
星期五, 6月 27, 2014


MAAAC update – June 2014 (MAAAC for Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee)
1. Constituent Services:
In addition to the usual business such as issues relating to trash/recycling collection, water/ property bills/ tax abatement/ questions, tree trimming, potholes, sidewalk/street light repairs, neighborhood disputes, civic education ... etc., the City's Constituent Service Office has also been helping in the relocation project in N. Quincy and the drain pipe jobs in both N. Quincy and Quincy Center areas. 

The decision to partner with the Quincy Historical Society and the Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee to host another "Sightseeing on Wheels Tour" has been confirmed. The date is set to Sunday, August 17, 2014, the same date as the Annual August Moon Festival of which the organizer is the Quincy Asian Resources, INC.

For this year, the Sightseeing on Wheels is on the "Tour of the NEW Quincy". The loop begins at Quincy City Hall. Other stops include the Coddington Hall (new), Quincy High School (new), the Faxon Field (new), the South Shore YMCA (new), the Quincy Police Station, the Pageant Field, the Stadium, the water fountain park (relatively new), the Central Middle School (new), the Quincy Chamber of Commerce Office (new), the Old Central Middle School, the Quincy Historical Society, the Quincy Center T Station and then back to Quincy City Hall.

A small photo display on "Quincy Asians" is being planned also. Details of the plan will be announced soon onwww.QuincyAsian.org
2. "The Eye on Quincy TV Show" 
(live broadcast on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month at 7pm on QATV) 
For July and August, the Show begins at 7pm and ends at 7:45pm. Our next LIVE broadcast will be on Mon., July 7, 2014. Everyone is welcome to visit or join the crew. For more INFO: http://www.quincyasian.org or on facebook: Eye on Quincy. Thank you all viewers for your feedback including Mayor Koch’s.  
3. Recent Quincy News Headlines:
on Quincy Sun: http://www.thequincySun.com & on the City’s Web: http://www.quincyma.gov
* Mayor Plans Expanded Mosquito Control
* Meetings set for Quincy Housing Authority Residents
* Cantonese INFO line 617-984-8914
4. The "Photo Exhibit" or "Asian History" project
We will be ready for a small photo display on August 17, 2010. This photo display will be a joint event with the"Sightseeing on Wheels - Tour of the NEW Quincy" Project. A tent will be set up outside of Quincy City Hall on the lawn which is the first stop of the Tour. While tour participants are waiting to hop on to the van provided by the City's Council on Aging for the Tour, participants can view the display boards under the tent that showcase the demographics changes in the City, the Asian program development and its evolution, some important milestones ... etc. 

Although this display is in small scale, it is still in line of the theme: "From the Pioneering Beginning until Now, a Retrospect of the Asian American Development in Quincy" Sample collected materials: (Some info needs to be verified.)
1. The first Chinese restaurant in 1949 vs. now in 2014: a total of over 60 Asian restaurants
2. The first Church that started Chinese ministry: about in the 80s i.e. the Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Boston at 69 Washington Street vs now: over 7 religious groups
3. The 1st Chinese/ English bilingual leadership conference: Dec 8, 1990 at N. Quincy High
4. The first and only Cantonese broadcast at WJDA Radio at 29 Brackett St, Quincy (1992 - 2006)
5. The 1st Chinese American ran for political office: Edward Lee for School Committee in 1991
6. The 1st bank that began outreach to Asians: Quincy Savings Bank
7. The 1st Annual Lunar New Year Celebration - ~ 1988
8. The 1st August Moon Festival - ~ 1987
9. Other themes

Interns/ volunteers are needed as always. Interested individuals please contact Betty Yau (byau@quincyma.gov) for details. Requirements: some art work background, bilingual and biliterate in Chinese/English preferred

5. The "Quincy Monthly Luncheon" The “Quincy Monthly Luncheon” is a self-pay luncheon which was started in Quincy by a group of Asian community workers in the early 1990s. Some "new comers" joined the informal social gathering lately and enjoyed it. To request an evite to the luncheon to meet new and old friends, feel free to write an email to Betty Yau at Kfyau@aol.com or byau@quincyma.gov
Until next time.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Yau, (member)
co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy
on behalf of
Attorney John Downey & Fire Inspector Jimmy Wong (co-chairs)

Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(producer of the "Eye on Quincy" TV Show:)
to help create a unified community environment.
to provide a bridge between the City and the Asian American residents
Who we are:
We are a dedicated volunteer group. Many of us are Chinese Americans and long time Quincy residents. Our enthusiasm on community matters makes us realize that civil responsibilities are as equally important as civil rights.
facebook: eye on quincy


            昨日在巴西舉行的世界杯足球賽分組晉級賽,美國隊和曾贏過三次世界杯的德國隊上陣對壘。喜愛看球,但工作忙,抓不出時間,沒看幾場球的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),索性和新英格蘭革命隊(New England Revolution)合作,昨日中午在市政府廣場前舉行看球派對(party)。他自己還特地穿上一件紅藍白的球衣,以示和球迷站在同一陣線。
            昨日在巴西舉行的這場G組分組比賽,結果德國以一比零打敗美國隊,葡萄牙隊以二比一打敗加納(Ghana)隊,美國得分差距較大,在分組比賽中排名第二,得以晉級入淘汰賽。美國隊教練Jurgen Klinsmann說,能夠在小組賽中脫穎而出,打進淘汰賽,對美國隊來說,顯然是很大的成就。
        許多世界杯球迷,十一點半時就已趕到現場,搶佔大螢幕前的位置。波士頓馬拉松爆炸案中的英雄Carlos Arredondo也夾在看球人群中。


            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(右)昨日和新英格蘭革命隊代表一起歡迎世界杯球迷,為美國對加油。(菊子攝)



            從加州來波士頓大學就讀,父親是來自香港移民的Alexa Tom(左)是昨日在波士頓市府廣場前看球的極少數華人之一,也來張和市長馬丁華殊(右)的合照。(菊子攝)


州長簽字 麻州最低薪資將提高至十一元

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)昨(廿六)日在近百人圍觀下,簽署參議會S2195法案,正式通過新法,最低薪資將在三年內逐步漲到每小時十一元。
麻州參議會議長泰瑞莎穆瑞(Therese Murray)表示,她為麻州議會決定處理最低薪資,失業保險等事務,感到驕傲。
麻州眾議會議長狄樂歐(Robert A. DeLeo)表示,這法案意味著許多家庭有了新開始。
            麻州勞工及人力發展卿Rachel Kaprielian表示,加薪幅度達38%,對許多要做幾份工作,才能勉強維生的低新工人來說,意義重大。
            華人前進會的鄺寶蓮,余翠鳳,梁德生等人,昨日和“麻州提高起來(Raise Up Massachusetts)”等組織代表,一起出席了法案簽署儀式。該組織的共同主席,CSJDeb Fastino 以及MCANLew Finfer等人表示,有不下七千名社區領袖參與推動提高最低薪資行動,和議員們開會。他們的下一步行動是要辦選民教育,推動人們為將近一百萬人爭取有薪病假。
            波士頓環球報昨日有篇分析文章指出,新法固然提高了最低薪資,但根據麻省理工學院教授所製作的生活工資計算器(Living Wage Calculator),在麻州,一名全職時薪員工要支付食物,居住,交通,以及其他的日常開銷,至少得賺每小時11.31元才夠。在波士頓市或碧樹市居住的話,更得賺每小時12.65元才夠。




近八十名青少年TD球場內酗酒 波市府追查責任

波士頓消費者事務及牌照局主任Patricia Malone表示,TD球場的違規行為是在許多青少年被人發現在球場內爛醉,得送到醫院治療,才爆發出來的。她的辦公室將在三週內舉行公聽會,查察細節。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,不論事情究竟如何,容許未滿21歲者飲酒,就違法。他在有人追問如何防範時強調,青少年行為不當,有時候是家長縱容,或未適時提點造成的。

            警方將這一事件定位為第二級大規模傷亡事件(Level 2 Mass Casualty Incident)。