
星期四, 12月 26, 2013

廣西同鄉會 2/2 昆士市聚餐迎馬年

美國新英格蘭地區廣西同鄉會將於2014年二月二日(週日)下午三點至七點,假麻州昆士市新星藝術學校(392 Hancock St, Quincy, MA 02171)舉辦春節聯歡會。
活動費用,每人五元。十二歲以下兒童,六十五歲以上耆英,出席免費。有意參加者,宜於一月九日前報名,以便該會統計出席人數,做相應安排。報名可洽陳銘g_m1chen@umassd.edu 508-496-2171xiejany@gmail.com 617-331-8897


華夏文協 1/25 摩頓市迎農曆新春

華夏文化協會將於 125日(週六)下午在摩顿市高中大禮堂 (Malden High School Jenkins Auditorium, 77 Salem Street, Malden, MA 02148)舉辦第五屆“華夏之春”聯歡會,慶祝農曆新年。 下午一點半開始文藝表演,節目包括舞獅、功夫、舞蹈、時裝表演、樂器演奏、歌曲演唱等。入場免費,歡迎贊助,有意擺攤者,可洽華夏文協, 781-321-6316,或 mei@chinesecultureconnection.org

星期三, 12月 25, 2013



            成千上萬顆的小燈泡,把波士頓公園對面的聯邦大道(Commonwealth Ave.),點綴的迷人十分。


Eighth Annual Cancer Molecular Markers 2014, 2/10-12 in SF

Eighth Annual Cancer Molecular MarkersGuiding Cancer Management

February 10-12, 2014 | Moscone North Convention Center | San Francisco, CA
View the agenda online | Download the agenda pdf | Registration & Pricing

Keynote Presentations at CHI's Eighth Annual Cancer  Molecular Markers conference will closely evaluate cancer molecular markers criteria for validation, and demonstrate the opportunities and challenges for the development of clinical proteomic diagnostics.


Clinical ValidationHoward I. Scher, M.D., D. Wayne Calloway Chair in Urologic Oncology, Sidney Kimmel Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers; Chief, Genitourinary Oncology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Validation in Clinic and Trial: Why So Hard?George W. Sledge Jr., M.D., Chief, Oncology, Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine

Key to Success in Translating Cancer Biomarkers to the Clinical LaboratoryDaniel W. Chan, Ph.D., DABCC, FACB, Professor, Pathology, Oncology, Radiology and Urology; Director, Center for Biomarker Discovery and Translation & Clinical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University
Speaker Biographies:
Dr. Howard I. Scher
 | Chief of the Genitourinary Oncology Service at the Sidney Kimmel Center for Urologic and Prostate Cancers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and a board-certified medical oncologist with special expertise in treating men with advanced prostate cancer. Under his leadership, the Genitourinary Oncology Service program is dedicated to the treatment of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, bladder and upper-tract urothelial cancer, and kidney cancer. The objective is to foster synergy between scientific research and clinical practice, and to ensure that promising scientific discoveries are used to develop new diagnostic tests and treatments for patients.
His own research is focused on three critical areas: developing treatments that target specific signaling pathways that contribute to prostate cancer growth, developing non-invasive methods to determine whether these agents are working, and improving the way drugs are evaluated in the clinic.

George W. Sledge | Oncology Chief at Stanford University School of Medicine where he is currently a Professor of Medicine. He specializes in the study and treatment of breast cancer and directed the first large, nationwide study on the use of paclitaxel to treat advanced breast cancer. His recent research focuses on novel biologic treatments for breast cancer. He has published over 250 articles in medical journals about breast cancer and chaired several nationwide clinical trials involving new breast cancer treatments. His work spans both laboratory and clinic.

Dr. Sledge serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Clinical Breast Cancer, and Past President of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. He served as chairman of the Breast Committee of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group from 2002 - 2009, where he played an important role in the development of several nationwide clinical trials. He has also served as chair of ASCO's Education Committee, as a member of the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program's Integration Panel, as a member of the Food and Drug Administration's Oncology Drug Advisory Committee (ODAC), and currently as a member of the External Advisory Committee for The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project.

Dr. Sledge was the recipient of the 2006 Komen Foundation Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction, the 2007 Breast Cancer Research Foundation's Jill Rose Award and was the 2010 recipient of the William L. McGuire Award from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.  In 2013 he was honored with the Hope Funds for Cancer Research Award of "Excellence for Medicine."

Dr. Daniel W. Chan | Professor of Pathology, Oncology, Radiology and Urology, the Director of Center for Biomarker Discovery and Translation, and the Director of Clinical Chemistry Division at the Johns Hopkins University/Hospital. He is an internationally recognized expert in molecular diagnostics, cancer biomarker and clinical proteomics and received numerous awards.  He has written 5 books, 40 book chapters and over 250 scientific articles. He is a Senior Editor of Cancer Screening and Detection of the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Clinical Proteomics.


聖誕佳節送溫暖。波士頓候任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Marty Walsh)昨(24)日中午到南端(South End)的松街客棧(Pine Street Inn),和大波士頓天主教樞機主教奧馬利(Seán Patrick O’Malley)一起,為流民服務,送餐。
            聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Marky)也短暫出席,和馬丁華殊,奧馬利主教一起戴上塑膠手套,為流民做聖誕大餐之後,匆匆趕往機場。
            松街客棧創立於1969年,是麻州內歷史悠久,規模較大的流民服務機構之一,總部位於南端,還在大波士頓,布魯克蘭(Brookline)鎮等地,擁有或管理36個住宅大樓,為800人提供廉宜住處。 包括早,午,晚餐,平均每日為流民供應2000份餐食。
昨日約有150名義工參加服務,約1000人享受了聖誕午餐。其中至少有一名義工是華人。父親來自中國,母親來自香港,住在麥德福市的David Chia表示,施比受有福,能讓人高興是好事。
            至於聖誕禮物,他想起來的是以冰棍球傳奇人物為依據做出來的Bobby Orr冰棍球遊戲。


            波士頓候任市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh,左起),聖Cecilia教堂神父John Unni,和大波士頓天主教樞機主教奧馬利(Seán Patrick O’Malley),羅森岱爾聖心教堂神父Jack Kelly等人,昨日都在松街客棧服務。(菊子攝)
            波士頓候任市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)(左一)為流民送上甜點。(菊子攝)

            和大波士頓天主教樞機主教奧馬利(Seán Patrick O’Malley)為流民送上餐點。(菊子攝)