
星期一, 6月 30, 2014


1996年他們在麻州屋本市(Woburn)買下一棟陸軍大樓(army building),並由熱心家長們協助翻修得煥然一新後,中華藝術協會才從此有了個永久的家。
小品方面有陳嘉琪編導的漢族舞蹈「小丫頭」,排練的「土家女」、藏族舞蹈「萬物生」,以及「貓鼠之夜」; 馬嘉老編導的「花與蜜蜂」、排練的「春江花月夜」、「魚兒」、 「阿咪子」與「船歌」; 楊夢希老師編導的「堅韌旳花朵」與排練的「茉莉花」等。









星期六, 6月 28, 2014

MIT-CHIEF 展示項目太陽能板凳將登陸波市公園

波士頓新市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)擁抱科技,廿六日才宣布新聘Jascha Franklin-Hodge資訊長,昨(廿七)日就傳出,波市將推出“聰明沙發”,利用太陽能,改善人民的生活環境。
          “改變環境(Changing Environments)”的共同創辦人,Sandra Richter和趙楠,在麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇(MIT-CHIEF)展示日中,介紹這太陽能板凳項目時,指出他們和波士頓市長辦公室的新城市機械(New Urban Mechanics),MIT媒體實驗室,以及蘿斯甘迺迪綠路合作,從2013年起進行研發
            這些板凳可以利用委瑞森網路無線上網,上傳與所在地點有關的環境資訊,諸如空氣品質,噪音程度等數據。波士頓市府官員表示,設置在波士頓市的第一批太陽能板凳,將由發展智慧城市解決方案的領導者之一的思科系統(Cisco System)資助,不花波士頓市府的錢。
            下星期,波士頓市的數個公園,將安裝這些板凳,試試這新做法。安裝板凳的地點將包括南端(South End)的泰特斯麻雀公園(Titus Sparrow Park),波士頓廣場(Boston Common),以及蘿斯甘迺迪綠路(Rose Kennedy Greenway)。
波士頓市府官員籲請市民在七月十一日前建議,還有哪些公園應該安裝這些太陽能板凳“Soofas“。民眾可上網bit.ly/bosbench,上推特 @newurbanmechs提意見,也可以透過推特@mysoofa,或網站soofa.co,提供各個公園內的這些Soofas該叫什麼名字的意見。


            Sandra Richter()和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(右)討論太陽能板凳計劃。(圖由波士頓市府提供)

            Sandra Richter(右)和趙楠(左)今年四月在麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇(MIT-CHIEF)展示日中介紹太陽能板凳項目。(菊子攝,檔案照片)


參選麻州州長一職的三名獨立候選人,曾任醫療界高管,現年四十四歲,住在牛頓市的費爾全(Evan Falchuk);風險資本家,現年五十二歲,住在波士頓市的麥闊彌(Jeffrey McCormick),曾是律師,現為牧師,住在春田市的萊福利(Scott Lively),昨日和論壇主持人,麻州公司(MassInc)的麻州雜誌(Commonwealth Magazine)主編Bruce Mohi互動回答時,至少有一點意見相同。
六月廿三日時宣佈已確定可名列麻州州長選票上的費爾確(Evan Falchuk指出,麻州選民約有53%未登記黨派,58%希望出現新政黨。目前他已組織聯合獨立黨(United Independent Party),如果十一月的麻州大選,他得到3%的選票,聯合獨立黨將正式成為麻州的新政黨。
談到超級協定(Super PAC)時,費爾全和麥闊爾意見大相逕庭。費爾全認為超級協定破壞了民主體制,讓社會倒退回十九世紀,應該修憲,禁止組成這樣的政治團體。他坦言自己拒絕了該組織的支持。他也批評麥闊爾聘請現有的政治圈內人助選,不應該算作獨立黨派人士。
萊福利認為超級協定的問題在於金錢與選舉,那些人只關心他們自己的議題,並不做全面考量。他強調自己希望把聖經世界觀點(biblical worldview)帶進麻州,指費爾全一旦組黨,會和其他黨沒有什麼不同。
談到醫療保險時,費爾確顯然有更深入的認識與了解。他直指麻州醫療保險費用高居全美之冠,部分原因就在於醫療護理機構併購,壟斷市場。他也批評麻州總檢察長柯克莉(Martha Coakley)的批准夥伴醫療保險公司(Partners HealthCare System併購南岸醫院(South Shore Hospital),將讓麻州人民付出巨大代價。他指出,要降低麻州的醫療保險費用,同時保持醫療品質,不是做不到的事,但在位領導者必須有誠意,去研究,採行新方法。
談及稅務時,麥闊爾表示自己不會承諾不加稅,因為無論改善教育或交通,沒錢就難辦事。費爾全認為麻州憲法的單一稅制(flat tax)太過老舊,不合時宜。州政府應該制定新稅制,並調整州府預算編撥。他指出,在麻州學童的午餐項目經費短缺之際,州政府卻花九百萬元來翻修州長辦公室;英代爾(Intel)在赫遜市(Hudson)的一家工廠早晚要關門,州政府卻花三億元來挽救,州內的道路,橋樑破損不堪,卻無錢維修,顯然是州政府制定預算時,搞不清楚人民的優先順序。


