
星期五, 3月 28, 2014


波士頓前任市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)(右)與塔醫代理執行長
Michael Wagner(左)頒發終生成就獎給陳毓禮(中)。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 塔芙茨醫療中心三月廿六日晚在波士頓會議展覽中心舉辦“創造奇蹟(Working Wonders)“晚會,以“終生成就獎”表揚華埠社區僑領陳毓禮。
            塔醫當晚共表揚三人,其餘兩名獲獎者,分別為獲得“愛倫(Ellen Zane)遠見領袖獎”的麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick),獲得尼利(Cam Neely)勇氣獎的Allison Hawkes
             根據塔芙茨醫療中心網站,該機構是由包括保羅里維爾(Paul Revere),山謬亞當斯 Samuel Adams)等愛國者,在1976年時成立的紐英崙地區第一家藥房,也是全美最早的藥房之一。
秉持著聖經“好撒人(Good Samaritan)”信念,塔醫一直以為貧窮人民提供醫療服務,持續研發創新的醫療方式為職志。
塔醫在“創造奇蹟”晚會節目冊上的介紹指出,1969年,時任波士頓市長的凱文懷特(Kevin White)指派陳毓禮為“不公平待遇(grievance)工作小組”共同主席。他的敢於發言,帶社區看到許多問題,以及解決方案的資源。大波士頓中華耆英會,華美福利會,華人醫務中心,寶塔公園,以及華埠每年一度的中秋節聯歡會,都是因為他的不懈努力,才創建起來。將近五十年來,他致力支持社區的需要,包括可負擔住宅,清潔安全的街道,小企業及經濟發展,以及青年發展等。
陳毓禮在波士頓市政府擔任採購局局長(Purchasing Agent)廿五年,歷經凱文懷特,雷夫連(Raymond Flynn),萬寧路(Tom Menino)等三任市長。塔醫指陳毓禮做為非正式的“華埠市長”在團結塔醫和地方社區上,一直是非常重要,具影養力的夥伴。塔醫很榮幸能稱他做朋友。
35年前,WCVB第五號電視台記者伍沅媚問他是否要參選市議員,他回答是要跑走(run away),不是競選。這讓他聯想到冬季奧運的得獎選手,都令他們各自所屬的國家感到驕傲。他相信,如果他父母今日還在世,也會為他感到驕傲。他謙虛表示,自己做的只不過是支持同為華人的兄弟姐妹。他也稱讚塔醫是華埠的好鄰居。

麻州大學星談中文夏令營 4/30 截止申請

The 2014 UMASS-STARTALK Mandarin Language Summer Camp application materials are available to share with your students. Please visit: http://uc.umb.edu/china/ and select 2014 STARTALK Mandarin Language Summer Camp to read details and download applications.

Please help us spread the word about the 2014 Camp to alert your students and those who will love learning Chinese in an intensive, productive, fun setting. Attendance is very important for the intensive pace of the program, so keep that in mind if you recommend students to apply (and while writing recommendation letters for them as their Chinese Language teachers during the school year).

We always appreciate your assistance while finding students. Please note the calendar for applications below, and encourage students to apply soon (since we review applications by date: first received are read and processed first).

March 15, 2014: Applications available
April 30, 2014: Application deadline
June 22, 2014: orientation for accepted students
July 7-25, 2014: UMASS-STARTALK Mandarin Summer at Bentley University

We have attached a one-page poster to share with students and families. We rely on your help to make students aware of this wonderful summer opportunity.

Thank you in advance,


Wanli Hu, Ph.D.                                   
Director of China Program Center                      
Special Assistant to Provost for China Initiatives
College of Advancing and Professional Studies        
University of Massachusetts Boston              
Address: 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125-3393                                       
Office Phone: 617-334-9385


    僑務委員會為增進海外僑商瞭解未來國際經營趨勢及加強與國內績優企業交流互動,將於201477日至718日開辦「2014年僑商經營管理研習會」,由社團法人中華民國全國中小企業總會承辦。該研習課程係以國內外mini MBA核心學程為主,除由國內專家業者講授行銷管理與顧客行為、服務與營運管理、組織行為、人力資源管理、策略行銷與價值經營、創新管理的新典範、產業競爭分析、領導與溝通、實際案例解析及經驗分享等外,並安排參訪多家國內標竿經營之企業及文化創意產業全程參與課程者將由僑務委員會發給中英文研習證書。



NEOMA Business School launches the first Business Confucius Institute in France

March 28, 2014. NEOMA Business School, in collaboration with the University of Nankaï, has announced the opening of the NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business. Based on NEOMA’s Rouen campus in northern France, it is the first Business Confucius Institute to open in France and the seventh in the world. The institute will act as a platform dedicated to the optimization of economic relations between China and France by providing solutions and helping local companies develop their business activities in China, the world's largest trading nation in 2013.

With the objective of promoting Chinese culture and strengthening relations with other countries, the Business Confucius Institutes, in collaboration with local schools and universities, offer language courses, cultural workshops and other modules for business to individuals and companies.

Offering businesses and the general public a better understanding of China
The NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business-Rouen is committed to help individuals and businesses discover China. "The reasons for creating this new center for cultural exchange is to facilitate the learning of Chinese and the local business codes, as well as to help develop new markets,” said Haiyan Zhang, Director of the NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business-Rouen.

