
星期四, 6月 26, 2014



這是波士頓新市長馬丁華殊上任以來,首次出現的市府官員大陣仗進華埠和民眾互動。市長的政策長林蓮涵(Joyce Linehan,以下姓名全為譯音),房屋長暨鄰里發展長狄倫(Sheila Dillon),ISD檢查長克里斯多福(William "Buddy" Christopher),公共工程局奧布萊恩(Frank O'Brien),老人局局長夏愛咪(Emily Shea),新波士頓人辦公室主任盛紀蓮(Alejandra St. Guillen等,共有十二名市府要員或代表出席。
五月五日接掌波士頓市長辦公室鄰里服務主任一職的史密斯(Jerome Smith表示,這是他上任以來的第一場社區會議,也是波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)關心社區民眾的行動之一。他將居間做橋樑,協助民眾從市府各部門獲得所需服務。
他在會中屢次提及,華埠民眾有事可撥打市長熱線(617-635-4500),更可以和負責華埠地區的社區聯絡專員翁耀漢(Denny Chin)聯繫,617-635-3891
波市府也將從七月十二日起再度舉辦公民學校(Civic Academy),提供如何應用社交媒體等課程,教民眾和市府互動,瞭解各部門工作職能。
ISD檢查長克里斯多福(William "Buddy" Christopher)並在會中說明,華埠居民的垃圾回收率最低。七月一日起,華埠地區一週有兩天,市府會派人來收垃圾,每週一及週五的早上七點,民眾可以把垃圾拿出來。他也提醒民眾,不可用太薄的塑膠袋,或是裝雜貨的紙袋。把居家垃圾或商用垃圾丟進人行道旁的垃圾桶,或是市府安置的大肚垃圾箱(Big Belly),都是非法行為,將受處罰。
            當晚出席的市府人員,還包括波士頓青年及家庭中心的華盛頓街中心負責人黃願明,波士頓重建局幕僚長康壁沙(Heather Campisano),以及波士頓公共圖書館的Amy Ryan, Christine Schonhart等人。

            右起,ISD檢查長克里斯多福(William "Buddy" Christopher),房屋長暨鄰里發展長狄倫(Sheila Dillon),波士頓重建局幕僚長康壁沙(Heather Campisano),老人局局長夏愛咪(Emily Shea),黃願明,公共工程局奧布萊恩(Frank O'Brien)等人廿四日晚和華埠民眾互動。(菊子攝)

            波士頓市長的政策長林蓮涵(Joyce Linehan)表示,市府的工作機會網站上都查得到。(菊子攝)





右起,ISD檢查長克里斯多福(William "Buddy" Christopher),房屋長暨鄰里發展長狄倫(Sheila Dillon),波士頓重建局幕僚長康壁沙(Heather Campisano),老人局局長夏愛咪(Emily Shea),黃願明,公共工程局奧布萊恩(Frank O'Brien),波士頓公共圖書館代表等人廿四日晚和華埠民眾互動。(菊子攝)



依照可包容發展政策法(Inclusionary Development Policy簡稱IDP)的要求,提撥了一百零八十五萬元給好事福平安巷(Oxford Ping On)項目,在華埠公園旁撥出二千平方尺開放空間,發展商為綠路保護會提供維修物品儲藏空間,鋪設新的人行道,栽路樹,改善京士頓街,益士石街一帶人行道安全島。


京盛園(Kensington Place

千禧地(Millennium Place),原名海華地(Hayward Place)。



天普街(Temple Place59

墨水塊(Ink Block

            沿著史都華街和 拉格潤(LaGrange )街重建人行道和街景。把建築費用的1%捐給波士頓公園及波士頓廣場。依照可包容發展政策法(IDP)提撥280萬元。其中的120萬元給好事福平安巷計劃, 以每年一次,每次171,429元,共七次方式給付。


波士頓華人佈道會已於四月底完成中華頤養院(South Cove Manor Nursing Home)所物街(Shawmut Ave.)1200號舊址的購買手續,現正評估購買旁邊聖三一(The Holy Trinity Church)教堂的可能性。  