            參選麻州州長的三名獨立候選人,右起,麥闊彌(Jeffrey McCormick),費爾全(Evan Falchuk);萊福利(Scott Lively)。(菊子攝)


波士頓市主街計劃廿六日晚在河岸劇院(Strand Theatre)舉行年度頒獎禮。華埠主街的皇冠餅家店東Michael Ng獲年度商家獎,十七歲昆士高中生梁家偉獲年度義工獎。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),鄰里發展局(DND)主任狄倫(Sheila Dillon)親自出席,把獎牌一一交給廿個主街計劃的得獎者手中。
            波士頓主基金會董事會主席Joel Sklar在頒獎儀式之後致詞,指出該基金會是為支持各主街計劃振興地方經濟而成立的組織,去年共發出十六項獎助款,過去十四個月內共發出十一萬元。現在他們正在進行第二輪籌款活動。
            波士頓市府的主街計劃將和市長辦公室的新市區機械(New Urban Mechanics),以及鄰里發展局(DND)合作,在社區內推動創新孵化器空間,並以“眾尋(crowdsourcing)“等方式,來找出社區的需要,幫助民眾因應在取得資金,利用空置店面上所面對的挑戰。
            波士頓主街在節目冊上形容,Michael Ng經常有改善華埠企業,華埠主街區域的點子,還身體力行。他也經常捐贈美味糕餅給華埠主街的活動。Michael Ng當晚並未出席領獎。
        梁家偉十四歲時,就已開始為華埠主街做義工。他說,起初是因為母親Melinda Wong和華埠主街經理是好朋友,後來自己也覺得有意思,一晃就做了三年,做過很多不同的事。



            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(左),鄰里發展局(DND)主任狄倫(Sheila Dillon)(右)和獲華埠主街年度義工獎的梁家偉(中)合影。(菊子攝)

Mayor Walsh to Kick-Off Boston’s 33rd Harborfest

Opening Ceremony to take place in historic
Faneuil Hall Marketplace

BOSTON– Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the City of Boston will kick-off the 33rd annual Boston Harborfest at Faneuil Hall Marketplace on Thursday, July 2 at 12:00 PM. Boston Harborfest is a five-day festival with over 200 events celebrating American Independence and honoring the city’s colonial roots.

“The Fourth of July holiday week is a special time for the City of Boston. We are excited to kick-off Harborfest and invite everyone to enjoy the sites and sounds of the 2014 festival,” said Mayor Walsh. “It’s fitting to host the opening ceremony at Faneuil Hall - the cradle of liberty – with its more than 200 years of history right here in Boston.”

Mayor Walsh will be joined by Rear Admiral Linda Fagan, Commander First Coast Guard District; Commander Sean Kearns, Captain, USS Constitution; Commander Bryan Carmichael, Captain, USS Oak Hill (LSD 51); Carol Troxell, President of Faneuil Hall Marketplace Merchants Association; and Nina Zannieri, Executive Director, Paul Revere Memorial Association/Paul Revere House, during the celebration to kick-off the festival.

Residents, visitors, and businesses are invited to participate in the patriotic opening ceremony, which will feature the United States Navy Band Rhode Island Sound, US Navy Band Northeast vocalist Musician Second Class Laura Carey, who will lead the crowd in singing the National Anthem, and the ceremonial cutting of the Harborfest cake made by the world famous Montilio’s Baking Company. Mayor Walsh and Navy Rear Admiral Fagan will use a cutglass (sword) to cut the cake, provided by Faneuil Hall Marketplace, for everyone to enjoy. National Park Service Park Rangers and Freedom Trail Players, dressed in 18th-century costume, will be on hand to offer historical information about Faneuil Hall and other historic sites along the Freedom Trail. In addition, a special guest appearance by New England Aquarium’s penguin “Roast Beef” will delight young and old, and The Jukebox Dancers will round out the ceremony’s activities.

Held from July 2 through July 6, Harborfest celebrates the colonial and maritime heritage of America’s independence in Boston. Over the years, Harborfest has grown from a local event to a national celebration. In 1982 there were 35 activities over the course of three days. Now in its 33rd year, Harborfest is considered to be the largest patriotic celebration in the nation.

