
星期二, 3月 11, 2014

Tufts基金撥款七萬 AADI進昆市辦四季健康系列

加斯林糖尿病中心(Joslin)美國亞裔糖尿病研進會 (AADI) 日前還宣佈喜訊,獲得塔芙茨醫療計劃( Tufts Health Plan 基金會撥款 $70,089,資助“一年四季健康生活”系列。
            塔芙茨醫療計劃( Tufts Health Plan 基金會為促進60歲以上耆英在身體健康的情況中,增歲延壽,過去五年來一直都在資助老年人健康計劃,主要資助項目包括促進慢性疾病的自我管理,預防,運動,營養以及預防跌倒。今年AADI獲得該會資助。
加斯林糖尿病中心首席科學家兼AADI創辦人金良城指出,AADI 2000年成立以來,一直在波士頓地區宣傳。今年是他們首次進昆市做為期12個月的教育宣傳,還得到華康家庭護理中心的協助,進展令人高興。
AADI表示,“一年四季健康生活”系列將由該會的專業醫療團隊辦理,成員包括內分泌和認證的糖尿病教育醫療保健專業人士。該會將和昆市華康家庭護理中心(MCHC) 攜手,和昆市三座老人屋的經理與工作人員合作,預定每三個月辦一次教育講座,一年共12,提供與糖尿病有關的各種知識,培訓,運動建議。


星期一, 3月 10, 2014


2014年3月10日──Lynn, MA, 麻州公共衛生局對華康家庭護理中心
(Multicultural Home Care) 進行了家庭護理服務機構年度調


華康家庭護理中心 (MCHC)被認為符合質量和遵守法定規則的家庭護理服務機構。華康家庭護理中心的護士長Rebecca Arbouet, MSN-Ed, RNBC, 對此調結果感到自豪,并指出:“整個華康家庭護理中心的員工對我們所做的工作, 對客人和社區提供高質量的服務而感到自豪。這次調結果還證明了華康家庭護理中心擁有高度關懷和團隊精神。我為每一位員工的付出感到無比的自豪。”

華康家庭護理中心 (MCHC) 成立于 1995 , 此公司為來自不同背景的患者提供優質的家庭護理服務。由於擁有多元文化和各種語言優勢及高效率的家庭護理服務,所以華康家庭護理中心一直成為首選的家庭護理中心。 華康家庭護理中心服務地區包括Greater Boston, Merrimack Valley, South Shore and North Shore.  如想獲取更多資料, 請瀏覽www.multiculturalhomecare.com. 

《 飛越太平洋》大型集郵展3/6在華府開幕

经过长达3年半的筹备,《飞越太平洋-中美邮件交流》(Pacific Exchange: China & US Mail)大型邮展36日在美国首都华盛顿的史密森尼国家邮政博物馆隆重开幕。


Early childhood study:
BPS K1 program helps close achievement gaps
New report released today
A report released today by the Boston Public Schools indicates that students enrolled in the District's free pre-kindergarten (K1) program may be more prepared for success in elementary school than children who enter Kindergarten who do not.
BPS currently offers more than 2,300 pre-kindergarten K1 seats. Mayor Martin J. Walsh has pledged a significant expansion of the program, with a $1 million investment to add 100 additional seats next year and a more dramatic increase in the future. In 2013, more than 3,000 families applied for the city's free K1 program.

Last week Mayor Walsh and BPS hosted 40 community leaders and educators from Seattle, who are observing the BPS early-education program in an effort to bring Boston's successful model to the west coast. (watch a video of the visit on the BPS YouTube Channel at http://youtu.be/MzU6-vRJ0hU )
The internal BPS study relies on results from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment. Among the highlights:
  • Participation in the BPS K1 program closes Kindergarten racial and income achievement gaps as measured by DIBELS:
    • Black and Hispanic/Latino students who participate in BPS K1 outperform white students who do not participate in K1; and
    • Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch who participate in BPS K1 outperform students who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch and who do not participate in BPS K1.
  • Upon entering Kindergarten, students who participated in the BPS K1 program were 50% more likely to be "ready for kindergarten" than students who did not participate, as measured by the benchmark assessment tests offered at the start of the school year. Seventy-six percent of students who participated in BPS K1 programs scored at or above benchmark upon entering Kindergarten, compared to 51 percent of students who did not participate.
  • Only 11 percent of students who participated in BPS K1 programs were "well below benchmark" at the beginning of their Kindergarten school year, compared to 30 percent of students who did not participate in K1.
According to the study, the academic improvements were even more dramatic for African-American and Hispanic/Latino students:
  • 80 percent of African-American students who participated in the BPS K1 program reached benchmark levels upon entering Kindergarten, compared to 56 percent of students who did not.
  • 70 percent of Hispanic/Latino students who participated in the BPS K1 program reached benchmark levels upon entering Kindergarten, compared to 39 percent who did not.
The study also examined results by socioeconomic and disability status:
  • Among students who qualified for free-or-reduced-price lunch, 71 percent who participated in a BPS K1 program scored at or above benchmark when they entered Kindergarten, compared to 46 percent who did not.
  • Among students who have a disability, 57 percent who participated in a BPS K1 program scored at or above benchmark when they entered Kindergarten, compared to 41 percent who did not. The full study is available at bostonpublicschools.org/reports. Last year, a Harvard study published by the Society for Research in Child Development found the academic gains achieved by students in the BPS early childhood programs are the "largest found to date in evaluations of large-scale public pre-kindergarten programs."
    Superintendent Search Committee hearings begin
    Mayor Walsh and Boston School Committee Chair Michael O'Neill have announced six public hearings hosted by the Superintendent Search Committee as the group prepares to finalize the Superintendent's job description and begins the process of attracting highly qualified candidates.