當天的三名講者分別為律師田勝惜,NOW數位行銷執行長Tom Shapiro,安永會計師樓的Winona Zhao等人。
            麻省理工學院經濟人才論壇創辦人之一,段可,當天也出席了講座。他表示,在科技世代,連市場行銷也要講究數位化,Tom Shapiro提出的幾個要點,很值得有心創業者參考,包括首先要清楚知道自己的目標,制定相應策略。選取正確的工具和管道,其次要打散的分向多個渠道宣傳,再續以重新鎖定目標(retargeting)方式,找出哪些對象或渠道最有效率,然後要適當地做數據分析,據以研擬出最好的行銷方式,最後是要能把握得住客戶的情緒,能夠在關鍵時刻促成客戶興起掏腰包的衝動或決定。


星期三, 6月 25, 2014



Projects will leverage over $642 in private investment
BOSTON - Tuesday, June 24, 2014 – The Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) today approved 10 projects for participation in the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP), which are expected to create 679 new jobs and retain 699 existing jobs, in addition to leveraging over $642 million in private investment and supporting construction projects across the Commonwealth.

Among the 10 approved projects are four manufacturing companies and four projects located in Gateway Cities. The EDIP program will facilitate the growth of these businesses, which will contribute to job creation and private investment in the state. The EACC meets on a quarterly basis to review applications.

“Supporting companies that are choosing to grow in Massachusetts is an important part and one of the Administration’s key economic development objectives to create economic opportunity in every region of the Commonwealth,” said Massachusetts Office of Business Development Executive Director Michael Hunter. “These investments will help these companies expand and continue to enhance the Massachusetts economy by making our communities stronger in the long term.”

The EDIP is the Commonwealth’s investment tax credit program for businesses. In 2009, Governor Deval Patrick and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Greg Bialecki, along with the Legislature, reformed the program and, as a result, the EDIP has become one of the most effective programs helping business grow in Massachusetts.

Since these changes, 197 projects have received approval, leading to the potential creation of 13,983 new jobs, the retention of 40,451 existing jobs and leveraging of over $5.4 billion in private investment. The EACC has assisted 106 manufacturers through the EDIP and has supported 91 projects in Gateway Cities. The EACC approved the following projects at today’s meeting:

Manufacturing Retention Project (MRP):
Asahi America, Inc. (Lawrence) – Asahi America Inc. is a leading manufacturer, distributer and pioneer in the corrosion resistant thermoplastic fluid solutions industry.  Through distributer and end-user education on thermoplastics as a viable alternative to metal piping systems, the use of thermoplastics has grown and the company’s product line now features valves, actuators, piping systems and specialty components.  Asahi America is currently located in a 100,000 square foot facility in Malden; however, growth of the business in the last four years as well as forecasted growth has caused the company to search for a larger facility which would allow them to expand their inventory and production operations.  Asahi has identified a 170,000 square foot facility in Lawrence to make their North American headquarters and will invest approximately $17.5 million to purchase the facility, transfer manufacturing and warehousing operations, purchase a state-of-the-art warehouse racking system and create a dedicated mezzanine space for a new R&D department.  The Manufacturing Retention Project will create 25 new full-time jobs in the Lawrence and retain the company’s existing 93 full-time employees in the Commonwealth.  The City of Lawrence is supporting the project with a 10-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $272,001.  The EACC has approved $375,000 in EDIP Investment Tax Credits.

