika Moritsugu to serve as the next Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

“Over the years, Erika Moritsugu has been a strong advocate for the needs of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) and other underserved communities and I am confident that she will bring this same commitment to her work at HUD,” said Lisa Hasegawa, executive director for the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD). “Erika will be a vaulable addition to Secretary Julian Castro's leadership team as HUD continues to lead the housing recovery of our nation.”   

Moritsugu is currently the Deputy Assistant Director for Legislative Affairs at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Prior to that, she was the Deputy Legislative Director for U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaiʻi from 2010 to 2012. 


Hundreds of Volunteers help Spruce-up Historic Mather Elementary in preparation for its 375th Anniversary

BOSTON- More than 300 volunteers participated in ‘Service Day’ at the historic Mather Elementary School Friday, sprucing-up the interior and outside grounds of the four-floor, red brick building on Meetinghouse Hill in Dorchester.

The fix-up prepares the school to celebrate its 375th anniversary as America's first tax-supported elementary school.  The school hopes for a visit from the First Family and has extended an invitation through a cute video starring several students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DKjaOjCB4w

The volunteers, with paint rollers, brushes, brooms and hammers in hand, were busy in every corner and hallway. An outdoors basketball court was transformed into a carpenter’s workshop with the requisite power tools and stacks of lumber. Volunteers repainted a large map of America on the concrete ground in front of the school. Carpenters unloaded dozens of smoothly sanded cabinets and bookshelves. Municipal workers spray-painted arrows and numbers on the street in front of the school, prepping the blacktop for repaving. 

The community partners who pitched in include Boston Cares, the Boston Consulting Group, Target, The Mission Continues, Boston Urban Outreach, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35, the New England Regional Council of Carpenters and City Sprouts.

The overall net worth of the Service Day including labor and supplies was estimated at upwards of $100,000.  The school is also seeking to raise $375,000 of funding or in-kind donations/services towards improving the school building, providing professional and academic supports for students and teachers, and equipping the school with much needed technology.

 The Boston Public Schools, the birthplace of public education in the United States,
serves more than 57,000 pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students in 128 schools.



日期: 8月5日

第一場 : 3:30 PM
第二場:  7:00 PM
地點: 紐英崙青少年中文夏令營
         Lasell College
        1844 Commonwealth Ave.,
         Newton, MA 02466

             臺北市青少年民俗運動訪問團 訪演學生照片。(圖由波士頓華僑文教中心提供)

劉培義十五年 薩克斯風敘舊情迎未來

柏克萊音樂學院校長Roger H. Brown也親自發信稱讚劉培義是藝術家,期許他將來推動中國傳統音樂和西方爵士樂的融合,讓劉培義大受鼓舞,還感動得在微信中向朋友展示。
            在“十五年”音樂會中,劉培義演奏“新不了情”,紐約好友Bob Aquino為他量身編撰的“十二月”,他藉曲抒情的“You don’t know what love is”,有如他和著名天才鼓手John Davis對話的“我只在乎你”,美國著名爵士曲目“Yardbird Suite“,他自己編撰,演繹他學吹薩克斯風掙扎經歷,重新認識人生的”十五年“,以及”明日片刻(Monment’s of tomorrow)“等曲目。
            為了豐富音樂會的演出,劉培義還特地邀以吹奏嗩吶出名的郭雅志,曾擔任“小時代I電影主題曲主唱的吳卓源(Julia Wu)做表演嘉賓,和他合作唱奏”彩雲追月“一曲。
音樂會的節目冊,劉培義也刻意邀請了爵士演奏家Jerry Bergonzi;中國出名的爵士鋼琴家孔宏偉等人作序。
            在演奏會中途,劉培義感慨表示,這“十五年”音樂會,既誌記自己在學習演奏薩克斯風,籌組樂隊,製作專輯,拍攝記錄片的一路走來經歷, 也是為了向身體狀況已大不如前的父親,做個交代。


            王藐若(左),Joe Simmons(右)都稱讚劉培義(中)的薩克斯風吹得好。會後買專輯,索簽名。(菊子攝)




