
星期三, 5月 28, 2014


全美中華青年聯合會理事長朱冰峰,美國南加州華人華僑聯合會詹瑞娥介紹了在排華法案實施期間,美國西部最嚴重的懷俄明中甘霖縣(Sweetwater)石泉鎮(Rock Spring)的煤礦排華事件,1885年9月2日在當地煤礦發生了一起針對華人的暴亂,暴亂中有近30名華人被害、住房被焚。儘管聯邦政府派軍隊恢復秩序,安排華工返回煤礦工作。但是,暴徒沒有受到懲處。而且當時大多數媒體發布縱容排華輿論,以致當地社會對華人和亞裔移民的歧視達數十年之久。
華夏婦女聯合會會長陸來冰、北美海峽兩岸文化交流協會黃志翔、白冬梅,美華國際青年商會殷雷等認為,華裔先賢們的不懈努力,為華裔在美國社會現在的發展奠定了堅實的基礎。在融入主流社會的同時,始終要保有自己的族裔文化,並將傳統文化的精髓讓華裔新生代了解和為之自豪,這也是華裔在慶祝亞太裔傳統月時的重要任務之一。 (AACYF洛杉磯訊)


星期二, 5月 27, 2014



5/29         廚藝教學課程
20 Hudson St. 4F, Boston, MA 02111

8 Tyler St., Boston, MA 02111

5/30         廚藝教學課程
20 Hudson St. 4F, Boston, MA 02111

5/31         廚藝教學
20 Hudson St. 4F, Boston, MA 02111

6/1           廚藝教學成果展及晚宴
8 Tyler St., Boston, MA 02111
餐票:採賣票式 (價錢未定)

6/2           白天老師們在Shojo Asian Bar & Bistro
                 與 The Cambridge School of Culinary Arts  (餐飲學校) 做餐飲交流

時間:6:30 PM

地點:Shojo Asian Bar & Bistro

9 Tyler St., Boston, MA 02111
餐票:採賣票式 (價錢未定)

Patrick Administration Expands Energy Improvements Eligible for Residential Loan Program

Patrick Administration Expands Energy Improvements Eligible for Residential Loan Program
BOSTON – Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) today announced it is providing funding to expand the highly successful Mass Save® HEAT Loan Program to encourage more residential energy efficient upgrades and high efficiency renewable heating installations. The Expanded HEAT Loan Program will provide funding for several types of improvements not currently eligible in the existing program.
“More homeowners, renters and landlords in Massachusetts will be able to take advantage of the savings possible through the Mass Save® programs by accessing zero percent loans for improvements that haven’t been covered before,” said DOER Commissioner Mark Sylvia. “This residential financing initiative is just the latest in the Patrick Administration’s successful work to make energy efficiency our ‘first fuel.’”
The existing HEAT Loan Program provides zero interest loans to homeowners for qualified energy efficient improvements in Massachusetts homes and rental properties. It is a partnership between local banks and credit unions and the Mass Save Sponsors, the state’s investor-owned gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency service providers. The residential energy efficiency loan program is one of the largest in the nation, and aims to help credit-worthy households overcome the initial cost barrier to adopting energy efficiency upgrades.
The expansion will provide funding for improvements such as:
·         Asbestos abatement to install energy efficient heating system replacements
·         Wiring upgrades required by local and state codes to do attic and wall insulation
·         High efficiency wood pellet boilers
·         Increased loan amounts for landlord of 2-4 units are doubling from the current $25,000 cap to $50,000
The program’s $3.8 million expansion is funded through DOER by the U.S. Department of Energy’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) State Energy Program funds.

"The HEAT Loan Program is a tremendous incentive for customers to take the steps necessary to become more efficient," said Penni Conner, Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer for Northeast Utilities, parent company of NSTAR and WMECo. "With the enhancements to the program announced today by DOER, we're confident the number of folks taking action to reduce their energy use will continue to grow."