Expansion Projects (EP):
MK Parcel 7 Development LLC/Meredith Management Corporation (Boston) – MK Parcel 7 Development LLC is a single purpose affiliate entity of Meredith Management Corporation, a real estate development and management firm founded in 1951.  The “Fenway Center” project will be a $550 million privately financed smart growth, transit-oriented, mixed commercial and residential development that will connect the City of Boston’s Fenway-Kenmore-Audubon Circle neighborhoods.  The company has the exclusive rights to acquire the air rights and a ground lease for parcels between Brookline Avenue and Beacon Street from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), marking the first air rights project in the City of Boston since the 1980s.  The project will comprise of the construction of a 100,000 square foot deck over the Massachusetts Turnpike which will act as the base for a 27-story high rise building, 57,000 square feet of ground retail, two residential apartment buildings located adjacent to the newly renovated Yawkey Commuter Rail Station, a 590 car below grade parking garage and a 750 car shared use parking lot.  The Expansion Project will create 106 net-new full-time jobs in Commonwealth.  The City of Boston is supporting the project with a six-year Special Tax Assessment valued at approximately $4,649,235.  The project did not apply for EDIP Investment Tax credits.

Kennametal, Inc. (Greenfield) – Founded in 1938, Kennametal, Inc. is a publicly traded (NYSE: KMT), global market leader in tooling for the mining and highway construction industries.  The company currently has 14,000 employees worldwide and services customers in more than 60 countries.  Kennametal is in the process of rebalancing its manufacturing and logistics to address market conditions and new demand patterns in the United States.  As a result of this reevaluation, Kennametal has decided to shutter a manufacturing facility in Lyndonville, VT and are considering the Greenfield facility as well as a site in Asheboro, NC to relocate the production line to.  The 180,000 square foot Greenfield site under consideration is the former location of Greenfield Tap & Die which was founded in 1872 and acquired by Kennametal in 1997.  If Massachusetts is selected for the placement of the production line, Kennametal will invest $4.65 million to upgrade the facility and purchase and transfer equipment.  The Expansion Project will create 70 net-new full-time jobs in Greenfield and retain the company’s existing 63 full-time employees in the Commonwealth.  The Town of Greenfield is supporting the project with a 20-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $182,717.  The EACC has approved $465,000 in EDIP Investment Tax Credits.

SanDisk Corporation (Marlborough) – A publically traded (NASDAQ: SNDK), Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company, SanDisk Corporation is a global leader in flash storage solutions.  SanDisk’s products can be found worldwide in retail stores, embedded in smart phones, tablets and PCs and at many of the world’s largest data centers.  In 2013, SanDisk Corporation acquired SMART Storage Solutions, which induced the California headquartered company to expand their Massachusetts operations.  SanDisk’s current facility in Westford is at capacity and the company intends to invest over $14.5 million to lease and upgrade a 60,000 square foot building in Marlborough.  Upgrades to the space will include the build out of 15,000 square feet of modern lab facilities, 15 conference rooms, a town hall style meeting space to accommodate quarterly staff meetings and a customer facing lobby to showcase the SanDisk brand.  The Expansion Project will create 60 net-new full-time jobs in Marlborough and retain the company’s existing 80 full-time employees in the Commonwealth.  The City of Marlborough is supporting the project with a five-year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $72,193.  The EACC has approved $300,000 in EDIP Investment Tax Credits.

Kielb Welding Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Advanced Welding/ Manufacturers Group LLC (Springfield) –Incorporated in 1978, Advanced Welding provides welding, brazing and fabrication services primarily to the aerospace industry.  The company has experienced a steady growth in sales over the past four years and is seeking to expand their current 8,000 square foot real estate footprint to accommodate for future growth.  An investment of nearly $2.5 million will enable Advanced Welding to purchase and upgrade a vacant 41,000 square foot building in Springfield, in which they will occupy approximately 25,000 square feet and lease the remaining space to the Red Cross.  The Expansion Project will create six net-new full-time jobs in Springfield and retain the company’s existing nine full-time employees in the Commonwealth.  The City of Springfield is supporting the project with a five-year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $69,107.  The EACC has approved $13,126 in EDIP Investment Tax Credits.  Advanced Welding will also benefit from the Commonwealth’s 10 percent Abandoned Building Deduction.