For more Harborfest information and a list of activities, please visit www.Harborfest.com

星期五, 6月 27, 2014


Nantucket Memorial Airport to be country’s first airport to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
NANTUCKET – Friday, June 27, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today launched the next phase of work to make Nantucket Memorial Airport (ACK) the first and only airport in the country to entirely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from its airport-controlled operations. The implementation phase announced today includes execution of energy conservation measures and renewable energy installations that will reduce ACK’s reliance on external energy sources and eliminate nearly 1,000 metric tons of carbon emissions each year at the airport.
“Massachusetts is a leader in clean energy, clean technology and clean air,” said Governor Patrick. “This airport project is not only a win for the island of Nantucket, but for the Commonwealth as a whole as we continue the progress we’ve made to protect our environment and leave it better for the next generation.”

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Aeronautics Division and Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) began a pilot program in October 2012 to create the first ever airport with "carbon neutral" ground operations in the United States. The Carbon Neutral Airport Pilot Program will assist the Nantucket Airport in implementing measures that dramatically reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The program will identify lessons learned and best practices to assist other general aviation and large commercial service airports in Massachusetts and across the country attain carbon-neutral status.
“I am proud that Nantucket Memorial Airport is set to advance with the next stage toward becoming our nation’s first carbon-neutral airport,” said Congressman William Keating. “This project demonstrates the success that can be found when the public and private sectors come together to promote energy efficiency and reduce our carbon output, and there is no better place to achieve this important goal than Massachusetts, which has already seen so many advancements in this field. Further, as one of the most heavily traveled airports in the Northeast, I cannot think of a more applicable use of resources and energy to continue to the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions.”
"At MassDOT we are committed to innovation in transportation," said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Richard Davey. “As one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions, we have a moral responsibility to think creatively about how we reduce our impact. This project is a shining example of that thinking and will set the bar for airports across the country.”
Phase One of the project, completed this past spring, included data collection, inventory and the selection of Honeywell Building Solutions of Canton, an Energy Service Company (ESCO), which conducted a comprehensive energy audit that allowed the airport to identify improvements to save energy.
Phase Two, launched today, will implement over 25 Energy Conservation Measures to achieve carbon neutrality and include elements such as arrays of solar photovoltaic panels between 1.5 megawatts (MW) and 2.1 MW, as well as a suite of new building equipment including both indoor and outdoor LED lighting, retro commissioning of major mechanical systems including energy recovery ventilators, building envelope improvements, solar thermal development to provide a renewable source of hot water heating, an integrated building management platform, highly efficient infrared garage heating and boiler burner replacements.
The Carbon Neutral project includes $805,000 in MassDOT Aeronautics funding along with other expected local and federal funding sources.
“I am pleased to see Massachusetts continue to stride towards the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets we set in our Global Warming Solutions Act through this carbon-neutral airport program,” said State Senator Marc R. Pacheco. “This first-in-the-nation program is yet another example of Massachusetts’ leadership on initiatives that promote public health, protect the environment, and produce cost savings through energy efficiency.”
“We on Nantucket are very proud of our airport and its decision to pursue the goal of becoming carbon neutral,” said Representative Timothy Madden. “The airport plays a vital role in the community, not just as an economic engine for tourism, but at times, our only access to the mainland. I know we are all excited to see phase two of the project roll out today and look forward to the airport getting its official designation, becoming the first airport in the country to do so.”
The project supports the MassDOT "GreenDOT" sustainability implementation plan and the 2010 Massachusetts Statewide Airport System Plan, which includes six statewide system goals and more than 50 performance measures designed to help the Aeronautics Division monitor airport performance. Among the six goals the Carbon Neutral project supports is Environmental Compliance and Stewardship, requiring airports to pursue sustainability practices to protect the natural environment and quality of life for airport employees and neighbors, and promote the economic development potential of the airport.
“The transportation sector accounts for about one-third of the greenhouse gases emitted in Massachusetts, so this project is an important step toward helping the Commonwealth achieve our ambitious greenhouse gas reduction goals,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Maeve Vallely Bartlett.

The Clean Energy and Climate Plan, created under the Global Warming Solutions Act, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. Emissions have dropped by 16 percent since 1990. The Patrick Administration’s initiatives have made Massachusetts a leader in energy efficiency. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has named Massachusetts number one for three years running. The clean energy revolution is yielding economic benefits for the Commonwealth as well, with 11.8 percent job growth in the last year and 24 percent growth in the last two years; nearly 80,000 people are employed at 5,500 clean tech firms across Massachusetts.


Mayor Walsh, with support of New England Revolution, will host his second World Cup viewing party on City Hall Plaza
USA vs. Belgium

WHEN: Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at 3:30PM

WHERE: City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston, MA, 02201

WHAT: Mayor Walsh, with support of the New England Revolution, will host his second World Cup viewing party for the 'Round of 16' game featuring team USA against Belgium. The Revolution street team, the Battalion, will be on site with give-a-ways and fun activities for fans. Slyde, their Mascot, will join the the Rev Girls in spreading enthusiasm throughout the audience.