Through Chinese language courses and introductory workshops, the new institute will offer individuals privileged access to Chinese culture and to its original way of thinking. The NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business-Rouen is also dedicated to strengthening economic relations between China and France and proposes customized training programs which address the expectations and needs of professionals and companies. “To do this, we will rely primarily on the network and high profile faculty of NEOMA Business School and on our strong expertise in intercultural management which is one of the School’s real assets,” added Haiyan Zhang, Director of the NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business-Rouen.

Situated on NEOMA Business School’s Rouen campus, the Confucius Institute has a dedicated space for offices, classrooms and conferences. The Institute will also have a library and resource center with almost 3000 publications (in French, English and Chinese) on History, Economics, Literature, Philosophy, Gastronomy and the Arts.



麻州總檢察官取得法院命令 北亞當地區醫院急診服務暫得維持

Complaint Alleges Northern Berkshire Healthcare Violated Requirements for 90-Day Notification Prior to Closure

            BOSTON – A judge has issued a temporary injunction that will prevent the immediate closure of North Adams Regional Hospital’s emergency services, preventing a regional health crisis, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced today.

“As someone who grew up in North Adams, I know firsthand how critical this hospital is to the surrounding community,” AG Coakley said. “This injunction is the first step towards preventing an immediate health crisis for the area and keeping emergency services open. We are continuing to work closely with the administration and elected officials to help ensure continued access to critical health services for the entire community.”

            Upon learning about the proposed rapid closure of the hospital, AG Coakley immediately began working with other leaders to explore all options available to prevent a regional health crisis for the area.  A complaint was filed this afternoon in Berkshire Superior Court alleging that Northern Berkshire Health Care (NBH) had failed to provide the 90-day notification prior to closure as required by law.  The complaint points out that if the hospital closes, the nearest emergency room available for the area would be a 30-45 minute drive away, creating immediate health and safety concerns for the region.

            After a hearing Thursday afternoon, Superior Court Judge John A. Agostini ordered a temporary restraining order which requires the emergency room and other essential health services remain open through at least April 3, dependent on the AG’s office filing a revised order with additional detail by Friday.  The judge specifically requested that the AG’s Office and Department of Public Health better define those emergency health services that should remain open during this period. 

            A hearing on a permanent injunction has also been scheduled for Thursday, April 3 at 10:00 a.m. where the AG’s office will seek to keep emergency room services operating for at least 90 days during any ownership transition or closure. 

            As part of its complaint, the AG’s office is seeking to prevent North Adams Regional Hospital (NARH) from closing its emergency department until it complies with the hospital closure requirements, or until Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield is able to license and operate a satellite emergency facility at NARH.  Berkshire Medical Center has been working closely with NARH to assist with the transfer of patients in the wake of the announced closure.

            AG Coakley is committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure an orderly transition that preserves critical emergency health services for the region.


Springtime at Fenway Park:

BOSTON, MA – The Red Sox today unveiled a series of promotions for home games in April and May designed to celebrate championships and attract children and families to Fenway Park.

The club lowered ticket prices $2 to $22 per ticket per game for 13 of the 31 home games in April and May as part of their 2014 “Sox Saver” games.  The team will also play nine games that begin at 6:10 p.m. or earlier.

Fans will receive the first in a series of bobbleheads, starting Monday, April 7, with a limited edition David Ortiz figurine presented by Granite City Electric Company before the Red Sox face the Texas Rangers at 7:10 p.m.  The month closes with a Dustin Pedroia bobblehead presented by W.B. Mason on Wednesday, April 30, when the Tampa Bay Rays visit.

The club will acknowledge the Boston Marathon tragedy and the city’s inspiring response on Sunday evening, April 20, and will present a traditional Patriots Day game April 21.  “Boston” will once again appear on the front of the Red Sox jerseys on Patriots Day, similar to those worn for last year’s Marathon tribute at Fenway Park on April 20, 2013.

While the champions of 2013 will receive their World Series rings at the Home Opener on April 4, fans attending the game against Toronto Tuesday, May 20, will receive commemorative rings presented by Samsung Galaxy modeled after the players’ rings.

The history-making World Champions of 2004 will return on Wednesday, May 28 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the miraculous season that ended the legendary 86-year drought.  Players will be honored on the field before the 7:10 p.m. game against the National League rival Atlanta Braves.

The Red Sox will play a 6:10 p.m. game versus Texas on Tuesday, April 8 and two “after-school specials” that begin at 4:05 p.m., Wednesday, April 9 and Thursday, May 22.

In addition to playing day games Opening Day, which begins at its traditional 2:05 p.m. start, and Patriots Day, with  its unique 11:05 a.m. starting time, the club will play at 1:35 p.m. Sunday, April 6; Saturday, April 19; and Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4.

The two April bobblehead nights are the first of three the club will present in 2014.  On Tuesday, September 9, fans will receive Pedro Martinez bobbleheads when the Red Sox play the Baltimore Orioles at 7:10 p.m.

Also, for those enjoying group outings, the Red Sox will introduce a variety of “Theme Nights,” honoring various cultures, causes, and careers, including the following: Youth Baseball and Softball Days, First Responders Night, Country Western Night, and Teacher Appreciation Night.  A complete list is available on redsox.com/groups.

The full promotional calendar for the entire 2014 season is available at redsox.com/tickets.