Om Shri Ambika LLC/Om Shri Agasi Mata LLC (Sturbridge) – Founded in 2007, Om Shri Ambika LLC, was established to purchase a 55-room American Motor Lodge on Route 20 in Sturbridge.  The lodge was closed in 2009 and demolished in 2011 due to the high cost of maintaining the structure, which was built in the 1960s.  The company plans to invest over $10.8 million to construct a new four story, 77-room limited service Holiday Inn Express & Suites on the former site of the American Motor Lodge.   Amenities will include an enclosed pool, fitness center, game room, a 3,000 square foot multi-purpose meeting room, breakfast area and a business center.  The Expansion Project will create 12 net-new full-time jobs in the Commonwealth.  The Town of Sturbridge is supporting the project with a 10-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $414,865.  The EACC has approved $40,000 in EDIP Investment Tax Credits.   

Tax Increment Financing Only Projects - (the following projects applied to the EACC solely for approval of their local Tax Increment Financing Agreements and will not receive an EDIP Investment Tax Credit):
Aspen Technology, Inc. (Bedford) – Founded in 1981 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology students, Aspen Technology, Inc. is a global provider of process optimization software solutions, which are designed to manage and optimize plant and process design, operational performance, and supply chain planning.  The company is seeking to consolidate and expand its headquarters operation.  After consideration of sites in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, Aspen Technology will consolidate its current Burlington, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire employees into a 140,000 square foot facility in Bedford.  The company will invest over $12.9 million to renovate and fit out the building into a modern facility.  The Local Incentive Only Project will create 302 net-new full-time jobs in Bedford and retain 408 full-time jobs in the Commonwealth.  The Town of Bedford is supporting the project with a 5-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $38,094.

Vicente’s Liquors and Tropical Grocery, Inc. / Vicente’s Property LLC (Brockton) – Vicente’s Liquors and Tropical Grocery first opened in Brockton in 1994 as a variety store specializing in high quality ethnic foods, until 2005 when the company relocated and expanded into an 18,000 square foot location also located in Brockton.  Vicente’s is again seeking to expand by opening a second location, as their single location is unable to serve the growing demand from the community.  The company has pinpointed a 24,000 square foot former Star Market and adjacent parcels that it plans to invest $19.5 million to purchase and expand into a modern 32,000 square foot full-service supermarket.  Additionally, the project will include two pad sites that will available for lease to retail tenants.  The Local Incentive Only Project will create 28 net-new full-time jobs in the Brockton and retain 75 full-time employees in the Commonwealth.  The Town of Brockton is supporting for the project with a 13-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $1,204,222.  Vicente’s Liquors and Tropical Grocery, Inc. and Vicente’s Property LLC will also benefit from the Commonwealth’s 10 percent Abandoned Building Deduction.

Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing, LLC (Lee) - Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing is newly established company by former executives of Hyaluron, Inc., which was sold to Albany Molecular Research in 2010.  The company will provide sterile injectable drug manufacturing primarily for new products being evaluated by biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies.  Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing will formulate, sterilize and fill liquid drug products in their state of the art clean rooms and return the drugs to the sponsor company for use in their clinical studies.  The company has identified an 116,000 square foot building in Lee that they will purchase and occupy 16,000 square feet and lease the remaining space to existing tenants.  A private investment of approximately $9.2 million will enable purchase of the building, start-up costs and building upgrades that include highly specified clean room construction.  The Local Incentive Only Project will create 60 net-new full-time jobs in the Lee. The Town of Lee is supporting for the project with a 15-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $739,590.   

Amasdave LLC d/b/a Dave’s Truck Repair, Inc. (Springfield) - Started as a one man shop in 1987, Dave’s Truck Repair has grown into a highly regarded truck and trailer repair facility and today has 25 full-time employees.   In order to meet customer demand, the company plans to open a second facility and has identified a three-acre parcel which includes two buildings totaling approximately 18,150 square feet.  Dave’s Truck Repair will invest approximately $810,000 to purchase, upgrade and fit the properties.  The Local Incentive Only Project will create six net-new full-time jobs in Springfield and retain 25 full-time jobs in the Commonwealth.  The City of Springfield is supporting for the project with a 13-Year Tax Increment Financing Agreement valued at $28,128.