"Energy Efficiency is one of the most important resources for meeting the challenges of climate change, so it is fantastic to see Massachusetts continue to take a leadership role," said Edward White, vice president of Customer and Business Strategy, National Grid. “For more than 25 years, National Grid has offered innovative energy efficiency services, and we are proud to work hand-in-hand with the State to enable even more customers and communities to realize increased value from their energy use."

“Eastern Bank is pleased to participate in the Expanded HEAT Loan interest buy-down offerings funded by the DOER,” said Ken Dyment, Senior Vice President. “We’re confident that our customers will find the added features helpful in rounding out their energy upgrade projects.”

In 2013, Massachusetts HEAT Loan lenders issued more than $88 million in individual energy efficiency loans to more than 9,000 customers. Since the program was created in 2006, it has led to the financing of more than $320 million in energy efficiency loans, serving over 35,000 households.

The Patrick Administration’s aggressive initiatives have made Massachusetts a leader in energy efficiency. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has named Massachusetts number one for three years running. The 2013-2015 Statewide Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plans are expected to deliver energy benefits of nearly $9 billion to residents, businesses, and state and local governments based on an investment of $2.25 billion.

The City of Boston and The U.S. Postal Service to Host Job Fairs in City Neighborhoods May 31

The City of Boston and The U.S. Postal Service to Host Job Fairs in City Neighborhoods May 31
Now hiring City Carrier Assistants to deliver mail throughout Boston

BOSTON – On Saturday, May 31, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh and U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Greater Boston District Manager John (Mike) Powers are to host five job fairs in Boston neighborhoods. Job fair attendees can apply and learn about the City Carriers Assistant (CCA) job openings at postal facilities throughout Boston. USPS human resources professionals and City of Boston employees will be on hand at the fair to answer questions and assist attendees with applications. 

"It is our responsibility to develop partnerships and educational opportunities to provide residents with the resources they need to find long-term employment and economic security," said Mayor Walsh. "The partnership we have forged with USPS is helping the City to make that a reality."

The job fairs will be held on Saturday, May 31st from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the following locations:

·  BCYF Leahy-Holloran Community Center,1 Worrell Street, Dorchester
·  BCYF Mildred Avenue, 5 Mildred Avenue, Mattapan
·  Honan-Allston Boston Public Library Branch, 300 N. Harvard Street, Allston
·  BCYF Paris Street Community Center, 112 Paris Street, East Boston
·  BCYF Roslindale Community Center, 6 Cummins Highway, Roslindale

Additional sessions will be held as follows:

Monday, June 2nd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
·  BCYF Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont Street, Roxbury

Thursday, June 5th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
·  Roxbury Resource Center, 2201 Washington Street, Roxbury
·  South Boston Resource Center, 489 East Broadway, South Boston

"The U.S. Postal Service is one of our nation’s largest employers with a career workforce of 500,000 employees. Here in the Greater Boston Area we are looking to add 200 employees to our local work force," said Powers. "By teaming up with Mayor Walsh and his administration, we believe we can accomplish this goal."

The majority of USPS entry-level workers are hired through a competitive process which begins when a job application is submitted. CCAs are appointed for a term of 360 calendar days and may be reappointed for another 360-day term after a five day break in service. The positions entail all the duties normally performed by a city letter carrier and may lead to a long-term career position. Salary and limited benefits include $15.30 an hour, paid vacation days, and eligibility for health care benefits. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license, exemplary driving record, and two years of driving experience. 

Individuals are also welcome to apply online: www.usps.com/employment. Online applicants will be required to create a profile and fill out an employment application. Once completed, search for the CCA openings in the Boston by:

·  Clicking the "search jobs online" link;
·  Clicking "search criteria for employment opportunities," choose "Massachusetts" and then click "start;" and 
·  Clicking on the position opening of interest and "apply."