    All hearings will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The hearing dates and locations include:
    • March 11 at WGBH in Brighton
    • March 19 at Harbor Middle School in Dorchester
    • March 20 at Orchard Gardens K-8 School in Roxbury
    • March 25 at the Dever-McCormack K-8 School in Dorchester
    • March 27 at East Boston High School in East Boston
    • March 31 at Washington Irving Middle School in Roslindale
    In addition, the Search Committee is working with a series of youth organizations to plan a youth hearing. Details will be finalized in the coming days.
    Tonight the Superintendent Search Committee discuss the search firm at a public meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Boston Public Schools central office (26 Court Street), in the Edward Winter Chambers. The Search Committee will then recommend a search firm to the Boston School Committee at the March 12 meeting.

    Did you know?
    Adam Crellin-Sazama
    Zoo New England is on the lookout for this year's
    Zoo Youth Hero. The deadline to nominate a conservation-minded 8 to 18-year-old who loves Franklin Park Zoo and/or Stone Zoo is March 21. One of last year's winners was BPS student Adam Crellin-Sazama, whose love of animals dates back to his earliest visits to Franklin Park Zoo. Adam set a goal of raising $500 to support Zoo New England, in particular Ussuri the Amur leopard - his favorite animal. He dedicated his $10 monthly allowance towards this goal, and he sold hot chocolate and cookies outside his home to raise more money. Adam spoke about his efforts at his school assembly to inspire schoolmates, and he created an informational flyer explaining the impact of fossil fuel on wild habitats and offering tips on how to support conservation organizations including Zoo New England. Not only did Adam reach his $500 goal, he far exceeded it by donating more than $2,000 to date in support of the Zoos' conservation efforts.

    Be sure to read...
    The federal education chief is traveling to Massachusetts for a series of meetings on transformation of underperforming schools, career and technical education and teacher preparation programs.
    Education Secretary Arne Duncan will visit Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot School in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury on Tuesday. The school is undergoing a dramatic transformation from one of the lowest performing schools in Massachusetts to an excelling school.

    School transportation officials in Boston want to give 4,500 middle-school students a taste of independence and recoup millions of dollars at the same time by replacing yellow school buses with MBTA passes. It's the kind of bold proposal that springs up during tough budget debates. And it's a good idea on both counts.

    So far, we haven't had a frank, freewheeling discussion about how Massachusetts can expand the school day in a way that's educationally effective, affordable in tight budgetary times, and fair for teachers in both traditional and charter schools. 


    經文處表示,這是台灣廠商連續第14次參加這一海產展。台灣區冷凍水產工業同業公會(Taiwan Frozen Seafood Industries Association)將由公會徐著英總幹事率領13家會員廠商,共約50人,專程到波士頓參展,已租下編號1705-1~14的共14個展位,向美國消費者介紹台灣水產品,拓展市場。
    他們將展出魚貝海鮮類冷凍加工食品,全都符合或超過HCCP標準,包括冷凍吳郭魚(Tilapia) 、冷凍海鱺(Copia) 、冷凍烤鰻、冷凍虱目魚、冷凍沙魚、冷凍鮪魚類(Tuna)、冷凍鯖魚、冷凍鱸魚片、冷凍劍旗魚片、冷凍石斑(Grouper)、冷凍蝦蛄、冷凍蝦仁、冷凍軟體類、冷凍調製貝類、其他冷凍魚類、魚漿、海蜇原料、調理水產食品及其他冷凍魚片類。
    經文處表示,台灣團歡迎新英格蘭地區水產業者、餐館業者及有興趣民眾前往參觀、洽談。查詢台灣各參展公司詳細聯繫資料,可參考主辦單位之網站 (www.bostonseafood.com)exhibitor List
    “北美國際海產品展(2014 Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America)”將於316日至18日在波士頓國際會議暨展覽中心(Boston Convention & Exhibition Center located at 415 Summer St, Boston, MA 02210)舉行。查詢展覽詳情,可上網www.bostonseafood.com

    僑聲音樂社慶新年 歌聲不歇

    他指出,波士頓的僑聲音樂劇社75堅持不懈, 以樂友,以述情,傳僑聲,在波士頓已成為一道特殊風景線。
    慶祝會中穿插的表演節目,有天真浪漫的兒童藏族舞、新疆舞,有何倩婷、何倩夢、何倩蝶等人組成的“蝶戀 花”三人舞團,演出西藏舞“愛琴海”、古曲舞“梁祝”,還有邀請出席者一起上場跳的排舞。



    雷玉霞(左)、譚新順演唱”揮淚別南唐” (林仲芳攝)