If contacted for further consideration, candidates will be required to pass all pre-employment suitability factors including, but not limited to: employment history background check; military history; criminal conviction history; drug screening, personal interview and if selected, medical suitability. Applicants must also be a U.S. citizen, a lawful permanent resident alien, or a citizen of a territory owing allegiance to the United States. 

The USPS receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

陳裕逢連任客家會長 周一男,周健夫兩博士副會長

(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州屋本市報導)紐英崙客家鄉親會廿五日晚包下屋本市華漾小館,舉行會員大會,在佳餚,美酒,好歌中,以高票選出陳裕逢連任會長,兩名德高望重教授,周一男,周健夫擔任副會長。

陳宣堯鋼琴獨奏會 觀眾起立鼓掌

父母來自台灣,在佛羅里達出生, 加州長大的陳宣堯,在學習鋼琴,出外演奏上,經驗豐富。2010年就獲得保羅和菊花索羅斯獎學金(Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship),洛杉磯音樂中心的聚光燈(Spotlight)獎,以及NFAA的藝術週獎。2011年時,他獲得首爾鋼琴大賽第2名,並應邀到台北國家音樂廳舉行獨奏會。2013克萊本(Van Cliburn)大賽水晶獎,贏得在美國巡迴演奏三年的機會。
中華表演基金會會長譚嘉陵指出,自從1997年以後,克萊本大賽就一直沒有美國人得獎,陳宣堯在2013年時代表美國再次奪得此獎,讓辛辛那提報(Cincinnati Enquirer)大讚他是“一個有話要說的藝術家”。
廿五日晚,陳宣堯在兩百多名觀眾面前演奏巴哈(Johann Sebastian Bach)的慢板BWV968德彪西(Claude Debussy)的貝加馬斯克組曲,科普蘭(Aaron Copland)的鋼琴變奏曲,無調性音樂先驅斯克里亞賓(Alexander Scriabin)的A大調圓舞曲蕭邦的即興曲和即興幻想曲,拉威爾的圓舞曲等。其中拉威爾圓舞曲還是陳宣堯重新組合的新作 。
在中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵的邀約下,當晚出席的觀眾中,有好幾位音樂名人,包括波士頓愛樂青年管弦樂團指揮Benjamin Zander新英格蘭音樂學院指揮Mark Churchill,在廣播電台做樂評,曾任紐約時報記者的著名媒體人Chris Lydon,以及鋼琴家Tema Blackstone。以年齡而言,算是陳宣堯師弟,師妹,一同追隨陳宏寬學鋼琴的黎卓宇,牛牛,Vanessa Meiling Haynes等人,當晚也都在座。

左起,波士頓愛樂青年管弦樂團指揮Benjamin Zander新英格蘭音樂學院指揮Mark Churchill陳宣堯, 著名媒體人Chris Lydon鋼琴家Tema Blackstone和譚嘉陵在演奏會後合影。(菊子攝)


紐英崙玉山科技協會 5/31 再談大數據

紐英崙玉山科技協會(MJNE)將於五月三十一日(週六)傍晚五點半,假劍橋市的微軟研發中心(Microsoft New England Research and Development Center),舉辦研討會,邀三名專家討論“大數據-大未來“。
當天將應邀講談者,分別為張宗堯 (Michael Chang) 博士、劍橋市議員張禮能(Leland Cheung)、魏宇峰博士。
張宗堯博士是Flyberry Capital的創始人兼首席執行官。Flyberry Capital 這家公司草創於劍橋市,擅長於利用海量數據,為金融業提供更佳經營策略,建立經濟預測模式等。
張禮能(Leland Cheung)在2009年首度當選為劍橋市議員之前,曾經創業,在高科技企業工作。在市議員任內,他與麻州政府合作,致力於以科技方法推動創新經濟,並卓有所成。在這場研討會中,他將闡述開放數據的趨勢,討論他理想中的政府應如何利用數據來改善服務,在民間推動創新。